Reborn Moonlight Youth

Chapter 3: 3

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Chapter 3: Medical Book


Four years later, Ou LingYi had grown into a tender, healthy and adorable toddler.

Ou LingYi was born abnormally pale. If this birthmark was not silver and could reflect light under the light, he would not have found it.

With a tentative mood, Ou LingYi still basked in the moonlight whenever he had a chance. Finally, he found that this birthmark, like the original jade pendant, could absorb the moonlight for his own use. It made him very happy.

Once again, no one understood the importance of power better than Ou LingYi. With the ability of self-protection, he could protect the people he wanted to protect and avoid future tragedies. Only in this way could he ensure that his life was comfortable and free and not easily controlled and used by others.

Having absorbed some of the moonlight, Ou LingYi gradually found that he could control people's emotions and thoughts just like when he was a wandering soul.

Although due to his weak body and lack of energy, he would be weak for a long time every time he exerted power, Ou LingYi was not discouraged. He believed that with the passage of time, the more strength he accumulated, the sooner he could recover it again.

While getting dressed into the clothes received from the auntie living next door, Ou LingYi reminisced about the past four years.

A blue and white striped sailor's T-shirt, a light blue 7-point jeans belt pants, a fluffy Pooh backpack on his back, Ou LingYi looked at the lovely and adorable pale toddler in the mirror and curved his mouth into a smile.

Perhaps due to the many years of absorbing pure energy from the moonlight, this time, Ou LingYi appeared cuter and fairer. He constantly exuded a calming aura which made people want to hold him in their arms and dote on him.

Although his mother still hated him as before, the lovely and strong little bun, with his cold, serious, delicate and shapely face and his bright eyes, captured the hearts of the ladies in the red-light district. What he ate, wore, used, and played with were always gifted to his home, and from time to time, he ran to hug them and they accompanied him to do some childish games to please him.

Recalling the crazy kisses and cuddles of those weird aunts, Ou LingYi couldn't help shaking. He had no idea how it happened, it was totally different from his last life's memory.

In the last life, he was always locked up in the room by his mother. When his mother was doing business in the living room, he would lie at the door and listen to his mother.

Hearing his mother's moaning, Ou LingYi would cry out and make a lot of noise, which caused the neighbors to have a lot of opinions, and made him constantly scolded by his mother. If the noise upset the guests and they didn't pay, his mother would burn Ou LingYi's small hand with a hot cigarette.

When he lifted his white, smooth little hand, there was not even a scar on it. In this life, Ou LingYi was born with his previous memory. He never cried out or made any noise, and he received much less rejection. Moreover, as he grew older, he could control the minds of people with weak minds. His mother would never want to approach Ou LingYi again, let alone scold him.

Everything was different! I was reborn to change my life. If there is no change, I will live in vain.

In this way, Ou LingYi put aside his thoughts and went back to the steps beside the door to put on his shoes. Staring at the pair of small white shoes in the shoe cabinet, Ou LingYi concentrated and tried to move them.

The white shoes rose up, slowly floated in the air towards him, and finally landed steadily at Ou LingYi's feet. He put on his shoes quickly and set off for the hospital he visited before his rebirth.

After recovering the ability of telekinesis, Ou LingYi planned to go to that hospital to find the ancient Chinese medicine book. His recovered memories made him understand why he cared so much about heart surgery.

The root of all this was his half brother, Ou TianBao.

Ou TianBao was the treasure of his father, Ou XingTian. From the meaning of his name, it was obvious - TianBao, the treasure of Ou XingTian. He was also the reason for Ou LingYi's forced return to the Ou family.

Ou TianBao's mother was born on the bloody night that Ou XingTian was rooting out family competitors, his father, and his brothers.

Ou TianBao's mother, the only woman ever loved by Ou XingTian, died that night to save the Ou group's boss. Before she died, she asked for a cesarean section, and forcibly took out the child.

Less than a month later, he was seriously injured. Ou TianBao was born with congenital heart disease and he inherited the rare Rh negative blood type [efn_note]When it comes to blood transfusion, anyone who is Rh positive can receive blood from someone who is Rh negative, but those with negative blood types cannot receive from anyone with a positive blood type. In real life, the Rh factor (+ or -) of blood does not matter in a transplant.[/efn_note] from Ou XingTian. It was more difficult to find the right heart for a successful match than to let him die.

He killed his family, lost his beloved woman, and was met with such a fragile little life after the bloodbath. Ou XingTian's cold and hard heart was melted a little by the weak Ou TianBao. For the sake of the child's healthy life, he would do whatever it takes.

Ou XingTian first adopted a healthy orphan, Ou LingShuang and she was to be raised as a donor of Ou TianBao's heart. But when Ou TianBao grew up and was able to do the transplantation, doctors found that Ou TianBao was Rh negative, and the matching between Ou TianBao and Ou LingShuang was completely unsuccessful.

The situation became a game of chess with Death. The capable Ou LingShuang was used as leftovers and became the fiancee of Ou TianBao. She stayed in the Ou family to take full care of Ou TianBao and worked for the Ou group instead of him, consolidating her position in the group.

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Seeing the weakness of Ou TianBao day by day, and seeing as the heart donor was still not found, Ou XingTian suddenly remembered the pregnant woman, Ou LingYi's mother, who had been dealt with by him fourteen years ago.

