Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 8: 8

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At this moment, Jian Shiwu can say that he has never seen anyone with such a profound expression on their face.

Ji Beichuan was frozen in place, unable to move.

Huang Jia walked over with her thermos cup in her arms, after a few steps, called out, "Ji Beichuan."

Ji Beichuan was still complacent before, but now the whole person couldn't even hold the mobile phone steadily. He subconsciously put the hand holding the mobile phone behind his back: "Teacher!"

Huang Jia smiled: "How many surprises do you have that I don't know?"

Ji Beichuan blushed: "No more."

"It seems that your family dotes on you so much." Huang Jia spread out his hands: "Bring it here."

Ji Beichuan pursed his lips, reluctantly: "Teacher, some of the other students also have mobile phones, so don't just confiscate mine."

While saying that, he also looked at Jian Shiwu.

Huang Jia took the phone and said, "Students should focus on their studies. If they are too competitive, they will not be able to study well. Go back to the office with me and we will ask your parents to come."

Ji Beichuan was dumbfounded.

As the young master of a wealthy family, he doesn't really care about his mobile phone being confiscated. Even if it is confiscated, he can get another one from his sister, or buy it with pocket money, but what he is most afraid of is to have his parents called.

Ji Beichuan admitted his mistake: "Teacher, can you not call my parents?"

Huang Jia said: "Your teacher can't afford keeping this new mobile phone, so let your parents come and pick it."


When passing by Shen Cheng, Huang Jia took out Shen Cheng's meal card that she had picked up and said, "When I just came out the office, I found this meal card outside the door. Fortunately, the card has a name on it and I happened to have my next class beyond this corridor."

Shen Cheng took the card and bowed respectfully: "Thank you teacher, I will pay attention next time."

Huang Jia waved her hand to show no problem, and said to Ji Beichuan behind him, "Go to my office and wait, I have to go transfer my next class to another teacher."

Ji Beichuan looked at Shen Cheng in disbelief.

If it wasn't for Shen Cheng's meal card, the teacher wouldn't have come here at all. If it wasn't for Shen Cheng, his mobile phone would not have been confiscated at all. Thinking to himself, Ji Beichuan looked at Shen Cheng angrily. Waiting for Ms. Huang to turn around, Shen Cheng finally turned his gaze over and looked at him.

Ji Beichuan was angry: "You..."

Shen Cheng stood quietly in the same place, his sharp eyes narrowed slightly. For a moment, Ji Beichuan dared to swear that he saw a flash of darkness in those eyes, but when he took a closer look, Shen Cheng seemed to have dismissed him as he turned away, and continued to clean up.

Ji Beichuan gritted his teeth in anger, and spat out as he ran away: "Wait for me!"

Jian Shiwu, who was not far away, had a panoramic view of this scene. In fact, for a moment, after seeing Ji Beichuan deflated, he was actually a little happy, but when he put the whole thing together, he was a little scared again. Shen Cheng taken everything into account.

Whether it's the quarrel with Ji Beichuan in order to instigate him into placating himself, or that Ms. Huang will pass by this place at that moment, everything he calculated fell perfectly in in place. He didn't understand Shen Cheng well before, but now he does. Shen Cheng even from childhood will note everything, calculate and lay his trap in wait for his prey when the time is ripe.

Therefore, when Shen Cheng was at the apex of the world, those who had ill will towards him or bullied him in those days did not end well, including himself.

"Your face is covered in sweat."

Just as he was thinking, a voice came from his side.

Jian Shiwu was stunned for a moment, seeing Shen Cheng walking in front of him at some point, Jian Shiwu subconsciously took two steps back: "What, what's wrong?"

Shen Cheng's eyes moved down: "Re-arrange the cleaning plan, I will sweep the south, you do north."

Jian Shiwu wiped the cold sweat on his head and nodded, "Okay."

Shen Cheng said, "Are you hot?"

"Ah? Maybe it's sweeping the floor that’s caused me to heat up, hahaha..."

Just scared by you!

He didn't know whether Shen Cheng believed it or not, but he didn't say anything more, turned around and went to the other side to clean, which made Jian Shiwu heave a sigh of relief.

During recess, many students would come and go through the corridor, and many clubs were moving things. As Jian Shiwu was sweeping the floor, he saw a student coming over, carrying a chair with a pile of boxes on top.

"Can’t let…let go."

The student who was carrying it was gasping for breath, obviously tired.

Jian Shiwu looked at the rickety chair, and subconsciously gave way. He didn't know whether it was his illusion, but he felt that these things were about to fall apart.


There was a creaking sound while the chair was being transported.

Just when she was about to pass the promenade, he didn’t know why it was suddenly unstable as the things swayed a bit, and the crumbling boxes on top were starting to fall over.


The whole box was picked up easily before it toppled to the ground.

Shen Cheng held the glove box with half of his hand as he pushed the box back. The transporter was shocked and she couldn't help thanking him.

However, Shen Cheng just retracted his hand and said, "Find someone else to accompany you to carry it. It's not safe to move things like this."

The transporter nodded again and again and went back to look for someone.

