Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 5: 4 Nightmare

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Jun sat back at his desk and unlocked his computers account. He glanced at the woman, who was quietly seated at a faraway bench, reading the book.

You are not my type.

Jun had to admit that her words took him aback. It had taken him a moment to register what she had said.

He shrugged.

Whatever. Its good that way otherwise

Just then, a beautiful woman walked up to his desk, pushing back a lock of her hair behind her ear with an inviting smile.

Sir. I am not able to find a book I need. Will you please help me out?

She didnt bother to hide that she was hitting on him and the fact that she was pushing her chest forward.

Juns eyes were dark and cold like always.

Otherwise there are these women who dont know their place.

The head librarian had said to be kind to the patrons.

He didnt heed to it.

Do you see the computers stationed at regular intervals throughout this floor?

She blushed. Yes..

Do you know how to use a computer?

Of course. Who doesnt know how to use a computer these days?

Did you read the instruction pamphlet stuck at the entrance of this floor?

Unfortunately, I didnt. Whenever I come here, you are the only one I can see.

Then you should start using your eyeballs to read the instructions first rather than checking out the staff. Its clearly written that all the computers have data about which book is located at which section and bookshelf right down to the exact position from left or right of the shelf. Type in the book name, and you will get it. Now, leave.

Jun didnt spare another glance at her. The woman was visibly embarrassed, and the other people at hearing distance couldnt help but giggle.

That was savage.

Serves her right. This is a library, not a hooking spot.

Jun stared at the other women with a chilly gaze. Right. This is a library. So, be quiet.

They immediately shut their mouths.

The woman lost all her face.

YouIs this how an assistant librarian talks to a customer?

Jun replied without looking up from his computer. If you treat the library as a pickup spot, then yes.

She gritted her teeth. You. Just you wait! I will complain about your behavior to the head librarian, and lets see if she still keeps you at this job!

She angrily stomped away.

Excuse me.

The woman smirked and turned. What? Are you afraid now of losing your job?

No. I want to say to walk normally. Your heels are being too loud. Its disturbing other patrons here.

Pfft some of them burst into laughter, but they immediately quietened down noticing Juns glare.

YouI will definitely make you lose this job today!

The woman at the faraway bench saw the whole commotion too. She took out a small notebook and pen, wrote something in it and put it back in her bag again. Then she went back to reading her book.

At ten minutes to nine, the library was almost empty near its closing time except for that lone woman who met Jun.

He glanced at her.

She was here the whole day.

He was about to call her out when the woman closed the book and got up from her seat.

Was she reading the same book the whole day?

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He then remembered that she was supposed to put the book back at its place after it was done reading. But how would she?

The woman stopped near the bookshelf and stared up at the empty position where the book was supposed to be kept back.

She didnt use the ladder.

She didnt call for his help either.

Jun rapidly tapped his finger in impatience. Finally, it ended, and he stood beside her again. He folded his arms.

What miracle are you expecting now for the book to get back in its place?

She faced him. Maybe if I concentrate hard enough-

The book will not get wings to fly.

She pursed her lips.

Jun grabbed the book and glanced at it.

It was a romantic classic Romeo and Juliet.

His brow twitched in annoyance. He kept it back and shut the shelf.

The woman bowed. Thank you.

Then she stared at him just like she did in the morning, making Jun stare back at her as if it was a competition to who would blink first.

He stared at her brown irises that were similar to his. Jun had his mothers brown eyes, but they were a bit darker shade than the woman in front of him.

Out of nowhere, a question popped in his mind.

Her eyes

Where have I seen them before?

He then blinked first, breaking him from his stupor.

I win, she said.


You were definitely treating this as some staring contest. You blinked first. I won.

Jun wryly smiled. Congratulations. You have talents in such an unexpected area. You took my breath away.

The woman thought for a moment and said, My name is Zhou Ai. Thank you for helping me twice today.

Jun narrowed his eyes. He didnt respond and simply walked away.

Back at home, Jun dumped his bag and collapsed on the couch. It wasnt a tiring day, but he still felt as if it was.

He stared at the empty space ahead, and Zhou Ais face suddenly appeared Her eyes to be exact. Then he felt a headache coming. He pressed the space in between his brows and felt more annoyed than before.

DamnThat woman is such a headache. I hope she doesnt come back again.

In the middle of the night as Jun was asleep, he became uneasy and frequently tossed from side to side. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he messily breathed in and out.

JinJinWake up Jin. Jun. What did you do to him?

He-he is not breathing anymoreJun, youyou killed him?

A woman broke into loud cries as she mourned. Jun blankly stared at his brothers dead body and the bullet in his chest. His hand, which held the gun, trembled violently.


The scene then cut to the part as Jun rashly drove his car at night after Jins death. His vision blurred due to his tears. He kept speeding up.

Jin. I killed you, Jin. I killed my little brother, he chuckled. I killed Mom tooIts all my fault.

But dont worry. I will join you soon. I dontdeserve to live anymore.

He sped and sped until the car went out of control and crashed into a tall buildings main entrance. His head bled with the impact and collapsed on the steering wheel.

A loud thud came, and his eyes were shut forever.

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