Reborn in Twilight as a Werebear

Chapter 46: Ch.46

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(Matt Pov)

As time goes by with nothing else of interest happening, then spring break arrives, and with it a summons for the Cullens to go see the Volturi. At the same time, Eva told me that our family, her parents, and my cousins are coming this summer to meet Charlie and everyone else. With these annoying thoughts and future plans, I have decided to go with the Cullens to Italy to meet the Volturi and unfortunately, Bella decided to tag along too. After telling the truth to Charlie about where we were going and who we are meeting he was a little worried but ultimately understood why we are going. For me, as the future Clan head of the Strömberg and Bella saying one day she is going to be a vampire. Waving us goodbye at the airport both Eva and Charlie, who by now are very close with one another and I'm just waiting for Eva to try to get Bella and me to call her mom.

After arriving in the city of Florence in Italy, and stepping off the plane we arrived in the late afternoon with the sun still up. Though before arriving Eva, Alice, and I have modified the clothes of the Cullens so they can go out in the sun without exposing themselves, by enchanting them with runes. Upon our arrival many people would look at us with the usual lust filled looks and Alice would cling to me more giving the women a glare as they would look at me. We arrived two days early before having them meet the Volturi as we all wanted to enjoy our time in Italy at the same time. After meeting the Volturi, if everything went ok, we would have another two days here to enjoy our time. Meaning we would be here for a total of five days and six nights, leaving later that last night.

Getting to our hotel rooms, which the Cullens paid for and we each had our own separate suite. After placing our bags into the room, I laid on the bed just relaxing a bit, and then Alice jumped on top of me catching me off guard. Giving me a lustful look and reaching her hands under my shirt, while leaning down and kissing me passionately. We heard a knock on our door a few seconds later, pissing me off and Alice has an annoyed look now too.

"I know I'm interrupting, but when your done or now since I ruined the mood, Rosalie, Jasper, Edythe and I wanted to know if you guys wanted to explore the city with us?" Emmett's voice comes through the door with a laugh at my annoyed grunt. Though Alice's annoyed look goes away.

"Yeah! We'll be right out!" Alice says jumping off me excited at the idea and putting her shoes on. I just sigh since Emmett purposely cock blocked me and I get up walking with Alice to the door.

"Sometimes I wonder why I consider you a brother," I say with a heavy sigh as Alice, Rosalie, and Edythe walk ahead of Emmett, Jasper, and me. Both Jasper and Emmett laugh at my statement.

"You learn to just get used to it, I will say thanks though, Matt. Now that you're in the picture he has been leaving Edythe and me alone," Jasper says giving me a thankful nod. Though now I'm more annoyed as Emmett is laughing even more.

"Fuck both of you," I say annoyed with them both. As they laugh at my expense.

"What about Edward, Bella, Esme, and Carlisle? Are they not joining us?" I ask them seeing it really was only us.

"Well, Carlisle and Esme have to finalize a few things with the Volturi before we meet them. As for the two love birds, well they wanted to do their own thing and not with us old married couples," Emmett says in an exaggerating manner.

"Alice and I aren't married yet?" I say confused even though I intend to marry her.

"True but you and Alice have been together longer than Edward and Bella. Plus those two would never take the next step until after marriage, meaning to them you and Alice are already married," Emmett says in a very thoughtful manner, but with a smirk at me.

"Anyway, Jasper what's new with you?" I ask Jasper after ignoring Emmett's goading. Making Emmett laugh and Jasper smirk a bit, but answer me.

Exploring the city in the late afternoon was interesting. Since many people were roaming the streets and the nightlife here was busy still it was a fun time. However, as we were walking I smelled vampires trailing us from behind.

"We have a few vampires trialing us a few dozen feet back, they've been following us the last ten minutes or so it seems," I say to the group as we are walking and making everyone turn to look back, and now I'm face palming at that.

"You know some say wisdom comes with age and with the number of movies you'll watch I would have assumed none of you would look back after hearing what I said…..well maybe except for Emmett," I say to them and now the vampires who have been trialing us are approaching us seeing they have been found out.

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After hearing what I said they all look at me embarrassed except Emmett who shrugs not refuting what I said. Seeing the vampires approaching us, there are three, two females and one male. The two females look like identical twin sisters with brown hair, maybe 5'3" (160cm), and very curvy bodies. While the male also looks like their brother with brown hair, 5'8" (173cm), and a slim body but with some muscle, not that it matters since they are vampires. The three of them all look us over before looking at me and smelling which would seem I smell different now, as everyone pointed out, they said I smelled like a bear before but now I smell like snow and with a hint of rotting fruit. Though they each are looking at me first in surprise and then lust, even the man, he is not the first man who has looked at me with lust either. Though seeing their gaze on me the Cullens tense up a bit with Alice stepping in front of me wrapping my arms around her claiming me in front of them.

