Reborn inside my favorite RPG

Chapter 16: Chapter 15

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The party was a heavy burden on all the people who were working behind the scenes. Just like the people in the front lines they had no room for errors and did their best to make their lord proud. The chefs and the guards did their best not to let a single guest complain about their work, while the butlers and maids who ran around the hall carrying plates full of drinks or food had to make sure not to be too visible to the nobles. Their job was to pop up only when a glass or a plate was empty.


Escaping from such a place Henry found himself on the balcony. This was the place few ventured to, because the prize they were after was inside. It was an oasis of peace where one could listen to the music coming from the inside while not having to pretend to listen to pointless flattery coming from the people around you.


In such a place Henry and his attending butler ran into two people. A little girl, around Henry’s age and a person who must have been a family member or a close confidant. They did not notice Henry so he caught a bit of their conversation.


The man spoke in an excited tone while looking at the child. “Lady Sophia, soon your father will announce the happy news, now is the time for you to mingle with the people, to let them see you and remember you.”


“I am tired, teacher, my legs are giving out…” the girl was starting to answer when Henry’s follower made a cough to announce their arrival.


“Greetings, I am Henry Sigurdson, my lady, is the party not to your liking?” Henry used one of the lines Anna had him memorize.

“No, the party is splendid, we were just getting some air…” The man did his best to answer, he hoped that the child, or his follower did not get to hear too much of their conversation.


“Then, will you allow me to join you, my lady, I enjoy the view from this balcony very much.” Henry said while extending his small hand towards the girl.

“The lady has…” (man)


“Yes! I will join you, lord Henry.” Sophia stopped her follower and quickly agreed to Henry’s proposition. One person to talk to while looking at the beautiful garden was far more pleasant than listening to chatter from all sides while being slowly suffocated by perfumes.


“It is agreed then. Thank you, my lady. Mister, if you would be so kind as to bring some chairs, my attendant will look after us.” (Henry)


The man could not refuse the request of the host. Perhaps, if it was someone else, anyone else, but Henry Sigurdson was not someone you wanted to refuse, unless you wanted to get on the bad side of his parents.


“I will see to it immediately, I leave my lady Sophia in your capable hands my lord.” (man)


“Yes, I will guard the lady with my life.” (Henry)


As the man left, and his butler moved to the side, Henry was left alone with a child who looked exhausted and a little bit scared.


“My lady Sophia? Are you perhaps cold?” (Henry)


The girl shook her head and came out of a daze. “No, thank you my lord.”


“Please my lady, call me Henry.” The girl blinked a few times and smiled. “Only if you call me Sophia.”


“It is a deal then, Sophia.” Henry agreed with a big smile.


“Yes, Henry!” She felt that this was the first actual conversation she had that day. There were no scripts to follow, only a talk between two children.


“Were you feeling ill? Your attendant seemed worried. If it is not a secret of course.” (Henry)


“I needed some air, the people inside are all very nice but…” She wanted to continue but could not finish her sentence. She felt this boy was kind but still she could not tell him that she disliked most of the people inside.


“You don’t like the people inside, do you?” Henry understood this girl, after all it was the same for him. Unless they were from the East, most of them were uptight people who only wanted to get something out of those above them in society.


“People always want things from my parents, but you know in my homeland most people are kind and do not need to pretend in front of them.” Henry spoke with a sad smile on his face, he knew that in the future he would have to leave this safe place and go away into the larger world for a longer period.


Sophia was astonished, she was taught since birth that you must tread carefully when among the upper nobility and never let your guard down when facing lesser nobles and commoners. They always want something.


“My lord, forgive my words, but is that true?” (Sophia)


“Of course, come!” Henry took her hand and led her to a window. “See the man over there, hugging those two men?”


“Yes, I know two of them, duke Benjamin and your lord father.” Sophia said while nodding.


“Right you are, the third man is a knight, my fathers best friend.” (Henry)


“But for a knight to show such a face before his master is unacceptable. This kind of behavior would be punished if it happened in my fathers home, and he is a count.” She was truly stunned, even her mistakes were severely punished and she was an important asset for her family.


“This is the East, my lady, a person's worth is measured by his merit not his blood. More importantly if you are from the East your rank should reflect your merit. That is what we believe.” Henry recited these words with pride while looking at one of his uncles chugging down wine while being hit by his wife and Anna.


Sophia was puzzled, “Merit?” 


“Yes, merit, if they do good for the domain they are rewarded, and if they act in a way that is wrong they are punished.” (Henry)


“That sounds nice, people not hiding behind titles…” Sophia’s thoughts drifted away as she did her best to comprehend what she just heard. It went against what she was taught for most of her life, yet it felt so much nicer than the lessons she received.

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“If you ever get tired of the world of nobles and want to rest, please, be my guest. I don’t get to see many people who are not from my home region and are my age.” Henry truly meant what he said, it was fun to listen to political talks between Nicolas and Alfred, or gossip between Mary, Gisela and his mother. Still he wanted to relax and talk to someone who was his age and who he did not have to be careful around. Even if the people surrounding him are friends of his parents and love him deeply, as if he were their family, they were still grown ups who he had to be careful not to offend.

