Reborn inside my favorite RPG

Chapter 19: Chapter 18

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Henry and his parents sneaked out through the back exit of the mansion and headed towards the main square. His father wore a hat and Eleonora put on a headscarf to conceal themselves, while Henry was still unknown to the masses and could run around without any disguise. The trio quickly mixed into the stream of people going to and from the open market.

Eleonora leaned into Henry and whispered some final words of advice, “Henry, today we are moving as if we were commoners, so relax and enjoy. Just treat people like you usually do.”

“Yes, mommy.” Henry nodded, he understood that it would not be a good thing to start bowing to random people all of a sudden. The last thing they needed was to draw attention to themselves.

“Also, it might seem like we are having fun, but if you notice anyone doing anything bad, do tell us.” (Alfred)

Henry nodded once more and they continued to walk around town until they arrived into the huge open market area. People from the domain and also numerous merchants from the kingdom and beyond were doing their best to attract customers to their stalls.

Alfred ran over to a food stall and returned with some candy which he shared with Eleonora and Henry. The tour continued on, Eleonora and Henry went to buy some trinkets and toys while Alfred watched over them and carried the loot.

After a few hours of running around the Sigurdsons decided to take a break in the main square. They found a nice place and sat down right next to the huge fountain that was the centerpiece of the forum. Henry ate his lunch while humming and watching the endless flow of people walking around, having fun, laughing or arguing.

When he finished his meal Henry and his family went to their next stop, a pastry shop where they had tea. On their way out Henry noticed a small boy crying while a man was standing over him looking at the child menacingly.

“Daddy!” Henry yelled and pulled Alfred’s sleeve. He then pointed towards the man.

Alfred and Eleonora quickly recovered from the initial shock of Henry raising his voice. They took his hand and walked over to the boy.

“I told you already, I will not sell medicine for a few coins. Go home and get some real money, or go find some other sucker!” The man was starting to lose his patience and glared at the boy.

When he was about to push the boy away, a woman, who was covered in sweat from running, quickly stepped in and bowed to the man.

Doing her best to catch her breath the woman quickly started speaking, “Please forgive my son, we are not from around here, so he does not know the value of things. He took what money we had and ran off to buy medicine for his father.”

“You and your son should get out of my sight, I have no time for beggars.” He then leaned in to the woman and made a disgusting smile, “still if you need it that badly…” before he could finish the sentence he was flung into his store front.

Recovering from his initial shock the owner jumped out of his store and scanned the surroundings with bloodshot eyes, “Who dares, GUARDS!! You punk, you caught me by surprise, but you will get what is coming to you.”

“What did you say to that woman just now?” Alfred was quite angry, but his voice was flat. To anyone who knew him that was a clear indicator that all hell might break loose at any moment.

The man had no intention of talking to Alfred and continued to hurl insults while calling for the town watch. “You bastard, GUARDS, GET OVER HERE!” 

The guards patrolling nearby quickly made their way through the mass of people who were now gathering around the two men.

“That bastard attacked me, I want him beaten up good, and make sure he pays up for my store.” The man wore a triumphant expression on his face. ‘This idiot will pay big time, I’ll write in everything I can think of in the damaged goods list.’ His happiness was, unfortunately for him, short-lived.

His mood was already quite foul and it only got worse when he noticed the two guards standing there, not moving. His finger quickly pointed towards them and then moved towards Alfred, “What are you waiting for, that man, arrest him!”

The guards, in turn, just stood there, petrified. The man looked like a commoner a rich merchant or something similar, to his left a woman was holding a child’s hand to his right stood the reason they did not know what to do, a man they knew all too well. What returned the two back to their senses was the arrival of their commander, Gref.

“Are you going to stand there and space out all day?” The merchant quickly broke the silence in the square. He was about to continue when a woman stepped forward.

Her voice was filled with resentment as she spoke, “That man did nothing wrong, this bastard has been selling medicine at a higher rate, he got what he deserved.”

Following her example more and more people stepped forward and tried to defend the “commoner” before the man they knew as captain Gref.

They were all silenced when Gref raised his arm. “Please everyone, calm down, this man does not need anyone to defend him. Is that not the truth, my lord Alfred?” He then smiled as Alfred removed his hat. Seeing his true identity the people quickly knelt down.

Alfred looked over the crowd with affection in his eyes, “Raise please, I have heard your grievances, my people. We will resolve them here and now. Firstly, Gref, send someone to the city hall and bring every member of the inspection here, also tell them to bring Doyle.”

After taking a breath he turned towards the woman and her son, “Second, my lady, you have a brave son. You should be proud of him, what happened to your husband?”

The woman gathered up her strength and looked Alfred straight into the eyes. “He got injured fighting on the border with some monsters. When he returned home he was in a coma, he has not awakened for 10 days now.”

“Did you not receive his salary and wounded soldiers compensation?” Alfred was calm but had a bad feeling about what was about to be said.

“You mean the 10 coins we were given as charity by your people? That won’t buy us a decent meal, let alone expensive medicine and healers.” Her voice was now shaking with a mixture of grief and rage.

“Are you, perhaps, new to this region?” Eleonora stepped in and tried to calm the woman down.

“Yes, we just got here half a year ago, my husband dreamt of being free in the east and look at him now, wasting away in bed.” Woman was now crying and the boy did his best to present a brave face but tears were running down his face.