With the hope of one in ten thousand, Ou XingTian was surprised to find that the child was born against all odds, which seemed to indicate a providence. For this reason, he chose to sacrifice the life of his youngest son, Ou LingYi, without hesitation.

After half a century in a hospital, Ou LingYi had witnessed the rapid development of medicine. Now, Ou LingYi knew that the future medical community would develop stem cell culture and gene stability technology, which could completely create a heart for Ou TianBao with embryonic stem cells and carry out autotransplantation. Combined with the acupuncture therapy in that ancient Chinese medicine book, Ou LingYi had full assurance that he could live until old age after the operation for Ou TianBao.

Although he was extremely reluctant to cure the main culprit who caused his death, in order to fulfill Ou LingShuang's wish and keep his heart from being missed all the time, Ou LingYi decided to practice his own medicine.

Taking advantage of being ahead of time, he wanted to go all out to study medicine. Once he was picked up by the Ou Family and had the funds, he would immediately start to prepare the research work of stem cell cultivation and gene stability technology, prepare the operation for Ou TianBao, and pave the way for Ou LingShuang to leave the Ou Group.


After half a century of self-study and medical cultivation, Ou LingYi's understanding of medical technology was far beyond that of the world's top doctors. It was a matter of course that he could treat Ou TianBao's heart disease. This was the biggest chip for him to return to the Ou Family and save Ou LingShuang. He should take it seriously.

Thinking about the future, Ou LingYi got on the bus with a serious face. The bus full of people watched a fair, lovely child tottering onto the bus, all adult-like. His actions were just too cute, and so they flashed adoring gazes at him.

"Little boy, where are your parents? How come you're out alone?" Seeing Ou LingYi tiptoeing and unsuccessfully trying to insert money into the coin slot, a beautiful and fair woman stepped out of the crowd, took his small hand, and helped him pour the coins into the machine.

Hearing the sound of 'little boy,' Ou LingYi's expression collapsed and his face faintly tensed up. With his spirit power, though, he knew that the woman in front of him was full of kindness.

He felt the others' kindness, and it made him feel nice. Comfortably narrowing his round eyes, Little Bun Ou replied with a soft and sweet voice, "Mom is sick, I am going to the first hospital to see her. I have no father."

These words were whispered without emotion and said by the little boy. Plus, he was adorable, cute, plump, tender, and tender, though his face was a little aggrieved. The tiny pouting mouth instantly produced incredible magic power, making people feel soft and confused, and the moved aunties ran over to him.

"Don't be sad, dearie! Auntie knows the way. You are not safe alone. Auntie will take you there!" The woman who was the first to talk, touched her beating heart, and her feelings gushed to her eyes: God, how can there be such a lovely, cute, and heartbreaking baby? No, we must protect him! Such a baby is the most likely to attract the attention of perverts!

With a strong drive to protect the baby Ou LingYi, a woman with a smirk and black mascara, accompanied him to the hospital smoothly.

They walked into the ** ward, and Ou LingYi saw a sleeping middle-aged woman lying in the bed. Ou LingYi pointed to her decisively and said, "Auntie, that's my mother. She's still sleeping. I'll wait by the bed for her to wake up. Thank you, auntie!"

The woman saw that Little Ou naturally dragged a stool over and sat down beside the hospital bed, frowned and looked at ** room's 'mother' with a worried face. Then, she nodded with a smile, reluctantly, and left step by step, feeling that she should leave space for the mother and son.

When the figure of the woman finally disappeared at the corner of the corridor, Little Bun Ou stood up and ran towards the sundry room on the same floor with a great sigh of relief. The sundry room was at the innermost end of the corridor. The mottled, rusted gate was locked by a big lock.

Ou LingYi looked around and saw that this was the corner of the stairs, away from people's eyes. So, he placed his hand on the door of the sundry room and released his spirit power to detect the situation in the room.

Ou LingYi had recovered all abilities except his clairvoyance. He didn't know why, no matter how he practiced, he still couldn't see through things as easily as he did when he was wandering in his previous life.

Maybe with the loss of his ability to penetrate walls, it also degenerated at the same time, right? So guessing this, Ou LingYi felt a little bitter. This ability was of great help to his future study of medicine.

Failure was something that Ou LingYi could not accept after his rebirth, so he spent two years developing his mental power, using it as a detector to make up for the lack of clairvoyance.

As his spiritual power had become more and more powerful over time, he became able to perceive things within ten meters. He would direct his spiritual power with his hands; touching something, he could clearly perceive things in that direction.

At this moment, Ou LingYi was using this ability to detect the whereabouts of medical books in the room. After a careful scan, he finally detected the existence of the ancient Chinese medicine book at the bottom of a pile of old books.

With both hands attached to the door, Ou LingYi concentrated his mental power to lock the position of medical books and prepared to forcibly extract them from the stacks of books.

The stack of books was too high and it took him a lot of energy to separate them completely. Finally, the medical book burst out from the stack of books, slipped through the gap under the door, and stopped at Ou LingYi's feet.

With cold sweat on his forehead, Ou LingYi squatted down weakly to pick up the book, patted the familiar old cover, and his mouth opened with a smile that was barely visible; he then quickly put the book into his fluffy Winnie the Pooh backpack.

When the medical book finally was in his hands, Ou LingYi was relieved. In the future, he would be able to study medicine at ease. He'd better get a computer, some professional books, and pens. He thought to himself that he needed to get the configuration of his hand. Little Ou patted the backpack with satisfaction and walked out of the hospital step by step.

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