Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 61: 61

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Jian Shiwu had no idea about any of this. Because of the sports day, the last week before the final exams had many people feeling impatient, study efficiency was low, even some of the previous knowledge of the textbook was forgotten.

"Look what you've done!"

A stack of exam papers was dropped on the lecture table, raising chalk dust, and Liu Chan, the aggressive English teacher, stood there as if he were a demon.

The class looked at each other, not daring to squeal.

Liu Can continued to chant: "Average score of 81, just this grade is not even enough to pass to go to university, are you ready to go home to farm?

The classroom was terribly quiet.

Liu Can asked the class representative to come over and hand out the test papers, and said, "Have you memorized the essays you were assigned yesterday, now stand up in each row and recite them."

Everyone was in danger.

For three rows in a row, none of the students were able to recite it completely.

Liu Chan's face grew darker and darker, and he slapped the table with a fierce bang: "What have you been doing in the morning study? Are you studying for me? Your parents even came to cheer you on during the parent-child sports day, to encourage you to overcome the difficulties and strive for first place, not to muddle through here, unable to recite a text!"

Jiane was sitting in the second row, so close that his eardrums hurt a little from being yelled at.

This English lesson Liu Chan seems to have been really pissed off, only half of the time was spent talking about the test papers, the other half was spent educating them, and at the end of the lesson he left in a huff, as if he didn't want to give them a second look.

The students were also discussing between classes.

"Teacher Liu seems to be angry."

"Today he said that if anyone scores less than 80 on the final exam next week they will have to get their parents.”

"Oh my god, I'm so dead!"

"Yeah...I think my brain is muddled, how can I improve my grades in a short time?"

As the group was troubled, Qiao An, returning from the corridor outside, greeted the group warmly, "Hey, what are you guys talking about?"

The students stopped talking and they all turned their heads to look at Qiao An, some of their hot gazes making him feel a bit hairy inside.

Qiao An had an ominous feeling in his heart, "What?"

"Qiao An, your English is very good, isn't it?"

"Teach it to us!"

"Yeah, how about you use English to communicate with us all the time from now on?"


Qiao An was confused by the requests.

The other students were excited instead, it was perfect for them to have such a powerful helper present!

With a group of people flashing starry eyes, Qiao An hesitantly said, "It's not that I don't want to help, it's just that..."

The others looked at him suspiciously.

"But I don't have a high score either." Qiao An took a few steps to the back row and picked up his own test paper to show them, "Look."

65 points.

Even worse than what some of the people in the room had gotten.


Question marks appeared over everyone's heads, "Why,what?"

Qiao An smiled helplessly, "Our English seems to be a bit different from yours, and there are some questions I don't know."


A silence fell on the scene.

The scene was like; having a very powerful plug-in, but you can't use it because the servers are different!

How could they not be angry.!

Qiao An added, "But Shen Cheng is better than me!"

The crowd turned their heads to look at Shen Cheng again.

This time the class rep didn't read out the results, so many people didn't know what each other's grades were and naturally, they didn't know Shen Cheng's grades.

Qiao An said, "Shen's English is very good."

The others didn't dare at all.

They could pester Qiao An but didn't dare to ask Shen Cheng, especially after Shen Cheng had shown a certain danger.

But while they didn't dare, there was someone who could.

Lui Heng walked up to Jian Shiwu and said, "Brother Shiwu how much did you get this time? I just saw Mr.Lao Can’s stance, if we really failed this time then he will have to call our parents and deduct credits. But this is not something we can decide on ah, even if it's a temporary cramming, the test is just a few days away, isn't it?"

Jian Shiwu sighed, "I only got 75, it was too hard..."

Lui Heng patted him on the shoulder and laughed, "It's hard for me, not for you."

Jian shiwu looked up at him curiously, "What?"

"There is also the strongest god of learning, Shen Cheng ah!" Lui Heng lowered his voice and said to him, "If Brother Cheng is willing to give us a little tutorial, isn't that more effective than studying all day on our own, have you forgotten who saved us from the fire in the second year?"