“In this domain any soldier who is injured is healed and his family is taken care of, if he falls on the battlefield his family is then the concern of the domain until they can stand on their own two feet.” (Alfred)

The people around her nodded, but the woman was adamant that no such thing happened. Alfred and Eleonora exchanged a glance and continued their information gathering until Gref’s men returned with a big delegation of people.

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The duke glanced over the people who just arrived and began talking, “Good, now if you will, can you tell us your name, my lady?”

The woman was now scared as she thought she would be punished for speaking so rudely to nobility, still her anger got the better of her. “I am Alissia. This is my son William, he was named after his father.”

“Good, I am Alfred Sigurson, this here is my wife Eleonora and our son Henry.” Alfred introduced his family and then looked over at the new arrivals. “You heard the name, William, a soldier who served on the frontlines, Doyle is he in your books?”

The man named Doyle took out a book from his assistant and after a moment nodded, “Indeed my lord, such a name exists in the records. He has been paid double the amount as it was an injury from which he will take some time to recover. We also sent out a healer to his house twice, although it is stated that his condition is worsening and more funds might be needed.”

Alfred turned Alissia and asked, even though he already knew the answer, “Did you receive any of the help that was listed in that record?”

The woman stood tall and, without any fear, said “No!”. This caused a huge commotion among the people present and one of the people who was brought along from the city hall started running away, but quickly fell down after being struck by an arrow in the leg.

“I see your elven guards are as good as ever, Gref. I am glad we informed you about our little stroll through town.” Alfred commented casually to his guards captain before continuing. “Take that one over to the dungeon, get to the bottom of this, the rest of you are all going to stay in the hall until we sort this mess out. Also Doyle, have the healer who was ‘sent’ chained up and thrown in the dungeon as well.”

Doyle responded while bowing, “As you wish my lord.”

“Finally to the store owner, you were rude to my people, you were rude to me. As it seems you do not like my city I will ask you to leave, Doyle here will give you a fair compensation for your entire stock and after you are paid you will leave my domain. If you are ever again seen in my domain… Well I don’t need to tell you.” (Alfred)

The man was sweating bullets, if he replied in a manner that was not to Alfred’s liking his head would fly. All he could do was cut his losses and get out of this region as fast as possible.

Alfred then stopped for a moment before adding, “Also, make sure to count the amount he owes the city for putting up higher mark-ups than allowed and put the tax agent in charge of this place in the worst part of the dungeon.”

“But..” The man wanted to oppose such an outcome but words could not leave his mouth as fear took over.

“If there is a problem you can just leave without any compensation.” Alfred had a blank expression that told the man all he needed to know.

“Gref, take our best healer and do what you can. Doyle, calculate the amount this woman and her family are owed.” (Alfred)

“As you wish.” The two men bowed before disappearing into the crowd.

Alfred stood before the people, cleared his throat and made a declaration. “People of Ul, remember our laws, if anyone is breaking them it is hurting us all. We must protect each other and our city from evil in all of its forms.”

After this he left the square with Eleonora and Henry. The secret tour of the town was ruined and he had to deal with a lot of unpleasant events, still, he got to show off before his wife and son. That was more than he could ever ask for.




“Doyle, what do you have for me?” Alfred was sitting in his study. Doyle, a middle aged man with a big scar running down his face, spoke as a soldier would to his commanding officer.

“We have gained the information you desire, my lord. For now we have discovered eight people involved in various unlawful activities. Firstly the situation with the wounded soldier has been resolved, the healer says that he will wake up some time tomorrow and he should make full recovery in one month's time. The man responsible for him has committed the same crime five more times. It would appear that he sought out newcomers who are not aware of our laws. He then stole their money and sent them a measly amount that is given in some other regions.”

Alfred’s skin was starting to heat up, this was not something he wanted to ever hear happening in his land.

“May I continue, my lord?” Doyle asked and Alfred gestured with his chin.

“He had an accomplice, a local healer of some skill, he was trusted enough not to be second guessed, so the two split any money they made and have been doing so for about a year now. There were no dead luckily, but one man lost his leg and another will not be able to ever use his hand as he did before the wound. Further investigation will take place, but it would appear they worked alone.”

“Also the store owner was thrown into the dungeon as he actually owes us money because of his high mark-up rates. Now, in his case, the agent who was in charge of his store has confessed to his wrongdoings, he also sold out his accomplices and we have started a full blown revision of all the stores they were in charge of.” Doyle gulped before finishing.

“My lord, if I may offer a suggestion?” Doyle knew that Alfred was not a man who would allow the guilty to get away, still he had to make one final attempt to prevent any future problems.

Alfred was quite surprised by his subordinates tone, which was in stark contrast to his usual manner of speaking, “Yes, Doyle?” 

“The young man, who was in charge of the store, is a fifth generation citizen of your domain. His father is baron Trask, it might be wise…” before he could finish Alfred pierced him with his sharp eyes and Doyle, a seasoned veteran, felt a fear he had long forgotten. “Forget I said anything, my lord.”

“I know you mean well, still, I do not care who they are, if they harm our domain and its people they will be punished.” Alfred regained his composure and tried to help Doyle relax.

“As for the punishment, I recommend they be sent to the mines, to serve under master Ulv. He loves to accommodate scum like them in his mines.” (Doyle)

Alfred only nodded.

The next day eight men were put in chains and transported to the Broken Ridge mountain range to begin serving the domain in a much different manner than the one they were used to.

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