Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 91: 91

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As Jian Shiwu went up the stairs, he heard Xie Feng whisper to him as he introduced the furnishings of the house.

Xie Feng said, "This side is my bedroom, you are welcome to come and play with me, Uncle Ji and mum's are on the third floor, big brother's bedroom is not to be entered, it's pn the..."

"It's the first one on the south side."

Jian Shiwu took it in a whisper, saying lightly, "No need for an introduction, I've been here before."

Xie Feng choked.

He nodded timidly, looking a little frightened. There were maids on the stairs doing the final cleaning, stopping to greet them as they passed: "Mr Jian, Mr Xie."

Jian Shiwu noticed that although Xie Feng was also living on the estate, the servants didn't treat him like a master, he remembered that when Shen Cheng returned to the Ji family, everyone, including the housekeeper, addressed him as Young Master, but this Xie Feng was only referred to as Mr Xie.

Jian Shiwu secretly glanced at Xie Feng, and found that when he faced these servants, his eyes were a darting around, even a little flinching. Perhaps because his situation in this manor was not good? Or maybe it's his natural personality problem that caused him to behave like this.

Jian then asked him, somewhat tentatively, "Your Chinese is very good, did you go to school in China?"

As if he hadn't expected Jian Shiwu to talk to him, Xie Feng replied timidly, "Yes."

The two walked up the stairs and headed for the guest room inside.

Xie Feng walked to Jian’s left: "After my mother gave birth to me, I lived at my grandmother's house in the countryside because of my work, after she passed away, I moved in with relatives, and recently my mother settled back in China and brought me here."

Jian Shiwu: "Is that so."

On some level, Xie Feng and Shen Cheng were in a similar situation.

Jian Shiwu remembered that in the past, Shen Cheng had grown up eating meals from different homes, and only those who experienced it would understand what it was like to be at someone else’s mercy.

The difference is that some people's pride and arrogance will not wear off, while others will develop an inferior and sensitive personality for various reasons. Xie Feng seemed to be the later.

Jian Shiwu then asked him, "Are you comfortable living here?"

Xie Feng took small steps: "I was a bit apprehensive at first, worried that I wouldn't be able to adapt because it's not the same as the environment I used to live in, but then I found out that Uncle Ji is a very nice person, and big brother... is not like the what the stories say, he's a very nice person."

He got a bit embarrassed by the end of the sentence.

Jian Shiwu, inexplicably felt his heart flutter, thinking that his own Shen Cheng is indeed a good person, yes, but being praised by Xie Feng did not make him too happy.

Finally stopping at the door of a room, Xie Feng pushed the door open and said, "You can stay here, this guest room is empty.”

Jian Shiwu nodded: "Thank you."

As he prepared to go into the room to rest, he heard the slightly shy voice of the young boy from behind him, "Brother Jian."

Jian Shiwu felt goosebumps rise.

Xie Feng stood at the door a little timidly, his eyes were full of hope, and some anxiety: "You and brother, are you just close friends ?"


The room was quiet for a moment.

It was Jian’s turn to choke, even if he didn't want to admit it, but it wouldn't change the fact that he was staying in the guest room.

In the face of Xie Feng's gossipy face, Jian Shiwu could only force a smile and nod: "Yes."

"So that’s it!"

Xie Feng looked like he was relieved, under his eyes was a joy that could not be hidden, he turned around and said, "Then brother you get well rested, I'll go downstairs and see if I’m able to help, don't worry, the noodles will definitely be good. I stewed the chicken soup for a long time."


He suddenly didn’t want to eat it anymore.

If it wasn’t for the alcohol to help him sleep, Jian Shiwu felt that he should have had a restless night, yet he slept off immediately he lay down in bed and it was already the next morning when he opened his eyes again.

In the garden outside the manor, the voices of the servants could be heard whispering as they walked by. There was a small pond in the distance from the bedroom. The lotus flowers were blooming beautifully in summer. A familiar figure was pruning the branches of the roses. The man had changed out of his suit, putting on gray and white casual attire, and was at home leisurely.

