Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 97: 97

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Fang Tingyu was stunned. To be precise, she couldn't even believe her ears, her face was a little distorted, she asked Jian Shiwu with a stern look, almost trembling: "Do you know what you're talking about?!"

Jian Shiwu held the wig in his hand, and he looked at the woman sitting with magnanimity, with a smile on his face: "I know."

The planner was also stunned stupid. He came over to Jian Shiwu and said, "Mr. Jian, it's not that I don't believe you, but for the role of Fang Tingyu's cosplay, it also needs someone who can play the guzheng."

This guzheng is really not something anyone can play.

This can be regarded as to why Fang Tingyu had the courage to make trouble. Although she is arrogant and rude, she actually has a reputation as a talented girl and this was just a way to get the organizers to go along with her so she can achieve her goal. It's not like she really wants to do make real trouble.

Seeing that Jian Shiwu was silent, Fang Tingyu sneered, and returned to her arrogant look: "Now the newcomers in the entertainment industry are really ignorant, thinking that they are really good looking and can pick up jobs at will. There are some things that requires a good foundation, not all of them can be…”

"I can."

A crisp and clear voice sounded in the room.

Fang Tingyu was stunned for a moment, and looked at Jian Shiwu in surprise, and saw Jian Shiwu standing in front of the planner, neither humble nor arrogant: "I have studied Guzheng for several years, and I also havw on-the-spot experience, although there is no way to play the track you planned for in such a short period of time, but other tracks can be temporarily used to save the day.”

The planner was delighted

As long as you know the guzheng, you can save the field and not let them fall into a dilemma. The rest is fine. He reassured in disbelief: "Jian, are you really willing?"

Jian Shiwu nodded: "No problem, if you don't mind it."

The planner turned to look at her and said, "Then are you willing to come on stage?"

This is the ultimatum for her.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the assistant next to her said quickly, "Sister, why don't we just wear this wig, don't argue, take it easy, there are still quite a few of your fans waiting on the outside?"

Originally, she persuaded Fang Tingyu to soften her, but what she didn't expect was the opposite effect. Fang Tingyu, who was a little flustered at first, seemed to have suddenly found the backbone. She remembered that she still had fans and fame which JuanShiwu didn’t have.

Fang Tingyu foolishly cleared her throat and said in a loud voice: "Planner Lu, outside are all my fans, they all come to see me and it has nothing to do with your games and characters, so what if you find someone who can play the guzheng, no one wants to see him, it has to be me on the stage."

These words, unbiased, thrust a knife into Planner Lu's heart.

His own company, his own game project that he had put too much effort into and loved, would actually be devalued by a female star as worthless!

With this in mind, planner Lu couldn't care less about saving face, he sneered and turned to Jian Shiwu, "Mr. Jian, thank you for being willing to save the day, your help to me, to our game, and to Ji company today will not be forgotten, please move to the dressing room next to us, I will arrange it for you."

Jian Shiwu hurriedly said, "You are too kind, I am also a trainee at Ji's, a family does not speak like they are two families."

The man laughed and enthusiastically patted Jian Shiwu's shoulder.

Two people left in quick succession, leaving Fang Tingyu and her assistant in the dressing room. Looking at the tightly closed door the woman was dumbfounded, she originally just wanted to make bait and use a little force for the organizer to step back a bit, but what she didn’t expect was to kill her general herself, and actually end up in such a situation, or rather, she simply couldn’t figure out why the plan suddenly changed to this.

Seeing her bad face, the assistant said softly, "Sister Yu, what should we do? Ji's family is not easy to mess with. If we are judged to be in breach of contract today, we will definitely be held accountable. Gu Cancan will definitely scold me, you said..."


A sharp red mark appeared on the assistant's white face, and because of the strong force, the assistant just froze for two seconds, then tears started falling down, and Fang Tingyu said, "Can you blame me? How would I know that there will be a sudden appearance of Jian Shiwu, how would I know that he can play the guzheng, what do you mean now blaming me!"

The assistant covered her face and said with difficulty, "I'm sorry sister, I didn't mean it like that."

