Reborn Moonlight Youth

Chapter 7: 7

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Chapter 7: You...


After the entire Ou family's servants had met him, Ou LingYi said he was exhausted as an excuse and wanted to return to his room to rest.

Taken by the overly enthusiastic Ou XingZhen to the second floor, Ou LingYi lifted his eyebrow in another wave of suspicison once he saw the spacious and bright bedroom with exquisite furnishings. This wasn't the place where I lived in my past life? Did they make a mistake?

When the Ou LingYi in his last life knew that he had a rich father and didn't have to be a prostitute anymore, he was exhilarated. Along the way, he tried to please his second uncle who took him home. And this kind of lowly attitude and dirty life is exactly what Ou XingZhen dislikes most.

Therefore, the simple act of bringing him home was nearly intolerable by Ou XingZhen. Why should Ou LingYi receive good treatment? Finally, he ordered the housekeeper to arrange a servant's room in the corner of the first floor.

Living a new life now, the beautiful, strong, indifferent, and intelligent Ou LingYi stole Ou XingZhen's heart in one moment. In addition, his extraordinary intelligence and knowledge made it even more difficult for Ou XingZhen to hate him.

Seeing his nephew standing at the door quietly observing the furnishing in the room, yet he didn't enter, made Ou XingZhen furrowed his eyebrows in worry. "Is Xiao-Yi dissatisfied? We didn't have much time, so we could only arrange it like this. If something's not good, bear with it for now. Second uncle will tell someone to change it for your tomorrow."

Hearing Ou XingZhen's voice, he stopped daydreaming, and Ou LingYi dismissed him by waving his hand. "No, leave it like this." In this life, he has no attachment to decorations. Simplicity is good, luxury is the same. He had nothing to do with them. In this family, he was only a passer-by, anyway.

Ou LingYi's expression was indifferent. Even with how carefully Ou XingZhen observes, it is difficult to know his true thoughts about the room. So, he could only give up helplessly.

How can this child be so indifferent at such a young age? Not a bit of vigor! Probably suffered a lot in the red light district?

Knowing his nephew's miserable life in the red light district, Ou XingZhen's heart ignited into flames with waves of pain. I should have found him earlier and let him grow up happily by my side, but it's not too late to come back now.

Looking at the one meter sixty-eight, slim and petite man, not even reaching his chest, Ou XingZhen was filled with deep satisfaction, and his face wore with a dreamy smile.

Already used to Ou XingZhen'e randomly silly expressions, Ou LingYi was too lazy to care and shuts the door.

Still immersed in the imagination of a happy life with his little nephew, Ou XingZhen was caught off guard by the door. It hit into his nose, and he let out a cry.

Why does Xiao-Yi close the door without saying a word? He thought with embarrassment. Ou Xing Zhen touched his red, hurt nose as he walked back to his room to call his brother.

He was completely oblivious to his own abnormal emotions. If someone treated him like this, even if it's Ou TianBao, his favorite older brother, he will severely reprimand him. When it came to Ou LingYi, he couldn't even get angry.

It could only be said that the beauty is much loved, especially when the beauty was someone who has not yet grown up and is pure and clever.

After closing the door, Ou LingYi relaxed and threw himself into the middle of the room where the the soft and comfortable king size bed lied. He closed his eyes and recalled today's events. He compared his mental pictures with those of his previous life and his first return to Ou's home.

Compared with his old memories, Ou LingYi frowns. This is only the first day back to the Ou family. Many people, many things have changed. I wonder if LingShuang-jie will be different than the one in my past life? But no matter how she changes, the idea of protecting her will never change!

Clenching his fists, Ou LingYi swears silently that this time, he will protect Ou LingShuang's happiness for eternity.


While Ou LingYi was confused about the grand welcome he received when he returned to the Ou family, on this end, Ou XingZhen was also worried as he waited for his older brother to pick up the phone.

He could not bear to hurt suxh a lovely and clever child. He could only hope to persuade his brother to change his mind.

"Hello? Has the matter been settled? " The phone was connected and a deep, dragging voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes, big brother. Xiao-Yi has been brought back." When his elder brother's voice rang out, Ou Xing calmed himself and carefully chose his words.


"Xiao-Yi?" Ou XingTian 接通电话. He was confused about Xiao-Yi in his brother's had just said.


"Xiao-Yi is Ou LingYi, your son who's been wandering, my little nephew. I just brought him back."


"Oh, it's him!" Ou XingTian indifferently answered. He moved to his desk and took a look at the fax on the desk: "I saw the fax you sent. He's in good health, and his blood type is the same. The match should be successful; I'm satisfied."


"Big brother, this isn't what I wanted to tell you! You haven't see that kid. He is different from others. He attracts others! I like him very much. Can we give up that plan? " He was about to talk about Ou LingYi's research, but considering that the expert group has not discussed or reviewed it, it'll make his older brother even more disappointed if the report wasn't plausible. Ou XingZhen clenchrd his teeth. He'll wait until the R&D is successful before he tells his brother. Since there's still many years before Ou TianBao needs his operation, he'll make it.


