Reborn For Revenge: Mr. Smith Can You Handle it?

Chapter 26: Sherry With Two Guys?!

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Chris finally snapped back to reality after he had reached the lobby of the hospital from the parking lot.

Taking one last look at his hand which held the business card of Levian Smith, he gulped down the saliva that had been stuck on his throat all this time.

He put the card inside his wallet with great care as if it was a big treasure.

‘I will need to pay visit to sir Levian and his wife with fruits and flowers,’ he smiled uncannily as he planned to make a good impression of himself on Levian Smith, the only guy who was powerful enough to help him if he really did mess up things.

‘If things do not go well with Sherry, I can….hehehe,’

“Excuse me sir,” a voice called out to him, drawing away his attention from his beautiful dream to the dull reality.

His body shivered a little when a hand tapped on his shoulder out of nowhere. He quickly turned around and saw an old lady with a mop looking at him.

‘It’s the janitor lady,’ he frowned as soon as he saw that it was just a cleaning staff. His expression twisted and with an ugly frown, he glanced at her from top to bottom.

“What is it?” He asked rudely as he dusted off the place where she had touched.

“I do not have money, so, don’t beg to me,” he scowled at her in anger.

The janitor lady: “…..”

“Wha-” She was taken aback by what she was just told by a total stranger. Her speechlessness knew no bound.

“Sir, I am not here to-,”

“Go away now,” Chris interrupted her from speaking and gestured her to go away from him.

‘Da Faq?’ She was dumbfounded.

The janitor lady had the urge to hit the man with the mop she was catching but she knew she was better than that. Her work ethics and moral did not allow her to do something as uncivilized at that.

“Sir, please can you move aside from here? You are blocking the place and hindering me in doing my work efficiently.”

She pointed at his feet and shrugged her shoulder.

“You have been standing here for minutes without any sign of moving,” she explained when Chris did not respond to her.

“So?” Chris did not even show a sign of remorse or regret or guilt. He stood there nonchalantly, looking like an asshole as ever.

“So huh?” She repeated after him while widening her eyes to match her current state of surprise.

“You are not moving from here?” She asked a little dumbfounded at his stubbornness and attitude.

“Yes, I will never obey the likes of you,” he crossed his arms around his chest and looked at her with defying and unyielding eyes. He even had an ugly sneer on his face that made him seem like a complete bull shit person.

“Oh, really?”

The janitor lady smiled politely while her lips continued to stretch from one ear to the next.


Chris suddenly felt a wet sensation on his feet accompanied by a wet splashing sound.

He hurried to look at his feet just to see water seeping inside his shoes and wetting his socks from the mop that had hit him there.

“If you are not moving, I have no choice but to mop over you.” The janitor lady continued rubbing her mop on his feet while pushing it to make him lose the balance on his feet.

Smack, smack

She continued to hit him on his feet, each time increasing her strength.

Chris staggered on his feet due to the intense effort of the cleaning lady and after the third hit, he lost the balance of his body and fell flat on his butt with a loud thud.

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A few employees who were still loitering around in the hospital saw the scene of a grown up man falling flat on his butt and could not help but let out a light chuckle out of amusement.

Chris could feel the prickling gazes on him, which reminded him of the day he had where his fiancée managed to belittle and shame him in front of so many distinguished guests.

“Fuck it all,” he slammed down his fist on the marble ground and cursed under his breath.

“Fuck you stupid woman..” He looked at the janitor and cursed at her but she simply took it with a grain of salt. Offence coming form hi mouth was not even an offence anymore to her.

She simply picked up her mop and grabbed her bucket of water.

“Don’t mind me moping over you,” the janitor lady smiled politely.

“You do look like a piece of shit after all,” she rolled her eyes at him and turned around to continue her work. She already had wasted so much time trying to talk sense with the idiot.

The back of his neck started feeling hot when he realized that people were staring at him and even laughing.

He was still in a white dress from the wedding so the patch of stain on his pants was more so visible and looked uglier than before.

“Right, I need to meet with Sherry.” He remembered the main reason as to why he was back at this cursed hospital.

As for Bella, he was going to meet her only after all this was over. He more or less blamed her for the problems as she could not do her work properly and let Sherry survive even after that thorough planning.

‘As long as you are alive, you can still be with me.’ he nodded inside his head and walked towards the receptionist to ask for Dr. Sherry.


“Excuse me, is Doctor Sherry here?” he reached to the nearest receptions to ask for help.

“Dr. Sherry again?” The lady who was about to walk out stopped on her tracks and gave a sharp turn to look at Chris.

“Why are everyone looking for Dr. Sherry today?” She looked at Chris curiously as she thought about the guy from before aka Levian who managed to get Dr. Sherry to look at his condition.

‘She is the real hit news.’ Her lips curled up in to an amused smile when she noticed that all the guys who came hunting her down were hot hunks and chunks.

‘But if I don’t leave now, I will be sleeping in the streets tonight.’ A cold shiver ran down her spine and she hurried to leave.

After bidding every one of her colleagues, she dashed right out of the lobby.

“Bye,” the staff waved at her and continued searching through the records.

“Sorry, she is busy with a client already,” the one who was working new shifts informed Chris.

“You can not meet her now since it’s already past her working hours.” She added with the same amount of politeness.

“But, I need to meet her.” He tapped on the desk with his fingers and looked around anxiously. No one except him knew how important Sherry and her death were.

“We are extremely sorry about this.” She could do nothing more than be her polite usual self.

His eyes travelled from the staff to the wall and to the elevator one by one. Just when he was about to look away, the door of the elevator opened and out walked three figures.

He squinted his eyes to look at them but he could only make out the girl’s face as one of the men seemed to be hiding the face and identity of the other guy.

“That girl..” He narrowed his eyes as he focused his eyes at her. That outline of body, that facial bone structure and that sharp and well chiseled nose..

It could belong to only one person he knew.

“It’s Sherry!” He gasped in surprise when he realized his fiancée was walking out of a closed elevator with two guys by her side.

GT goals: 10 GTs by this month= 3 chs mass release!

TY for reading

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