Fang Tingyu's face twisted up in anger and she snorted, "That Jian Shiwu, I think he might have come here today to steal a role from me, that planner was so quick to agree. I think he might be having an affair with him, just wait, don't think it's a big deal to have Ji's shitty planner as your backer, I'll make sure he knows what happens when he steals my role! "

On the other hand

Jian Shiwu was dragged to try out the cos suit. Fang Tingyu was picky so there are several styles of one suit, all different sizes all in case of an emergency. At the moment, he is wearing an ancient costume with a white crescent moon. The whole body of this suit is snow-white, with exquisite rune embroidery on the collar, and the outer cover is a clear white gauze. The make-up artist who was called over for emergencies covered his mouth, "Good look!"

Jian Shiwu was a little shy, his jet-black eyes were bright, and he said softly, "Is it really appropriate?"

The makeup artist nodded vigorously: "Although the original setting of the character of this game is female, but Zuoqiu Tao this person, is very connotative and capable, in the game she is the master teacher of the Free and Easy Sect, using zheng music as a weapon, cultivating the path of ruthlessness, but in order to save her disciple ended up with a fallen end ......"

As Jian Shiwu listened, his heart felt some respect and pity for the character of Zuoqiu Qundao.

The make-up artist was talking to him as she applied his make-up, and as she was putting on the base make-up she said, "Teacher Jian, I think your forehead is a bit hot, are you running a fever."


Jian Shiwu remembered that last night the doctor had said that his wound had a tendency to get infected and would be accompanied by the possibility of having a fever, but he didn't expect it to start now. He spoke softly, "It's not a problem, I'm not very uncomfortable now, I'll just go to the hospital after the show."

The make-up artist had some emotion.

There are same artists who are making the world go round because of a wig, and there are some with injuries and fevers still holding on to their jobs, it's simply a case of the highs and lows!


Interaction will front

As time went on, it was almost time for Fang Tingyu's show. The venue was full of people. Most of the people who came are game fans, or some well-known cos fans. Of course a small part are Fang Tingyu's fans. While everyone was waiting, finally, the stage went dark again, and the host in front said, "The next person to come on stage is our Xiaoyao faction's Master, Zuoqiu!"

The arena erupted in applause.

A light came down, slowly, and fell on the heart of the person in the center of the stage, the big screen lit up, it was a mountain forest, the leaves were falling, and the man in white clothes was standing in the middle of the stage, his posture was straight. , The temperament is noble and cold, the blue silk falls softly, the people standing in front of the woods are like jade, and finally, the light of the stage falls on his face.

The whole audience was in an uproar

Some fans were shocked beyond belief.

"Didn't it say Fang Tingyu?"

"Isn't it our sister? How come it's changed?"

"I'm so angry!"

Some passers-by were in awe.

"Is this really a woman?"

"Although it's a bit beautiful, but..."

"I Yes? I can't tell if it's a male or a female."

"Which cos is it? Really? Is it okay?

Jian Shiwu's appearance is as gorgeous as Zhen Meimei? Wouldn't it be true? The softness like a woman is actually a bit resolute, but now, his facial features have been skillfully brought out by the makeup artist to the extreme, fair skin is in close range. There is no flaw under the camera. He is dressed in white clothes and elegant, but his eyebrows are dotted with a gorgeous mandala flower. His red lips are gorgeous. At this moment, the qi and this gorgeous makeup have a wonderful chemical reaction, showing Zuo Qiuqiu's immortal coldness and arrogance to the fullest..

Although many people on stage questioned it, the man on stage was completely undisturbed by the outside realm.

At the moment, he stood on stage as if he was Zuoqiu Qundao himself, and even though there were more people who didn't dare to believe him, it was still hard to hide his stunning match with the role.

Under the spotlight, sitting on the ground in white, the guzheng in front of him, his slender fingertips brushing against the top and picking slightly, a clear, crisp sound of the guzheng resounded clearly in the arena, pulling the attention of all the people almost instantly.

Good music is something that can be intoxicating.

The majestic sound of the guzheng reached the arena, and the person sitting on the stage lowered his face slightly, his green silk held by a jade crown and scattered along his shoulders, adding a bit of poignancy and mystery to the sultry sound of the guzheng.

There were some who were skeptical and resisting, but when the camera fell on that ravishing face, when the gentle guzheng sounded, most of the people chose to be silent, but of course there was a part of the excited and uncontrollable people who were there:.

