Reborn in the Cultivation World.

Chapter 3: Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2: The Birth of Lin Mu.

Today, in the land of the Zhanshi continent a great celebration is currently taking place, located in the east of this continent is the Kingdom of Lin that is known for its brave warrior cultivators.

Their people are celebrating the birth of their first prince after ten years of marriage, the king and queen of Lin kingdom finally welcomes their first child into this world.

They name this child as Lin Mu the first heir to the throne of Lin.

This child is the reincarnation of Lin Feng, a person from another world whose soul was trapped in a void for a long time. He was the poor man that died in earth and got his soul stuck in a void like place for an unknown amount of time.

Almost losing his sanity while waiting for something to change.

He spent long time in that place, singing and talking in his mind as it is the only way to keep his sanity at bay, in a place surrounded by nothing but darkness.

And now, with his rebirth to this strange world, Lin Mu was met with a great fanfare, as the entire kingdom of Lin celebrated his birth for 7 whole days.

This event would be recorded in their history, and it would be known as the 7 days of blessings. As the king ordered the palace to open up its food storage to feed everyone in the Lin kingdom for an entire week.

The 7 days of blessings happened thanks to Lin Mu’s parents, Lin Zheng the current king of Lin kingdom and his wife Xue Mao from the Xue clan. A small cultivation family in the Immortal continent. Both of them are already on the Foundation realm, an incredible feat to achieve on this mortal land clouded in filthy qi.

Their first son Lin mu is born on the year of the Dragon and people consider it as a good omen for the kingdom. As Dragon are symbol of good fortune and power.

And they are right.

Since Lin Mu's birth, the Kingdom of Lin has experienced its most glorious days. Because unknown to everyone Lin Mu have brought something with him from the void. A thing called as system.

The system has the power to invade other worlds and even dimensions, no matter how powerful the defense in that place is, the system can find a way to penetrate it, and invade it from the outside gaining access to all of its resources.

The system uses the soul of Lin Feng, a human being from earth to gain access to this cultivation world, because they can only enter a new dimension if they have a carrier with them also known as transmigrators.

That’s how system operates in invading different world and dimensions by abducting the souls of other beings. But the soul of that creature must be strong, since the soul needs to withstand the long voyage in space and the harshness of dimension travel.

A weak mortal soul would easily die upon coming in contact with the system as it can easily destroy their will. Erasing their very existence from the world.

Making it almost impossible for the system to find the perfect soul to be its host, as the number of souls that can withstand the test of time is almost little to none.

That’s why when system find Lin Feng’s soul stranded in the void, it immediately attaches itself to him. Giving Lin Feng the chance to escape from the void and be reborn to this cultivation world as Lin Mu.

Now, the system and Lin Mu are bonded until Lin Mu chose to let go of the system. And if Lin Mu died the system will die too. But if the he survive the system will thrive.

Lin Mu can still remember the day when he first met the system.

It happens on his first birthday when he suddenly heard an unknown piercing sound coming inside his head.

Beep Beep.

“Ha, what was that?” He wondered inside his head.

“System Loading…..” The voice replied.

“Wait, what a system?” Lin Mu asked in confusion.

But the voice ignored his question and continued, 50%.........60%..........90%........100% complete.

The system then announced, "The system detected that the host have just celebrated your first birthday. Congratulations for surviving your first birthday into this world. Here's a gift package for you, would you like to receive it?”

For some unknown reasons Lin Mu noticed that there was something amiss in the systems greetings, as if living in this world is gonna be a major struggle.

But Lin Mu paid it no mind, as he excited at the prospect of receiving a gift. He eagerly replied the voice, "Yes, open it."

The system complied and Lin Mu was presented with a welcome package containing a variety of cheats and abilities.

Ding! You’ve gained a mysterious stone of luck, Keep this stone besides you at all times to avoid any bad luck from happening can be used by 3 time before getting destroyed.

Ding! You’ve gained a mysterious gift from the being of the void, causing you to have a strange affinity with spiritual qi every time you sing.

Ding! You’ve gained 5 spiritual stones.

The system announce 3 times before stopping, and with that 3 spherical lights appeared as it flew toward Lin mu. The first light hits his hands and a bracelet with a small stone as a pendant materializes on it, and the second light hit his bed and 5 spirit stone appears and for the last light it hit his neck where his vocal cord is.

Lin Mu immediately felt a small itch that started to spread on his neck before it was replaced by a cool and numbing sensation. And since then Lin Mu’s voice have gained the power to influence the spiritual qi around him with his voice.

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This is how Lin Mu first met the system, and since then, Lin Mu’s life has changed. Every birthday the system would always show up asking him to open a gift package with a random object or skill inside.