Jian Shiwu's eyes widened as she subconsciously said, "Can Shen Cheng agree?"

Qiao An joined the conspiracy from the side as he said, "Definitely can’t promise, anyway, in M country he has never taught me to study, and I have never seen Shen Cheng willing to teach others to study."

Jian Shiwu nodded somewhat, agreeing with Qiao An's point of view.

Lui Heng tsked, "That's not necessarily true."

It would be recess time, and when Qiao An saw that they didn't believe him, he volunteered, "If you don't believe me, I'll go and try."

Before they could respond, Qiao An had already glidedmajestically past.

During the rest time, Shen Cheng is usually reading, and he generally doesn't like being disturbed by others, so when Qiao Ann came over, he naturally didn't give him more attention.

Qiao An said, "Shen, I have two questions I need to ask you on this test paper."

Shen Cheng gaze is still on the book, the boy's face is clear and cold, ruthless as hell: "Teaching and educating is the teacher's business, make a move to the door, left turn is the office."

Qiao An had a look of I knew it.

Turning around, he gave Lui Heng a look that “ you'd know if you looked at me”. Only for Lui Heng to point at Jian Shiwu, gesturing for Qiao An to try again.

Qiao An paused and tried, "Alright then, I'll go back and tell Jian Shiwu and the others that you don’t know this question either."

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Shen Cheng's fingers flipping through the book paused.

Before he could say anything, Annie next to him even got excited: "Is there a topic that Shiwu doesn't know, I can ah, let me help him look at it..."

Then, before Qiao An could say anything, Shen Cheng, who had been ignoring him since the beginning, suddenly looked up, reaching out to him and saying without question, "Bring it."

Qiao An handed over the test paper in a dumbfounded manner, and Shen Cheng spread it out on the table, whispering, "Which question does he not know."


It was hard for Qiao An to believe that people could have two faces!

Because Shen Cheng was willing to help them revise their lecture questions, this could not have been better news for Jian Shiwu's group of people, who were more afraid of having their parents called and having their credits deducted than being reserved and dignified.

So they would all squeeze in during lunchtime or breaks, and even on Saturdays and Sundays, they would get together to study, and today Zhen Meilie was cooking a delicious meal at home and called everyone over to Jian’s house.

Over the past few days, Jian’s allergies were much better.

The study at Jian’s house was quite large, and he was lying on his desk doing his homework on an autumn afternoon, yawning incessantly, with Qiao An and Lui Heng on the floor next to him already asleep on the carpet in the sun.

Shen Cheng knocked on Jian Shiwu's head, "Go to bed if you're sleepy."

Jian Shiwu was sleepy and said in a daze, "How can I go to sleep when you're not even asleep?"


Shen Cheng glanced at him, the warm sun was pouring in from the floor-to-ceiling windows, the child's fair face was glowing repeatedly. He might have been too sleepy that he looked at him with tearful eyes, and his voice was soft and seductive.

Shen Cheng’s heartstrings were pulled, his heart was itching, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and he whispered, "Do you want me to sleep with you?"

He didn’t understand the meaning, instead he was silly: "Do you want to sleep too?"

Shen Cheng looked at him and didn't say anything.

Jian Shiwu was looked at by that pair of deep, dark eyes and finally reacted as an afterthought. A splash of scarlet stained the outline of his ears, those big round eyes were a little dodged. Shaking himself awake, he sat up and lamely changed the subject: "Let's, let's get on with our homework!"

The paper was actually almost done, there was only one big question left in English, it is a composition:

Xiao Ming and Yang Hua are good friends who know each other, the two people have a deep friendship, however, not long ago Xiao Ming accidentally learned that Yang Hua transferred to another school, in the days when he could not see Yang Hua his thoughts for Yang Hua deepened day by day, please write a letter to Yang Hua in Xiao Ming’s stead,

1: express the feelings of Xiao Ming missing Yang Hua.

