Reborn inside my favorite RPG

Chapter 9: Chapter 8

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Oliver left the room to complete the duke’s order.

“Henry, in normal situations we would take a long time and make plans for days if not weeks. Unfortunately, in situations like this one, we must act swiftly. Thankfully the people here are all seasoned warriors.” (Alfred)

“Honey, remember to never rush. It might seem like we came to a fast conclusion but in reality we have had many situations like this one, and they gave us experience we need to handle threats like this one without wasting precious time.” (Eleonora)

“Yes, we might not seem like it, but Ulv and I have fought on battlefields together for more than one hundred years now.” (Grendir)

“A good leader will give his people a chance to give their opinions. He should listen to them and use the ones he can. Then he must make a decision which only he, as the leader can make and move forward. Understand my lord?” (Anna)

“Yes, I will do my best to remember your advice.” Henry nodded.

The conversation continued for some time. They made plans for the routes the forces led by Alfred would take and the locations where ambushes can be prepared. The elves and dwarves already mobilized their elite units and had them wait for further orders at the edge of the Great forest.

“My lord Alfred, the messengers have been sent. I have prepared the supplies for 3 weeks. The rest shall be provided by the border garrisons and the villages.” With these words Oliver took his seat at the table.

“Oliver, you will move with me, Eli, you will assume command over the knights and the mages. Keep Henry and yourself safe and evacuate if you see any danger you cannot handle.” (Alfred)

“Honey, you worry too much, those rats cannot reach this deep into our lands, and even if they did, it would take much more than an army of worthless weaklings to get past our guards not to mention my and Anna’s magic.” (Eleonora)

“Lord Henry and my lady will be safe, this I promise you lord Alfred.” (Anna)

“Good, I will leave our home in your capable hands. We will leave tonight, Oliver I will have you ride with the vanguard, Grendir will be your second in command until we join the elves and dwarves. Is that acceptable to you gentlemen?” (Alfred)

“Yes!” (Oliver, Grendir)

The two men answered without hesitation and bowed their heads. Their trust in Alfred’s judgment was not just the product of his position as lord and commander but also thanks to the countless times he has led them to victory with his strategy and quick wits.




As night fell the knights lined up in front of the mansion awaiting orders. Once Alfred, Oliver and Eleonora came outside the assembled knights saluted. What surprised the knights was the little boy who came a few moments after Alfred took his position. They knew that it was their young lord. All of these knights were fathers or sons of soldiers. They knew very well the pain the boy must have felt, but they also saw that the boy’s eyes were full of pride.

Henry felt a mixture of pride and anxiety. His father looked very cool and knightly in his armor giving a speech to a group of over one hundred people. At the same time Henry knew where they were going. The place where his father was going was not a normal job, but a battlefield. It took only one lucky shot, or a stray arrow and his father would be no more. He wanted to hug his father and tell him to stay, unfortunately this was not an option. The people before him were going to put an end to evil that was attacking his countrymen.

They were the one and only hope for hundreds of men, women and children. Henry looked on at his father’s back. They never seemed larger. It was as if they could shoulder the heavens themselves.

That night a group of knights rode out of the Sigurdson mansion and made their way northeast, towards an enemy force ten times their size.




After the knights left Eleonora gave quick orders to the night shift guards and took Henry’s hand. They entered the mansion and climbed up the stairs.

The house seemed empty, to both of them this was their home, a place where, behind every corner Alfred might jump out and make them smile, only to then run away from an angry Anna.

Now he was on horseback, riding towards danger. They both knew he was strong, Eleonora fought beside him countless times. She knew that he would not lose to any man. Still it was natural to worry. If she could, she would grab her gear and follow him, but now were different times. Holding her hand was their son. A person of the greatest value to both of them. Eleonora was deep in her thoughts when a voice pulled her back into reality.

“Mommy? Can I sleep in your room tonight?” (Henry)

Eleonora was stunned, she was just about to suggest this to him, she wanted to stay by his side, she needed to be sure to protect Alfred’s son with all she had.

“Of course honey. You miss daddy already, don’t you?” (Eleonora)

“Mhm” (Henry)

Henry was truly lost, he was supposed to be twenty years old by now, but still all he wanted to do was to stay next to his mother, to protect her. His father was away, he would not come pick him up in the morning, nor would he teach him how to swing a sword tomorrow. He needed to be by his mother’s side now more than ever.

The two made their way towards the master bedroom. That night Henry was weeping for hours. The dams that held his emotions in were broken. His father, mother, all that he loved was in danger and he could do nothing. Eleonora did her best to soothe him, but only after there were no more tears to shed and his body lost its strength did Henry fall asleep.

