Reborn inside my favorite RPG

Chapter 6: Chapter 5

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A few more days went by, and the eve of the celebration, which the whole estate looked forward to, had finally arrived. The mansion was thoroughly cleaned several times that day, maids and butlers were rushing around and checking every nook and cranny to make sure that everything was perfect. Henry was sitting on the stairs with Anna and doing his best not to get in the way while also enjoying the sight.

“Look Henry, everyone is doing their best for you. Tomorrow will certainly be a day which our territory will remember.” (Anna)

“A lot of people will come?” (Henry)

“Yes, all of the barons, captains and other famous people of our territory will attend. After all, you are our future lord. It is a good chance to have a glimpse of your character and ability.” (Anna)

“I will do my best to impress them all.” (Henry)

After a while Anna took Henry to his room and tucked him in bed. Soon his parents arrived and gave their son some final words of encouragement, before tomorrow's event.




The next morning Henry was woken up by his parents, who came over to give him their presents before the hectic day began. After a lavish breakfast, even for a ducal house, Henry was taken to his room and dressed in the finest attire. Then he joined his parents in the banquet hall and got ready for the incoming wave of people.

“Henry, stay calm, these people will mostly be our old friends, so don’t be shy.” Alfred gave him a few final words of encouragement.

“They are all loyal to the family and there is no need to fear them, ok? And, even if someone was stupid enough to try something, we are not weak enough to let anyone ruin this day for you.” (Eleonora)

As she said this, the usually calm and loving Eleonora exuded a strong aura of intimidation, before it could truly be released to its fullest a cough interrupted their little chat. It was Anna who had just arrived, she performed a perfect bow and informed the family that the greetings would soon begin.




Henry was standing in front of his parents and anxiously awaiting the moment the two knights would open the doors of the banquet hall. After a small nod from the duke they pushed the doors open, revealing a long line of people outside. Silence filled the corridor as people were trying to steal a glance of their future lord, while at the same time doing their best to seem serious and noble.

Aron, the bearlike knight, stood by the door and loudly announced the beginning of the greetings. He announced the first people to enter. It was a family of four, the man was wearing a military uniform while the woman was wearing a stylish dress. Behind them stood their two children. The man and woman performed stiff bows and then urged their children to do the same.

“Greetings young lord Henry. In the name of Halridge and the first knight company we wish you a happy birthday. I am knight-commander Joshua, this is my wife Mary and our two boys Ralph and Michael.” (man)

Henry and his parents returned their bows and now all eyes fell on the host. Henry was very nervous, but did his best to keep his wits and returned the greeting as he did many times while practicing with Anna.

“It is an honor to meet you sir Joshua, lady Mary, sir Ralph and sir Michael.” (Henry)

As he performed the greeting to the best of his ability Henry expected the people to move on. Unfortunately for him, the two adults just stared at him for a very long moment. Henry was in turmoil as he was certain that he did not make any mistakes, but still he could not be completely sure. Perhaps he disrespected a famous knight by not bowing deep enough?

As he was thinking over what to do next a loud laugh echoed in the room. The source was his own father. Alfred stepped forward and gave Joshua a friendly hug, while Eleonora exchanged similar greetings with Mary. They then turned to Henry and urged him to come closer.

“Now Henry, for the real introduction, this man is my best friend, you don’t remember him as you were asleep when he came to visit you.” (Alfred)

“It was a quick visit, please forgive me for not being able to greet you properly young lord. We had some trouble pop up in a nearby village and I did not get a chance to come back.” (Joshua)

“Please raise your head sir Joshua, protecting the people is more important than pleasantries.” (Henry)

“HAhahaha, a great answer, you truly are your fathers son. But I am not sure how vice-captain Anna will feel about it.” (Joshua)

While saying this he turned his eyes to Anna, who was standing behind the ducal family. Her gaze was a mixture of anger and defeat. Her last hope to bring a bit more of etiquette into this land was slowly acknowledging the way of the locals.

“He will grow up to be a proper gentleman, mark my words commander.” (Anna)

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Henry felt sorry for his nanny and attempted to comfort her with his words, but then, as if planned, the people involved in the standoff and even the ones near the entrance burst out into a hearty laugh. Anna was attempting to reform the people around her for almost two decades now, but to no avail. They were more comfortable being themselves with the people they shared countless battlefields with, then to pretend to be high born nobles.

“Then, my lord, please excuse our impoliteness, we took too much of your precious time, and also caused a lot of people to wait longer than they should. Please look us up in the hall once the party begins.” (Joshua)

People slowly trickled into the hall and offered their best wishes to the family. It went along much smoother as the atmosphere was now that of a friendly visit rather than a formal one.