"Big brother!"

Xie Feng appeared at some point, holding a watering hose, following Shen Cheng's lead like a shadow, opening his mouth a d said something. Jian Shiwu who was originally standing by the window, had a headache from the hangover, and sneezed when the wind blew.

Jian Shiwu’s head was down and he sniffed as he muttered, "I couldn’t have been infected by Shen Cheng, right?"

Speak of the devil, the man he was talking about had come under the window at some point, his face tilted up, making him look even more attractive in the sunlight: "Infected with what?"


Jian Shiwu looked down in disbelief, "Can you teleport?"

But Shen Cheng didn’t answer, instead he looked at him and said, "You haven’t answered my question."


Jian Shiwu was inexplicably a little guilt when he was stared at by those dark, deep eyes, and he touched his nose and said, "A cold."

Shen Cheng: "You have a cold?"

"Not sure." Jian Shiwu whispered softly, "I guessed randomly."

"Why guess I gave you a cold."

Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows to look at him, his handsome face actually tinged with a bit of mischief, his voice with a bit of husky sexiness: "Because I kissed you last night?"


The ears of the person standing on the first floor were suddenly stained red.

Last night was fine when he was drunk, but now that he was sober, Jian Shiwu’s hand on the window sill unconsciously tightened, and he was a little dizzy: "I, I was drunk last night, and we, I... you"

"Hmm." Shen Cheng whispered frankly, "But I wasn't drunk."

I was sober.

There was a breeze blowing through with the floral scent of roses.

The youth standing by the window leaned over, looking at the man by the flower garden, his face was crimson, seemingly more delicate than the flowers, his round eyes seemed to carry gentle water, and he opened his lips to speak.

But at that very moment:


Someone's screaming voice suddenly and abruptly rang out in from a distance. Xie Feng was originally watering, but somehow the hose got out of control, the water flow surged, and poured all over. He was already thinly dressed in the summer, which made him get more wet quickly.

Shen Cheng turned around and looked at the abused roses in the flower garden and frowned: "You stay here, I'll go over there."

Jian Shiwu nodded gently.

Shen Cheng took a big step across to find the faucet and directly turned it off, the hose that was fluttering around in Xie Feng's hands was easily solved by the man. The ground was covered with water, and Xie Feng who was inadvertently hit by the hose fell to the ground and sat down in some distress, grunting lightly in pain.

Shen Cheng looked at him indifferently, his voice carrying majestic: "Get up.”

"Big brother," Xie Feng tilted his face up, his eyes red: "My foot seems to be broken, can you pull me up?"

Shen Cheng frowned slightly.

Such a pitiful look and not excessive request would not have been refused by anyone else.


At that precise moment, there was a crisp sound, and Jian Shiwu came out of the house at just the right moment, with a look of confusion, "Mr Xie, why are you sitting on the floor?”

Xie Feng's face changed and he scowled, "I, I sprained my foot."

"Get a doctor if you've broken your foot." Jian Shiwu was very concerned about the swelling of the white ankle: "It looks pretty serious, you can't move it at will, so sit there and don't move."

The stone floor in summer was actually not hot, there was water and mud everywhere, it was cold and a bit dirty. Xie Feng didn’t want to sit in this muddy water, but because of Jian Shiwu he was pressures to ride the tiger, in the end he could only smile reluctantly, "Thank you for your care Brother Shiwu, I know."

Jian Shiwu patted him on the shoulder, "No, you don’t have to be polite."

He was still chatting to his love rival when he was pulled up by a strong hand and Shen Cheng told him to take a few steps back, "It's cold, don't squat there."

Jian Shiwu muttered softly: "I’m not that delicate."

Shen Cheng gave him a cool look, "Who was it that was worried he caught a cold and insisted on blaming me."


There was no defense to this.

The two of them were bickering, but in the eyes of others it looked like flirting.

Xie Feng was completely ignored until the family doctor rushed over before he was helped and taken away. The most ironic thing is that when he came, the doctor thought that Shen Cheng was injured and was so anxious. He showed a relieved expression when he realized it was him.