The following nights Henry managed to recover and did his best to put on a brave face for his mother. He hugged her tightly out of fear that she might disappear just like Alfred.

Days turned into weeks. Henry did his best to keep a smile on his mothers face. He worked hard on his magic and his swordsmanship. He pushed his body and his mana beyond the limits. He needed to grow, and grow into a man who could fight with his father. A man who could shatter anyone and anything that would make his mother worry like this.

In the mornings he would crawl out of bed before sun up and watch the road leading to the mansion. That same road that his father and his trusted knights used on that night. Eleonora was awake, but she would always let her son have his few minutes alone at the window before joining him.

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The two would have their tea and their meals on the mansion's balcony overlooking the northeast road. Even when Anna scolded them it had little effect.

5 weeks after this ordeal started, with the first rays of sunlight Henry and Eleonora sighted a banner rising from beyond the hill.




When an army marches, the first few days are usually slow and long. The newly recruited units with no experience of working together cause the march to drag while the young officers and the old ones clash over how to do things, often calling their nobility into play when pushing for something. The supporting units, the footmen and the horsemen all have their own pace.

The group Alfred was leading was different. These knights were the elites of the East. They have marched into battle countless times. None showed even a little bit of surprise when they were told that this was to be a true march towards a battlefield.

The veterans fit into their roles seamlessly and the march went along smoothly. They moved quickly and covered a lot of ground. As they approached the mountains even they started showing some signs of fatigue and wariness. They have covered 2 weeks worth of march in just 10 days. It took a heavy toll, even on these seasoned warriors. Alfred sent out Grendir’s scouts to locate the elvish and dwarven forces. He then gave the day off to his men. They would soon enter into combat and he needed his men to be at their best.

After 2 hours the scouts returned and gave Alfred the positions of both the enemies and the allied forces.

“So far, my lord, we have killed 102 enemy soldiers. None were captured, as ordered.” The elf ranger spoke while pointing the positions where the skirmishes happened on the map.

“Good, we have no time to feed or shelter the enemy. Are there any casualties on our side?” (Alfred)

“Eleven wounded among the dwarf silver shields. Five wounded rangers among the elvish forces. No dead, also none of the wounded are in danger of losing their lives.” (elf)

“Good, do we know where the main force of the enemy is located?” (Alfred)

“Yes, they are moving towards Qarazat village, they should arrive tomorrow. The population has been evacuated, we have sent a vanguard unit to support the efforts.” (elf)

“We will move there with our main force, we must protect the people, the village will be rebuilt after our victory. Tell the rangers and the silver shields to meet up with us along the road towards the village.” (Alfred)

“As you wish, my lord!” (elf)

With this the arrangements were made and all that was left was to hope a day's rest would be enough for the knights.




The following morning the camp was quickly dismantled and Alfred’s forces were once more on the march. They were heading towards the Qarazat villagers who were running away from the raiding party.

“Those cockroaches are moving fast, luckily they stayed the night in the village. The pursuit will not reach the people before we link up with them.” (Ulv)

“Good. Are there any places we can use for an ambush along the road?” (Alfred)

“There are very few, as this is mostly agricultural land, still there is a small forest that the road cuts through just a few hours away.” (Grendir)

“Good, we will set up there. Grendir take the best rangers and keep track of the enemies movements, if they move away from the path, inform me as soon as possible.” (Alfred)

“As you wish my lord!” (Grendir)




Alfred’s men moved swiftly and were soon inside the forest setting up traps and adapting the terrain for easier concealment. As the sun was reaching the highest point in the sky the villagers, who were tired and frightened, arrived under the protection of the local garrison and the rangers.

Their faces showed relief as they saw the faces of the famous elites of their region. Some were angry that their homes were left without a fight but most let go of their resentment once Alfred promised to rebuild their village. They were given food and moved further down the road towards the temporary camp made by the knights. The knights took some spare clothes from the villagers and Alfred gave the people silver coins as compensation.

After a few hours, the enemy finally arrived. They saw the people running into the forest along the road and let out joyous screams, the monsters led by the tamers howled and growled. After a long hunt their prey was in sight. They were like ants scrambling to run away, but now there was no more hope. That small forest would be their final resting place.

With a sound from the horn the monsters and the mounted knights rushed towards the escaping people. They could feel the upcoming bloodbath and it made them exhilarated.

The knights rushed down the road and the monsters charged through the woods. The screams echoed throughout the land; anyone would tremble from such an onslaught. As they moved through the forest, towards their prey, the monsters were the first to find themselves realizing the meaning behind the word fear.

Arrows pierced through the air and a deafening roar caused the less experienced knights to fall off of their battle horses. The hunters have become the prey.

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