Reborn in Twilight as a Werebear

Chapter 17: Ch.17

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(Matt Pov)

After another week of trying to figure anything out about what I am and not coming up with anything. Going to school that week, until Friday, the classes passed by like usual. Heading to the cafeteria with the Cullens and now Bella since Edward invited her to join us.

"There's going to be a thunderstorm tomorrow, want to play some ball?" Emmett says to everyone after getting a text.

'Oh yeah, the baseball game! Are the human blood-drinking vampires going to be there? If they are, should I let them go? If I do then I can deal with the Volturi after the woman runs off, plus would give a reason for the wolves to ally with the Cullens. Since Sam told me the elders voted to keep the truce the same,' I think to myself after hearing Emmett mention the baseball game.

"Really! Then we should definitely play!" Alice says excited at the idea, interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Yeah would be fun, been a while since we played last," Surprisingly Jasper says since he doesn't talk much when we are surrounded by moody teens. Everyone else nods in agreement and seems excited at the idea too.

"What are you guys talking about?" Bella asks them confused about what they mean.

"On days it thunderstorms, we can play some baseball. It'll be easier to show you tomorrow, that's if you want to come?" Edward says to her.

"Sure, seems fun," Bella says with a smile at him.

"Matt! You are coming too, though your gonna be on my team," Alice says hugging my arm.

"Fine should help you win this time for once," Rosalie says rolling her eyes at Alice.

As the next day starts, Edward and Alice come to our house to pick us up. Alice and I sit in the back, while Edward drives with Bella in the passenger seat.

"Put this on," Alice says giving me a white with blue stripes baseball jersey.

"Where's mine?"Bella asks seeing Alice make me put on the jersey.

"Matt can play since he's not human, you would not be able to be of much help," Edward says to Bella, as she shrugs.

"Jealous Bella?" I say to her after putting the jersey on.

"Jealous that you are going to be playing with a bunch of vampires and can't use your 'teddy bear' form to win, no, no I'm not," Bella says to me smirking when saying Teddy Bear.

"Fuck off Bella, you'll see," I say to her grumbling in annoyance for calling me a teddy bear.

As we arrived in a somewhat open field, that had the four plates and a small mound of dirt, where the pitcher would be presumably. We see the other Cullens have arrived already and were warming up, if they actually needed to do that, I'm not sure. Seeing us, they wave and Esme walks over to us.

"How are you guys?" Esme says after we hop out of the car.

"Ready to win," I say getting some stares that are ready to prove me wrong and Emmett seems to be smirking at me.

"I guess ready to cheer you guys on," Bella says unsure what her role is gonna be.

"Glad to hear you're ready Matt. Bella you are going to be our umpire, just call them as you see them," Esme says smiling at us while also putting her arm around Bella's shoulder and leading her to where the home plate was.

It would seem the teams are Rosalie, Carlisle, Jasper, and Edythe on one team. The other has Alice, Edward, Emmett, and me, with Esme as the catcher for both teams. The first team to bat was Jasper's and Alice was our pitcher, while we were in the outer field.

The batting order for their team is Rosalie, Carlisle, Jasper, and then Edythe. Rosalie steps up to the Homebase and Alice waits until the storm starts, after the first strike of lighting.

"Alright, let's start!" Alice says after the first lightning strike.

Rosalie taps the Homebase with her bat and gets ready for the throw. Alice throws the ball faster than any human could, though for me looked like a slow ball. Rosalie was able to hit the ball sending it off into the distance. Edward runs off after it, as Rosalie runs the bases, just as Rosalie was running to Homebase Edward threw the ball to Esme. Esme catching the ball tags Rosalie as she slides into the base. After the dust settled both Esme and Rosalie looked at Bella for whether she was out or got the home run.

"Uh…..she's out," Bella says unsure of what just happened. Rosalie being competitive gives a glare to Bella.

"Relax, we can still win this," Carlisle says to Rosalie as she walks away still angry at Bella.

Stepping up to the Homebase Carlisle gets ready for a pitch from Alice. Throwing the ball, Carlisle was able to also hit it. Sending the Ball between Emmett and Edward who both go for it, colliding in the air neither catching the ball. Sprinting up to the ball faster than even Edward surprising them all, I grab the ball and throw it to Esme. Catching the ball, Esme was able to tag Carlisle before he could slide to the base. My speed seemed to catch them all off guard.

"You two are lucky I was able to grab the ball, call out for it next time so you don't collide again," I say to them laughing at their idiocy.

"Damn Matt, you moved faster than Edward and he's the fastest of us all. I didn't think you were that fast, figured you were just slightly superhuman," Emmett says standing up and ignoring what I said just now. The others nod in agreement with what he said.

"You never asked," I say to him shrugging.

"True," Emmett laughs and we walk back to our positions.

Seeing that I'm faster than Edward, Jasper looks like he's gonna try to hit the ball away from where I'm positioned. Once he's ready, Alice throws the ball. Jasper hitting it like the others, though in the center field where Emmett is positioned. Emmett calls the ball saying he's got it. Before he can go after it we all stop as Alice freezes up, seemingly having a vision. Running over to her, I hold her shoulders waiting for her to come out of the vision.

