Reborn inside my favorite RPG

Chapter 4: Chapter 3

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It has now been 1 year and 6 months since Henry’s birth. As he got much better at walking and communicating he was allowed to explore around the mansion, with Anna or his parents as companions. This was very useful as he could learn about the various parts of his home and meet new people who work for the family. Today was no different. Henry was standing by the enormous front door, his eyes were glued to the huge painting of a man in knightly armor. He tugged his fathers sleeve and pointed at the painting.

“Oh, he caught your eyes, didn't he. That is our ancestor, the first Guard of the East. His name is Sigurd. He was sent here with his 3rd knight company to build a fort and prevent the cockroa… I mean the people from the neighboring kingdom to sneak through the swamplands and attack the kingdom. He did such a good job that the king of the time gave him this territory and the title of count, later generations worked hard and today we are dukes. Remember my son, all we are is thanks to them, our ancestors and him in particular.” Alfred spoke these words with a great deal of pride.

‘That man looks soo cool, I wonder if I can look as cool someday.’ (Henry)

“Beneath his feet you can see our family motto “by our deeds not our words” it means that you should not talk big if you can’t back it up, always let your hard work do the talking. But if anyone messes with our family Henry, crush them with your fists and your tongue. Understood?” (Alfred)

“Yes daddy, I will protect our family” (Henry)

“Good boy, now let's run around some more before I have to go do some paperwork.” (Alfred)




Henry’s calm days continued on and he learned a lot about his home. As it was winter he could not spend too much time outside as there was a real danger of catching a cold. This led to him spending his time trotting around the mansion. He met several servants and did his best to learn their names. They were all wearing beaming smiles and looking at Henry with eyes filled with affection, and today was not different.

“My little lord, the maids and butlers care for you a lot, make sure to show them proper respect. You are our future as well as the future of all our people, after all. Now where shall we go next? ” (Anna)

‘All this time I did not get to see any training facilities, it would be nice to know if there are any, also I would love to see the library again. But how to convey that to Anna?’ (Henry)

While he was mulling over how to get what he wanted Anna suggested a new place, one that they did not go to.

“Lord Henry, how about we go and pay a little visit to your daddy, he should be with the knights right now, he is overseeing their training.” (Anna)

“Yes, can we pwease go nanny Anna.” (Henry)

“Good, let's get going then.” (Anna)

‘Damn, I still can’t get my tongue to work properly every time.’ (Henry)

They went together and left the mansion through the main gate, as they were leaving the guards at the door saluted them and continued their watch. They went along one of the paths that was freshly de-iced and soon they were standing before a large building.

“This here is the knights training gymnasium, although the young ones just cut it up and call it the gym. This is where our soldiers come to train under your father and the other captains.” (Anna)

Even from the outside Henry could hear sounds of fighting going on inside. Men were yelling and there was the sound of wood hitting wood. Once they entered, the scene before their eyes was, in Henry’s opinion. splendid. Knights in full armor were running in circles while in the center of the gym a group of lightly armored people fought using wooden swords and staves. Once they heard the door close behind Anna and Henry all eyes quickly moved to them. The large iron door made an equally loud noise, and now the newcomers were in the center of attention. That was over in an instant as a bearlike man yelled at the top of his lungs: “Move it, don’t waste time, it’s time to shine before our next lord!”

Henry was stunned for a moment, this place was huge, and the knights looking at him were not helping him as he did not get to be around a lot of people since his birth. The man’s voice caused Henry to come back to his senses. Anna took his hand and led him to the center of the room, where his father was standing with his arms spread.

“My boy, you came to see daddy work? Come, come see daddy boss people around and be sure to learn a lot, ok?” (Alfred)

“Yes daddy, I will learn a lot from you.” (Henry)

Alfred took Henry and put him on his shoulders. He had a proud smile on his face and he went around and gave directions to his subordinates with Henry in tow. Anna was standing next to them and occasionally reprimanded Alfred for breaches of etiquette, but it did not help as Alfred was having too much fun. After an hour of father-son time Alfred put Henry down near a weapons rack.

“Henry I saw you looking over here intently, could it be that you want one of these?” (Alfred)

“Can I take one daddy?” (Henry)

‘I would love to get my hands on one, as I belong to a knightly family I should start getting used to swords as soon as possible, not to mention that no man can resist a cool looking weapon.' (Henry)

This time Alfred’s face beamed even more, he was like a little child in a toy store. He picked Henry up and charged towards the weapon rack with such speed that Henry was not sure if he could stop in time.