"Who is this?"

"What a stunning female!"

"I didn't think it was possible for anyone to be truly bring it out, but fuck...this is fucking Zuoqiu Qundao, isn't it!"

"Mamma, I've seen a living master!"

Compared with those who don't know Jian Shiwu's name, many viewers in the live broadcast room have recognized it:

"Is that Jian Shiwu?"

"You're going to quietly dress up in women's clothes and then wow all people!"

"Oooooooh, this Master, I'm drooling."

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"Master is so stunning, all of you will love Zuoqiu Qundao when you see it."

"Er, which on are you talking about?"

It was a misguided temporary save that had an effect that everyone never expected, some people posted the live stream of the scene to Weibo and it soon gained a lot of attention, at first only people who were in the cos scene were curious about which one this was, later it was people in the gaming scene who recognized that this was their very hot character, and with speed, a huge number of people got involved in discussions and retweets, and the show wasn't even over yet. The Weibo hot list was already soaring up with.

#JianShiwu Zuoqiu Qundao#

#Watch and like the Master#

#Go Workers#

As the last guzheng sound fell, the whole audience was silent, all the people were immersed in the visual and aural shock brought by Jian Shiwu, then, not knowing who led the way first, there was sporadic applause, followed by a roaring applause, even if not for the role, but for the moving guzheng sound. When Jian Shiwu played on the field, it was as if Zuoqiu Qundao The spirit of Zuoqiu was in his body, how could it not be stunning!

The noble man in white stood on the stage and bowed deeply to the audience below.

Then according to the usual practice, the cos’ corned needs to walk around the show. Jian Shiwu took a step, and there was a crowd on the stage, too many eyes were focused on his body, at this moment , what does he represent? It's not him, it's this character, Zuo Qiu Qundao.

The venue was noisy very noisy, many people were taking pictures with their mobile phones and shouting.

"Sister look here."

"Master, Master I love you so much!"

When Jian Shiwu was halfway down the stage, there had been a constant stream of touching, and hands reaching up, but he didn’t stop until he met someone at the front, an ordinary boy at first glance, but he kept wiping tears from his eyes.

The boy's excitement was striking and you could tell that he should be a big fan of the character, and the clothes he was wearing were the Taoist clothes of the Promised Sect, which if Jian Shiwu had really played the game, he would have known that they were the special clothes of the apprentices of Zuoqiu Qundao.

At this moment, the boy looked at Jian Shiwu's eyes with hot tears. He also stretched out his hand and shouted uncontrollably, "Master..."."

They were actually very close.

Jian Shiwu pause, just a moment of hesitation, he bent slightly, slender hands hanging down, lending strength to gently hold the teenager's hand, his own hand was cold, the other party's palm was hot, probably didn't expect to really shake hands, the teenager first froze, then cried out.

The snow-white dress brushed the cold surface of the show stand, and under the lights, the noble and cold person leaned down, a light smile tickling the face, and moved gently to hold the teenager's hand, the same scene was broadcast live by the cameraman, setting off the netizens in an uproar again.

"Ahhhhhh, the master's dream has come true."

"Feng Heng players said they would die on spot!"

"A great master."

"I finally got Jian Shiwu’s face."

The game's most popular demon character is Feng Hen, Zuo Qiu Qundao's disciple, and this character is generally predominantly male players. In the plot, Feng Heng’s feelings for Zuo Qiu Qundao are loving but unavailable, repressed and restrained, but today, Jian Shiwu's gentle handshake has not only satisfied some players' frustrations, but has also touched Feng Heng players.

In the past, at this point in time, the live streams of the refueling workers were at most six or seven million online, but today, because of the continued fermentation of Weibo's hot search and because of the accidental involvement of the event, the director and the live stream platform were caught off guard by the fact that the number of people in the live streams skyrocketed wildly in a short period of time:

10 million

17 million

25 million ......

Many admirers joined the live stream:.

"(Coming out) players come here."

"Zuoqiu asked players to come here in catechism, I heard there are fairies here."

"I just wanted to come and see which cos are so absolute."

"I'm an old fan, may I ask if I'm in the wrong place, what are you guys talking about?"