The things were placed on the edge of the corridor. Just as Jian Shiwu was about to finish sweeping the floor, a couple of people came back, the transporter had brought another girl. Both of them thanked Shen Cheng, their cheeks were blushing, and eyes darted to the side whenever they met his. After saying thank you, they hesitated and didn’t seem ready to leave.

Jian Shiwu sighed in his heart as he watched them.

Sure enough, another two girls who were bewitched by his beauty.

Shen Cheng's excellence lies in all aspects. He has good academic performance, a good body and good looks. Such a person can easily attract the admiration of most people even if he looks at you just once.

However, Shen Cheng just said goodbye coldly and walked to Jian Shiwu.

Jian Shiwu wondered: "What, what's wrong?"

"Have you finished sweeping the floor?"

"Swept it up."

He was nervous as if he was accepting the teacher's judgment, and it could be said that it’s not like he really did not care about Shen Cheng’s opinion.

Shen Cheng packed up the cleaning tools and said, "Let’s go to the science and technology building. Ms. Huang said to go to there to carry the newly printed booklets after cleaning."

Jian Shiwu: "Oh, good."

The only thing worth bragging about in their school is that they have a science and technology building. This science and technology building has 10 floors and two elevators. However, the principal could be said to be very stingy. Electricity consumption had to be reduced, so the elevator is generally open for a limited time, and the rest of the time can it only be opened by swiping a card.

Jian Shiwu walked and said, "I remember that it's past the elevator opening time. Did the teacher give you the elevator card?"

Shen Cheng said in a low voice, "En."

"That's good."

It was just about that time to go back to class, so when they swiped the elevator, they encountered a lot of students who came to do some experiments and also wanted to grab an elevator ride. So by the time Jian Shiwu and Shen Cheng came up, it happened to be basically full.


Someone shouted wildly outside the elevator: "Wait for me..."

Jian Shiwu, who was about to press the door to close, hesitated for a moment. At the moment of his hesitation, the girl squeezed in through the gap of the elevator. The people in the elevator were basically unable to stand and they pushed Jian Shiwu, who was standing on the periphery, into a patty.


The red light for overload warning came on and the elevator stopped working.

The people inside looked at each other in dismay, and someone shouted from behind: "It’s overloaded, one should go off."

"You go ahead."

"That's right, don't waste time."

"Hurry up."

Jian Shiwu also wanted to ask the girl to go down, but before he could say anything, the girl squeezed into the corner next to her and said, "This classmate, go down."


Jian Shi was puzzled: "Why?"

Obviously you came up later, why should I go down?

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The girl held the book, glanced at Jian Shiwu up and down, pursed her lips, and said with a contemptuous smile in her eyes: "The elevator is limited to 8 people, we have just 8 people here, everyone should be able to go up, but you with this kind of weight, it’s like two people in one, the elevator will definitely not bear the weight, you wait for the next ride, there may be fewer people on the next ride."

After she finished speaking, there were several low, somewhat gloating laughter from the narrow space of the elevator.

Almost without looking back, Jian Shiwu could imagine the eyes and expressions they cast on him, they must be mocking, like watching a clown.

"Classmate, if you want to go down, you can go down."

"Yeah, we're all in a hurry."

Jian Shiwu turned his face to the side. For some reason, he looked up at Shen Cheng amid all the mocking noises. The young man standing in the elevator stood straight and his face was cold. He seemed to notice his gaze and turned his face to him, a pair of dark eyes looked at him calmly, without any superfluous expressions.

Ah yes.

In a trance, under such eyes, Jian Shiwu seemed to have returned to the past, back to those countless years when everyone teased him, dusty memories flooded in like a tide, and he actually remembered every moment clearly:

"Hahaha, he looks like a ball."

"Fat pig."

"Jian Shiwu is ugly!"

At first, he didn't like Shen Cheng, until one time, he remembered that among the laughter of the crowd, only Shen Cheng didn't laugh. Yes, he was the only one who didn't laugh. He treated him well unlike others.

His heartbeat at that moment was unforgettable.

That person healed his childhood and he remained with that image all his life, of the person that didn’t treat him like the others did. He became extremely eager to get close to Shen Cheng, just like he was grabbing a straw, a spiritual life support, drinking poison to quench his thirst.


The sound of the elevator interrupted him from his memories.

Jian Shiwu felt someone nudge him gently, it was the girl: "Classmate, don't be in a daze, go down, we are all waiting to go up."

The nudge was not forceful but looked self-assured of her right to get him out.

Shen Cheng, who was next to him, narrowed his eyes slightly after seeing this action, and the aura around his body became a little colder.

Before Jian Shiwu could speak, he heard Shen Cheng's cold voice: "Let's go."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the entire elevator looked at him.

Some people are born with an aura of attraction, and when they make a sound, they can take center stage with little effort.

Jian Shiwu was stunned for a moment, then pointed to himself hesitantly: "Me?"

Shen Cheng took the lead out of the elevator, he turned around and glanced at Jian Shiwu: "Let us go."

In fact, the elevator was no longer overloaded when he stepped out.

Jian Shiwu hesitated again, and stepped out: "Okay."

