Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 71: 71

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Jian Shiwu was thinking about getting ice cream, when he heard Annie mention Shen Cheng so he turned and looked back at him, he was wearing a light colored attire today, casual and comfortable, different from his usual school uniform look, this casual dressing made him look youthful and teenage.

There were quite a few girls nearby who even stopped to look at Shen Cheng every now and then with red faces. it was very crowded and there were quite a few people there.

Shen Cheng glanced at Annie indifferently, and with a sweep of his cold gaze, made Annie's smile freeze on her face. Then Shen Cheng glanced at Jian Shiwu: "You want to take  pictures?"

Jian Shiwu became inexplicably very nervous.

"Do you want to be posted on the internet for comments?" Shen Cheng sat lazily in his chair, glancing at him lightly: "You're half a public figure, and I have to remind you."

Right! Jian woke up as if from a dream. Although he couldn't be said to be very popular now, he did get a lot of attention after the voting incident, and there were a lot of people waiting to take pictures of him at the school, the campus forum even broke into all sorts of little stories from time to time.

"That's right." Jian Shiwu looked at Shen Cheng, eyes with a little emotion: "You still think ahead."

Then Jian Shiwu turned his head and smiled apologetically at Annie: "Annie, as you can hear, to avoid suspicion we'd better buy it at the unit price, otherwise if it gets on the internet, there will definitely be bad publicity again."

Annie glanced meaningfully at Shen Cheng, who looked righteous next to her.

If the subject of the group photo had been him, it might have been a different face!

Lui Heng said, "The float parade is about to start, and there's a long queue for the ice cream."

Ji Yuansheng, who had been sitting next to Shen Cheng, finally spoke up and said, "It doesn't matter, let's go and see the float first, I'll get someone to buy the ice cream."

Although the group was out to have fun, there were still plain-clothed bodyguards scattered around, and when Ji Yuansheng waved, someone volunteered to go over to the queue.

Jian was a little embarrassed: "Thank you, Uncle."

Ji Yuansheng sat in his chair, looked at him and said to him at the sound of his voice: "Shiwu, it's impolite to be polite to me."


Jian Shiwu choked, his mouth slightly open, actually not knowing how to take it.
 Luckily, the float came very quickly, and they had to rush to get somewhere, so they broke it up and didn’t dwell on it any further.

This time, many parents brought their children to play in the amusement park. The families walked together, talking and laughing, full of joy. Of course this is also what Ji Yuan Sheng originally envisaged, he wanted to accompany Shen Cheng more, wanted to do a father's responsibility, the first two years in the United States, father and son did not actually have any estrangement, Shen Cheng is not the kind of capricious child, on the contrary, he is very obedient and very understanding.
But Ji Yuansheng always had no breakthrough and felt that he could not get close to Shen Cheng.

He felt that Shen Cheng was not happy, even if he were smiling, even if the education in M country was the best resource, he felt that Shen Cheng was not happy, maybe he did not understand the child, but what he could do was to let the child go to an environment where he could relax, so when this matter of returning to China was raised, he let Shen Cheng come back.

Ahead of them, a few of the children walked side by side.

"Are we having hotpot tonight?"

"Let's have mandarin duck pot."

"It’s so delicious hahaha."

They were chatting about some very sparse topics, not very nutritious, but very happy. Ji Yuansheng looked at Shen Cheng's back, the introverted child didn't let out a laugh like the others, but his face was so gentle and his eyes were a light tenderness. With these people, it was as if he had only just shed his armour.

Ji Yuansheng didn't quite understand how to deal with his son before, because in M country Shen Cheng wouldn't agree to come to a place like an amusement park, and only at home, with these few friends along, would he come over.

The place where the float were was very crowded and it was easy to not see the scene in front of you, of course there were good viewpoints, but to be able to stand in such a place not only did you have to have money, but you also had to have a bit of access, Ji Yuan Sheng and the person in charge whispered a few words then a staff member came over to lead the group to the best viewpoint to see the float.

"Thank you, uncle."

"Great here too."

"Thank you Uncle Ji!"

