Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 19: 19

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Ch19 - Earthquake

After discovering the ripples in the cup, Wei Xuan stopped his movements and stared at the water cup with all his attention. Then, he saw the ripples again!


The waves in the water glass became bigger and bigger, and Wei Xuan felt that the ground beneath him began to shake. It moved up and down a few times at first, and then suddenly began to shake violently from side to side!




Wei Xuan immediately grabbed the special padded helmet that he had prepared with several cushions in it and put it on top of his head. At the same time, he conveniently put one on Du Hang’s head. Just when Wei Xuan was about to pull Du Hang to squat beside the tent, suddenly, Du Hang, who was motionless at first, grabbed Wei Xuan’s shoulder and threw him four or five meters away! And from near where they were, a huge rock suddenly fell down, and it rolled in the direction where the two were sitting and eating!!


Wei Xuan was lying on his back, his heart beating extremely fast. Just as he was staring blankly at Du Hang, who was directly above him with his hands on either side of him, he found that Du Hang stretched out one of his arms, grabbed the padded helmet that Wei Xuan accidentally dropped, and he pressed it on Wei Xuan’s head. Wei Xuan’s vision was blocked as the helmet was put on backward…



Well, this is actually because Wei Xuan has worn this thing on his head every day to test the size since he made it, and sometimes he would simply put it on his head and tie the two straps that he added to his chin.



He even put another helmet on Du Hang’s head every time in the same way.


Perhaps it was because Wei Xuan had just put this thing on again? In short, Du Hang helped Wei Xuan get the ‘hat’ back after pushing it to Wei Xuan, but because Wei Xuan was lying on the ground, there was no way to put this thing on top of his head, so Du Hang could only do his best, but unfortunately, he put it on backward…



Wei Xuan’s memory is not bad unless he didn’t care about certain things that happened, otherwise he especially has a deep memory for some remarkable things. Therefore, he clearly remembered that when he passed by this park in his previous life, the gazebo itself was miraculously preserved, even after an earthquake, it still stood here without damage. 


But what he didn’t expect was that the gazebo itself was really strong, but the rock on the rockery was not.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Dea cb wjaafg ktja, fnfc lo Qfl Wejc xcfk atja atfgf kbeiv yf gbmxr ojiilcu tfgf, tf kbeiv ralii mtbbrf ab rfa eq mjwq lc atlr qjgx. Ktf gfjrbc lr, bo mbegrf, atja batfg qijmfr jgf cba jr ubbv jr tfgf.


Ca atlr alwf, klat atf agfwbgr bo atf fjgat, ijguf qlfmfr bo kjiir, ygbxfc uijrr, jcv fnfc wfaji uejgvgjlir ofii ogbw atf biv yelivlcur. Qtja’r fnfc wbgf oglutafclcu lr atja atf jrqtjia oibbgr bc wjcs oibbgr jgf jii aklrafv, ygbxfc, jcv jgmtfv!


Before when the end of the world has just arrived, people with high-horsepower crash-resistant vehicles can still rely on the power of their own vehicles to rush out of the city and win a chance at life. However, at this time, the deformed and twisted road almost completely cut off the last chance for ordinary vehicles to escape from the city!



Not to mention the few survivors who are still in the city, even the zombies wandering around the city have encountered a major crisis since their zombification. The collapsed houses, falling bricks, and debris don’t care whether people or zombies are walking below, they will fall and hit whoever walked below at that moment!


The rumbling sound seemed to be heard in all directions at the same time. Wei Xuan had been lying silently on his back, waiting for the anger of the earth to calm down before pushing away the ‘hat’ that had been pressing on his head. Then, he saw a large helmet above him… Oh no, it’s the helmet that he made for Du Hang. 


Wei Xuan was a little puzzled because the side he saw was the back of the helmet. When he designed it for safety reasons, he deliberately added a cushion on the back, so as not to be hit by something falling when you lower your head. But now Du Hang adopted the posture of propping himself up on all fours and protecting himself under his body, so…could it be that his head turned a hundred and eighty degrees and turned to the back?!


Suddenly, Wei Xuan thought that Du Hang’s physical fitness had finally broken through the limit of the human body, and Wei Xuan, could face backward and still maintain normal movements. He quickly pulled off the helmet from Du Hang’s head and then saw Du Hang’s dull and confused face, as always, he facing him… Oh, he was the one who, just now, put on the helmet upside down?


