Reborn Evil Mother-in-law

Chapter 8: CH 8

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He only realized this later. It seems… It seems maybe these words are not suitable for talking to his wife!

He glanced at the woman beside him with a guilty conscience. When he met her half-smiling face, he became more and more guilty. Especially when he heard a light hum from the other party, he panicked immediately and swore to the heavens: “I just sat for a while, had a drink and left!”

“Just a drink, huh?” Shen Xin Yan said again. She doesn’t believe what he said.

“Just, just, one, one cup.” Wei Jun Hang’s eyes wandered around. He didn’t dare to look at her.

“You and Ning Wang often spend time together?”

“Ah? Oh, no, not often. It’s just that when I occasionally met him on the street, I said a few polite words. Madam, really, I only had a drink with him once. I’m not lying to coax you! If you don’t like it, I will detour when I see him in the future!” He expressed his loyalty in a hurry.

Shen Xin Yan was choked by him. She cleared her throat and said helplessly: “I’m not restricting you from interacting with him. He is a prince after all. There is nothing wrong with getting to know him. It’s just that I’m afraid of you… Well, alcohol can easily hurt you. “

Wei Jun Hang was stunned for a while as if he didn’t understand what she said. After thinking for a while, there was a big smile on his face. 

“Okay, I’ll listen to Madam!” He nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

When Shen Xin Yan glanced at him, she couldn’t ignore the too-bright smile on his face. She doesn’t know why. But she suddenly feels guilty. She hurriedly turns her face as if she does not dare to look at his face.

Seeing this, Wei Jun Hang’s smile grew brighter.

“What are you laughing at? Your mouth is split behind your ears!” Shen Xin Yan raised her face.

“Hee hee, hehe…”

“…Stop laughing like a fool!” She scolded with a bit of embarrassment.

“Well, okay. I’ll stop laughing. Hee hee…”

“…” Shen Xin Yan decided to ignore this fool.

Wei Jun Hang didn’t care either. He looked at his wife, who was rarely embarrassed, with a smile in his heart.

Hee hee, Madam must be jealous. The more he thinks about it, the happier he becomes and the more uncontrollable his smile becomes.

Shen Xin Yan stroked her forehead.

How could she never know that this man is so stupid?


When Qiu Tang brought back all the next month’s monthly allowances for Fu Ning Courtyard, Shen Xin Yan was not surprised. Looking at the excited maids in the house, she also raised the corner of her mouth slightly.

Although this incident didn’t hurt Fang Shi’s muscles and bones, it at least dampened her spirit. Of course, the most important thing is to benefit yourself.

“It’s good now. I don’t have to go to the public to see other people’s faces if I want to buy something in the future!” Chun Liu’s face blushed with excitement.

“Yes. It’s obviously the regular money in our yard. But when it’s time to use it, you still ask your grandfather to tell your grandma. It’s really suffocating. This time, it’s a good thing!” Xia He’s eyes were also shining. She was so excited that the handkerchief in her hand was twisted into a ball.

” Just know it in your heart. But you can’t say these words outside. If you are accused of criticizing your master, I’ll see what happens to you!” Qiu Tang, who has always been stable, whispered.

“I know, don’t worry!”

“Okay, just put everyone’s monthly money in order and send it on!” Shen Xin Yan instructed and handed the invitation card in her hand to Chun Liu to put it away.

Qiu Tang goes down.

“Kangjun Princess’s post on the Hundred Flowers Banquet? Is Madam planning to go?” Chun Liu glanced at the post and asked curiously.

“We still have to give a face to the Princess. Besides, I have nothing to do lately. I’ll go and see flowers to relax my mind.” Shen Xin Yan disagreed.

The Hundred Flowers Banquet of Princess Kangjun is quite famous in the circle of noble ladies in the capital, not only because of the amazing number of exotic flowers and plants in the garden of Princess Kangjun, but the most important thing is the countless marriages that this Hundred Flowers Banquet has achieved since it was held. Even wives with school-age children at home are quite willing to attend.

Over time, Princess Kangjun’s Hundred Flowers Banquet has become synonymous with the future daughter-in-law candidates of each family’s wife.

There are no men of the right age in the younger generation of Ying Guo Gong Mansion. The second girl from Fang Shi is only twelve years old now, and it is still too early to get engaged. And her marriage has nothing to do with Shen Xin Yan, the second aunt. So she is really planning to go to see those precious flowers and plants in Kangjun Wang Fu.

“Second sister-in-law is in the house?” Yang Shi’s voice suddenly came from outside the house. Shen Xin Yan raised her head and saw Yang Shi smilingly walking into the house.

“The weather is so good outside. Why doesn’t the second sister-in-law go out for a walk and enjoy the beautiful scenery in our mansion?!”

“The third sister-in-law is here. Please take a seat. Chun Liu, serve tea!” Shen Xin Yan got up and greeted her.

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“Second sister-in-law can train people. This Chun Liu girl is smart at first glance.” Yang Shi took the teacup offered by Chun Liu and praised it with a smile.

“Don’t praise her. This girl can’t be praised. Her tail will be lifted when you praise her.” Shen Xin Yan covered her mouth and smiled.

“Madam!” Chun Liu stomped her feet in shame, and she turned around and backed out.

“Look, she has such a big temper!” Shen Xin Yan laughed lightly but there was no hesitation in her expression.

Yan Shi looked at this scene. She can see it naturally. She also joked a few times, and then she said with deep meaning: “From now on, we can really be our own masters! This is still thanks to my second sister-in-law’s blessing.”

Shen Xin Yan knew what she was referring to. She just smiled but didn’t answer her.