The doctor said to Xie Feng: "It's not serious, it's good to rest and rest this afternoon, the flower garden is usually taken care of by special craftsmen, you should not worry about it in the future. Only the young master and Mr.Ji will occasionally go to prune and trim the flowers when they are in the mood."

Xie Feng gave a warm smile, "I know."

How can he have a chance to get in touch with his big brother if he doesn’t go to water the flowers, because he didn’t feel like he belonged to this family. One day, he will definitely integrate into this family in his own way.



The manor of the Ji family is very lively

The reason is none other than the fact that the Ji family has officially moved back to their home country and although Ji Yuanfeng did not give Linda a wedding, he still took the opportunity to hold a banquet to let the guests know about the existence of this lady, on the other hand, it is also considered to open up the domestic market for Shen Cheng, the banquet invited a lot of business elites, a kind of resource exchange field.

When the preparations were in full swing below, Jian Shiwu was lying on a chair in Shen Cheng's study reading comics.

On the phone Jinzhe said, "You'll not believe this."

Jane Shiwu: "What is it?"

"I got an invitation to the Ji family dinner!" Jinzhe’s voice carried a little bit of smugness that couldn't be concealed: "And there are two invitations."


Jian Shiwu paused for awhile and said dryly, "Congratulations."

Jin Zhe seemed a little unsatisfied with his response.

But it seems like he didn’t expect much from Jane Shiwu and he said with a sigh, "I'm going to give you one so you can have a chance to go to the Ji family's estate too."

Jian Shiwu: "Huh?"

At this moment, Jian Shiwu who was not only in the manor, but even lying in the study of the young manor's owner was stunned.

Jin Zhe cleared his throat: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't take the cat food for the project before, so this should be an apology."

Jian Shiwu hesitated: "That's fine, don't use it for me, I'm not angry anymore."

"You don’t want to see me?"


"Then you'll take it!" Jin Zhe emphasized, "You know this invitation is hard to come by, my backer...ah no, my uncle dragged his feet to get it, Li Man and the others wanted it too I didn't even give it to them, you don't waste this opportunity ah, it's just that I'm packing up and getting ready to go there, my side is quite close, where are you? I'll pick you up on the way."

Well, you're certainly not as close as I am.

Jian Shi Wu was silent, trying to figure out how to speak. In fact, Jin Zhe knew that he had a relationship with Shen Cheng. It seemed that even if he confessed, it wouldn't matter, and it would not be good to waste the invitation.

Jinzhe said impatiently, "Where the hell are you? Say something!"

Jian Shiwu said honestly, "I'm in the manor.


There was a long silence on the other end of the phone.

Then Jin Zhe cursed in a low voice, "You're cruel."

The phone was hang up.

Jane looked the hung up phone, stunned for a long time, and then laughed a little foolishly. At first, they were interns who were not familiar with each other. They still had reservations about each other, but now they seem to have grown up and become much closer after going through some things.

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"Knock knock"

Someone knocked on the door outside.

It was the housekeeper. He walked in with a list of brand new suits and said, "Mr. Jian, Young Master let us bring these for you to choose."

Jian Shiwu: "This is his size, it won’t fit me, I’ll just wear the one I wore yesterday."

"It's your size."

Before the housekeeper could say anything, someone outside arrived and spoke. Shen Cheng leaned against the doorway, all elegant. His suit today was dark blue, one slender leg bent up wantonly, as if he was taking his girlfriend clothes shopping in a casual way: "Try on whichever one you like."

Jian Shiwu had a question: "How come there are clothes I can wear here?"

At this time, the butler came out to explain: "At noon, the young master asked us to prepare, and these were sent by contacting the brands."

Then... how could Shen Cheng know his size?

Jane looked suspiciously at Shen Cheng, and just wanted to ask the question when he met the eyes of the man leaning at the door. At his questioning gaze, the other party raised his eyes without any guilty conscience.

Jian Shiwu suddenly suspected that if he asked, Shen Cheng would say in front of the housekeeper: “How could I not know your size, have we never hugged before??