Because of the surge in the number of pop-ups and online people, although the platform had given emergency measures, unfortunately it was when the number of people in the live stream was about to exceed 30 million that, the whole platform jammed and the netizens' mobile phone screens all appeared with a capital 460.

This is definitely a rare thing, Little Sun live streaming software is undoubtedly one of the most well-known live streaming software in China, since its introduction, the last time there was a jam, was because a famous movie star randomly descended on the live streaming room before the server crashed. For awhile, netizens were in an uproar and another Weibo hot search was airborne:.


Four or five hot searches in a row suddenly dominated the hotspots, and even the uninterested people were intrigued, this without looking, they were also drawn to a series of live pictures and short videos. The attention of the melon eaters was more on whether the main character was a man or a woman, and different circles of people called Jian Shiwu by different names:.

"Master Beauty is my wife!”

"I love you, divine sister!"

"My treasure boy has been discovered, Shiwu is my wife no robbery."

"I'm a new face fan, this is my new husband now."

Is this a man or a woman?

For a time, regardless of the reason, the netizen's discussion degree is unprecedentedly high, not only microbloggers, even other news software also began to write news articles, and in such a discussion, a discordant voice appeared.

Fang Tingyu's fans naturally also have ab opinion, just ten minutes ago, under the fans chasing, Fang Tingyu's blog updated:.

Fang Tingyu v: "The world of people is about the word fate, maybe my fate with Zuoqiu Qundao has not yet arrived, see you all later."

This is an analogous explanation.

But in the eyes of Fang Tingyu's fans, their sister's rightful role and performance was stolen, that must be something that Jian Shiwu can't get away with.

At one point, discordant voices began to appear on Weibo: "What’s Jian Shiwu using?

"What kind of tactics did Jian use to steal someone else's role?"

"Can you show some face?"

"Give justice to our sister."

Although there were discordant voices, but because the show was so hot, it was soon drowned out, and the original topic of this show also quickly spread to all the major short videos and social media platforms to go, not only the online surfers, just a day, even some of the social animals who worked overtime learned about it, especially at Ji company, because Jian Shiwu can be seen at ordinary times, so the degree of discussion is higher.

As a result, in the afternoon, Shen Cheng found that the atmosphere of the company was wrong.

The specific manifestations are the whispering and those strange eyes. Therefore, when passing by the tea room, when he found two girls showing a mysterious smile on the mobile phone, Shen Cheng paused.

The receptionists were still laughing when a voice came from overhead, "What are you looking at?"

The cold voice fell down, questioning and impartial. The receptionists went stiff and almost throwing their phones out, after seeing who it was, they even more hurriedly apologized: "Sorry Mr. Shen, sorry Mr. Shen."

Shen Cheng said, "Break time entertainment is fine, there is nothing to be sorry about."

The girls let out a sigh of relief.

They didn't usually get the chance to come into contact with the president, but looking at the handsome man, and such reasonable words, they were instantly impressed and let down their guard quite a bit.

Then, Shen Cheng asked once more, "What are you looking at."

For some reason, the secretary Wang next to him winked at them as if his face had suddenly cramped up, and his behaviour could be described as bizarre.

The girls were a little puzzled, but it was rare to be able to talk to the president, so naturally they couldn't wait to express themselves more. They took out their mobile phones, brought up the photo, and said with a smile, "We’re looking at the photo of Shiwu at the Chengxi Exchange Conference today."

The photo was of the white-clad beauty smiling back, light and subtle, as if a hundred winks were born.

It was a picture that would be pleasing to all people, but Shen Cheng looked at it and his face clouded over with something terifying: "Jian Shiwu?"

The girls obviously didn't notice this.

Another short-haired girl cheerfully continued to add fuel to the fire saying, "Isn't he beautiful, you didn't recognize him either, neither did we, we were really startled when we saw the picture, we didn't expect him to be so good looking."

"Yeah, yeah."

Another girl also said, "Many people in our department say that Shiwu can be their male-god from now on, the new wife, it's amazing!"


A silence fell in the room.

The young girls were only half a beat slower to realize that Shen Cheng’s “dark can condense water” face, and the secretary Wang next to them had a raw expression, they were then a little scared, and their excited voices lowered: "Mr. Shen, what do you...think."

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