Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 32: 31

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Ch31 - Harvest 

Grandma Zhao carefully inspected the sprouted plants, patted the dirt on her legs, and straightened her waist. She didn’t know whether those people who left after the earthquake escaped or not, but when they wanted to win her over before they left, she had no intention of following them. The reason is nothing else. If you just need to leave the community and find a vehicle, you can go out of the city and go to the survivor’s base to live safely. Then why don’t people from those bases go to the city to fight zombies and recover the city?


This must be because they don’t have this ability! Or that there is no such spare capacity! I am afraid that they themselves are also facing a major crisis, and they have no time to take care of the situation in the city. At that time, when survivors like myself arrive at the base, it is still unknown whether I can live well!




“Okay, let’s do this first. From now on, I will come up every day to look at it and water it. I don’t know about other things. Potatoes are easy to grow, and they are grown in large quantities. In the past famine years, we all counted on sweet potatoes.” With that said, she turned and walked towards the stairs.


Long ago, before the end of the world, her son and daughter-in-law would plant on the balcony to relieve their boredom. I don’t like to grow those flowers and plants, but I have tried to grow a lot of vegetables. It’s a pity that when the end of the world came, more than half of the things inside died, and only some still remained.



After the apocalypse, when I was worried that my family would run out of food, I took advantage of my spare time to plant all the germinated potatoes and sweet potatoes at home. As a result, the sweet potatoes died, but the regular potatoes germinated and grew.



Now after discussing with those who are not ready to leave, everyone took out some vegetables and grains that might be grown at home and set up a planting space on the roof. If this method works, as long as there are no natural disasters or accidents, they will be able to survive in this damned end of the world!





Wei Xuan is digging potatoes happily, and the first wave of potatoes he cultivated in the community has begun to ripen in recent days!


In fact, in comparison, the potatoes planted in some green belts outside should mature earlier than these potatoes, but those potatoes are relatively scattered and spaced a little far away, and they stayed at home for half a month. Wei Xuan was too lazy to move for the time being, and there was still a lot of food at home, so he gave priority to dealing with his potatoes after they matured. They can even go through the process of maturity, and growth, and then slowly spread more and more.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The post-apocalyptic mutated potatoes are different from those before the apocalypse. They no longer need to be replanted with other crops to cultivate the land every time they are sown. They only need to chop up their yellowed leaves and seedlings after harvesting these potatoes and mix them into the soil. Of course, it’s okay not to do this, but the output will decrease later.


Ktfgfobgf, atf weajafv qbajabfr qijcafv lc atf klivfgcfrr atja lr mbwqifafis cfuifmafv klii ugbk yfaafg – yfmjerf joafg atfs wjaegf, jii atf klatfgfv rffvilcur klii rajs lc qijmf, jcv klii yfmbwf atflg ofgalilhfg joafg yflcu yibkc ys klcv jcv gjlc. Pa lr pera atja atf ogfdefcms bo tjgnfralcu lr ribkfg atjc atja bo tewjc meialnjalbc.


Du Hang followed closely behind Wei Xuan. Every time he took a step forward and dug the potatoes under the soil, Du Hang would follow. Several empty plastic baskets are hanging on Du Hang’s arms. Whenever Wei Xuan fills up one and zooms in on the ground, he takes an empty one from Du Hang who is following him.



For half a month, Du Hang did not show any humane behavior. The only difference from before was that every time he met the zombie couple, he no longer ignored them as before, each time they stare at each other for a while. 


Wei Xuan is not sure if this is the territorial consciousness of the zombies. Maybe Du Hang regards this living quarter as his territory, so he will become hostile towards the zombies who behave a bit differently. 


Of course, it’s not accurate to say it’s hostility, because apart from the rope incident, there was no confrontation between the pair of zombies and Du Hang, but it was as if they were two enemies who seemed to dislike each other. Every time they meet, there will be a strange aura, which makes Wei Xuan start to wonder whether these two guys have known each other before the end of the world and have enmity.


Wei Xuan’s suspicion is destined to be unable to get any effective explanation, so he continues to take care of this piece of home that belongs to him with peace of mind – yes, this community has now been classified by him into his territory, he is its Master! As for the zombies wandering around in the community… At present, they are all guards to help him watch his house.