This shameless person!

Jian Shiwu chose to shut up. He said, "Thank you."

The housekeeper went out and left the clothes here for Jian Shiwu to try on. Shen Cheng at the door didn't delay and left to wait outside the door. After seeing Jian’s cooperation, he also turned around and left. When no one was in the room, Jian Shiwu was not pretentious and stood up to pick the clothes. As he was looking through, he could vaguely hear the sound of a conversation outside the door. It's sounded like...Xie Feng?

Striding to the door, he opened it and indeed saw Xie Feng standing in front of Shen Cheng holding a jacket, the small face looking miserable and somewhat pitiful.

Jian Shiwu’s eyes swept back and forth over them, and finally fell on Xie Feng: "Is something wrong?"

Xie Feng lowered his head and seemed a little awkward: "Yes, it is like this, my suit is old, and I may have grown in body recently, so it is a little small, and difficult to wear when I tried it on. So I thought I could borrow a set from Big Brother."

After saying that, he winced, as if it he really didn’t have any other meaning: "I'll wash and return it after I wear it."

And use it as an excuse to pester Shen Cheng? Humph!

Jian Shi said: "You are not the same size as Shen Cheng."

Xie Feng was taken aback.

"You're even shorter than me." Jian Shiwu swore that he didn't mean to insult, but Xie Feng's face turned pale: "Aren’t you like a size four?"

Xie Feng moved his lips: "I..."

Jian Shiwu pointed to the room: "You should be able to make do with my clothes."

After speaking, he looked at Shen Cheng and said, "Can I lend him some?"

Shen Cheng wasn’t really willing to let Xie Feng wear the clothes he had bought for Jian Shiwu, but it wouldn’t be good to let this man disgrace the Ji family at tonight’s party, and after weighing his options, the man nodded, "Yes.”

Jian Shiwu gave way and said, "Then come in and pick one."

Xie Feng hesitated for a moment, then walked over and said, "Thank you."

The door was re-closed.

Jane Shiwu picked out one of the hangers before saying to Xie Feng, "You’re at least considered Uncle Ji’s adopted son, why haven’t you even bought a new suit?"

Xie Feng fumbled with the clothes on the hanger.

Jane turned back: "I don't mean anything else."

"It’s okay."

Xie Feng pursed his lips, and he said softly, "I used to be sick all the year round, so I didn't go out too much. There was very little demand for clothes. My mother gave me pocket money, but I saved it all up.”

Jian Shiwu: "What do you save it for?"

Xie Feng stopped talking again.

He just said softly, "Some money should be spent, and if you still look poor here, the servants will think you're easy to bully."

Xie Feng opened his eyes slightly and looked at Jian Shiwu: "How do you know..."

Jian Shiwu shrugged and didn't continue talking to him, but went into the study's small room to change.
 When he came out, Xie Feng raised his head and looked at him, and he saw a young man in a golden and jade-colored suit walking out. He smiled at him, his eyes were clear and bright, his suit was all white, with a small gold badge on the shoulders, like a prince from a fairy tale.

The clothes were all from the same rack, but they looked so plain and ordinary on him.

Jian Shiwu walked towards him.

Xie Feng flinched and wanted to step back, but Jian Shiwu just straighten the collar of his suit, his movements careful and delicate, even helping to set the unbuttoned buttons right, and whispered to him, "I must say, it fits you quite well."

Xie Feng stiffened.

It had probably been a long time, even his mother wouldn’t look at him much, except for his grandmother who had passed away, no one would so gently fix his clothes. With a bit of a sour rise in his heart, he whispered, "Thank you brother Jian."

"You are a good person." Xie Feng lowered his head and said, "And very generous and kind, thank you..."

But a soft laugh came from above his head, and Jian Shiwu bent slightly over and leaned down to Xie Feng's ear, and whispered, "Not right."

Xie Feng froze.

"Some things can be borrowed, some things can’t." Jian’s voice slowly lowered: "Don't try to steal from brother or I'll become the bad guy, okay?"

