Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 22: 22

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Ch22 - The Rain

After leaving the park, Wei Xuan pulled Du Hang around the air conditioner outdoor unit that he had noticed near the park before, which was hanging obliquely on the high-rise and might fall off at any time. He silently prayed that there will be no accidents so that they can go back smoothly.


They need to go back quickly to confirm the situation before he can arrange his schedule later – after all, the rain after the earthquake will last for two full days.






In the high-rise residential area, you can see large cracks on the ground, bricks, stones, flower pots, clothes racks, and sundried food that has fallen from upstairs.



Five or six people held various weapons assembled by themselves and walked through the ruins with some difficulty. Because of the earthquake, about half of the zombies that were wandering in the community ran out! After observing the specific situation from upstairs, the group found that most of the remaining zombies in the community are isolated on the side of some bricks and collapsed buildings, and the gate of their community is just collapsing on the other side!



People who are used to collective action these days discussed it and decided to take this opportunity to go down to find some supplies and water, so they have a chance to survive. 


The ground floors of the buildings on the side of the street in this community are all ground-level small shops, but these shops only do business for the residents of their own community, because their stores are basically surrounded by walls. You need to go around the gate to enter, which is troublesome. Now, on the contrary, it is because of this kind of trouble that most of the bottom shops in this high-rise community have escaped the fate of being ransacked by the survivors who escaped in the past.



“X, what kind of broken house is this? Look at that building! The earthquake has caused all these balconies to fall!” After clearing away the zombies at the gate, they could walk on a relatively safer road. The survivors pointed to a building not far away and complained.


“That’s not bad, at least none of the balconies in our building fell?” The other person couldn’t help but peek at the ruins, more than ten meters away, the zombies stuck there couldn’t help but roar excitedly, waving their arms towards the survivors, “Let’s hurry up!”


A man walking with the group turned to an aunt in her fifties and asked “Grandma Zhao, what are you going to do next?”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf kbwjc kjr rilutais raeccfv, atfc rtbbx tfg tfjv jcv rlutfv tfiqifrris: “P vbc’a xcbk, atlr alwf kf tjnf ab olcv rbwfatlcu ab fja jcv ub yjmx, ktja firf mjc kf vb? P tjnf j mtliv ab ajxf mjgf bo, jcv P jw cb ibcufg sbecu. Snfc lo kf kjca ab frmjqf ogbw atf mlas, kf vbc’a tjnf atf ragfcuat! Ccv atf mjg mjc’a fnfc vglnf lc atfrf gbjv mbcvlalbcr.”


The man looked around, then glanced at the people in front of him: “I heard that Xiao Liu and Xiaosun are going out of the city, the one on the radio said a base is quite close to our T city, and it only takes half an hour to drive out… Your strength has become so great now, even if you take your little Xunxun with you, it shouldn’t be a problem, right?”



Grandma Zhao smiled helplessly again, shook her head, and said, “Let’s talk about it after we find a car.” As she spoke, she looked up at the sky, “It might rain before night, so let’s hurry up and don’t make them wait too long.” 


The man wanted to say something more, but he saw that the footsteps of the people in front suddenly stopped, and some of them raised the various weapons in their hands nervously, and quickly raised the explosion-proof ax in their hands.


“Ah! So they are living people!”


“Hey? You are not from Building No. 4?! There are still people over there!”


“Isn’t it? Are you all okay?”


“The road outside is not good. We are here to try our luck. There is no food in our building.”


The two groups of people met together, and although their faces were filled with the joy of surviving the disaster, they all secretly worried in their hearts – they didn’t know what food and other things they could find in those shops. Well, at any rate, they are all neighbors who have been living together since the end of the world, and everyone has become familiar with each other. But now they have bumped into another group of people!

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With the same idea in their hearts, the two groups of people turned to the gate of the community together on guard against each other while cooperating together. They divided into two groups with a tactical understanding, and each went to a small supermarket.


There are a total of two small shops at the bottom of the street across from their row of buildings. Two stores sell fruits and vegetables. In addition, there are dry cleaners, computer repair stores, hardware stores, beauty and pedicure stores, and a comprehensive business hall of XX Communication XX Letter XX. In addition, there is a pet store, dumpling restaurant, barbecue restaurant, and A snack in County X.


The zombies outside the street seemed to sense someone coming over, and one by one excitedly gathered in this direction. Fortunately, the road in front of the community also bulged a lot, and the terrain was so distorted that it was difficult to walk. It would take a while for the zombies to quickly rush through the obstacles and break through the dense fence to come in and eat people.



