Reborn Evil Mother-in-law

Chapter 12: CH 12

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“Just speak it out. What do you mean by kneeling?” Wei Jun Hang frowned.

Lian Xiang dared not get up. She kowtowed to him several times, and then she choked out: “The slave asks Shizi Ye to show mercy. Please forgive my servant’s younger brother Zhuzi this time and don’t drive him out of the house!”

Wei Jun Hang was stunned: “Who is Zhuzi? Who is going to… What did he do wrong to get kicked out?” He first wanted to ask ‘Who is going to drive him out?’. But when the words came to his lips, he suddenly remembered that his wife was rectifying the inner courtyard recently. And the words turn into ‘What did he do wrong to get kicked out?’

Two different sentences have completely different meanings. The latter question is a straightforward demonstration of his trust in the fairness of his wife’s actions. You must have made a mistake to get kicked out!

Lian Xiang is not a fool. Although Wei Jun Hang didn’t say all the words, she could understand them. Her heart sank. She suddenly felt that it was a mistake to ask for this kind of love.

Will Shizi Ye really refute Madam’s decision and forgive her brother for her sake?

“What are you doing? Why don’t you answer the question? What mistake did that Zhuzi make to get kicked out?” Waiting for her answer for a long time, Wei Jun Hang was dissatisfied. His face sank immediately.

Lian Xiang shuddered and lowered her head even lower. At this moment, she only wished that she would never come but the water had been poured out. She has already said the words. She was afraid that she would not be able to save it.

“The day before yesterday, Zhuzi was dragged by a few incompetent boys in the outer courtyard to have a drink. Zhuzi couldn’t get rid of it, so he drank two glasses. He was thinking of going back to work. But he didn’t know that those people would not let him go. He was dragged to throw a dice. Zhuzi can’t get out of the way. He was thinking about how to deal with them and then left, but he never thought that in such a short time, Mama Wang would bring someone to visit the courtyard…”

Speaking of the latter, her voice was getting lower and lower, and her head was getting lower and lower.

Although she didn’t speak clearly and deliberately played down her brother’s fault, Wei Jun Hang was not an idiot. He could hear that her words were biased. He frowned: “So, your brother was arrested by Mama Wang for drinking and gambling while he was on duty. Mama led someone to arrest him. He was freed from errands and kicked out?”

Lian Xiang’s face turned pale. Her head was lowered in embarrassment. Her heart was even more chaotic, and her words were incoherent: “Zhu, Zhuzi, he has always done things diligently, followed the rules and never made mistakes. Slave… slave has never asked Shizi. Please see, for the sake of the servant who has always served loyally. Please forgive him this time!”

After speaking, she kowtowed again with a ‘dong dong dong’.

However, if she looked up at the person in front of her, she would find that the other person’s face became more displeased.

“Don’t talk too much. If you make a mistake, you will be punished. This is a matter of course. If you don’t have anything else to report, then get out!” Wei Jun Hang flicked his sleeves at her, unwilling to listen to her anymore.

“Yes…” Although Lian Xiang was a little unwilling, she still remembered her identity and didn’t dare to entangle him again, so she started talking about other things.

“Dongmei, Luyue, and Xiaocui were transferred a few days ago. Although the new girls are honest, they are not as neat as those three. As a result, the manpower is a little tight recently. The newcomers need training for a while. I’m afraid that they may not be able to get started immediately. Can you transfer Dongmei back for a while and wait for the new girls…”

“You can report to Madam on this matter, and Madam will decide. “Wei Jun Hang was impatient to hear these trivial matters, and immediately blocked her words.

Lian Xiang’s heart is cold.

Dongmei and Luyue served longer than her, and in the end, they ended up like this. How could she have felt that she was different in the first place?

Madam didn’t make a move in the past. But as soon as she made her move, she was so resolute. Those few people’s thoughts about Shizi Ye in the past may have fallen into the eyes of Madam long ago. She will take care of them when the time is right.

Shen Xin Yan had been waiting for Wei Jun Hang’s attitude all the time. The person serving him suddenly changed to a new face. It was impossible for him not to know, but he never said anything, which made Shen Xin Yan a little unsure of his mind.

It was not until the next day that Wei Jun Hang held a delicate brocade box and handed it to her. His eyes were shining and full of anticipation.

Shen Xin Yan was stunned by his burning gaze: “This, what is this?”

Wei Jun Hang replied without answering, “Open it up and see if you like it?”

She was stunned for a rare moment when the emerald phoenix hairpin inlaid with jewels came into view.

“This, this is for me?”

“Yes! Do you like it? It doesn’t matter if you don’t like it, I can take it back and exchange it.” Wei Jun Hang was a little uncomfortable when she looked at him and stammered to answer.

Shen Xin Yan stared at him for a long time until Shizi Ye, who had always been heartless and careless, was heartbroken. Finally, when he was about to be unable to resist, he saw her suddenly burst into an unusually bright smile.

“I like it. I like it very much. Thank you, Shizi!”

“That, that, that, that’s fine.” The big tongue Shizi wanted to look away and stop looking at the face that made his heart beat faster like a hairy boy. But reluctant.

After all, it was the first time that she had once again bloomed in front of him with that kind of smile that made his heart palpitate since he first met in the Hundred Flowers.