‘I can do this, just a few more minutes and I will be able to take a breather before the cake cutting.” (Henry)

But this part of the day still had one more surprise for Henry, unfortunately not a pleasant one. Commotion started to appear, and a shrill voice was heard down the corridor. The duke made an awkward smile to Henry and Eleonora and went along to check what was the cause.

Henry noticed that his father was pretty sure what was going on as he had a tired look on his face. In an attempt to ease his fathers suffering Henry ran after him and grabbed his hand. Alfred was stunned for a moment but then melted away before his son's cute action.

They walked down the hallway and soon found the source of the commotion. A man in his forties was yelling at a young looking man in knight's attire.

“You swine, know your place before you speak to a higher noble! No manners in the East, inexcusable, I should have your rank stripped down. To say that I should not cut in line! Small time countryside moron. If we were in polite society this would have never happened, a knight talking to a count like they were old buddies. You should be happy to give up your spot to your betters.” (man)

Alfred let out a sigh and caught the attention of everyone present. When they noticed him the two men had completely different reactions. The knight knelt down while the count slightly bowed his head. This action alone made a vein pop up on Alfred’s head.

“Now what is the reason for this commotion? You are interrupting my son’s reception.” Alfred spoke in a calm voice which was a stark contrast to the situation before him.

“This lowly knight like thing insulted me, he lacks all manners and should be reeducated as soon as possible. But given that the young lord is present and that it is his birthday I shall be magnanimous and let it be.” (count)

Alfred looked at the man with utter disgust and then walked towards the knight. He was trembling and looked pale. It was as if all the blood had left his body. Before Alfred could say something Henry, who was by his side, stepped forward and called out to the knight.

“Sir, it is a pleasure to meet you, I am Henry Sigurdson, the first son of duke Alfred and lady Eleonora, I thank you for your visit on this joyous day.” (Henry)

The knight regained some color to his cheeks and placed his fist on top of his chest.

“It is an honor to be here my lord, I am the representative of the Roth village, Clauss Rothberg.” (Clauss)

“What insolence, to greet this one before me, you my boy need to be reeducated as well.” (count)

Henry was taken aback by the man’s shrill voice and accusing tone being directed at him. He even praised Clauss for his ability not to cry after being subjected to this kind of torture. But what happened next was even more shocking. The knight grabbed his sword and swiftly pulled it out, a similar sound echoed throughout the corridor. The knights and lords present had all drawn their swords and pointed them towards the count.

“What are you idiots doing, it is well known that the East has no count level nobles, to have lowly pigs draw their weapons at the likes of me..” (count)

“Enough! I have heard enough of your idiocy. You are not in your cozy little mansion where you can bully servants. You are in the military frontier, only one man stands above our people, the king. If you fancy yourself king, count Piggy, firstly allow me to congratulate you for your bravery, I am sure the king will be glad to know of your ambitions. To come to the East and give orders to those directly under the lord of this kingdom, truly a brave PIG you are. Secondly you raised your voice to my son, that in itself is enough for me to have your head. But given that I do not wish to ruin my new carpets with your filth, nor do I want my people to pull a muscle lifting the sack of lard you call a body I will have you leave my domain. Tell the swineherd who sent you here that his little games are not welcomed in the East!” (Alfred)

The count ran out fuming with rage, humiliated before those he viewed as insects. Still he had done what he came to do. Now was not the time to stick around and risk his head really taking flight.

“My lords, my ladies, please excuse this interruption, my son shall continue his greetings in a moment.” Alfred gave a quick bow to the people in the line before taking Henry back to the hall.

The people present bowed and sheathed their swords. The rest of the greeting ceremony was very heavy for Henry. The people were friendly and smiled at him and he did his best to reply as perfectly as possible, but the adrenaline coursing through his blood was not letting him enjoy the moment. He did his best not to show a bad side to these people, who drew their swords for him.

After the greetings were over Alfred and Eleonora gave a short speech and informed the people that, after a change of attire, their son would join them for the main event.

Alfred took Henry by his hand and led him to his room. There Eleonora and Alfred did their best to calm him down. As people who were present on countless battlefields they saw Henry have shivers and knew all too well that it was related to the incident.

“Son, you should relax now, that man is gone, all he wanted to do was make a spectacle for some petty game his master is playing.” (Alfred)

“Henry, don’t be afraid, such people are all too common, you will meet many of them, but remember even if the whole world is like that they will not get to you, we will knock them all down.” (Eleonora)

Henry was able to relax thanks to his parents reassuring words. He took a deep breath and, as he exhaled, he felt the stress slowly leave his body.

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