"Do you know what you're talking about? Just for today's son of a bitch, you want me to give up TianBao only chance to survive? I tell you, there is no way! No matter how much you like him, my decision will not change! You must remember, in this world, only TianBao and I are your family." With prominent lines that creased between his thick eyebrows, Ou XingTian coldly refused his younger brother's request.



Although he was very angry with his brother's defection from the plan, Ou XingTian had to admit he was a little curious about the son he had never met. What kind of person made his younger brother who was as cold as him want to protect him at first sight? It seems that his son wasn't so simple.


"Elder brother! If you end the existence of a person without even seeing him, you will regret it!" Agitatedly hanging up the phone, Ou XingZhen painfully cradled his forehead.


He knew his brother's had a heart of stone. No matter what he said, he wouldn't listen. Ou XingZhen could only give up the idea of communicating with Ou XingTian on the phone. Everything should wait until he comes back. He should speed up his pace too, so he could move Xiao-Yi's research up his agenda.


He ran every step that he'll take in the future over in his head. Ou XingZhen covered his face, tiredly lying on his bed.


Ou XingTian, who was roughly hung up by his brother, furrowed his eyebrows and pondered as the ending tone rang. It seems that he'll have to return early; Ou XingZhen was abnormal. Maybe there's some unknown variables causing trouble at home.



Ou LingYi originally intended to lie in bed and relax with closed eyes; he didn't expect to call asleep. When the housekeeper woke him up, he knew it was time for dinner. Ou LingShuang and Ou TianBao had been back for a long time.


Full of expectations, he walked downstairs and looked at the sofa in the living room. Ou LingShuang and TianBao are sitting beside Ou Xingazhen, chatting with each other. The living room overflows with warmth bursts of laughter.


Hearing Ou LingShuang's familiar and sweet laughter, Ou Ling Yi followed with a satifying smile. This feeling is so familiar, so nostalgic.


As Ou XingZhen asked about school, he casted looks at the stairs ever so often. The second Ou LingYi appeared by the stairs, he was found.



Seeing that Ou LingYi looks expectantly towards them, eyes locked onto Ou LingShuang with a nostalgic smile, Ou XingZhen felt a wave of anger for some reason. An astrigent sour runs through his heart.


After all, he was the first person to take him home; don't all say children are like fledgings and stick to the first person they met? Why does Xiao-Yi obviously like Ou LingShuang more than himself? This won't work!


The thought twisted and circled around his head numerous times, 却只是分分钟的事情. Ou XingZhen decisively stands up to catch Ou LingYi's attention.


With a smile on his face, he stretched out his hands to hold on to the child who was still staring at Ou LingShuang. He turned Ou LingYi's head back to him and said with a smile, "Xiao-Yi, you've slept for so long; we're all waiting for you to have dinner! Come, let second uncle introduce to you. This is your older brother, Ou TianBao, and this is your older sister, Ou LingShuang.


He introduces the two people behind him to Ou LingYi. Ou XingZhen purposefully accentuates the title "sister."


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Ou LingYi felt the unreasonable air of anger from Ou XingZhen. It was puzzling, yet he was too lazy to care. Carefully, he hid away the excitement in his heart, calmly saying, "Hello, brother. Hello, sister. I'm Ou LingYi, please take care of me."


"Hello, Xiao-Yi. I'm glad you can come back! If you have any difficulties in the future, please come to your brother. " A genyle smile floats onto Ou TianBao's handsome, youthful face.


Ou LingYi raises eyebrows in surprise. Although Ou TianBao was smiling, it didn't reach into the depths of his eyes. Furthermore, his body still exuded waves of hostility.


In Ou LingYi's former life, he knew very little. He judged people on their outward appearances only. How would he realize that his brother hated him so much? Recalling his past life's interaction with Ou TianBao, Ou LingYi is surprised to find that his brother had some hidden motives. It seems that it'll be better if he interacted with him less in the future.



He had already decided to avoid conflict with Ou TianBao under any circumstance. His face doesn't show any of his inner emotions and returns a beautiful, gleaming smile. Ou TianBao's eyes flashed, hostility billowing even thicker.


On the side, Ou LingShuang was dazzled by the pure smile of Ou LingYi and excited threw herself onto him. She put her arm around his shoulder and rubbed his soft cheek. With an intoxicated look on her face, she said, "Ah! I never imagine I, Ou LingShuang, would have such a lovely younger brother! I'm so happyn Xiao-Yi, don't be afraid; Sister will always protect you!"


Ou LingShuang continues to nudge against his face playfully, and Ou LingYi feels a fulfillment in his heart. That's great, after so many years, you're still enthusiastic; you haven't changed!


Ou XingZhen watched with red eyes. Under Ou LingShuang's gestures, the young man not only doesn't stop him, but also has a carefree. smile. Ou XingZhen couldn't take it anymore and forcibly pulled Ou LingShuang who plastered herself to the other like Gou Pi Gao. In a gloomy tone, he said, "Okay, stop fighting! Let's eat. Xiao-Yi slept for so long, he must be hungry!"


