Reborn in Twilight as a Werebear

Chapter 1: Ch.1

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(Unknown Pov)

When I woke up I was in a hospital bed with monitors attached to me and two people sitting in the room fast asleep. Looking at the clock on the wall it appears to be three in the morning. I had a major headache as two sets of memories invade my mind, one of the body I was currently in which was known as Matthew Strömberg, and the other set of memories from a man called John Williams. The last memory of John Williams being hit in a head-on accident on his way home from work, he had a lonely life and a somewhat average one in America working a nine-to-five office job as an accountant. He was very young when he was apparently killed though, only twenty-five, but he never knew his father as he abandoned him shortly after he was born. His mother was a loving mother who did all she could to raise him, working herself to death for a better life for him and dying of cancer shortly after he graduated college. Leaving him all alone in the world and his new job as an accountant left him with little time for social life and his free time wanting to decompress from his work, making him give all his free time to books, movies, and video games.

The current body memories of Matthew, he was a popular teenager, extremely athletic, and was decent at his studies just slightly above average. The two people in the room were his few remaining family members, the older woman being his Aunt Renée and the other his cousin Bella. In this life, his father and mother both died also in a car accident like in his other memories, on their way back from the airport to pick him up from his Uncle and Aunt's house. His father was from Sweden which explains his last name, his mother was the older sister of his Aunt Renée. At the time of his parent's death, he was only three, his Aunt was married to his Uncle Charlie the now chief of police in the town of Forks, Washington. After his parent's death, his Aunt and Uncle legally adopted him, but kept his last name with respect to his parents, after a few years of living with them they got divorced. He left with his cousin and Aunt to live in Phoenix, Arizona after the divorce since they were his blood relatives. They have other memories from his other life of always wanting a father figure and the memories of this life of his Uncle Charlie treating him as his own son made him feel extremely guilty. Plus from the current memories, his Aunt does not seem the most reliable or responsible person to raise a child let alone two. The other memories from the other life dawned on me, upon realizing that these two women look exactly like the actresses from the movies of the Twilight saga. Then realziing that I am in the twilight universe and other memories of characters come into my head from my current life, like Jacob who we used to play with as kids in Forks. After all these thoughts and memories were done invading his consciousness the two women in the room woke up and seeing him awake rushed to his side.

"Matt you are awake! How are you feeling?! Did you need me to get the nurse or doctor?!" Aunt Renée asked me with worry lacing her voice.

"I am fine other than a huge migraine," I say with a small smile on my face and trying not to panic from realizing that I am in the Twilight universe.

"Hold on, let me get the nurse," Aunt Renée says walking out of the room to get a nurse.

"You scared the life out of us Matt. You just passed out in the middle of eating dinner and wouldn't wake up, so we called an ambulance," Bella says to me with worry still on her face and in her voice. Growing up together we were inseparable when we were kids, she was like a younger sister to me, especially since she is a few months younger than me. Even though she was not as popular as me in school and some of the other girls would pick on her, I would always come to her defense.

"Sorry, I have no idea what happened," I say to her while wincing at the headache I still have. Then Aunt Renée and a nurse come into the room.

"Hello Matthew, glad you are awake. Your Aunt Renée here told me that you have a headache. Are you experiencing any other pain or issues?" the nurse asks me while checking all the machines and monitors attached to me.

"No just one of the worst headaches I have ever experienced," I say while still wincing from it.

"I will get you some medicine, but first I am going to tell the Doctor you are awake," the nurse says to me while leaving the room. After a few minutes of waiting the doctor comes into the room with the nurse too, the nurse hands me a small cup with water and one with two pills.

"You do not have a fever, no sweating, no increased blood pressure, I am not sure what caused your issue. We got the results from your blood test and you seem to be in very good shape and healthy as a horse. We could try some other tests, but do you remember anything that may have caused this before you passed out?" the doctor says to me while checking the clipboard at the end of my bed. Wanting to just leave and go home already, I decided to give a reasonable excuse."

"Well I do not think I ate or drank anything today until dinner time, I was just not hungry and got distracted," I say sheepishly, this makes both Aunt Renée and Bella look at me in shock and then annoyance.

"Huh, well that would do it. You should always try to eat twice a day at least and drink a minimum of two water bottles a day. Especially since you are a growing teenager and doing sports I would suggest drinking about three or four water bottles a day with at least three meals a day," the doctor says to me while sighing in relief that it was nothing too serious that may have caused this.

"Well he can stay the night if you want him to or he is fine to go home too if you want," the doctor says turning to Aunt Renée.