Ji Yuansheng looked at several children all thanking him. The man usually dressed in the western suits also took off his usual attire, he was now wearing a light coloured tracksuit, the same colour as Shen Cheng's clothes, and stood beside the children, smiling, "Don’t be rude, you are all friends of Shen Cheng, that is, friends of the Ji family. "

He wasn't very good at expressing himself and that was all he could do.

A few of the children smiled and thanked Shen Cheng, who glanced at them indifferently, and although his face didn’t look like he’d had a big reaction, the discerning eye could still tell that he was in a good mood.

At dinner time in the evening, a group of people gathered around to eat.

Lui Heng said, “This year’s New Year’s Eve came very fast, there’s still a month left, so we can have a good time over the winter holidays then."

Jian Shiwu was eating shabu-shabu meat, because he was on a diet and he couldn't eat too much oil. So he could only shabu-shabu in a clear soup pot which made it not to taste great. Shen Cheng brought him a clear water bowl, and after the spicy hot pot was cooked and the shabu-shabu dipped in the bowl twice to remove the oil, he bit into the meat as he said, “I have to film over winter break, I can't play."

Qiao An said, “It’s my first time in China for New Year and I hear it's fun.”

"It’s fun as hell!"

Lui Heng gave him a wink, "We'll take you to set off fireworks when we get there, buy some fake cannons and blow them up in the snow, it'll be absolutely fun, you've certainly never done it before, it's very exciting!"

Qiao An smiled and said, "That's really something to look forward to."

Annie said lazily as she ate her fruit next to her, "Yeah, they definitely haven’t played with fake guns before, they’ve all played with real..."
Shen Cheng glanced at her lightly.

Annie choked, straightened her hair and continued to eat the dragon fruit in her hand without saying anything else.

Only Jian Shiwu's attention was on a different matter from theirs. He looked sideways at Shen Cheng: "Where are you guys spending New Year’s Eve this year?"

Shen Cheng moved with a start and looked towards Ji Yuan Sheng.

A few days ago, the old woman had a stomach problem. She was in poor health and the weather in the country was too cold, so she went to the tropics for vacation. Now the Ji family mansion was left with Shen Cheng and Qiao An and if you counted carefully, plus a Ji Yuan Sheng who had just come back and was not sure how long he could stay.

Ji Yuansheng looked at the lively group of children sitting around the table. Today he also realized the importance of companionship, When he and Shen Cheng were together before, the father and son often looked at each other silently and talked little. Because Shen Cheng was always indifferent, he always wondered if the child didn't like being with him at all.

But now, having seen several children, it was as if he understood Shen Cheng better.

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"I might go back to M country to take care of some things.” Ji Yuansheng€€ added, "But will be back in time for the New Year.”

The table was lively, and after saying these words Ji Yuansheng seemed to be clenching his fist a little nervously, The always decisive president seemed a little embarrassed in front of the children.

Shen Cheng looked at him, his black eyes warm, and nodded gently, "Okay ."

He was always like this, not showing his emotions too much.

But the next second, Shen Cheng took the kettle on the table and poured another cup of hot water, he put it in front of Ji Yuansheng’s face, replacing his iced drink, and said in a low voice: "Your stomach isn’t good, drink less cold."

Ji Yuansheng’s throat tightened, the water in the cup in front of him shook, and in a trance, he remembered that in the past two or three years, he would come back to the house late every day, even if he could only exchange a few simple pleasantries with the boy, and there was always a glass of warm water on the table.

Shen Cheng always said: "I came back from school and poured it by hand.”

Thinking about it, how can there be so many incidental things that stick around for years and don’t change?

Looking at the glass of water in front of him, Ji Yuan Sheng was silent for a long time. He picked it up and felt the warmth of the glass of water, the temperature seemed to flow down the cup into his heart, with warmth under his eyes, his voice low: "I know.”

Both of them are not good at expressing themselves, they are clumsy and forbearing, but fortunately, they both have a feeling of deliberately caring for each other, which will not fade away.


