Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 23: 22 I won't be your guinea pig

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This is amazing! How did you write this? Did something happen? Are you writing a new story? Xing Bi couldnt hold her excitement.

Ai softly smiled. Something did happen that made me realize my fault. I am not writing a new story. I just felt like writing when that feeling struck me.

It was a scene of the male lead protecting his love. It wasnt exactly like what transpired with her and Jun but along the similar lines.


Delan said, You should be alert of Chun. You dont know how she likes to gossip behind peoples backs and break them apart.

Chun was trembling. Her ex-boyfriend who fell into her friends trap and refused to believe her when she was innocent now said things that would make Yazhu, the one she was in love with now, doubt her.

NoDont believe himI hadnt spread that rumor, she was close to tears.

I trusted her, but she fooled me. You should stay away from her too.

I didnt do it-

Yazhu held her hand and smiled. He glanced at Delan. We are a little busy now.

He turned to leave when Delan hastily shouted. Dont fall for her words!

Yazhu stopped. He slowly turned, his eyes locking into him, making Delan shudder. His gaze was like the calm before the storm, and his voice like the thunder quietly rumbling, making Chun hold her breath.

I know what I am doing because I am a better judge than you.


Xing Bi exclaimed. I could totally feel Yazhus intensity. The last line gave me chills! Ai, you are on the right track. If you continue exploring this feeling, then you will write a brilliant story one day. You should thank the one who gave you this inspiration..

Ai stiffened.

Now that I rememberI didnt thank Jun for helping me. I just ran away.

She hit her head on the desk.

That was rude of me. I am stupid.

Ai? Are you listening to me?

En. I know what to do now.

Good! Keep sending me these drafts. Along the way, you will realize what kind of characters you want to write about. I will help you all I can.

Thank you, she smiled.

Oh and her tone softened. About the book signing event

You dont need to sound apologetic, Xing Bi. I am not offended.

How could you not? I still feel at fault. I should have fought more for you but that damn committee! You deserved this publicity as much as Cai Guiying. Ai, will you be coming to the event? I think you should stay at home.

Ai was quiet for a moment. I will be there.

YouI am telling you not to. I dont like her editor, Zhan Yahui. She will be upto no good if she sees you.

I will be careful.

Xing Bi wasnt in favor, but she relented in the end. Fine, if thats what you want. Just keep your distance from Cai Guiying until the event is over.

I will.

Ai looked at her draft again and felt energetic. When the day came to an end, she promptly stood in front of Juns desk.

He looked up and raised his brow, noticing her cheerful expression. It wasnt really evident, but her aura seemed all fluffy and flowery.

She cleared her throat. Thank you for your help earlier. I am sorry I left just like that earlier. I had a sudden flash of inspiration.

Jun squinted his eyes. Inspiration? For what?


He blinked. You are a writer?

She automatically nodded without thinking much and stiffened the next moment.

Writing tragedy stories? He smiled in disdain.

What is your pen name?

Even Jun didnt quite understand it himself, but he was strangely curious.

Her brow slightly twitched.

You are reading story Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu at

I shouldnt have told him I am a writer, she pursed her lips, feeling she dug a hole for herself.

She was sensitive about letting her identity as a writer out, hence she preferred nobody outside Dream High or her parents know about it. But she accidentally nodded her head in the flow.

If he knew I am MissImperfectlyFine, what would be his reaction?

She tried imagining it which led her to only one conclusion.

Ah, I already know. He doesnt want my autograph. I will just make a fool out of myself.

Pen name? Jun repeated, noticing her in a thoughtful daze.

Her gaze fell on a butterfly fluttering its colorful wings outside the window. The word slipped out of her lips as she stared at it. Butterfly.

Jin tilted his head. Hooo. I see. Interesting name. How many books have you written? What are they?

Her mouth twitched again.

I cannot exactly list out MissImperfectlyFines books.

Ai didnt like to keep things but somehow she felt herself falling into a pit that made her say anything but the truth. She wasnt a good liar. Her gaze automatically averted to the left, slightly anxious.

None. I am just starting out.

Jun didnt find anything wrong with it because he assumed she had nothing to hide. Hm. What kind of stories do you want to write?

Her stupor broke, and she replied. Romance.

Like your version of Cinderella? He mocked her.

You really have a grudge against sad endings, dont you?

Jun sneered. What do I say? Life is already fucked up in real life. So, I implore authors to leave fiction out of those messy endings.

Every ending has a message, Ai calmly stated.

I dont need a messy message, he sharply retorted.

She left it at that and changed the topic. You gave me good inspiration when you saved me.

I am not gonna be your guinea pig.

I didnt say anything.

I can guess.

I need your help.

No- then he tilted his head and fixed his dark brown orbs at her coming to a realization. Ah. So all these days when you came to the library everyday and stayed until closing timeWas it for observing me?

Why? He didnt need any confirmation from her anymore.

She glanced back at him. I like your eyes.

His expression turned dark.

You are not my type.

His mouth violently twitched. It was like she already clarified before he misunderstood her.

I thought I could learn a lot from you. Have you been in love before?

Jun froze. In an instant, his past life came crashing into his memory lane.

So he did have someone he loved

Ai studied him and realized she pressed the wrong point. She immediately felt remorseful for asking such a personal question when they were merely acquaintances.

I should keep my writers curiosity in check, she thoroughly internally scolded herself.

I apolo-

Jun shot her a cold glare. Why? Have you not been in love before?


Ai gripped her bag a tad tighter, an action which didnt go unnoticed by him. Tension seeped into the air.

As she was about to answer, she noticed the book signing events flyer on his desk and blinked.

Will you be going too?

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