“Would you help me put it on?” Shen Xin Yan held the hairpin and compared it to the bronze mirror, looking back at someone who was still dumbfounded and asked softly.

“Oh, good, good!” Wei Jun Hang finally came back to his senses, hurriedly stepped forward, took the phoenix hairpin, placed it in a suitable position for the towering bun like clouds, and then inserted it carefully.

“Okay, okay.”

Shen Xin Yan looked at him in the bronze mirror with a smile: “Thank you, Shizi!” “You’re welcome, madam.” Wei Jun Hang smiled a little silly.

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Shen Xin Yan stared at the still handsome face in the bronze mirror, suddenly burst into impulse, and rushed out and asked, “I have dealt with a lot of people who are serving you lately. Don’t you have anything to say?”

The words just came out. She regretted it and was about to say something to remedy it, Wei Jun Hang replied disapprovingly: “Madam is justified in doing so. Since those individuals have been dealt with, they must have made an unforgivable mistake.”

Shen Xin Yan was stunned. Looking down for a moment, she finally couldn’t help but chuckle.

It was she who did it redundantly. This man never gave up on her at any time in his last life. How could he possibly have a quarrel with her because of some servants in this life? It was her who took the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!

“That Lian Xiang, you don’t need to care about her. I left her as a last resort. At the same time, I don’t want to see her being abused by her family.” Wei Jun Hang said suddenly.

Shen Xin Yan was stunned but did not expect that he would explain Lian Xiang to herself.

“As for what happened…”

“I understand. It doesn’t matter. She was given to you by your mother after all. Besides, she has been attentive in doing things over the years, and she has a serene temperament. With her by your side, I’m also relieved.”

Wei Jun Hang opened his mouth, and finally couldn’t help muttering: “But, but… she…she… and I have always been innocent!”


Shen Xin Yan couldn’t believe what she heard.

Although she was shocked, she never doubted his words, just because he didn’t need to lie.

“She, isn’t she, isn’t she your, isn’t your bed warmer?” This time it was her turn to stutter.

“It’s not what I want…” Wei Jun Hang muttered.

He doesn’t need to have three wives and four concubines, okay? Of course, it is not easy for him to refuse someone who is given by his mother, but it is his business to deal with it when he brings it back, and it is not appropriate for his mother to intervene.

Shen Xin Yan was stunned on the spot this time, unable to react for a long time.

Wei Jun Hang scratched his ears, not sure what her reaction meant.

I don’t know how long it took before she let out a long sigh. When she raised her eyes, she met his slightly cautious eyes. She felt a stun in her chest for some reason. She couldn’t help but reach out and caress his cheek, she murmured: “In those days, why did you insist on marrying me?”

“Well, it’s just! Just, I think you look so good when you smile. If only I could face each other for the rest of my life.” Wei Jun Hang was touched by her. He was so excited that he wanted to jump up and laugh a few times, but he was afraid of shocking the other party, so he could only try to suppress his thoughts.

Shen Xin Yan couldn’t remember when she had smiled at him before she got married, but she didn’t have the heart to study it at this moment.

Fortunately, it was not too late for her to wake up in this life.

“Madam, the third lady sent someone to invite you to the flower hall saying that the shopkeepers of Linglong Pavilion and Nishangxuan are here.” Xia He lifted the curtain and came in to report, which also interrupted Shen Xin Yan’s thoughts.

“Okay, I’ll go now.”

“If you have something to do, just go. I’ll go see Brother Lin.” The soft and warm touch on his cheek disappeared. Wei Jun Hang was a little disappointed.

“…emerald signifies longevity. It’s not good for Sister Fang to wear these at a young age. Give it to me! This is good. This is good. This gold inlaid dongzhu pendant is especially suitable for my sister. When my sister wears this, she looks more and more like a fairy. ”

“But I think…”

“That’s it. Just listen to me.!”

When Shen Xin Yan approached the flower hall, she heard voices coming from inside. After listening carefully, she knew it was Yang Shi’s and Fang Bi Rong’s voices.

She smiled awkwardly.

She also knew that the Yang Shi would definitely choose the most valuable things for herself. With her temperament, the Fang sisters were so annoyed to they wanted to vomit.

“Oh, second sister-in-law, you’re finally here. Come and see quickly. Do you see how good I look in these emerald-studded jewellery earrings?” Yang Shi noticed her arrival first and leaned forward enthusiastically with her hands on both earlobes There is a pair of delicate earrings.

“Beautiful, very beautiful. It makes the third sister-in-law richer and more powerful!” Shen Xin Yan glanced at Fang Bi Rong, who was a little aggrieved, and then looked at Fang Shi, who was full of forbearance. She almost couldn’t help laughing.

“I think so too!” Yang was so proud. She tried on several pieces of jewellery she had picked one by one and turned back to ask Shen Xin Yan’s opinion from time to time.

Shen Xin Yan was quite supportive. She complimented her without hesitation. This made Yang Shi’s laughter unstoppable.

Fang Shi was full of anger. Whenever she chose jewellery for her sister, Yang Shi would always take it away for various reasons. She also had a kind expression on her face like she was doing it for sister Fang’s sake, which made her want to have a seizure.

How can there be such a thick-skinned person in the world!

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