Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 69: 69

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By the time many people arrived at the news, both Wang Jian'an and Ma Zai were already wrapped up in towels by attendants, and a family doctor had also rushed over to take care of them.

Wang Lina's face changed when she saw the tragic state of her son: "Son!"

Zhen Meili happened to come over as well. Jian Shiwu called out from the pathway, "Mum."

Wang Lina walked over to Wang Jian'an's body and saw that his hair was wet on his face, and even so, his face seemed to be swollen, and the handsome young man was in a mess.

Wang Lina's heart sank: "You were beaten, how did you get like this!"

Wang Jian'an glanced at Jian Shiwu, but was afraid of Shen Cheng and did not dare to speak, stammering, "No, no one hit me."

What kind of person Wang Lina is, even if the child doesn't say anything, she can still see the question. She looked at Jian Shiwu: "How come you kids are together?"

After all, this is a deserted backyard and they don't know each other very well.

Jian Shiwu answered honestly, "A chance encounter."


The crowd was silent.

Wang Lina was sure there must be a problem, and she looked sideways at Ma Zai behind her, "Chengzi, how did you fall into the lake?"

She was close to asking explicitly if it was Jian who had pushed them in. The crowd of onlookers was growing, and Wang Lina wanted to take this opportunity to give the children a chance to get a statement, and by the way, to give Jian Shiwu a bad name.

Her child is not usually a bore, but today she didn’t know how it happened, but he didn't talk as much, as if he was scared. What she didn't expect was that Ma Zai’s head shook like a rattle: "We fell in by accident!"


Wang Lina was stalked and she swallowed a curse.

She looked at Jian Shiwu with some reluctance and wanted to say something, but then she heard Zhen Mei say, "Mrs. Wang, it's a cold night in autumn, let's talk about it in the house, in case you catch a chill, I think Mr. Ji will be in a difficult position."

This is a double entendre.

One, you don't take care of the child in the water first, instead you chatter about it here, which is not at all like a mother's reaction.

The second is that this is the Ji family's turf, so if you make a scene here, aren't you just giving the Ji family a hard time?

Sure enough, Wang Lina's face changed.

Zhen Mei Li said to Jian Shiwu: "You guys go to the front room, mum will go over and follow."

Jian Shiwu wanted to say something, "Mum, are you going too?"


Zhen Meilie patted his shoulder, "You go with Shen Cheng."

As a mother, she naturally knows her own child, his mouth is one thing, but his heart is like a clear mirror, of course she can see who Wang Jian'an had beaten by, and she has to go with him even more to avoid Wang Lina from doing something demonic again.

Before Jian Shiwu could say anything, Zhen Mei said to Shen Cheng naturally, "I'll trouble you for the hour."

Shen Cheng nodded gently.

With Jian Shiwu dumbfounded, Zhen Meili went away with confidence, everything was so logical, yet everywhere leaked an incomprehensibility!

As soon as they left, the guests around them all dispersed. Shen Cheng took Jian Shiwu to the room on the second floor to sit, then he opened the cabinet, took out the medicine box and said, "Roll up your sleeves."


Juan Shiwu obediently stretched out his arm, and on that white arm, were several distinct scrapes, red and very blinding. Shen Cheng used a cotton swab dipped in iodine to wipe the wound for him.

Jian Shiwu sucked in a breath: "Hiss..."

Shen Cheng did not even raise his head: "Does it hurt?"

Jian Shiwu felt that men should not admit weakness, so even though his eyes were red, his mouth was tough: "No."

Shen Cheng's face was expressionless as he finished coating this arm and replaced it with another, this one wasn’t scratched, but bruised so it needed to be rubbed away, later it would only hurt more. So he covered his palm, and exerted a little pressure.


"It hurts it hurts it hurts..."

"Gently, gently ah, I'm wrong...woooo..."

Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows, looking at the person in front of him who had just been iron-boned before. Now this time, the face was red and his eyes seemed to be tinged with tears, like an innocent and pitiful little animal who had been bullied hard, at the same time was coquettish.

Shen Cheng's eyes darkened, lowering his head to divert attention with a question, “Why did you hit him."

Jian Shiwu hadn't expected Shen Cheng to ask .