"Yes it is very late and I am sure he wants to sleep in his own bed," Aunt Renée says to the doctor to which I quickly nod my head in agreement.

After being discharged from the hospital and getting into Aunt Renée's car they both began lecturing me on how I needed to take better care of myself. I just nodded along with them and wanted to get home and sleep since my headache is gone now, but I feel extremely exhausted. Waking up the next day I first look in my mirror to see what I look like, and it would seem to be that I am the spitting image of Chris Hemsworth when he played Thor, feeling much more refreshed I start to think now that I am in twilight how to proceed. If I was not related to Bella I would have tried to not get involved in the craziness but now it would seem I have no choice. Hopefully, I can get turned too, and sooner than Bella, if not then I would have no way to protect Bella or anyone else I care about. Either way, a week after waking up at the hospital goes by, and our flight to Forks to live with Uncle Charlie comes. We say our goodbyes to Aunt Renée and her new husband Phil Dwyer.

(He is not as buff as Chris Hemsworth but the same height so 6'3" or 190cm when we played Thor, but a skinnier version, but after turning it will make him just as buff and taller.)


(Alice Cullen Pov)

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As we were all sitting in the house, and they were each spending time with their mates, I could not help but feel jealous of my family since they each have their own mates. Only Edward and I have no one for now. Then I have a vision, the first begins a figure of a young woman holding hands with Edward, and then them finding love in one another. This young woman also seems to become one of my closest friends. After my vision ends everyone tenses up since they saw me have one and Edward's face scrunches up after reading my mind and seeing my vision. Before I can tell anyone else that I saw Edward's mate I have another vision, this one is a very large male figure holding my hands as we kiss, then the vision twists, and I see a huge bear-like figure standing in front of me as it protects me from a pack of wolves and a flock of bats. I was still excited since I had the vision of Edward and my mates and they will be here soon. The second half of my vision left me confused, but I did not care for now, as I have my mate coming soon. With everyone looking at me wondering what vision I had, I can see Edward still seems upset at the vision involving his mate but just as confused at my second-half vision of my mate.

"I just had the vision of Edward's mate and my mate! They will be coming to Forks soon! I am not sure how soon though," I say to them while jumping up and down in joy and excitement.

"I am happy that you both are going to finally meet your mates," Carlisle says to me after smiling at my excitement.

"Yes! All my kids will finally have someone to live life with," Esme says while smiling at that thought.

"I do not think this is a good idea, if they are humans I do not intend to turn her into us to suffer forever," Edward says bringing down the mood immediately.

"Fine if you want to brood forever alone then that's up to you! But I will do everything I can to keep my mate!" I say to him while giving him an annoyed look.


(Matt Pov)

After the plane landed we head out of the airport and see Uncle Charlie waiting by his police cruiser for us. Seeing us he starts to wave at us and smile. This causes Bella to sigh in embarrassment and duck her head while speed-walking toward him to stop him from continuing to embarrass her. Chuckling at her I just wave back to Uncle Charlie and smile at him too. Taking my time there and waving and smiling at him the whole way making Bella turn and look at me in annoyance and anger.

"Hey, Matt! Wow did you grow to become big, how have you been?" Uncle Charlie asks me while trying to shake my hand, but I give him a hug instead catching him off guard, but he quickly hugs me back in a fatherly hug.

"I have been alright what about you? How's life as the chief police?" I ask him while Bella already got into the cruiser and was sitting in the back with her hood up trying to hide from the public.

"Not too different than when I wasn't Chief, except a lot more responsibility. Though are you sure you are ok? Your Aunt called me and told me you were in the hospital after passing out a week ago," he says to me while looking at me in concern as I load the luggage into the trunk.

"Yeah, I messed up, totally my fault. I'm fine now though," I say to him after closing the trunk and hear the window roll down by where Bella is sitting.

"Guys can we leave already?!" Bella says annoyed that it is taking forever according to teenage standards.

"Yeah sure sorry Bells," Charlie says and quickly enters the cruiser so we can leave the airport.

During the ride back to his house Uncle Charlie tried his best to converse with Bella, but both are socially awkward and Bella being a teenager just makes it harder to talk to her. After a short awkward silence, I step in and begin to talk to him and catch up on all that has been happening since we last saw him which was about ten years ago now.


AN: I know surprise I got a bout of inspiration and wanted to write fanfiction for Twilight. I will not drop my other fanfiction or this one. Like my other fanfiction, I promise to upload once a week minimum for both, most likely twice a week. Either way, hope you all enjoy it. 

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