Reborn in Twilight as a Werebear

Chapter 25: Ch.25

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(Matt Pov)

After waiting for a few minutes on the couch with Alice leaned into me very comfortably, my arms wrapped around her waist. Coming back into the room we hear the mother of Lucas and Astrid, followed by a man with brown hair, about 5'10" (178cm) tall and he has muscle but with a thick layer of fat too. Coming into the room he seems just tired like he didn't get any sleep. Seeing Alice I see a flash of hatred show on his face, before being quickly suppressed.

"Lucas, Astrid aren't you going to introduce us? I thought you were tasked with showing them around. That means introducing them to people too," their mother says to them after sitting down across from us and lecturing them.

"Right, Matt, Alice this is obviously our mom and this is our dad," Astrid says to us introducing us to them.

"Astrid, they can see that. You are supposed to tell them our names. Anyway, I'm Vera and this is my husband Hugo," Vera says to Astrid annoyed that her kids don't seem to know basic etiquette still, and rubbing her forehead. Both Astrid and Lucas shrug at her response seemingly not caring.

"Nice to meet you both, I'm Matt and this is my mate Alice," I say to them and Alice smiles at them nodding in greeting.

"So the rumors are true, a vampire is roaming our clan grounds," Hugo says looking more awake now and giving Alice a judging look, though the hatred from earlier is not showing.

"Relax Hugo, if the clan head said it's ok then it's fine. Plus she is his mate, you know the laws on mates," Vera says to her husband scolding him.

"I know, but we haven't seen a vampire since.... never mind," Hugo starts to say to her but a glaring look from Vera shuts him up.

"Well it was nice meeting you both, we have a lot to do with the feast coming tonight. Astrid, Lucas go take them and introduce them to the rest of the clan," Vera says grabbing her husband and quickly leaving the room before we could respond.

"What was your father going to say before your mother cut him off? Also what feast?" I say to Astrid and Lucas as we leave their house. The two share a look hearing what I said.

"No idea what that was about, but the feast tonight is to welcome you to the clan," Astrid says to me while Lucas gives me a wink and shushing sign on his lips. Seeing Lucas do that probably since I was going to respond angrily that they obviously know something but didn't tell me. After walking away from their house deeper into the woods, they both stop and listen around us and smell the air.

"No one is around, now what's with all this secrecy?" I ask them after checking to see if anyone is around.

"Well.....I assume your Farfar or Farmor never told you the real story about your father?" Astrid says to me after we all lean against trees talking.

"No, I never asked. I thought he and my mother died in a car accident while heading back to the airport," I say to them never thinking that foul play was involved though it does make sense.

"You should ask them then, though let's just say that you will be angry learning the truth," Lucas says sighing while thinking about it.

"I mean, can you give some information?" I say to them and they both seem to hesitate before looking at one another.

"Well long story short, your Farfar and our Farfar are brothers. Our Farfar was the clan head before your Farfar took over. He was the reason your father and mother died and afterward was exiled out of the clan," Lucas says with everyone giving me a sad look and seeing my anger flaring before I push it down and nod to them. Alice hearing this and seeing my anger looks at me in concern also.

"I'm sorry Matt," Alice says to me giving me a hug, which I return.

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"Do you want to talk with your Farföräldrar? Or should we continue to show you around?" Astrid says to me worried for me.

(As far as I'm aware Farföräldrar is Swedish for grandparents)

"No, I will speak with them later. Let's finish meeting everyone," I say to them motioning for them to continue. They both nod and start to lead me to the rest of the clan.

They begin to explain to me that there are five lines in the clan and each line has a family head, which sits on the console of elders. Not everyone in each line turns into a bear like us, usually only the ones part of the main family in each household. Those that don't turn can still live in the town that we passed through to get to my family's house. That town is 'owned' by our clan and everyone who is part of it usually lives there if they are not shifters. Each family line gets one large house that is near the town deep in the woods, in the center of the woods between each house is a large field with a huge Oak tree in the center. That is the tree the founder planted and is our spiritual connection to the gods. This place is protected by runed carved stones and our families, where most family gatherings take place, and where the feast is being held to welcome me.

The lines in the clan consist of, my family's line also known as the founding line which is mainly Brown bears, and the only line to have polar bears appear on rare occasions. The next is Lucas and Astrid's family's line which is Black bears, Vera's father, Gustav, is the family elder. The next family we met where the line of Giant Pandas and Hugo's mother, Inga, is part of this family and the elder of it, making him a panda. The next family line they introduced me to was the Sloth bears whose elder was Aron. The final clan line was Sun bears whose elder was Alma. After meeting all the main family lines they brought me into the town of Kiruna where all the 'normal' clan members lived. Most of the family lines held an aversion to Alice, but never outwardly spoke about it. Most of the 'normal' clan members in the town couldn't care less and treated her just as they treated me. After all meeting dozens of people and exploring the town, it was late afternoon around five. The feast was being held later around seven at night to eleven at night.