The reason was really quite complicated, when Wang Jian'an was bleeping about himself, he really wasn't that angry, but when he heard that Wang Jian'an had slandering Shen Cheng, he had a fire in his heart that he couldn't control.

Thinking for quite awhile:

“Because he was swearing.”

Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows: "He cursed you?"

"...not even close."

Shen Cheng didn't even raise his head, his voice faint: "And who is the upstart boyfriend he was referring to?"


The boy’s eyes widened and he panicked, if the protagonist heard these words, how could such rumours not spread to the public? In Shen Cheng's ears, he is a little cannon fodder. What if Shen Cheng thinks he was using him?

I have to get rid of it quickly.

Jian Shiwu seemed to be afraid of something: "What kind of upstart boyfriend, you heard it wrong, you know that Wang Jian'an likes to talk nonsense... oh, it hurts."

Shen Cheng gave his wound rubbing force, suddenly heavier, and the pain caused him to suck in his breath.

Jian Shiwu's eyes were red and he looked at him with exasperation, "Be gentle."

Shen Cheng raised his eyes and looked at him, his eyes were dark and deep, he didn't speak, but this kind of silence was even more frightening, not knowing why, but when he looked at him, for a moment it was as if he saw a flash of hurt in his eyes, why?

Yes, if he was the one to have his scars uncovered like that he would have been upset too.

It was his fault, if he had finished beating them up earlier it would have been better, and it wouldn’t have been so bad that he would’ve let Shen Cheng hear it and also make him sad.


The moment of silence was so long.

"Is that so?"

Shen Cheng spoke, and he bowed his head and said, "Then it was a mishearing."

He has a keen sense of people's hearts, many times even he himself would feel sad.

So he felt almost immediately Jian Shiwu's resistance to him, like how terrible it would be to be tainted with that relationship with him. He bowed his head in silence and didn't say anything, but it was this silence that made it harder for Jian Shiwu.

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"Shen Cheng..."

Shen Cheng whispered, "Hmm."

Jian Shiwu couldn't guess why he was suddenly in a low mood, and only said, "How did you suddenly appear in the back garden at that time?"

Shen Cheng continued to rub his wounds and replied, "The valet called the communication to tell me."

"...... Oh."

Again there was silence, and Shen Cheng did not speak.

Something unhappy swirled in his heart, as if curled into a deep black whirlpool, and his downcast eyes were filled with gloom.

From overhead, Jian Shiwu's voice said, "So you were there specifically to help me?"

Shen Cheng’s movements gave a lurch.

Jian Shiwu smiled and said, "Is it not that you are afraid that I won't be able to beat them and will be at a disadvantage."

Shen Cheng hooked up a cold smile, his voice unfeeling as he said the words he only knew: "It's just that I'm afraid it will affect you if you make a scene."


Jian’s voice was soft: "Then why did you release the water to get them into the lake?"


An eerie silence fell over the room.

Shen Cheng pursed up his lips.

Yet before that darkness at the bottom of his heart could flourish, a pair of white hands reached out to him. Jian Shiwu had two chocolates lying in his palm, the packaging all a little wrinkled. He didn’t know how long they had been in his pocket.

Jian Shiwu said, "Here, here is one for you."

Shen Cheng didn’t take it.

"I think you and uncle have been receiving guests at the door for a long, long time, and you might be hungry." Jian Shiwu said softly, "I had wanted to give it to you secretly before, but there were too many people around, and I hadn’t been able to pull myself away.”

The valet said that Jian Shiwu was hungry, but he didn’t eat the chocolates he had been secretly hiding away.

When Jian Shiwu saw that he wasn’t taking them, he took his own initiative and put the chocolates into his palm, "You try it."

The chocolates seemed to still carry the temperature of his palm, the light glowing under the light, Shen Cheng looked down and suddenly thought about how it was a few years ago, also at a party, when someone stood behind a stone lion and handed him candy to eat.

There were many people at the dinner that day, crowds coming and going in a hurry, he seemed to be the main corner, everyone spoke to him, they all praised him for his excellent grades, the pride of heaven, but only one person was worried that he wouldn’t be able to eat enough and endure hunger.

But Jian Shiwu didn’t want him. He would rather starve than be tortured by him now.

