Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 1: 1

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Ch1 - Rebirth? Doomsday!

After the snow fell heavily, till about a foot thick, it gradually began to melt under the power of the scorching sun overhead.


Terrified screams, wailing, and loud roars broke the scenery that should have seemed quiet and peaceful.




Some were running, some had fallen, and some were thrown to the ground by their former peers and friends, getting bitten and chewed on, dyeing the pure white snow red.


In the middle of May, the season known to have a scorching sun and hot temperatures, a strange and incomparably heavy snow suddenly fell across the world, and white instantly covered the whole planet.



Everyone knows that this snow is definitely not normal, but they continued on with their day. But after a few hours of heavy snow falling, everyone who has been in contact with these snowflakes fell into a deep sleep inexplicably. People are also powerless to do anything, and it is not until more than ten hours later that people gradually wake up.



But after waking up, people who still retain human reason are faced with this hell-like scene.


Wei Xuan stood in front of the window a little stunned, looking at the city completely covered with snow.



It’s obviously mid-May, but at this time the streets are covered by a layer of white snow…


However, it is not this weird sight that makes Wei Xuan stand at the window in a daze. The snow began to melt, but the screams, the cries for help, fleeing people rushing out of their homes, and the figures chasing behind them…


This is such a familiar scene, it’s almost exactly the same as the scene he saw three years ago when the apocalypse arrived and when he woke up early in the morning…


In the street, a person is desperately trying to run to a parked car, but he didn’t notice that in addition to the figure chasing behind him, a figure suddenly jumped out from the side of the car, throwing him to the ground. The white snow was instantly colored bright red.


It didn’t take long for the figure who was knocked down and the figure who had thrown him to stand up slowly one after another. The figure who was knocked down was obviously missing a few pieces of flesh, and half of his body was dripping with blood. He staggeringly joined the attacking group.



He turned around a little dazedly, Wei Xuan walked back to his bed, picked up the phone on the bedside table, and when he saw the time displayed on it, he couldn’t help muttering to himself: “May in XX At 7:14 in the morning on the 15th…” After that, his previously dazed eyes gradually became focused, “…So, I’ve been… reborn?” 


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He closed his eyes and recalled the last thing he saw, a red fireball rushed towards him, towards the figure that hugged and tried to protect him.


Qfl Wejc mibrfv tlr fsfr jcv abbx j vffq ygfjat, atfc bqfcfv atfw jujlc klat ragbcu vfafgwlcjalbc lc tlr fsfr. Lf ibbxfv vbkc ja tlr mifjc tjcvr atja kfgf mbwqifafis ogff bo jcs rmjgr… Coafg ojmlcu vfjat, lc tlr ijra wbwfca, tf atbeuta tf kbeiv fcafg lcab fafgcji riffq, yea cbk, mbwqifafis ecfzqfmafvis, tf tjr gfaegcfv ab atf vjs ktfc atf jqbmjisqrf tjr pera yfuec!


Thinking of this, Wei Xuan immediately turned around, opened the door of his bedroom closet, pulled out a backpack from the corner, and began to collect everything that might be useful to him.


In City T, heavy snow began to fall around yesterday afternoon, and many people were still working at that time. But when they returned home one after another, these people fell into a deep sleep. As a result, some moving vehicles caused a series of car accidents, but neither the people in the car, the police, nor the people passing by woke up. 


In the early morning of May 15th, as the sun began to melt this crystal-white city, the whole world instantly turned into a living nightmare!


In his last life, Wei Xuan struggled in the apocalypse for three years, even now he doesn’t know who betrayed him and Du Hang. Someone led a certain force in the base to secretly set a trap for him and was kidnapped for research!


If they hadn’t underestimated Du Hang’s powerful ability as a half-zombie and let him rescue him, if they hadn’t been chasing after him, meanwhile blocking the zombies, he wouldn’t have been able to blow up the laboratory’s core energy room… and he wouldn’t have returned to the third to this point in time, right?


“Du Hang…” With a low murmur, Wei Xuan accelerated the speed of packing. He wants to find Du Hang as soon as possible! But unfortunately, although I lived with him for three years in the apocalypse, because Du Hang has become a half-zombie he has no memory of the past, and can’t communicate with him at all. The only thing on him that can prove his identity was the driver’s license that he had long lost in the early days of the apocalypse. Now, if he wants to find him, if he wants to reactivate his abilities just like in his previous life, Wei Xuan can only follow the exact path from his past life.


He hurriedly packed his things, Wei Xuan looked at the clock on the wall and waited quietly for the time to come, and looked out the window and downstairs from time to time. His past ability, he must seize the opportunity, he must not make any change!





Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! The metal stool slammed into the woman who threw herself on top of him, biting off a piece of flesh from his arm.