"Well it was fun seeing the town and meeting pretty much everyone, but we should head back to get ready for the feast. I also want to talk with my Farföräldrar about my parents," I say to Lucas and Astrid as Alice and I start to head back to our family's house.

"Yeah Matt, Alice it was fun. I try to be a little understanding, though I understand if you're very upset," Astrid says to us as we walk away and Lucas nods in agreement.

Walking back to my house, I can smell my Farföräldrar inside sitting in the living room area. Walking in Farmor smiles at me and Alice, while Ivar nods to us acknowledging our presence. Walking over to them without wasting any more time, wanting to know the truth.

"I heard that my parents were killed by your brother, I want to learn the whole story," I say to Ivar with a look saying I won't accept any other answer. Farmor hearing has a very saddened look on her face and Ivar sighs putting down his cup.

"Sit, it's a long story," Ivar says looking at me with a regret-filled face and motioning for us to sit down. Nodding Alice and I sit down on the couch across from them.

"My father was the last polar bear to appear in our clan for several generations and was conflicted on who to pass the mantel to on his death bed seeing my brother's zealous hatred for vampires. My older brother was the first choice since he was first born and my brother was stronger in all abilities. He was a silver-tip brown bear, meaning at a distance he looked like a polar bear, so for us, that meant he was stronger. My father chose him as the next clan head and taught us to hate vampires with our every being. He was a great clan head until after you were born to your father and mother. I told you that you and Alice were the first couple in clan history to be mates, as a bear and vampire. That was not true," Ivar says while picking his cup up and taking a sip.

"Your parents were the first in clan history to be that couple and when we heard you were born between the two, well we were beyond surprised. Though that may explain why you have two wells of power. Your father met your mother exploring America, she was a normal human in the beginning. However, was turned into a vampire when your father wasn't around, he was lucky enough to save your mother in time and kill the vampire, but too late as she was in the process of turning. Hearing that your father was now married to a vampire, my brother was enraged and told him to leave her or be exiled from the clan. I was a coward and fool, was on the side of my brother in this exchange," Ivar says sighing with even more regret showing on his face.

"Your father obviously didn't listen, choosing your mother over the clan. Taking as much as he could before cutting all ties with us. I was able to stop my brother from sending some of your members to hunt down your father and mother. Though was a fool to see that he truly didn't listen to me. Years went by before your father called me concerned one day, telling me your mother was pregnant with you and how they didn't know this was possible and if I knew anything. Trying to go through clan texts and stories not finding any information to help them, though my brother got wind of this information," Ivar continues to say though begins to choke up with sadness.

"Then when I thought my brother changed inviting your father, my son, and both you and your mother back to the clan, to welcome you all back into the clan. Your father finally excepted the invasion after you were already born healthy, seemingly not a vampire, and a few years old. Luckily leaving you behind, probably having a bad feeling about the invitation, but ultimately came. After visiting everyone and throwing a large feast to welcome him back, everyone turned in for the night, drunk and happy. My brother made a move to kill them both and when they went to return to the hotel they were staying at in town, since your father didn't trust us enough and with good reason too. My brother was able to catch them off guard with a few other clan members, who quickly killed your mother and subdued your father who lost himself in a rage. They lost a few members in the fight, but my brother killed my son," Ivar says now with tears coming out of his eyes, and Ingegärd is crying now too holding his hand for comfort.

"After finding out about this betrayal, the rest of the clan was on my side. We were able to catch all the offenders and exile them from the clan. Using runes to keep them from ever-shifting again and luckily I was able to learn about some members my brother sent to kill you. I was able to send your Aunt Eva and some others to catch them or kill them if necessary. Ever since then, the clan has had a big shift in attitude, and I was able to change some of the old laws. Hearing you wanted to visit us I was ecstatic and I apologize for my attitude to you Alice. Seeing you with my grandson brought back some old memories," Ivar says now bowing his head to Alice in apology.

".....Is Alice safe here?! You should have told me from the beginning!" I stand up and yell at them after learning the truth, and my rage threatens to push me over the edge.

"You have my word, no one would hurt her here. Not after what happened to my son and your father," Ivar says with confidence and anger in his eyes for what happened to my father.

".....I....I need some time to think," I say to them standing up and walking to our room, with Alice right next to me holding my hand in concern for me.

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