2: Xiao Ming gave Yang Hua has made many crafts, please mention them in the letter

3: Xiao Ming wants to ask Yang Hua to go to see peach blossoms next year.


Jian Shiwu had a hard time writing with his head buried in the ground, he always got some phrases and sentence building wrong.

When Shen Cheng was correcting his composition, he was suffering everywhere, and a good letter of longing was written like a wanted notice by Jian Shiwu.

Jane Shiwu snapped, "I'll rewrite it."

Shen Cheng handed him the page: "If you were to write it for Xiao Ming, I guess Yang Hua would have to break up with Xiao Ming completely."


Jian Shiwu blushed: "I, I have no experience!"

Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows noncommittally, and just when Jian Shiwu thought he wouldn't speak up, he saw his gaze lowered and deep: "Haven't you written many letters before."


Jian had a question mark.

Then he remembered, as an afterthought, that those love letters, if you rounded them up, seemed to be small essays expressing feelings of admiration and longing.
 The shameful memory of the past made his head droop and he whispered, "That's not the same, and besides, didn't you throw away most of them?"

Shen Cheng's eyes darkened.

Jian Shiwu scratched his head, "Luckily, you also rejected most, so, you never got to see most of them, otherwise it would have been too humiliating."


Shen Cheng felt bad, he was a bit regretful, he hadn't read any of those letters, he used to feel impatient, but now it actually became a regret.

Shen Cheng's voice was low: "You threw them away?"

Jian Shiwu hugged the exam papers and said heartlessly, "Maybe I threw them away, if I didn't I should have put them in a box at the back of the bookcase but I haven't looked through it for a while, so I'm not sure."

He didn't take the question to heart, because he was still sleepy, his head was spinning very slowly, holding back drowsiness to write another version for Shen Cheng to see.

Shen Cheng took a general glance and said, "That's fine."

Jian Shiwu gave a cheerful cry, his big round eyes full of expectation: "I'll go to bed then."

Shen Cheng nodded his head: "Go ahead."

The study was very quiet, only the sound of papers turning over, and after a long time, Shen Cheng stood up from his chair and walked towards the back of the bookcase, crossing it, he could clearly see an old wooden box with some of the Ultraman cartoon stickers that were popular at that age, and he could tell at a glance that it was Jian’s stuff.

Shen Cheng squatted down and looked at it quietly for a while.

The wooden box emitted an old wood rotten smell, also the traces left by the years, but the owner had maintained it exquisitely, even the unlocked place had the kind of marks of wear and tear from opening closing the box a lot, it could be seen how much the owner loved this wooden box at the beginning.

The first thing Shen Cheng did was to press the button to open the wooden box, and he was greeted by the smell of decaying books and scrolls, and he thought that the most love letters were just one stack, but what surprised him was that the whole box was full of neatly stacked love letters, one after another, densely packed, all stacked together, and these were the number of times Jian Shiwu had been rejected.

Looking at these things, inexplicably, Shen Cheng's heart felt like it was being pressed down by a stone, somehow unable to breathe. Before he could refuse without hesitation, but now he felt pity and heartache.

Shen Cheng casually picked up one of the letters, opened it and what caught his eye was the crooked handwriting that Jian Shiwu had left behind in his student days.

Before he read it, he imagined the content of the love letter should be euphemistic and subtle, but after reading it the hand holding the letter was slightly trembling, and his face, which was always ancient, had a crack:

"I love you.”

"Shen Cheng I love you, you are so nice looking, marry me!"

"My love for you is deeper than the sewers, and you are the jewel of the sewers."

"If you promise me, I will treat you and the children well, cherish you and give you all my pocket money."


Shen Cheng closed the love letter and took a moment to restrain his killing intent.
Luckily he didn't read it back then, he thought. Otherwise he might not have been able to resist kicking Jane Shiwu into a ditch.

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