Ou LingShuang saw her second uncle's poor complexion, and let go knowing it was a delicate situation. "Ah, look at me. I almost forgot. Xiao-Yi, come sit by me."


Ou LingShuang rushed to the dining room, striking first and pulling Ou LingYi to sit down next to her.


Ou LingYi was pulled by her, staggering helpless. Yet he obediently sat down, leaving Ou XingZhen who was frothing at the mouth with rage after missing the first attack


Ou TianBao scanned everyone's expressions once out of the corner of his eyes before raising an eyebrow and sitting down in his usual seat. Next to him was the main seat, currently vacant. Ou XingTian was still in Paris and wouldn't be back until two days later.


What does Dad think of the new brother? Secretly, he examined Ou LingYi, whose countenance and tempermant. was like that of jade.



He was full of rejection with the younger brother's appearance. However, seeing that his always indifferent second uncle liked him so much and Ou LingShuang was so enthusiastic, he had to welcome him in order to maintain his usual demeanor.


The housekeeper instructs the servants to bring the French dishes to the table. The last dish is the chef's best "roasted lobster with butter and thyme."


See the huge, roasted lobster gleaming with a captivating light as its placed in the center kf the table, the memories of his past life floats back into his mind.


He remembers the first time he went back to the Ou house in his last life, and the same dish was served at dinner. He had never eaten Western food and didn't understand the etiquette of Western food. After starting, his knife, fork and plate collided with each other, resulting in unpleasant scratches. It made everyone frown and look at him with contempt.


In particular, when he finally ate the lobster, he directly picked up the spoon and hit the lobster shell, which splattered all over the place. Furthermore, the lobster shell even landed in Ou XingZhen's plate, splashing his face with soup.


Ou XingZhen's face darkened and swung his sleeve. Finally, seeing that it was difficult to come to a good ending, TianBao stood up. He taught him Western food etiquette and demonstrated how to eat a lobster properly.


He remembers that he was almost moved by tears on the spot and worked hard to study the dining etiquette of various countries day and night. Now, it seems that Ou TianBao did all that to highlight his elegance and nobility that contrasted with his own vulgarity.


Immersed in the memories of the past, Ou LingYi stares at the lobster. Ou TianBao saw and laughed inwardly, gently coaxing him, "Don't just stare, move it! Today, we're eating a French course. I specifically asked the kitchen to prepare this to welcome you. It's delicious and healthy. Xiao-Yi, you need to eat more."


Seeing that TianBao said the same thing in his previous life, Ou LingYi was not touched at all this time, only full of ridicule. How was he so dumb in the past? The Ou family had only hostility. He didn't realize in yhe beginning, and he ended up killing the only person who cared about him. It seemed that death will not free him of his sins for his past life's mistakes.


"Okay, thank you brother!" Ou LingYi raised his head, amicably smiling towards Ou TianBao.


Sitting on one side with icy looks and watching the interaction unfold, Ou XingZhen frowned. What's wrong with TianBao? Although on the surface it may be a good gesture, why must he make things difficult for Xiao-Yi? Xiao-Yi has never ate Western food before, and TianBao tells the kitchen to prepare a lobster. What if Xiao-Yi makes a fool of himself later?


Although he thought in such a way, Ou XingZhen unconcernedly looked at Ou LingYi, who wore an indifferent expression. It's not big deal; I'll teach Xiao-Yi step by step later.


His imagination filled him with scenes of him holding the young man in his arms, holding his pale, tender hand to dine. All the dissatisfaction dissipated in an instant, and he let out a silly smile.


Ou LingShuang and Ou TianBao both took a surprised glance at the abnormally expressioned second uncle; only Ou LingYi was unfazed. He elegantly picks up the tableware gracefully and leisurely begins to eat.


A moment later, everyone at the table forgot to eat to stare blanky at the young male calmly mealing. Every little movement was natural and graceful, full of noble qualities as he if was an actual prince.


Ou LingShuang suddenly lost interest in the delicious food before her. She held her cheek and watched the beauty eat attentively: "I often hear what people say watching someone beautiful could be fulfilling. I finally experienced it today! It's true, no exaggeration.


After listening to Ou LingShuang's straightforward praise, Ou LingYi smiles at her, "Sister, eat quickly! The taste will change if it cools. You guys too. " Looking around the same shocked faces on everyone else, Ou LingYi added another sentence.


The stupefied faces on both Ou TianBao and Ou XingZhen fades away and they bow their heads to eat. The two men's actions are in unision, but their expressions are different. One is an expression of jealous hatred after a mistake, and the other is an expression of regret after a mistake.


No matter what other people's mood was, Ou LingYi ate well this meal. In addition with Ou LingShuang's constant teasing and joking, his mood brightened even more. His smile never faded, which caused Ou XingZhen to watch with his heart beating wildly.

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