Having said that, after the zombie couple lived in the room Wei Xuan prepared for them, they disappeared on the second day, making Wei Xuan wonder if they ran back to the previous park. Because of this, I was worried and melancholy for a while, but when he took Du Hang to the top floor of the building, he saw the pair of zombies standing in a room looking out at the scenery…

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Some people seem to be born to like being in a higher place, compared with people living on the first floor with a small yard, these people would rather climb to the top floor every day, just to be able to see higher, farther, and closer to the blue sky. So Wei Xuan simply left the room on the sixth floor that they chose for them, as long as they don’t jump off the building, Wei Xuan will not interfere with their free movement at all.


After thoroughly treating a piece of vacant land for planting, Wei Xuan dug deeply for a while after harvesting all the potatoes, and finally found the snowflakes hidden deep in the soil, and carefully collected them.


If he remembered correctly when the time entered August, there would be no rain for a week except for the one week after the destined strange snowfall, and relatively frequent rains would begin in the days to come. Once it rains, the traces of these snowflakes will be even more difficult to find, so Wei Xuan now needs to dig out more snowflakes when collecting potatoes, to supply the consumption of himself and Du Hang, as well as new neighbors in the community. 


“Let’s deal with all the potatoes in the community today, and after a few days, after the potatoes germinate, we can go out and plant another wave of potatoes.” After completely turning over the open space, Wei Weixuan who was tired, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead and sighed in a satisfied tone.


Du Hang maintained a perfect posture of carrying the basket, obediently following Wei Xuan’s side.



After dealing with this area, Wei Xuan turned around and found out that there was already a row of supermarket plastic baskets in the open space next to the green space, all of which were stuffed with potatoes, and Du Hang, who maintained a perfect basket-carrying posture, now only had three empty baskets left.


He quickly got up and hung two baskets full of potatoes on each of Du Hang’s arms, and stuffed two baskets full of potatoes in his hands. He also carried eight baskets in the same posture and went straight to the building he is staying in. Wei Xuan put all these things in a room on the first floor, and he led Du Hang to go around several times before he brought all the baskets in.


Faced with this grand harvest, Wei Xuan couldn’t help but feel a little headache but also feeling relieved – he had planted quite a lot of potatoes in batches before, and besides that, there were still a lot of carrots waiting to be harvested. If those two free zombie neighbors can also help move things…


After thinking about it, I shook my head and gave up. Those two are not the same as my family’s zombie. Besides, unless a natural disaster caused a large-scale failure of the potato harvest, he will have enough. 


Of course, when it’s time to plant, you still need to take out the sprouted potato sprouts and plant one.


“I have potatoes, let’s eat potato stew tonight!” Looking at the fresh, round, big, and small potatoes in the storage room on the first floor, Wei Xuan felt his eyes shining.


He is not very good at cooking, and he always used to buys ready-made food before.  Most of the time after the end of the world, people are eating instant noodles and various convenience foods. And now, after harvesting a bunch of fresh potatoes, he decided to try to improve his meal by making himself a homemade meal. 


He has taken out the meat to serve with potatoes in advance and soaked it in clean water. The meat was the fresh meat he harvested from some butcher shops in the early days of the apocalypse. When processing it, he smeared it with salt and hung it in a ventilated and cool room to dry.


During his life at the base, this kind of meat was considered a delicacy, and he could only think about it but never had the chance to taste it. So when he heard someone discussing how to deal with the meat in the base of his previous life, he shared it with other people. Those people also listened very carefully and remembered very deeply.


At that time, almost everyone was thinking in their hearts, if there is a chance to get a piece of meat in the future—for example, frozen meat from a mutated animal, or discovering that there is still a freezer in a large company that has not been cut off, these methods will be useful!



Therefore, although almost everyone knows that they may not have the opportunity to practice these methods in the future, they still remember the steps carefully.


But he didn’t expect that the method that he didn’t have a chance to use at that time would be used by him ever.


At this time, Wei Xuan’s stomach had already started to growl because he was busy for a long time, but he resolutely endured and prepared to have a big meal after finishing his long-awaited potato stew!

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