Reborn in Twilight as a Werebear

Chapter 3: Ch.3

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(Alice Cullen Pov)

Last night I could not sit still and kept running around the house in excitement. Today is the day I am going to meet my mate, I can just feel it. I start rummaging through my clothes trying to find the perfect outfit to meet my mate in. First impressions are everything and if I do not look my best then I can not meet him yet. Then I can hear my sisters come into my room.

"You ok Alice?" Rosalie asks me while I am throwing all my clothes around my room trying to find the perfect outfit.

"NO! I can't seem to pick the best outfit for today!" I say while pouting to her and Edythe, who is also standing in the doorway watching me panic.

"What is happening today?" Edythe says to me with a confused look on her face.

"I am going to meet my mate today! I can just feel it!" I say to them with pure excitement in my voice.

"Ah, yeah that tracks," Edythe says in a nonchalant manner.

"Calm down Alice we can help you pick out your outfit," Rosalie says grabbing my shoulders to make me calm down slightly.

"Yes! Thank you! Though I already tried those and they aren't good enough," I say to them pointing at a pile of clothes in the corner of my room. They both sigh and nod while going through the remaining clothes to help me.


(Matt Pov)

Waking up to my alarm clock blaring I sigh. I did not get much sleep last night due to my excitement and fear about how today is going to go. I also have this gut feeling that something good is going to happen to me. Walking downstairs I feel an awkward atmosphere and see Bella sitting at the table eating cereal with Charlie sitting next to her eating too both in silence. Seeing me enter the kitchen Charlie smiles at me and lifts his coffee cup in greeting and Bella gives me a small nod like she was the one who drank all night and was hung over.

"So you both ready for your first day at a new school? Do not stress too much about it, most of the kids around here are good kids," Charlie says to us while I sit and pour myself a bowl of cereal.

"Yeah I couldn't sleep last night I kept thinking about today," I say while thinking about the interaction going to happen in an hour or so. My statement seemed to surprise Bella as she looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"You are nervous about socially interacting?" Bella says to me surprised and smirking at the thought of me not being popular here mostly likely from the evil smile on her face.

"In a way, yeah, I mean we are entering school after the year is halfway over. I can not join any of the teams since they already made their picks and who knows if I am far behind on my studies or not," I say to her which is true I was looking forward to maybe joining a sports team and worried that maybe I was behind in school with my mixed up memories now.

"Great now I'm worried too, thanks Matt," Bella says to me in sarcasm.

"Uh, well like I said try not to overthink it and I'm sure your both going to do just fine," Charlie says trying to cheer us up.

After we were done eating and getting ready for the day. I hop into the passenger seat of Bella's truck since I do not have my car yet. The drive there was not bad but comfortable silence. Pulling into the parking lot many people turned their heads at us all looking in curiosity at who this is. Exiting the car all eyes are on us, making Bella extremely nervous so I kinda shield her from their view by blocking her with my body as we walked into the school.

"Thanks Matt," Bella says in appreciation and in a small voice from nervousness. I just nod at her and smile. As we make our way to the entrance a skinny Asian teenage boy steps toward us.

"Hello! I'm Eric. I'm the eyes and ear of this place, if you need a shoulder to cry on or a lunch date I'm your guy," Eric says while directing it towards Bella, though this makes her even more nervous since she is not really that talkative.

"Hey Eric nice to meet you, I'm Matt and this is Bella. Are you asking me out on my first day of school? Not that I care if you're gay but unfortunately I'm only interested in women," I say to him patting him on the shoulder and walking past him making him get slightly embarrassed and Bella chuckle a bit as she follows behind me.

Entering the school we head towards the guidance office to get our schedule for the year. Luckily or unfortunately I do not have any classes with Bella so we go our separate way. The day goes by uneventfully until my class before lunch as Emmett seems to be in my gym class. He is big in both height and muscle mass, slightly taller than me by a few inches, and much more muscular. I have more of a swimmer's body and he has more of a heavy lifter's body. The teacher made us pair up for a day of tennis and my partner was Emmett.

"Hey I'm Emmett, you must be the new guy everyone is talking about," Emmett says to me while we walk towards our court to play.