Xie Feng stiffened as he met Jian Shiwu’s eyes, a look that only two people could understand.

Outside there was a knock on the door, "Mr. Jian, are you ready?"

Jian Shiwu’s eyes withdrew and he replied, "Yes.”

He curled his lips at Xie Feng and smiled, before leaving.

After a slight delay, there were already some guests arriving, usually he would relax at such receptions, but not today, Lui Heng was going to take him to meet some of the entertainment bigwigs in the circle, to see if he could negotiate down some resources.

After a few laps around, he felt like his legs would break.

There were more and more people coming into the manor. Although he has participated in the banquet held by such a big family more than once, Jian Shi Wu always feels that such splendid occasions make people feel opulent.

Lui Heng asked, "Why are you always looking at the doorway?"

At the main entrance Linda stood beside Shen Cheng and Ji Yuansheng as hosts, there were many guests going and coming, but it was Xie Feng who had little presence, just some distance behind Shen Cheng.

Jian Shiwu sighed: "You won’t understand.”

"How won’t I understand?" Lui Heng scratched his head, "I've seen too many of these things in top families, but Shen Cheng is more competitive than me, so you don't have to worry about him, as far as the class rep's methods are concerned, this woman and that little boy are no match for him."

Jian Shiwu sighed again with a quiet quietly.

He wasn't worried about that, Lui Heng didn't understand his sour heart at all!

It easy to get through to the end of the banquet. Shen Cheng and his party came in, but before Jian Shiwu could come forward, mamy industry powerhouses actively stepped forward to talk, they were all interested in this Ji's heir, and the new adopted and kept chatting lively.

Only Xie Feng seemed a little resistant to drinking and kept refusing.

Jian Shiwu was bored of watching and was about to look away when he noticed that Xie Feng had been leaning against the wine shelf behind him, which was originally very solid, but in order to reject the wine, Xie Feng was leaning back and the bottle of cocktail at the top was already shaking and about to fall down!


Lui Heng was still spouting off, when Jian Shiwu gave a low curse and rushed off. He ran forward few steps up and tried to push Shen Cheng, who was also under the shelf out of the way, but the bottle was already falling down, and in his desperation he could only raise his arm to swing the bottle away by force, after all, it would certainly be worse if it hit a person's head or wherever.


The bottle fell to the ground and shattered. The accident happened in an instant, the scene at the banquet was already noisy and the drinking drive was relatively high, so it was hard for the people down there to notice. They just didn't expect anyone to rush out and block a falling bottle. At that moment Jian Shiwu’s entire arm was numb, and he didn't feel much pain.

He subconsciously looked at Shen Cheng, worried if he was hurt.

However, the first person to scream was Xie Feng: "Brother Jian!"

The noise was so loud that it hurt his eardrums.

The red liquid that spilled on the floor spread out, Jian Shiwu dropped his arm but someone pulled at him strongly to get away from the broken glass. He looked up and met Shen Cheng's eyes, the pair of black eyes had changed from their usual calmness, it was as if a huge wave had been raised inside, and the moment their hands met, he found that Shen Cheng's hands were shaking.

Strange, he seems to be the injured one, but Shen Cheng was the one shaking. The man who was always calm showed a flustered look. His voice was low and hoarse: "Where is the injury?"

Xie Feng came over and wanted to say something, but was avoided by Shen Cheng. The tall, handsome man pulled at Jian Shiwu, like a powerful, fierce beast protecting it’s cubs, looking at him with vigilance and indifference before he said, "Get a doctor to my room."

Xie Feng choked on the words that came to his lips.

The Shen Cheng he had seen before, the big brother who was always calm and collected, solid and reliable, he had thought that Shen Cheng would never get angry, would always be such a reassuring presence. But now, he was a little scared from the way Shen Cheng looked dangerously and irritable because Jian Shiwu was injured, as if he would bite his own neck off.

There were still guests around. Shen Cheng was still calm, his voice stoic and restrained, "Someone has been accidentally injured, I'll take him to be treated, everyone has been frightened, we’ll chat another day."