Jian Shiwu's round eyes looked at him, "Do you want to try it?"

Shen Cheng held the chocolate, he looked down, his voice a little lower: "I don’t like sweets."


A smile tugged at the corners of Jian’s mouth, "It's not a sweet, it's dark chocolate.”

Shen Cheng looked up in slight surprise and saw Jian Shiwu tear a small piece of it himself and put it into his mouth, then his white little face crinkled together in some general disgust, "It's so bitter."

Shen Cheng looked at his defeated appearance, the corners of his mouth unconsciously hooked up a smile.

Jian Shiwu could not easily swallow, as soon as he looked down he saw Shen Cheng's lightly smiling face, he was half leaning on the sofa, his posture was lazy, his handsome face was hooked with a smile. That svelte and gangly feeling was extraordinarily seductive.


He choked on the chocolate.

Shen Cheng frowned, then before he could say anything, the mobile phone inside Jian’s pocket rang, he picked it up and saw that it was Zhen Meilie calling and stood up as quickly as if they were a young couple hiding in their room while their parents called checking up on them: "My mother is looking for me, I'll go over first."

Shen Cheng: "Go ahead."

As soon as he left, silence returned to the room.

The party was held quickly and ended quickly, and as many people gradually left the mansion, the old mansion returned to its usual quietness, the autumn nights always carrying a frosty chill, the smoky smell of the lights and wine fading away, the scent of the flowers in the garden slowly drifting away.

When Qiao An came over again, he saw Shen Cheng sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, there was a heavy smell of alcohol in the room, he should have been drinking no less, the room had no lights on, the moon was hanging high in the sky, the clean soft moonlight spilled in, dropping a frosty white.

Qiao An said, "Brother, the reception is over, why are you here by yourself, drinking alone?"

Shen Cheng didn't say anything.

Qiao An sat down beside him: "Chinese like to drink to drown in their sorrows, what are you worried about, let me guess, money problems or study problems?"

Shen Cheng glanced at him faintly, full of contempt.

Qiao An touched his nose, "Neither, then, love?"

After all, this arrogant son of heaven didn’t lack anything, there was nothing that he couldn’t get, and in those two years of schooling abroad, he’d never ever seen Shen Cheng suffer a loss.

The man beside him picked up the bottle of wine on the floor and took a sip, he leaned back on the back of the sofa, his posture lazy, sitting on the floor, tilting his face back, his dark eyes clearly reflecting the moon in the sky.

Qiao An guessed : "You're drinking here because Shiwu doesn't like you?"

Shen Cheng still had nothing to say.

He was half in the darkness, he didn’t need a light, as if such an environment was the most enjoyable, if it wasn’t for the moonlight pouring in, then he would’ve been half swallowed in by the intense and heavy darkness.

He recalled incessantly the resisting gaze when Jian Shiwu was in a hurry to clear his mind of the relationship, and every time he thought of it, those images, they were magnified over and over again, and finally it was like a wall that was indestructible, dull and oppressive, forcing people to gasp for air and find no exit.

Qiao An saw that he was still drinking: "Why are you drinking so much? If you want to drink, go to the bar to drink!"

Shen Cheng finally spoke up, "No."

The two of them sat on the floor, there was a breeze blowing from the other end, with the characteristic coolness of autumn. In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows were flower beds, their leaves gently swaying, bleak and pretty.

Qiao An thought openly, "Although Jian Shiwu is indeed excellent, but if he really doesn’t like you then can you try someone else, bro? Actually your conditions aren’t bad, leave alone at school, but didn’t all those ladies from the noble families at the dinner try to stick on to you?”


Qiao An said with a smile, "I haven't seen anyone else around you in all these years, in fact, you can try it with someone else, just in case it works?"


A silence fell over the room.

The smell of wine spread, and Shen Cheng finished the last sip of wine, his voice hoarse: "No, it wouldn’t work."


Qiao An turned around and met Shen Cheng's dark, deep eyes, he seemed to have drunk a lot of wine, but those eyes were unusually sober, the moonlight in the room was clear and cold, but when he spoke, his voice was as if he had finally broken the cold ice that had frozen in his heart, with a bit of burning that no one else could easily survey: "If it’s not him, it won’t work."

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