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However, after he got close to me I feel something inside me awaken like a burning sensation took over my body. I can feel my body temperature rising to such a high level that it feels like steam is coming out of my ears like in the cartoons. It also feels like a beast is trying to break loose and defend itself from an apex predator invading its territory. My blood pressure has risen to insane levels that I can hear my heartbeat in my ears, but I try not to give away whatever is happening to me as I focus back on him.

"Uhhhh, not much of a talker I see," Emmett says after the few moments of awkward silence I made from trying to get myself under control.

"Sorry…..was just thinking about some things. I'm Matt, nice to meet you Emmett," I say while panicking on the inside from trying to figure out what is happening to me.

Luckily gym class did not last that long and after fast walking away from Emmett and rushing into the bathroom to splash water on my face. After splashing water on my face, I look back into the mirror and see that my face is very red like I have a fever. Telling myself, to get a hold of myself internally. Then walking into the cafeteria I see Bella sitting by herself for now at a table, so I go and sit next to her.

"Hey Matt...You look like crap what happened?" Bella asks me seeing my appearance.

"Nothing was just trying too hard in gym class, to show off," I say to her while sitting down.

"Ah, which girl here, unfortunately, caught your attention?" Bella asks me smirking at my annoyed look.

"Ha, ha, ha, very funny," I say to her, before she can anything else the rest of her soon-to-be high school friends show up. 

"Hey Bella, oh who is this?" Jessica says to Bella as she and Angela take a seat on the other side of Bella.

"This is my cousin Matt, he just started today too," Bella says to them introducing me.

"Oh so you're the new guy Eric was complaining about, I'm Jessica and this is Angela," Jessica says to me with some flirtation looks at me.

"Oh, your friends with Eric? This morning he tried to hit-on Bella and this is our first day here so he should calm down and take a hint. Anyway, I messed with him which pissed him off it seems," I say with a shrug making Jessica laugh, the kind of fake laugh you make when you are interested in someone.

"Yeah he was upset with you after meeting you this morning," Angela says while nodding to what I said.

"Bells! How is the rainy cold Forks compared to the sunny warm phoenix?" Mike says walking up to the table not noticing me and Eric right behind him.

"Uhh you know not as nice," Bella says in an awkward manner.

"Oh, who is this?" Mike says noticing me now and has a suspicious look at me.

"I'm Matt her cousin, who also just moved here," I say to him, after hearing I am her cousin he seems to brighten up a bit.

'Great another jackass teenager who just wants to get into her pants,' I think to myself after seeing his reaction and remembering that Mike and Eric both fight over her affection.

Then Jessica begins to gossip with Angela and Bella who is just listening. A few minutes later the moment finally came, and the Cullens entered the cafeteria. The first pair is Rosalie and Emmett, when Emmett sees me he waves getting the surprise of the others at the table, and I just wave back. Then next is Jasper and a woman I do not recognize from either memory, they are a couple obviously from the hand holding, she is an average-sized woman, with a supernatural beauty like most vampires', and black hair that complements her very pale white skin. This makes me very confused as maybe I am in an alternate twilight or maybe something else entirely.

'Maybe all of my information on this world is obsolete and mean nothing. Shit if that is the case what am I going to do now and what the fuck happened to me earlier?' I think to myself and begin to internally panic.

Next, Edward walks in with his usual sulky attitude present. Looking at Bella I can see she has caught his attention and he caught hers as they stare at each other before he breaks it to move to the table with the rest of his family. Then the two continue to stare at one another from across the cafeteria. Before Bella can ask who they are, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in both lives skips in right after Edward, Alice Cullen. She is like a small angel in my eyes. It's as if I can see nothing else except for her right now, like I have tunnel vision and all I can see is her. She also seems to be staring at me, but then a vision invades my mind and I can see a future with us together and eventually leading to a wedding, our wedding.

"Who are they?" Bella asks no one in particular at the table, breaking me out of my vision and staring contest with Alice who is now sitting at the table with her family. She is not sitting still seemingly bouncing up and down in joy while smiling at me and I can not help but smile at her like an idiot in love.

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