He thought that Shen Cheng was going to take him to wait for the next elevator, but Shen Cheng started to climb directly from the stairs next to him. The previous elevator doors remained opened because the previous card swipe did not count, and one needed to swipe the card again to start.

The people in the elevator were stunned.

They looked at each other:

"Do you have the card in your hand?"

"Swipe again."

"Who has it?"

The elevator fell silent for a while, and finally someone responded. I am afraid that the two people who just got off had the card for swiping, and we drove them away. Now they can't sit, and they all turned their resentful eyes to the last person who came up, the girl.

The girl's face was also ugly, but soon, she sneered: "What are you doing looking at me, am I the only one who spoke just now?"

When the words fell, everyone's faces were ugly.

On the other side

After climbing the entire sixth floor, Jian Shiwu was out of breath and his legs were shaking: "I'm so tired."

Shen Cheng didn't change his face, and didn't even look out of breath. He climbed up easily, stood on the stairway against the wall, and looked indifferently at the little chubby boy who was finally climbing up.

Jian Shiwu had a red face and sweat on his forehead, and muttered, "Aren't you tired?"

"You don't exercise."

Jian Shiwu was really tired, so he leaned against the railing to rest. Slowly, he remembered the elevator, and after thinking about it, he felt a little strange. There was a possibility, he didn't dare to guess, but he was a reluctant, if he didn't ask, he would be suffocated with curiosity.

Finally, after going back and forth about it a few times, Jian Shiwu said, "I want to ask you something."

Shen Cheng was silent, as if waiting for him to speak.

Jian Shiwu wiped his sweat: "If I came out, it would no longer be overloaded, why did you..."

He could never guess Shen Cheng's heart.

The person leaning against the wall said silently, "No reason."

Jian Shiwu looked up at him.

Shen Cheng's brows were cold, and he spit out a sentence: "It's noisy."


Jian Shiwu was still panting from climbing the stairs, his sweat dripping down, he lowered his eyes to cover his emotions, his chest heaved up and down as if he had made a lot of mental preparations, and finally spoke slowly, with an imperceptible trembling: "Thank you. "

He finally said it!

Not only today thank you, but, in countless moments, thank you.

In all the mockery, it was you who kept that dignity for me, for whatever reason.

Shen Cheng was silent and turned around: "I'll move the materials when I'm done resting."


When the two people took the documents and walked back, they finally got into the elevator. Jian Shiwu's eyes were sharp, and he didn't notice it before because his hands were hanging down. Now that he was holding the question books, he saw it. Shen Cheng's left index finger was scratched, although it can be seen that it has been cleaned to stop the bleeding, but the wound was still quite obvious.


Jian Shiwu was stunned, when did he get hurt?

The replay was played quickly in his mind, and it finally settled on the scene in the corridor, where Shen Cheng caught the glove box, maybe he was accidentally scratched. In fact, hand injuries are more sensitive to pain than other places, but he If you don't see it, you won't notice it.

When they got back, it was already time for class and the quickly settled down. At the end of the last class at noon, Jian Shiwu had to follow Shen Cheng to send the question books back to the office and then go to lunch. When he came out, almost no one was left on campus.

On the way, he said to Shen Cheng, "Wait for me."

The sun at noon was very warm, and under the shade of the tree, Shen Cheng stood, and Jian Shiwu, who had run over from a canteen not far away, had a bag of food in his hand. He seemed to be looking for a while before he saw Shen Cheng, He waved at him from the distance, eager and full of the vigour, he waved and shouted, "I'm here!"

For a moment, it may be because the sun is too hot, Shen Cheng slightly felt he was dazzled, or it may be because a creature that has lived in a dark corner for a long time will feel uncomfortable when it suddenly comes into contact with something that is too bright and splendid.

But the next second, when he saw the food in Jian Shiwu's hand, Shen Cheng's eyes darkened again, he didn't need the food, and he didn't need sympathy or pity.

Jian Shiwu trotted in front of him, unaware of Shen Cheng's change, and he said, "I bought something."

Shen Cheng's refusal was on his lips.

Jian Shiwu took out a small object from his pocket: "This is for you."

Lying in the palm of the little fat white and tender palm was a Band-Aid, a little crude, and a little wrinkled because he was holding it.

Jian Shiwu showed a naive smile: "If the wound touches water, it will get an infection."

In fact, he was still very scared and wanted to escape from Shen Cheng. When he thought of the Shen Cheng in the future, he trembled with fear.

But at the same time, he also vaguely understood that no one is like that from the beginning.

At least, the current Shen Cheng is not yet a ruthless tyrant.

He would help his classmates with falling boxes, climb 6 floors to accompany others, and point out the problems that the classmates could not solve. Now Shen Cheng has no monstrous wealth, and he needs to work several jobs by himself. He needs to walk five or six kilometers to get home, and the hands that will make billions of money and make him powerful in the future are now still young and slightly calloused from working. Whether the wound is big or small, the owner will keep silent, along with the sadness in his life, even if It hurts more than one can imagine, no one can ever tell.

At least, when faced with this Shen Cheng, Jian Shiwu felt that he could temporarily not be so afraid.


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