"You are all newcomers, yes? We have not seen you all before," the man says in Italian and breaks his lust filled gaze at me, which sent shivers down my body. Not that I care about gay people, but now I understand how women feel about getting stared at by a man they don't care for. Lucky for me as a god I can understand all languages instinctually and speak them also. Only Carlisle and Esme of the Cullens speak Italian, so before they could respond saying they don't understand I step in.

"Yes, can we help you?" I say back to them in Italian and surprising the Cullens that I speak it, though Alice understands why I might know it.

"Well don't worry you are not stepping into any 'owned' coven grounds, we just wanted to invite you all to an underground club for our....our kind," the man says misunderstanding the tension of the Cullens and looking me over trying to figure out if I'm a vampire since I don't smell human or like anything like they smelled before. Though my now very crystal blue eyes that are ice-like give away that I'm probably not a vampire.

"My mate and her family don't speak Italian, so let me ask them what they think. We also never got your names," I say to him and he nods to me in understanding as Alice is still glaring at the twins who are eye fucking me and licking their lips.

"Of course nice to meet you all, I am Lorenzo and these are my younger sisters, Aurora and Sofia. As I explained to….." Lorenzo says to the Cullens in a heavy Italian accent before looking at me for my name. While the sister smiled at everyone and winked at me making Alice frown even more.

"I am Matt, this is my mate Alice, her brothers Emmett and Jasper, and her sisters Rosalie and Edythe," I say to him as the Cullens all nod their heads in greeting but still remain cautious of them. Alice is glaring even harder at the twins and grabs my arms around her even tighter.

"Well, I was just inviting you all to a nightclub for our kind, as I've told Matt. We haven't seen you here before and just thought you might want to spend the night around our kind instead of humans," Lorenzo says to them and they all seem thoughtful of the idea, but look at me considering I'm not a vampire. Alice is hesitant since the twins don't care about her claims on me and continue to stare at me with lust.

"I'm down for it, as long as you guys want to," I say shrugging my shoulders and we all decided to go see this club, much to Alice's annoyance.

On the way there the twins were walking behind Lorenzo and swaying their hips while looking back at me once in a while with seductive looks. I completely ignored them and grabbed Alice's waist pulling her closer to me, she smiled seeing my annoyed looks at the twins. Rosalie and Eythe seeing the looks the twins were giving me are also getting annoyed on Alice's behalf also, Jasper gave me an understanding nod seeing my annoyed look. Emmett though was smirking the whole time and trying not to laugh. We eventually arrived at the club it was a normal-looking club and humans were inside it, but after following the trio they led us to the back where two larger human guards were standing.

"They are with us," I hear Lorenzo say in Italian to the guards as they let us all through to a set of stairs leading down.

Going downstairs we see mostly vampires and a handful of humans who might be prey for some vampires here or something else. Though since they are not killing them I am not sure what the plans are with them, they also have a bar that from the smell are serving drinks made from human blood. Jasper has slowly gotten better control over his bloodlust, more so than in the movies or books but I can see the temptation on his face. Subtly I use my powers to cloud his senses of smell temporarily so he does not lose himself and I can see him relax now though confused about why the smell disappeared.

"Welcome to "Sangue Freddo" or "Cold Blooded" in English. We have drinks as you can see, and this place has learned how to mix alcohol with blood so give it a try. We are the owners of this place so for your first time here everything is on the house, go enjoy yourselves," Lorenzo says to us with a smile and motions for us to go have fun.

"We also have special VIP services if you are interested just ask our bartender for the options tonight and say you are our guests," Lorenzo says then turns and walks off to dance with the crowd it seems.

Shrugging the Cullens go and dance in the crowd with one another. Edythe seeing Jasper is fine sighs relaxing and grabs him to go dance in the crowd with Emmett and Rosalie. Before the twins can try anything funny I grab Alice's hand bringing her into the crowd with the other Cullens and start dancing with her. The rest of the night went smoothly and the twins gave up on me, for now, it would seem as when we finally decided to leave around three in the morning they approached us and handed me a business card for this place that also had their personal numbers on it too. Walking out the doors I stop and turn to them purposely throwing the card in the trash before leaving. Unfortunately, instead of pissing them off or annoying them, it would seem it made them look at me with even more conviction.

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