Wei Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, and patted Du Hang on the shoulder: “Get up, it’s all right…” Before he finished speaking, he felt the ground under him shake again, and Du Hang, just like before, supported his limbs around and protected Wei Xuan’s whole body.

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There was the sound of trees collapsing due to ground fissures causing their roots to become unstable, and there were vibrations from the garden wall collapsing. But under such a weird and dangerous situation, Wei Xuan stared blankly at Du Hang in front of him and became captivated.


Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was an accident, but the scene at this time undoubtedly brought back Wei Xuan’s memory of his previous life. He remembered very clearly that the day when the earthquake occurred in the previous life was also the time when he left the base, was dispersed by the zombies from his temporary teammates at that time, and reunited with Du Hang.


At that time, he temporarily hid in a shopping mall on the outskirts of the city to avoid being discovered. When the earthquake happened, a row of shelves collapsed beside him. Du Hang protected him then as he did now, but his bone was directly broken by the falling shelf. Because of the strong resilience of the zombie’s natural physique, Du Hang stood over him and protected him until the earthquake stopped completely and the two escaped.


Because the broken shoulder bone was pressed by the collapsed shelf for a long time, although Du Hang’s body has healed from that injury, the bone stayed in a weird position, slightly out of shape due to not healing in the correct position. The shape of his shoulders looks a little strange, but it doesn’t affect his usual actions.


It was also because of that time of distress that Du Hang, a half-zombie, made Wei Xuan truly appreciate the difference between him, a zombie, and a human.



Among human beings, except for the closest relatives and loved ones, only a very small number of people have this spirit of self-sacrifice. But how small is the chance of meeting such a person in a crisis and geting his life saved?


Because of this, the idea of ​​”getting out of the crowd and simply living with Du Hang in a city full of zombies” has taken root, but unfortunately, he didn’t have the courage in his previous life, and this goal was not accomplished until now.


Raising his hand, Wei Xuan subconsciously touched Du Hang’s shoulder which he had injured in their previous life. His shoulder at this moment is the same as that of a normal person, without any strange protrusions or twists. The muscles under the clothes were strong and tight, full of energy.


Du Hang’s face is very clean, this is because Wei Xuan will help Du Hang deal with it every time he cleans himself up. Even though the zombies don’t sweat, sometimes they can get dust or dirt on their faces. At this time, the expression on that expressionless, even somewhat dazed face was the same as usual. This made this handsome, sunny man look a little silly.


“Why?” Wei Xuan’s voice was very low because he knew that he would not get an answer. But he was still very confused. Could it be that Du Hang was engaged in a job similar to firefighters before the end of the world? But judging from the high-end formal suit on him when they first met, that should be his daily work attire?


But why would an elite white-collar have the habit of being self-sacrificing and protecting others?


Wei Xuan was not disappointed when he couldn’t get an answer, instead, he put his hand on the side of Du Hang’s face, touching and caressing it lightly. One person and one zombie looked at each other for a while, and Wei Xuan, who was below, suddenly smiled. He propped up his upper body, raised his head, brought it close to Du Hang’s face, and kissed him lightly on his chin.


“No matter why, anyway, my heart is moved…” Even if he is not human, even if he will never become conscious, and even if Du Hang will still look like this until he is old and dead, Wei Xuan will be with him forever. Seeing this weird yet harmonious relationship, Wei Xuan also recognized it.


Falling in love with a zombie is a very strange thing, especially since the two had no contact at all before the end of the world, and it is impossible to have any intimate behavior at all, but Wei Xuan still admitted it. He had already made up his mind at that time before his death, if there is an afterlife, if he can still meet Du Hang, then he will spend his whole life by his side, living quietly in a world that only belongs to zombies, and try to survive together.


Until the day when he couldn’t bear it anymore, he will just cut anywhere on his body, get Du Hang’s blood into his wound to get infected, and turn into a zombie to stay by Du Hang’s side even after death. 



… Before this time, although he also had intimate acts towards Du Hang, he also considered whether he had done too much, he would also be infected with the zombie virus and turn into a zombie.


But now, he doesn’t care at all. So what if he would turn into a zombie just because he kissed Du Hang once? Didn’t the two of them even take a shower together? Didn’t he hold his hand whenever they went out? 


Wei Xuan decided on this! When they went back, he would learn from the zombie boyfriends and tie himself and Du Hang together. And if he accidentally turns into a zombie, he doesn’t have to worry about losing Du Hang!

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