Taking advantage of this opportunity, two groups of people rushed into the store and searched. The smell of rotten fruits and vegetables from the freezer and the display made people dizzy.


At the same time that the companions entered the small supermarket, Grandma Zhao turned around and went directly into a pharmacy not far away—the little grandson Xunxun should have been frightened these days, and he is no longer as strong as before. Not to mention the fuss, he still has a slight fever these two days, so she must find some antipyretics to go back. What’s more, it’s hard to guarantee that others won’t get sick, and even before the end of the world, people need medicine for different conditions. Currently, there is no doctor who will treat people, and these medicines are needed more and more! 


Grandma Zhao has a lot of experience in life, and most of the medicines she looks for are various antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and first-aid medicines. “You don’t need to take too much, and you need to make room for other supplies that you can find”.


After a while, the survivors who had hurriedly gathered up the supplies they needed ran out of the shop. As soon as everyone met, one of the survivors in the same group looked at the bag on Grandma Zhao’s shoulder in surprise. A big bag of 50 catties of flour! Still holding a bag full of non-staple food seasonings in her hand, she couldn’t help asking: “Grandma Yu! Where did you move this from?”


Grandma Zhao raised her chin: “Dumpling shop! There’s still one inside, I’m alone but I can’t take it, I was about to call you.” Hearing what she said, everyone hurried into the dumpling shop and searched through it, and some quick-thinking people gritted their teeth and ran to the snack bar in County X in another direction.


“Zombies! Zombies are coming!” People who came out of another store had just walked to the open space beside the building and found that the zombies had broken through the wide crack, and a few powerful ones broke open the metal guardrail. 


“Boom, boom!” The ability users among the survivors used their powers, and some strong people also picked up convenient weapons one after another, slashing and killing the zombies desperately, retreating as they attacked.




Wei Xuan stood on the sixth floor of the building where he used to live with a headache, wearing a raincoat, and was looking at the places where the roof was cracked or part of the wall collapsed—at this time, those places had rainwater flowing down.


“This building cannot be lived in. Moving on a rainy day… This is really unlucky.” 



The two returned to the community where they lived before one in the afternoon. He wondered if their materials suffered any damage. While they were on their way back, Wei Xuan also pulled a lot of zombies from the streets inside his gated community so they act as bodyguards. After returning to the building where he lived before and checking that the room he lived in was okay, he climbed up to the sixth floor.


In the first few rooms that were inspected, there were only some cracks on the roof and walls. After Wei Xuan walked along the opened passage to the other rooms, he was very helpless to find that the roofs here were all cracked. If there is heavy rain, the rain will certainly leak into the entire building!


If the waterproofing of the house in this building is not done well, maybe it will seep into other rooms from the sixth floor all the way, and the walls of the whole house will be completely ruined. 


Fortunately, Wei Xuan had already started to plan ahead before the earthquake, not to mention that there are dozens of other houses in the same community for him to choose from, even if all the houses in this community were destroyed by this earthquake, he would be afraid – when he collected various materials before, he had already separately stored those materials in various relatively safe places. With Du Hang, a young man who has done miracles so hard, by his side, even if all those things were smashed down by the collapsed buildings, as long as he was not smashed, he could collect them all back.


The sky was already gloomy when we checked the condition of the roof. Wei Xuan put on the raincoats on himself and Du Hang early, and there was no longer any food to dry on the sixth floor at this time. The shelves were also taken away by Wei Xuan before the earthquake. So after confirming that the building could no longer be lived in, the two of them immediately turned around and went downstairs, ran all the way to the first floor, and moved all the supplies that may be damaged by the water to the bed and table in the room on the second floor, so as to avoid water seepage on the ground. 


Only then did he take Du Hang and open an umbrella—wearing a raincoat and an umbrella, the waterproof effect is better than using either one at a time. They went to other buildings in the community to check the situation together.


They checked the place again in the afternoon, but at this time the two wandered around again because of the rain. Wei Xuan looked at Du Hang, who wasn’t out of breath (no need to breathe), didn’t shed a drop of sweat (zombies don’t sweat), and had a calm expression (he has maintained this blank expression since he turned into a zombie). A hint of envy and jealousy rushed through him – not afraid of suffering, not afraid of tiredness, no matter how far you walk and how high the building is, you are like a normal person, except that you have a kind of idiot reaction to human flesh, and you have no human rationality and memory at all. While thinking carefully, he thought maybe the life of zombies would be easier and more relaxed…

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