Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 89: 89

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Jian Shiwu was in a trance all day long. Until Su Yuluo came over and said, "Are you going?"

Jian Shiwu: "Going where?"

Sun Liman rolled up his sleeves and made a gesture to hit him: "I knew you, you were not listening at all!"

Jin Zhe smiled, pushed his glasses up and said, "They said it's the weekend tomorrow, do they want to get together?"

Jian Shiwu shook his head: "I can't go."

Sun Liman: "Why?"

"Because my agent organised a photoshoot for me." Jian Shiwu said: "I have a small endorsement to make for a commercial. So I might not be able to go."

Others showed meaningful smiles.

Sun Liman said: "You have the best resources among us."

"Don't be sarcastic." Jian shook his head, "Haven't you all been approached by the brands you are now working with?"

The traffic generated by this tv variety-show was really high, at least it gave the newcomers a chance to make their mark, and also allowed more capitalists to see the value in them. A few days ago, Jian Shiwu brought his mother's homemade rice balls, but the next day, the same type of bento on was sold out.

This kind of marketability for goods has made many people see business opportunities.

There are also a lot of capitalists seeking cooperation now, which is undoubtedly a good opportunity for them.

Sun Liman said, "They are all small brands, and they are too cheap."

"Yes." Su Yuluo sat next to him: "The company won't pick them up."

Now, other people know about his situation. Although everyone had similar positions, the entertainment companies that the others signed up to are all big companies. Only Jian Shiwu is in a nameless small company. It is said that there are even rent was difficult.

Therefore, endorsements are always accepted.

Jian Shiwu stretched his waist and said, "No matter how small a fly is, it's a piece of meat. I don't care if I'm worth it or not. Anyway, I don't care about the price, I just need money."

"If you have any resources you don't want to take on, throw them at me, you know my company's situation. Jian Shiwu smiled and said, "I'll leave work first if that's okay."

Jin Ze took a look his watch: "There's still an hour."

"Oh, I'm not feeling well today, and the director told me I could leave early." Jian Shiwu stood up and said, "See you next week."

The others followed and said goodbye.

Jian Shiwu was sneaking out of the building. He applied for leave with Gu Duan an hour earlier. For no other reason other than, he just didn't want to bump into Shen Cheng. He hadn't figured out what he had seen in the office today and what kind of mood he would use to accept it.

On coming out, he saw the company's small broken commercial vehicle.

Jian Shi got into the car and saw Lui Heng whom he hadn't seen for several days: "Why is this expression on?"

Lui Heng was sitting in the back seat, his face was as pale as a dish, his eyes were red and he looked like he had cried. Jian Shiwu was very distressed: "What's wrong?"

Lui Heng lay on his back and replied softly: "Yesterday I went to talk about a business cooperation and met my dad's friends."

"And then?"

"They didn't even work with me after they heard about the affairs between me and my father.

Lui Heng glanced over, his voice was a little hoarse: "Originally your popularity was high enough to talk about a lot of endorsements, but now because of my family's issues, those people are more or less afraid of offending my dad, so they avoided me."

Their family runs an entertainment company, and they know each other. Naturally, there are a lot of resources in the entertainment industry, and most of the contacts are the same. But now because of this, many people are now discouraged, and are blocking a lot of resources for fear of offending Lui Heng’s father.

Jian Shiwu got closer to him and put his arms around his shoulders: "It's okay!"

Lui Heng’s nose was sour.

"We won't sign those small endorsements then!" Jian Shiwu said: "And I know a few friends who may also leak resources to me. In this case, it can also solve the problem, and your dad's Friends...not all of them in the entertainment industry, or how else did we get this variety show?"

Lui Heng: "But..."

Jian Shiwu smiled sweetly: "It's nothing to worry about, these are all small problems!"

Over the years, all the way through the wind and rain, it's bern all about supporting each other.

Lui Heng sniffed, and he cheered up and said, "Okay, since there is no schedule tomorrow, let's go to the bar for a drink, and I'll treat you!"

Jian Shiwu was very happy to see him cheering up: "Let’s go get drunk!"

Although it is said that the phoenix does not enter the chicken, but some large-scale entertainment venues have always had the VIP consumption card. Since the two have decided, they quickly found a bar and set up a small table to drink. Lui Heng was depressed and unhappy. Jian Shiwu was also very worried.

Lui Heng sighed : "So, no one can be trusted these days. I have been with my dad since I was a child. Now that my dad has a new child, he will target me."