The others hurriedly said that the injury was more important.

They even complimented Ji's new young proprietor for acting responsibly and decently after Shen Cheng left.


The door to the room was violently kicked open and Jian Shiwu was placed in a soft chair.

The doctor hadn't arrived yet, Jane Shiwu’s suit was white and his wrist was already a faint shade of crimson. The fabric was not absorbent anymore and there was a red liquid snaking down the white wrist, a few drops slipping off his fingertips and dripping onto the floor.

Shen Cheng hadn’t said another word since just now, his face dark and frightening, and after taking out the medical kit from the room, he asked Jian Shiwu to take his jacket off and do a simple wound treatment, but the jacket wasn’t easy to take off, the wound was new and every movement would involve it, triggering pain.

As Jian Shiwu dragged the jacket off, his face turned white with pain, and he huffed and puffed, shouting softly, "It hurts, it hurts..."

Shen Cheng was quick to move, and when he saw some of the shocking wounds and even the faint glass slag, he gave Jian Shiwu a vicious glare, his tone unkind: "Bear with the pain too."


Who did I do this for? What kind of attitude is that?

Jian Shiwu gave an aggrieved look and decided that good men don't fight with Shen Cheng, he was a reasonable person, so he didn't bother to argue.

In fact, the wound was not deep, but there was a scrape of glass shards that needed to be clamped out with tweezers. Shen Cheng’s face was very bad, but his actions very careful. If Mountain Tai Shan collapsed in front of Shen Cheng, his face wouldn’t change color, but when facing the wound his hand was trembling a little.

Jian Shiwu’s soft voice: "You don’t worry, in fact I don’t really feel..."

Before the words were finished, he was given another vicious glare by Shen Cheng, as if the one who was injured and was enduring the pain was not himself, but Shen Cheng in general.


A small glass crumb was taken out, and Jian Shiwu couldn't help but shake his body for a moment, cold sweat from pain broke out, and he stopped trying to show off: "Lighter.. lighter, it hurts."

Shen Cheng was also distressed and his heart trembled, but seeing him suffer made him angry: "Now you know pain, who told you to black the bottle for Xie Feng? How many days have you known him? How long have you known him? What’s the matter, you want me to give you an award?"


There was a sudden silence in the room.

The pain in his arm was now no match for the pain he was now suffering because of his grievance, he had run across the room because he was worried that the red wine would hit Shen Cheng, and he hadn't done for Shen Cheng to be grateful, he had just subconsciously rushed across the room, not wanting to see his beloved get hurt.

But now, Shen Cheng was actually snapping at him for a brother who came out of nowhere, and he was being mean to him for a Xie Feng, and he was in so much pain, and Shen Cheng, the dog man, didn't comfort him, didn't hug him, didn't coax him, and even then, he was yelling at him!


The room was too quiet.

The quiet was a little eerie, and when Shen Cheng raised his head again, he froze too, because the youth sitting in the chair had red eyes filled with tears, and when he met his own gaze, he seemed to try to sniffle to hold it back, but he didn’t expect his eyelashes to flutter, and the tears fell in a series like rolling beads.

It was strange that the man in front of him hadn't cried when hd had been hit by the bottle, that he hadn't cried when it hurt so much when taking off his jacket, that he hadn't cried when he was dealing with the wounds, but now, because he hadn't controlled his anger from being jealous of Xie Feng, Jian was crying.


The door was pushed open.

It was Zhen Meili who had rushed over on hearing that her son had been injured, and she was in a hurry to get over, and as soon as she came in, she saw her son crying, how sad and miserable he must be.

She was so upset that she saw her son crying.

Zhen Mei's heart was trembling, and she walked quickly to Jian Shiwu’s side: "Son, what's the matter?"

When Jian Shiwu saw his mother coming, with tears in his eyes he sniffed, and felt he couldn't hold it in anymore as if he had found a backer, he leaned on Zhen Meili with a "wuu", aggrieved: "Mom."

You can take me away quickly, never again will I want to be with this son of a bitch Shen Cheng.

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