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"Bella needs to leave!" Alice yells to everyone as they all rush over to us, except Edward rushes to Bella defensively looking around.

"What happened?" I ask Alice, she looks at me in concern.

"I saw a vision, the vampires that have been hunting in the nearby towns are heading to Forks. They will be heading through this area!" Alice says making Edward even more concerned for Bella's safety.

"Take her home now!" Carlisle says to Edward and he nods telling Bella they need to leave.

"What's happening?" Bella asks him scared at everyone's reaction.

"Some vampires, who feed on humans are coming through this area. Alice can have visions of the future, we are not sure how they work, but they are almost always accurate," Edward says ushering her to his car. Bella scared now, nods and they start to make their way to his car.

"It's too late, I can smell them. They are close," I say to them, and we each rush over to Bella putting her behind us.

'Depending on their reaction, I will let them leave. I need at least the woman to escape, that way the Cullens can form an alliance with the wolves,' I think to myself confirming my decision.

(I know some people are gonna complain, but Victoria needs to escape for the plot to happen, so deal with it.)

As I'm thinking this the three vampires come out of the forest and see us. The blonde male vampire who looks like the leader, named James, is holding the baseball Jasper hit earlier. The two others are an African American man named Laurent and a red-headed woman named Victoria. James and Victoria are mates, if my old memories are correct, while Laurent is the third wheel in their group. Walking over to us, James sees Alice has a bloodthirsty look on his face, and Alice seeing it gets nervous hiding behind me.

'Alice, what's wrong?' I ask her since the connection to our minds is now there always and we can reach out to one another that way if we want.

'I don't remember much of my past life since turning, but this man hunted me until I met Carlisle and the others,' Alice says while hugging me from behind.

'Well now he has to die,' I think as my anger rises, though I'm trying to suppress it and control it.

"We were just passing through and heard you all playing baseball. Want some extra players?" Laurent says to us, as James tosses the ball back to Carlisle.

"We were just finishing up and going home. Though we would appreciate it if your group left, since this is where we live for now," Carlisle says to them catching the ball from James.

Then the wind blows from behind us, they smell Bella and me, James smiles his bloodthirsty smile toward Bella, while the others look at me in confusion.

"I see you brought a snack," James says stepping towards Bella making everyone get into a defensive stance. Laurent seeing they are outnumbered and we are ready to fight, puts his hand up stopping James, who gives me an angered look.

"I can see that we have outstayed our welcome, we'll be going now," Laurent says as they go back to the forest and leave.

"Let's go Bell, I'm taking you home," Edward says while ushering Bella to his car, she leaves scared of what just happened.

"I read the blonde man's mind, he won't stop hunting Bella. He finds joy in a long hunt and...he seemed to be the one that was hunting Alice those years ago. Seeing her now, he's gonna hunt her after Bella," Edythe says after Edward and Bella leave.

"Well, I guess he's gonna die then," I say and charge after them, not letting the others respond.

"Wait!" Carlisle says as I rushed off.

"Well can't leave my brother alone," Emmett says rushing after me, Alice and Rosalie following right after.

Speeding up to the trio I can hear them talking as I make my way toward them.

"Laurent if you ever stop me like that again, I'll kill you," James says to him growling in anger, while Victoria smirks at Laurent's fearful look.

"SHIT! RUN FASTER!" Victoria tries to warn them, as I appear next to James.

'It seems she has her spiderman like danger sense, at least that hasn't changed,' I think to myself appearing next to James.

My rage flaring and taking over again, I grab his head with one hand and my other hand holding his shoulder, as I rip his head off. Throwing the head at Laurent, to stun him. Then I left the rest of James' body over me and tear it in half. Victoria has anger lacing her face at the death of her mate, but it would see her self perseveration takes over as she quickly flees. Stunned by what just happened and having a head thrown at him knocking him down, Laurent looks up in fear at me as I approach him.

Walking over to him and forcing myself to let Victoria escape. Emmett, Rosalie, and Alice arrive as I have Laurent in my grasp by his neck.

"Please, let me go! I won't ever come back! I wasn't going to hunt the human, as James wanted to!" Laurent says desperately trying to convince me to not kill him.

"MATT! Don't let your emotions take you over!" Alice says seeing James destroyed body and severed head. Rosalie now looking at me shocked at my brutality, since I don't seem the type. Emmett winced at me, remembering the time I was brutal with the humans wanting to hurt Bella and Alice.

Trying to control my emotions, but the bestial rage inside of me took over for a brief second. Seeing my hesitation Laurent relaxes a bit, and the others are looking at me nervously. However, since the rage took me over, I growl as I grip his throat hard enough to pop his head off his body. His head dropped to the ground with a look of shock and his body fell limp dropping to the ground. Dropping the crystal-like dust from my hands, I turn towards them as my rage subsides.

"Shit, sorry. Alice, I don't know how to get better control of my anger," I say to her as she gives me a look of disappointment, but then quickly comes to my side and hugs me to comfort me.

"Unfortunately there is no such thing as a supernatural psychiatrist," Emmett says trying to lighten up the mood and getting a glare from Rosalie at the poorly timed joke.

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