"Men are not a good thing."


Lui Heng hooked his shoulders: "We have to rely on ourselves, we don't need them."

"Yes, we don't need them." Jian Shiwu clinked glasses, the little face turning red: "I'm going to dump them."

Lui Heng nodded fiercely: "Only ruthlessness can do a great job."

"Heartless and unscrupulous..."

Jian Shiwu seemed to remember something sad, his voice gradually became smaller, and finally he grumbled, "Shen Cheng is so cruel."

Lui Heng: "What did you say?"

The bar was full of people, and there were many people coming and going. They were in a semi-open box, and there were many people outside paying attention to it. Although the gauze was half-covered, they could still see the two young men who entered it looked good.

Jian Shiwu was slender and beautiful, more like a wild rose after drinking, and extremely lethal, and Lui Heng next to him also looked handsome. Handsome, with big eyebrows and big eyes, like a young master of a wealthy family.

"I'm sorry to disturb you."

Someone knocked on the door frame, holding a bottle of wine in his hand, with an unrestrained smile on his face: "Can I invite the two of you for a drink?"

The two were busy berating men, and when hearing these words, they were even more impatient. Lui Heng didn't turn his head back: "Go away!"

The man's expression changed.

But he wasn't angry, after all, there was something about a beautiful man being angry, simply amusing.

"Are the two of you drinking your sorrows away?" The man came in on his own. When he saw the watery face of Lui Heng, his eyes were glued to it. He approached and stretched out a strong hand, grabbing Lui Heng’s hand and mooching off: "My brothers and I are willing to be the deconstructing force. Isn't it lonely for the two of you to drink alone. Why don't we play together..."

No sooner had the words fallen when he was tapped on the shoulder.

When he turned around, a tall man was standing behind him. The blond, blue-eyed and burly Qiao An pressed on with a charming smile on his face: "How about I play with you?"


The Next second, a scream worse than a ghost came from the box.

Qiao Ann's technique is so clean and neat that people can't even see how he did it. If the several teachers in his family who trained him saw it, they may shed tears of joy.

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Shen Cheng glanced indifferently at the man sending him a distress signal, he actually said to Qiao An in a low voice, "I know the boss here."


Another scream rang out.

The two people who were drowsy after drinking too much at the bar were woken up by the scream. Dumbfounded as they looked at the two men at the door, they didn't know how to react for a while.

Shen Cheng walked in front of Jian Shiwu and took down the wine glass in his hand naturally: ""Did you refuse to answer my call just to come here for a drink?"


Jian Shiwu was emboldened by the wine aand glared at him. He: "Shut up, it’s none of your business."

Shen Cheng gave him a cool look.

The kind of look adults give disobedient children. His eyes were inexplicably maddening, but it's a pity that Jian Shiwu was in a fit of temper and turned away as he grabbed back his wine glass, “None of your business.”

Lui Heng next to him was obviously drunk. He patted Jian Shiwu's back and stammered: "Good job, you did it beautifully."

Shen Cheng glanced at him again.

Qiao An came over to put his hands over Lui Heng’s shoulder, and smiled: "You are very drunk."

Lui Heng patted his hand away, looking a little disgusted, but in fact he did not carry much strength, resorting to complaining: "You are so heavy."

But he really drank a lot, maybe it was because he felt too depressed, so he wanted to use alcohol to relieve his worries, and drank several bottles in one go, enough to make people's shadows shake. He almost fell off their chairs because he tried to slap Qiao An’s hand away.


Qiao An easily picked up the man fluttering about like a little chicken.

Outside the translucent box, there were a lot of people joining in the fun. Many of them saw what the people inside looked like, especially Jian Shiwu, who seemed to have changed after drinking. He was amazingly beautiful and gazes came in from all directions. Sweeping a look around, Shen Cheng frowned.

Before Jian Shiwu could react, the wine glass was taken away again, a coat fell down, and the drunk man was picked up and taken.

Of course Jian Shiwu refused to comply: "Hey, what are you doing, I'm not leaving..."

Shen Cheng's voice was unmistakable: "Then I'll have my aunt to pick you up."


The person in his arms honestly went still.

After sitting in the car on full air-conditioning, Jian Shiwu was much more awake. He had drank less than Lui Heng and he could see the young man huddled in Qiao An’s arms sleeping and muttering

The driver said, "Sir, where to."