Yang Shi didn’t care. She could see it. This second sister-in-law is used to fooling people. Even the eldest princess and Fang Shi couldn’t see it.

Look at this shot. She took a piece of meat from Fang’s mouth and brought it back.

“Why don’t you see Ying girl?” Yang Shi asked a few more casual words.

“I think she’s at her grandmother’s place now. Yesterday, she whispered about the delicious sweet-scented osmanthus cake at her grandmother’s place. If she doesn’t eat enough of it today, she’ll definitely refuse to come back, this greedy girl!” When she asked about her daughter, Shen Xin Yan couldn’t stop the smile on her face.

“How can a child not be greedy? Only the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in the mother’s courtyard is indeed better than the ones made elsewhere. Not to mention Ying girl, even I am greedy for it.” Yang Shi said with a smile.

The two talked about the girls’ interesting stories for a while, and then Yang Shi said casually, “I just came here, and I saw my eldest sister-in-law taking a girl to mother’s yard from a distance. I saw that the girl was somewhat similar to her. Could it be that the younger sister from her mother’s family has returned to the capital?”

Shen Xin Yan was stunned. She shook her head and said, “I have never heard of this. If it was that girl, it would be normal for her to visit her sister whom she hadn’t seen for many years.”

“I probably remember that girl. Is she almost seventeen? Could it be that she is going back to the capital to prepare for marriage?” Yang Shi paused, covered his mouth and smiled again, “That’s it. Although Marquis Pingliang was expelled from the capital by the sage back then, he was from the capital after all. His daughter will naturally have to go back to the capital to prepare for marriage.”

After speaking, Yang Shi thought of Fang family’s  downfall, she couldn’t help giggling. Her laughter couldn’t hide the schadenfreude.

Shen Xin Yan smiled and didn’t tell her that this girl Fang had never set a marriage and naturally, she had nothing to say about marriage. At this moment, she also remembered that Fang’s younger sister also entered the mansion in the previous life, and the period when the Fang family girl was in the mansion was also the time when Fang Shi was the closest to her.

Just because Fang Shi asked her to take her sister to various banquets in the capital so that she could have a good marriage in the future.

In this life, Fang Shi still has to rely on her.

Yang Shi sat down for a quarter of an hour and then said goodbye.

At this time, in the side hall, Xia He and two stewards were distributing monthly money for the servants.

“Miss Lian Xiang, this is yours, you ca n take it with your fingerpfingerprinta Wang set aside a portion of the monthly money and said to Lian Xiang in front of her.

Lian Xiang thanked her in a low voice, pressed her fingers, and then took the monthly money that belonged to her, but she did not leave like the others who took the money.

“Anything else?” Xia He, who was facing the booklet, raised her head to see her expression of hesitating to speak. Her brows were slightly wrinkled, and she opened her mouth to ask.

“Sister, where’s Shizi Ye1‘s?” Lian Xiang lightly bit her lips and asked in a low voice.

“Shizi Ye’s?” Xia He put down the pen in her hand, and said with a smile that’s not a smile, “I don’t understand this. What is the identity of the girl? I don’t know when Shizi Ye’s things will be taken care of by you? “

Lian Xiang’s face turned red with a swipe, but she didn’t dare to offend her, she said like a mosquito: “I said something wrong, don’t be annoyed sister.”

“Don’t dare to be. The girl is the celebrity beside the master. Maybe you will be able to be half the master in the future. I’m just a slave. I can’t afford it!” Xia He sneered.

Lian Xiang apologized in a low voice. Her face was red. When she was about to leave, the little girl who had been following behind her dissatisfiedly said, “Sister Xia He, what does this mean? Sister Lian Xiang is just asking one more question. Besides, Sister Lian Xiang has always received the monthly money from Shizi Ye, but now she…”

“Crack!” With a heavy slap on the desk, she blocked the angry little girl’s words back.

Xia He looked coldly at her, whose face was slightly pale, and said in a cold tone: “Listen to what you mean, your sister Lian Xiang has worked hard, even the wife of the prince is unmatched? Is it that Madam have to give up the position to your sister Lian Xiang?!”

“Sister forgive me. Dong’er didn’t mean that, please forgive her.” Lian Xiang’s face turned pale, and there was even a cold sweat on her forehead. She just didn’t kneel down to Xia He and begged for mercy on the spot.

“Yo, Miss Xia He is so majestic. If I didn’t know, I would have thought you were the master!” The woman’s slightly sharp voice came from not far behind Lian Xiang. Lian Xiang looked back. She was anxious and afraid. Seeing Xia He’s face filled with annoyance, she quickly stepped forward, grabbed the woman’s cuff and begged, “Mother, please stop talking! You are doing this. Do you want to harm me forever?”

Only she knew the reason why she could stay with Shizi. If she offended someone on Madam’s side, no need for Madam to do anything. Shizi Ye will be the first person who will never forgive her.

“You are so boneless that you are bullied to the head! What are you afraid of? She is from the wife’s side, but you are the eldest princess’s room for Shizi Ye. It’s her… What are you doing? I haven’t received my monthly money yet! Hey, don’t drag me! You damn girl…” Lian Xiang did not dare to let her say it again and tried her best to drag her away, making the woman scold her.

Everyone present was gloating, sympathetic, and disdainful, but no one dared to say anything.

The opponents all left, and Xia He, who wanted to fight back, suddenly became angry. Qiu Tang, who was walking in, was puzzled: “What’s wrong? What are you so angry about that your face is so red?”

It refers to Wei Jun Hang. He is the heir. I just use Chinese term. It’s better.

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