“Now, we have all sorts of weapons here, but for your size, hmm, this short sword is the best I can do. Soon, no tomorrow, we will have the best carpenter come over and make you any kind of sword you want. So use today for reference, take your time and pick any kind of sword that seems like it will be fun, if you can’t pick one, well, just pick as many as you want ok?” Alfred's excitement was through the roof.

“Thank you daddy, but this one is cool too.” (Henry)

“Oh my boy, so humble, still a knight to be needs to know a lot of weapons, so be sure to learn them all, ok?” (Alfred)

“Yes! I will do my bwest.” (Henry)

“Good, good. Now let me show you how to swing this one.” (Alfred)

After he was shown how to properly stand and swing his new weapon Henry went on to do so with great enthusiasm, but to his dismay his body and in particular his hands gave up after only a few minutes.

“Tired are we Henry? Then let's go home, I’m sure your mother is waiting for your afternoon tea.” (Anna)

“Huh, well look at the time, Henry hop on daddy’s back, I lost track of time. Thanks Anna, I would not like to be late for tea with Eli.” (Alfred)

With a sigh, Anna watched as Alfred rushed out of the gym with Henry on his back, neighing like a horse as he sprinted towards the mansion with great strides. His son was seen holding on for dear life as his father was too immersed in his act. They arrived at the mansion in a few seconds, but in Henry’s mind it was enough to see his short lives on replay several times.

“Daddy is fast.” Henry could only mutter these words as he was still shaking from the adrenaline that was coursing through his body.

“You think so, well my level is high you know, one day you will be much faster Henry, I’m sure of it.” (Alfred)

Alfred went with Henry on his back and continued to talk about how his son would be cool when he grows up, but in Henry’s mind one word was echoing non-stop. LEVEL.

‘There are levels in this world? This is like an rpg then. Things just got even more interesting.’ (Henry)

In no time they arrived at the living room. This room was splendidly decorated and had a view. The huge windows were like portals to the outside world of white. The room was warm, and Eleonora was standing near the fireplace tapping her foot on the floor, she looked angry.

“Eli, sorry we were late, Henry went over to the gym and I lost track of time, look we rushed over as soon as Anna reminded me of the time.” Alfred, the man who just bossed around a room full of knights was using his son as a shield from his wife.

‘Wow, he sure is sorry, well it is kinda my fault as well, I should use my cuteness a bit and help dad out.’ (Henry)

Alfred lowered his head and was awaiting his punishment. As Eleonora was about to reprimand her husband for missing the appointment, by a few minutes, her eyes went blank. Her son was doing his best to imitate his fathers apologetic bow. There was no real anger in Eleonora to begin with, but now she was just defeated by the cute sight before her. She could no longer wait. A strange silence filled the room for a brief moment, which seemed like an eternity to Henry and Alfred. Then footsteps could be heard and Eleonora soon hugged them both tightly.

“Don’t be late again, I was getting worried.” (Eleonora)

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A unanimous “YES!” was heard and the room was soon filled with laughter and the sweet aroma of tea.




“Henry, it is not fair that daddy got to take you along with him today, tomorrow you will be going with me, ok?” (Eleonora)

“Yes mama, can’t wait.” (Henry)

“Good, we will be practicing magic, it’s a good chance to see if you have any aptitude” (Eleonora)

“My lady, it might be too soon to check for aptitudes, let’s not get the young lords' hopes up too soon.” (Anna)

Anna, who just came in, was reprimanding Eleonora. She was worried that the boy might get disappointed if an early aptitude test showed no magic talent. As talks were happening among the adults Henry’s mind was racing.

‘Wait, not only levels but also magic, this world is way too convenient.’ (Henry)

“Mama, I can’t wait to try magic with you.” (Henry)

Taken aback by the child's enthusiasm, Eleonora and Anna exchanged a worried look as they were now afraid of Henry’s reaction if his test fails. Eleonora felt pain as she was afraid that her jealousy might cause her son to feel bad about himself. After all, even the duke's house only had 3 quality mages and there was no real hope to get a new one in the following decade. But what shook them even more was the blind positivism of Alfred, who sipped his tea and declared that he would attend his son’s moment of triumph, as a future mage-knight of their household.

Of course it did not sit well with Anna or Eleonora who gave him a stern talking to after Henry went to bed. For the first time since he was reborn, Henry felt grateful for his body’s lack of strength. As soon as he was laid in bed and his head touched the pillow Henry fell asleep.