Shen Cheng looked at Jian Shiwu and said, "Send you home?"

"No, I won't go back!"

If he went home drunk like this at this time, he will definitely be scolded by his mother to death!

Jian Shiwu thought for a while and muttered, "My mother will definitely nag me...”

Shen Cheng looked at the fluffy head of the person next to him, his white face flushed with scarlet after drinking, his big round eyes misted, his eyes flowing with an indescribable charm, and his red lips fluttering delicately.

The man's Adam's apple rolled up and down, and he finally looked away.

Shen Cheng took out his mobile phone and dialled a number, usually after saying a few words, he would definitely be interrogated endlessly but when Zhen Meili heard that he was staying with Jian Shiwu for the night, there was a little joy in her tone: " It's alright, it's alright, I'm relieved that he’s with you."

Shen Cheng smiled: "Then I'll ask him to tell you a few words."

"What's there to say? Haven't we spoken before? What's the matter, you have fun, though not for long, it's too late."

Zhen Meili's words changed, and she was full of emotion: "Shen Cheng, we will leave it to you, take care of him, he is small and ignorant, please bear with me."

Shen Cheng was calm and reliable: "You're welcome, don’t worry."

Zhen Meili happily hung up the phone.

Jian Shiwu was stunned, he doubted himself. Did something bend his mother, after all, Shen Cheng is also her son!

Shen Cheng glanced at him sideways and said, "No need to be afraid of nagging now."

"...Thank you."

Although Jian Shiwu had settled one thing on his mind, and he was rested now, he thought of another thing that made him uneasy. That scene cast a shadow in his heart like a curse. He felt that he and Shen Cheng were a bit close, so he moved to the side, trying to distance himself from him. Then Shen Cheng didn't let him get his wish.

The man grabbed his arm.

Jian Shiwu tried to struggle for a while, but couldn’t, he stared at Shen Cheng angrily, his voice was fierce: "What are you doing!"

Shen Cheng's voice was low: "Why didn’t you answer my call."

"I didn't want to answer. "

“When I got off work, Gu Duan said you left early."

"I was happy too."


Qiao An’s muffled laughter came from the front.

There is a kind of fun in this world that is particularly interesting, and that is to see someone who is usually high above, whom no one dared to offend, being scolded by his wife and not daring to say a word back, it was hilarious.

Shen Cheng coolly glanced at him.

Qiao An shrugged, turned his head, and pretended to look at the scenery outside the car window, but in fact continued to peek at the pulling at the back of the car.

Jian Shiwu tried to move away from Shen Cheng but was stopped. The man leaned over with a bit of pressure to be firmly imprison him, "Why?"

"You...Why do you care?!" Jian Shiwu recalled the intimate attitude of the two people at the desk during the day and felt very aggrieved. With a blazing mouth, he completely forgot how terrible and paranoid the man in front of him was: "Mr. Shen, you are being disrespectful, this is considered harassing employees. Do I have an obligation to answer you? I'm busy on the phone and wanted to leave earlt, is there a reason for me to want to stay with Director Gu?"

Eyes narrowed dangerously, and Shen Cheng’s handsome face looked a little gloomy in the dimly lit car.

However, when Jian Shiwu was on the alcohol, he didn't pay attention, and was still on the verge of death: "I didn't answer your calls. Didn't you also not reply to my messages, and I won't send you messages in the future. You can send yours to whomever you like, oh well, you've already found someone, that blonde beauty is really nice. To be honest, I really didn't think you like this type, wasn’t her soup at noon very good, you go find her, you..."

The babbling words came to an abrupt end.

Jian Shiwu's lips were sealed, and the man's breath enveloped him from all directions. This was a strong and slightly punishing kiss. The words he was still saying were covered with Shen Cheng’s lips and tongue.

Jian Shiwu who was holding his arms around him had his eyes widened in shock and wasn’t released until he was breathless. Shen Cheng's somewhat coarse fingers ran across his delicate cheeks, forcing him to look at him. The man's voice was sexy and husky: "What type do I like? You still don't know?"

Jian Shiwu's tongue was tingling, and he had not yet recovered from the kiss. His eyes were red and he wanted to cry. He pointed to his own lips, and then to Shen Cheng: "You, I, you... Why?”

"Think clearly before you speak."

Shen Cheng squeezed his chin, his face was gentle, but his voice contained a threat: "Or else, I will kiss you."

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