With 15 birthday Lin Mu accumulated enough wealth to rival a small cultivation clan with pills and treasure hidden in the storage ring he receive on his second birthday.

Fast forward to 16 years after his birth.

Now Lin Mu is already 16 years old and he has already collected enough experience points to upgrade the function of the system from a simple system to a more advanced one. The system has helped him in many ways, from increasing his cultivation speed to providing him with valuable information about different techniques and cultivation methods.

Lin Mu has already reached the peak of the Qi practitioner and is ready to break through to the next realm. His parents are proud of him and have high hopes for his future as the future leader of the Lin Kingdom.

However, things are not as simple as they seem. There are those who are envious of Lin Mu's talent and success and will stop at nothing to bring him down. There are also those who seek to use Lin Mu's abilities for their own gain, not caring about the consequences.

Lin Mu must be careful and use his wits to navigate through the complex world of cultivation and politics. He knows that the road ahead will not be easy, but he is determined to become the strongest cultivator and protect those he holds dear.

As he begins his journey, Lin Mu cannot shake off the feeling that there is something more waiting for him in this world. Perhaps it is his destiny to uncover the secrets of the system and its true purpose.

Only time will tell what the future holds for Lin Mu, the first prince of the Lin Kingdom and the host of the mysterious system.

Lin Mu had just reached the peak of his realm after doing a mission, and the system rewarded him with a large number of experience points as well as some valuable items. He was grateful for the support of the system, but he knew that his success was not just due to the system's help.

Lin Mu had worked hard and dedicated himself to his cultivation, and he knew that he still had a long way to go to reach the peak of the cultivation world.

Despite his accomplishments, Lin Mu's parents were still eager for him to take the throne and become the next king of the Lin Kingdom. However, Lin Mu had other plans for himself. He knew that he was not ready to rule just yet, and wanted to focus on his cultivation and become a strong cultivator first.

He declined the offer of the throne, much to the disappointment of his parents. But they understood his decision and promised to support him in his journey.

Lin Mu knew that he had a duty to protect the kingdom and its people, but he also knew that he needed to be strong enough to do so.

The system rewarded Lin Mu with a variety of items, including cultivation techniques, pills, and artifacts. Items that would greatly enhance Lin Mu's cultivation and give him an edge in battles.

One of the cultivation techniques was a powerful sword art that allowed Lin Mu to wield his sword with deadly precision and speed. The technique also imbued his sword with powerful qi, allowing him to cut through even the toughest mortal defenses.

Lin Mu was also given a set of pills that would help him recover from injuries and increase his cultivation speed. These pills were highly sought after in the cultivation world and were quite difficult to obtain.

In addition to these items, the system also gave Lin Mu a powerful artifact. This artifact was a special earing that could store and release a tremendous amount of energy. Lin Mu could use this energy to unleash devastating attacks or to defend himself against his enemies.

The system had many more functions and abilities, and Lin Mu was constantly discovering new ways to use it to his advantage. He knew that the system would be a valuable ally on his journey to become the strongest cultivator in the world.

And yet, the system constantly gives him the mission to sing raising his singing skill levels to 2 after repeatedly doing it for 16 years. With his singing, Lin Mu can influence the spiritual qi around him to gather or disperse depending on his intention and will.

He mostly uses his singing skill every time he cultivates as singing allows him to relax and focus his mind. But believe it or not, his singing only happens in his mind as the system allows him to directly influence the qi around him to serve as his own voice playing at a very low frequency that no human can hear.

And now, just after singing the song “let her go” on his mind the surrounding qi around Lin mu rippled as the filth mixed around with it was instantly purified. Just by singing this song in his mind the strange filth on the surrounding qi fades.

Allowing Lin Mu to freely absorb them without worries of filth accumulating on his body that can affect his advancement to the next rank.

With one fell swoop, Lin Mu gathers all the clean qi inside this room absorbing all of them on his dantian allowing him to finally break through to the next level.

“Finally, after being stuck in this realm for an entire year I finally breakthrough the next rank.”

Ding! The system detected the host advancement in cultivation from 7th Qi gathering to 8th Qi gathering. You are rewarded by 200 experience points.

“Just that? Your rewards are getting poorer and poorer lately what's wrong with you?”

But the system didn’t answer him as he was left hanging. wondering if there was a problem with the system or if something else was going on.

“Haist, never minds, you would not answer me anyway.”

As he turns his gaze towards the experience bar of his other skills thinking about where to spend his rewards.

“Maybe I should go with this skill name background music synthesizer. I’d been pondering what’s the use of this skill.” Lin Mu muttered as he bought the skill and turn it on.





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