“I would love to come some day, Henry. Will you allow me to write to you, once I learn how to, that is.” (Sophia)


“Of course, I will do my best to learn how to read and write as soon as possible.” (Henry)


Not long after Sophia’s attendant arrived with two chairs and the children sat down and enjoyed small talk for some time. She told Henry about her home, the long warm days and the beautiful star filled sky she loved more than anything else. On the other hand Henry talked about his days in the gym and the various stances the knights taught him.


“Your life sounds like a dream.” (Sophia)


“Well of course, I live with the people whom I love and who love me…” Henry caught a tint of sadness in Sophia’s eyes and quickly tried to brighten her mood.


“You know, I meant what I said, whenever you want, come and stay here, we can play all day long.” Henry felt bad, he knew that not everyone was blessed with caring parents. He knew Sophia for a short time and from what he heard, her living conditions were not bad, but he could not feel much love being directed towards her by her father, or the rest of the family.


“Thank you, my lo.. I mean Henry, thank you.” She felt joy that there was someone who cared for her so much that he would invite her to his home, just to make her feel better.

Time flew by fast and Henry and Sophia had to return inside and continue to do their rounds of various circles that had formed inside. By now most people got to say a word or two with the important people and now was the time to truly enjoy some food and drinks before going home.




As the party was nearing its end, Alfred stood on the podium and gave a small speech in which he thanked all the people present for making the long journey and taking part in this joyous event.


Henry and his parents once more stood at the exit and gave their thanks to the people leaving. This time it was limited to a few words and the room was almost completely empty in an hour.


There were only three families left. One was Joshua and Mary who would stay for the night anyway, so they came to give their best to the two groups leaving.


“Your highness Alexei I thank you once more for making the trip and taking part in my party.” Henry could now speak in a much more relaxed manner, not fearing the response the prince would give.


Alexei smiled and gave his parting words to his new friend, “Lord Henry I hope to see you again soon, I can’t wait for you to join us in the capital.”


The prince and his uncle left the room and now all that was left was to say goodbye to the Elinstar family.


Henry was about to perform a bow when he was hugged by Gisela and Benjamin. “Henry, when we are alone there is no need for such trivial greetings, we are family after all.” (Gisela)


“I hope you will be able to come to our son's birthday next year, it will be his third birthday and we would like for you to be like a big brother to him, if possible.” (Benjamin)


“I would be honored by my lord...” Henry was about to continue speaking but was frozen as the two people made pained expressions.


“Do you not like us? We told you…” (Gisela)


Henry felt bad for the two and quickly apologized. “I am sorry aunty Gisela, uncle Benjamin.”


“Good boy! We will take our leave now, Alfred, Eli please keep this boy safe, he is a treasure.” Gisela said as she gave Henry and his mother one final hug.


As the room was now empty Anna excused herself and went over to the staff to oversee the clean up operations. Eleonora, Alfred and Henry walked slowly to Henry’s room and shared their favorite moments from today's celebration. They tucked him in and started picking a story to read, but Henry was so exhausted that he fell asleep before his mother even got the chance to read the first words. The two stayed in his room for some time before they went towards the hall. Their expressions were not ones of love or affection anymore, they exuded a vicious aura that one might mistake for a demon’s.




A light wind was blowing through the garden and causing the leaves to rustle as they were blown over the ground. Mary and Eleonora were chatting with Anna over a cup of tea on the balcony while Joshua and Alfred were looking into the garden. Night had descended and a light mist was rising from the ground covering it like a blanket.


“How many?” Alfred's cold voice had nothing in common with his usual tone when talking to his family or friends.


“Three this time, two are dead, they killed themselves before we could stop them. One was interrogated, but we could not get anything out of him. He was a true professional and used an opportunity to bite his tongue off..” (Joshua)


“No leads then?” Alfred said with a sigh.


“No physical leads at the moment. Weapons and poisons they had on them when we caught them were quite common items, any guild could get a hold of them pretty much anywhere. But the way they died was a clue.” (Joshua)


“Top people from a high quality guild. Someone wasted a lot of money. Find out which guild was involved and who sent them. There are not many who train their people to such an extent.” Alfred took a sip of wine and looked at Eleonora.


“Once we do…” Joshua’s words drifted off into the wind, it was a waste to even finish such a sentence. He looked to his side and saw that Alfred was letting out a cold aura, he was not angry, this was beyond anger, this was a man on a mission. One could be his ally or his enemy and there was no gray area one could stand in during this hunt.


“Annihilate everyone involved, no mercy.” Alfred said these words as if he was ordering desert in a restaurant and not ordering the deaths of dozens if not hundreds of people.


“As you wish, my lord.” Joshua had no pity for the idiots who wanted to kill a child anyway.

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