Reborn: Second Chance to Live

Chapter 14: Setting Off

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V1 Chapter 13: Setting Off

"We were waiting for you, Mr. Andrew and Jake; allow me to welcome you to the estate of Baron Robert Balek."

"Hello, Mr.?" My father greeted back

"You can call me William," he replied

"It's my honor to be invited into this mansion, Mr. William" dad said again.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. William," I said to him, and he observed me from top to bottom as if looking for something.

"Likewise, Mr. Jake"… "No, follow me because your entourage is already waiting for your arrival" he replied to us and gestured to follow him, leading the way.

We did as we were told; I followed him, and my mind was already blown by the number of sculptures and fountains inside the premises. (So this is a Noble. Even a Baron has these things…)

I relished the view as many Knights in armor came into my view. There were eight of them, standing around three carriages. (So this is my entourage?) Carriages had Baron's insignia imprinted on it.

(Why are there this many people? And three carriages?)

Before I could voice my thoughts, William interrupted me, "This is your entourage, Mr. Jake. The leader of this party will be Anna, the fair lady over there; she is [Level 7]." William said and pointed at a lady donned in full Knights armor.

The lady looked to be in her late twenties and had auburn hair. Overall, her looks were quite good, and the way she was holding herself up only added to her charm. 

She walked up to us and introduced herself, "Hello, my name is Anna." she made eye contact with me and said, "I will be your guardian and head of all your guards. You can inform me of all your needs."

I bowed my head and greeted her, "Hi, Miss Anna, I am Jake, and I'll be in your care."

For a moment, she was surprised by the amount of maturity I, a five-year-old, showed in front of her. Recovering from the shock, she replied again, "Okay, Jake, say your goodbyes; we are ready to depart."

I nodded my head and seeing my confirmation, she went up to her group again. I turned to Mr. William and asked, "Are these many knights necessary?"

He faced me and said, "Yes, they are. Your entourage contains some valuable gifts that are about to be sent to the capital, too, so we will not be taking any chances."

(This makes sense, I don't think they would spend this many resources on me) 

But even after he gave a valid reason, something inside me wasn't buying his explanation. (Something does seem fishy here) Still, I didn't raise my voice (Well, the more, the better, even if something happens, I could sleep soundly)

I looked at my dad, who was still solemnly standing (is he observing something?), and said to him, "I think it's time, dad."

He smiled sadly and said, "Bye, Jake, make sure to write letters often."

"Take care of mom and Clark." 

"You take care, too" he patted my head, and I waved to him one last time before boarding the carriage.


"Kyaaa~ he is such a cute boy." 

When I got inside the carriage, a lady jumped over me and smothered me into her bosoms. (What the fuck?) 

Apart from Anna, who was the party leader, I saw two more girls inside the Knight's party, one of them was choking the life out of me right between her breasts right now. 

"Stop, Emily, he is suffocating" Anna said to her, which she listened

(So this lady's name is Emily…) She released me, and then I got a good look at her, big breasts and a golden-haired beauty.

She gave me a big smile and introduced herself. "Hellowww, I am Emily, or you can call me Big Sister, hehe" (She is quite playful and full of energy)

I don't know why, but I don't really get along with energetic people. They just keep leaving me behind in a conversation. 

"Jake, you may know of this already, but let me remind you again. We will be traveling to Ishara first; from there, we will pick up food supplies and other items useful for our journey with us." 

She looked at me to confirm if I understood her words. I nodded and gestured to her to continue as I sensed she had more to say. 

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"And from there, we will go through Hedil's Forest. We will probably be there for more than a day; monsters are roaming there. Although it shouldn't be that dangerous that we Knights can't handle it, we would like you to stay inside the carriage unless allowed outside. Got it?" 

I nodded again, to which she smiled at me gently. (They are taking this escort pretty seriously, huh?)

I was not sure what plans the Baron cooked for me, but at least the commander here looked amiable. 

I threw these thoughts in the back of my mind (There's nothing I can do about it anyways, what's done is done), I laid back on my seat and tried to enjoy the ride through my window. 

[3rd Person's POV]


As the carriage slipped past the view, a person was watching the whole scene from his window, sipping on his coffee. The said person was Baron Robert; seeing the boy, who acted way too mature than others of his age, he had an incomprehensible expression on his face. 

His pondering look was interrupted as a butler knocked on his door. Baron woke up from his thoughts and asked his butler. "What do you think of him?"


"The boy? I think he is a bit mature, but overall normal milord," The butler replied, in shock that his lord actually took an interest in the boy.


"There is something off about him…." Baron again replied with a pondering look.


"I am afraid I don't quite get what you are saying, milord." 


"I can't really put it into words, but I think there is more to the boy than we already know…." Baron replied, "My instincts say so."


The butler was left speechless by his master's words. He knows that he can't possibly declare his master's caution as a mere whim, as it will lead to his head rolling on the ground. Unable to speak anymore, he bowed his head and said.


"This servant couldn't find anything of interest in that boy." 


Ignoring his servant's last apology, the Baron again said, "Do you think 'they' will still make moves?"


"They shouldn't, milord. After you outplayed them and the kid joined your banner, there is nothing they could do now" replied the butler respectfully. 


"Yes, but they have gone eerily quiet. It gives me an uneasy feeling," replied the Baron, who was trying really hard to gauge the other party, the Dark Faction. 


"Is that why you've sent those many knights with the entourage?" 


"Yes, I hope if any unforeseen circumstances occur, they can solve it by numbers."


"We could only hope and pray, milord." 

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