After eating, Ji Yuan Sheng and Shen Cheng went out to arrange for a driver to come over to pick up Jian Shiwu and Lui Heng back, Annie left early because the driver came and picked her.

There were just two people inside the box.

Lui Heng said, “Your family company is going to go public?"

When he mentioned this Jian Shiwu's face instantly went white, he pursed his lips and eventually nodded gently: "Yeah."

Lui Heng was full and drank soy milk: "That is very good, your company will grow bigger, and we can also cooperate in future. My father's company so many artists, you hire a representative at a word. Oh, hey, I almost forgot, you may also be a big star in the future, you just need to represent your own products, the future is limitless ah! "

Jian Shiwu's face softened a little. He has been in a bad state recently, and was always distracted. In fact, Lui Heng could see it. It was hard to talk abouy because there were many people in the daytime. It seemed like he was going to rot in the stomach. Lui Heng whispered: "I hope it goes well."


The door outside was pushed open.

With a bit of the cool air from outside the house, Shen Cheng walked in, hus eyes looked around the room, finally landing on Jian Shiwu, and spoke, "What are you talking about?"
What was clearly a casual question was met with two answers.

"We were talking about the possible listing of Jian Shiwu’s family company!”

"No, we weren't talking about anything!"

Two sentences came out at the same time and the room suddenly fell into silence, Lui Heng turned his head somewhat incredulously to look at Jian Shiwu, his eyes wide.
Jian Shiwu was also frozen in place.

The most frightening thing in a relationship is to encounter such a discrimination in treatment, as if one is intentionally excluding the other person, which is usually not at least as blatant.

Shen Cheng lifted his head to look at him, the emotions in his dark eyes complicated and deep, he hooked his lips in a cold smile, faint voice: "Is that so?"

The atmosphere in the room was very subtle, even the slow-witted Lui Heng could sense it. Shen Cheng was smiling now, but he could still feel the cold chill in his body. But to be honest, it did hurt that Jian Shiwu was like this, not to mention the fact that it was aimed at the proud Shen Cheng, he must be a little sad.

Jian Shiwu is obviously aware of this problem as well.

The temperature inside the room was clearly not high, but a thin layer of sweat appeared on Jian Shiwu's head, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and he said softly, “I was wasn't anything important so that’s why...."

Such a far-fetched explanation would be hard for a person to accept.

Shen Cheng stood still and looked at him, those eyes emotionless, after seeing that Jian Shiwu was indeed reluctant, the corners of his mouth hooked up with a bit of a cool smile, there wasn't any rebuke, nor did he make any follow up questions, he said, "The driver is outside, the second car will take you and Lui Heng back."

Jian Shiwu subconsciously wanted to say something else, but Shen Cheng had already turned and walked away, seemingly not wanting to stay even a second more.

He left from the room, there was still warm from the hot pot steam in the room, but the atmosphere was a little cold for the two people left behind. Lui Heng stole a glance at Jian Shiwu and found that his face was also ugly. Everything seemed very strange.

Following Jian Shiwu out of the hot pot restaurant, the first car outside was already gone. In the one left behind, the driver said to them, “The two of you get in, I'll take you back."

Lui Heng said, “Thank you!” and asked again, "The car in front has gone first?"

"Well yeah."

As the words fell, the expressions of the people in the car changed. No matter what in the past, Shen Cheng would have been in the same car with them, he would have chatted with Jian and helped them with their homework, and only when he had sent them home would Shen Cheng have gone back, but today, it had changed.

Lui Heng looked ahead and knew in his heart that it wasn’t good, he just had to say in a shy way, “The class representative wasn’t there."

The driver responded, not knowing the details, only saying, “Well, the young master said you’re going different routes, so you won't go together."

A simple statement, but it seemed to imply a great deal of irony.

Lui Heng turned to see what Jian’s reaction was, but found the teenager sitting next to him with his face ashen, pursing his lips and sitting by the window, his eyes, which were usually always smiling turned red after a few seconds, as if they were about to fall into tears.

Lui Heng swallowed the words that were on his lips.

On a day like this, the pair who were usually the best of friends seemed to have fallen out over a matter of a few words.

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