He used the chair to hit her once, then again and again, gradually, the woman who had already lost her mind and was no different from a man-eating monster finally fell down, made a heavy noise, unable to get up again.


The man was lying on his back on the ground in horror, struggling backward, pulling out a leg that was held down and bitten by the fallen woman, huddled in the corner of the wall, gasping for breath, the deformed and almost smashed chair in his hand at this time. It also fell to his side, making a huge noise.

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Killed, killed… And the one who he killed was his own wife?! The wife who has accompanied him for half his life?!!


The man’s spirit almost collapsed, and just when he almost wanted to hug his head and mourn, he heard slow footsteps from the direction of the bedroom.


He raised his head in horror, the man’s pupils shrank, and the whole person shuddered again: “Xiao, Xiaohang…” His son whom he and his wife have loved since childhood, excellent academic performance since childhood. The son who works in a large company, the one that he and his wife have been proud of, has also…


Obviously attracted by the smell of blood in the living room, he fell into a coma after taking off his suit jacket, and the young man who had turned into a zombie at this time could no longer recognize that the delicious “food” in front of him was his father, while his mother was on the ground motionless, killed by his father.


He just relied on instinct, his eyes were already stiff, he looked at the shivering man leaning against the wall, and he rushed towards him!


The middle-aged man wanted to grab the chair he used just now but found that he had completely lost his strength after “killing” his wife. He doesn’t want to fight and kill his son just as he did to his wife. He didn’t even have the strength to raise the chair in front of him!



In despair, the man’s whole body almost shrank into a ball, and he could only use the last of his strength to shout: “Du Hang! It’s me Dad!!”


That shout failed to evoke any memory of the young man who had become a zombie, but when he rushed to the shivering person and wanted to open his mouth to bite, a faint voice seemed to come from the bottom of his heart that had stopped beating — no, can’t eat… …can’t eat people…Once you eat it, you can’t go back…


The seductive scent of blood and that inner voice intersected, repelled, and entangled each other as if there were two huge forces colliding and entangling in his mind.


After a while, just when the man who had closed his eyes and waited to die felt that something was wrong and secretly opened his eyes, he saw that he had already jumped on him and opened his mouth to bite him, but suddenly got up, turning around and rushing towards the window of the balcony. There was a loud sound, and the floor-to-ceiling window of the balcony shattered, the young figure was nowhere to be seen.


The man stared blankly at the broken floor-to-ceiling windows on the balcony, gasping for breath. He looked at the balcony blankly, then turned his head to look at his wife whom he had killed beside him, and his body shook.


Looking back at the broken window, he couldn’t hold on any longer. There was dizziness in his head, and his body was getting hotter, which made him completely fall into a coma.




There was a crisp sound of “crashing”, and at the same time, there was an explosion, and someone exclaimed, “It’s on, it’s on”.


Wei Xuan immediately straightened his back and turned his head sharply to look in the direction of the window.


Except for at least half of the people who were directly zombified, a small part of the remaining people woke up and inspired various abilities after a deep sleep.



If these people have strong offensive abilities, they can rely on their abilities to quickly escape from cities with a group of people, hide in small towns around the cities and build a base for survivors.


Among the remaining ordinary people, some of them can stimulate their abilities after being infected, scratched, or bitten by a zombie.


It’s just that the number of people to gain abilities from this is small and they are more likely to directly transform into a zombie. 


It was after being bitten by a zombie that Wei Xuan obtained the ability – a very special ability that no one else had except himself.


And now there is an ability user who accidentally released a fireball and ignited the gas stove in the kitchen of a room on the second floor of this building that he is in. This person is in the first batch of fire-type ability users.


Although Wei Xuan in his previous life also knew that if he ventured out at this time, he might be able to collect supplies at the nearby grocery store or supermarket. But at that time he wanted to check the situation first and wait in the community. The number of zombies wandering around decreased a little before going out.


When everyone fell into a coma last night, there were a lot of people who stayed outside to buy food and hurry home! There are many people in the community with their children or are walking outside, shopping for things, going to and from work, and most of those people have turned into zombies and are wandering around outside!


However, it was useless for him to temporarily hide at home. A fire-type ability user accidentally released a fireball and almost completely blew up his building! He couldn’t do anything but escape.


Standing up abruptly, Wei Xuan took a deep breath and looked at the clock on the wall again, 10:25 in the morning it was almost time.


One grabbed his backpack and the kitchen knife, opened the door, and while avoiding a zombie wandering in the corridor, Wei Xuan hurried downstairs.



Hearing the sound of burning coming from the westernmost room on the second floor, there was only one thought in his mind; don’t be in a hurry, don’t panic, don’t miss any details, follow the steps of the previous life step by step, and then find Du Hang!!

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