The next morning, for the first time, Henry was picked up by his mother. His parents had played a game before he was born, the winner got the privilege to pick him up every morning and bring him to wherever they would spend the morning together. Henry was surprised by his mother showing up, but as soon as she entered the armor she wore and the smile she had on her face gave Henry the answer as to why she was here.

“Henry honey, it’s time to go with mommy. We will eat a light breakfast and move to the gym for some exercise. You think you can manage that?” (Eleonora)

“Yes, mama!” (Henry)

“Excellent. Now let’s hurry to your daddy, he is sulking because I took his precious wake up visit from him.” (Eleonora)

After a quick breakfast, Henry was riding atop his father’s shoulders and holding his mother’s hand. They were slowly walking towards the same gym as yesterday. The difference this time was that it was quiet. No sound was coming out, the white smoke was rising from the chimney, letting Henry know that there were people inside tending to the room's temperature. Once they entered, they were greeted by Anna and another man, as well as several other people wearing matching outfits who stood behind the two. They all bowed at the same time and quickly dispersed to do their training. After the greeting the two people in front came over and bowed once more.

“Henry, this grandpa is Oliver Storm. He is our mage units captain and he will be your tutor when you grow up a little bit more.” (Eleonora)

“It is an honor to meet you young lord. I will do my best to teach you all there is to know about the wide world that exists outside our estate.” (Oliver)

“Nice to meet you sir Oliver.” (Henry)

“Good, now that we are done with the introductions let’s get to the good part. Oliver, is the appraiser ready?” (Alfred)

“Yes, my lord. I have calibrated the machine to the finest possible setting using a rare magic stone, so if the young lord has an aptitude, no matter how small we will know.” (Oliver)

As he said that Oliver had a worried look on his face, it was completely reasonable as there was only one curse an aspiring mage could receive that was worse than no magic talent, and that was a low talent. A talent which could not be dismissed as a curse for the common people, but for a mage there was no worse punishment than to stand at the doors of magic and not be able to ever truly wield it, or to use it in a way that would surpass low level.

Alfred broke the short silence with a question, “Let us proceed to the appraiser, shall we?” 

Oblivious, or better to say, uninterested about the troubles of magic wielders Alfred urged everyone to get this part over with, all he wanted was to praise his son. There was not a single doubt in his mind. After all, if he had talent, great, if not, he could become strong the same way he did. Level up and break through magic with pure strength. Henry already showed interest in swords after all.

In the corner of the room stood an iron table covered with a piece of parchment. On top of it stood a transparent crystal, about the size of an adult's fist.

“My lord, please touch this circle on the parchment please.” (Anna)

Henry immediately did as Anna said, and with the help of a stool, placed his hands on the circle. Now that he saw it closely it was just like a magic circle. It had words inscribed on it with green ink, and geometrical shapes were added all over the inner circle.

“All right. Henry, breathe slowly and try to clear your mind. The circle will help you find your mana vein. It will feel warm, and ticklish. The circle will do all the work, but still try to feel your vein ok?” (Eleonora)

“Yes!” (Henry)

He did not say much as he already had a hunch about what the mana vein was. All he had to do now was to find it once more. This time it took him only a moment. Today he found it almost instantly, generally it takes him a minute or so, even after almost 2 years of practice. The little brook which was a bit bigger now slowly started moving towards his hands.

“The circle is lighting up, there is talent in the lord. Now let us see to what extent.” Oliver spoke with a hint of joy in his voice.

The transparent crystal started to form a cloud inside of it. The cloud started to show sparks and after a few moments the color of the cloud stabilized. The room fell silent. Henry was unsure of the meaning, he was anxious and wanted someone to speak, but for some reason no one dared to utter a word, that is until his father burst into laughter.

“Hahahahahha, that is my son, did you see old man? Blue, my boy is in the medium range. His mana is medium, our family has not seen a medium level mage talent in over a hundred years.” (Alfred)

“Indeed, most people can not even dream of this, one in over 200 thousand, no maybe even more. Our little lord is truly blessed.” (Anna)

“Haha, there was never a doubt in my mind. A son of my wife can never be anything other than a blessed child, this is nothing, wait and see.” (Alfred)

“Honey, you are making me blush, stop it. Being a medium level mage talent is a feat in our times, even in the ancient era of legends medium mages were field captains who led thousands. Great work Henry, mommy is proud… Not that we would not be proud no matter what you were, after all you are our precious son.” (Eleonora)

“Yes, mama, thank you. I am a mage now?” (Henry)

“No honey, this means that you can become a mage, if you work hard, but only if you want to. Mana studies are not easy, so think about it, ok?” (Eleonora)

“Yes, I will mama.” (Henry)

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