Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 35: 34

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Ch34 - Investigating the Situation

The reason Wei Xuan prepared so carefully before going out was mainly that he needed to avoid not only the survivors who entered the city to find supplies, but also the survivors who stayed in T City, as well as the weird little zombie girl he met last time, and mutated plants that may suddenly appear at any time.


The post-apocalyptic mutated plants are very weird, and they may not be seen in places where plants are still growing, but when humans pass by some ruins, some vines may suddenly pop up and attack humans.




What’s more, in the last few days, there are those mutant animals that Wei Xuan has never seen before, but has heard of.


Of course, if he is really lucky enough to meet a living mutated animal, maybe he who hasn’t eaten fresh meat for a long time will really take a chance, kill the animal and bring it back to improve his meals.



I walked cautiously in a direction I hadn’t been to before, looking for suitable places to grow potatoes—there are still many such places. Most of the plants on the green space on both sides of the road have completely withered and decayed at this time because the previous earthquake and the subsequent heavy rain caused many trees that completely withered and died to fall to the side of the road. There is still a lot of soil and some things can be planted.



Wei Xuan didn’t go out today to find any supplies, nor just to check the situation outside. The main purpose was to expand the growing space of these potatoes. Although he planted sparsely along the way, he quickly planted all the potato sprouts in the backpacks of the two of them.


Looking at the time, it was just around one o’clock in the afternoon. Wei Xuan, who was hungry from farming, searched around, found a bank in relatively good condition, and took Du Hang in to have a rest and lunch.



The benches and counters in the bank are all well preserved, and there are two zombies dressed as lobby managers, and some zombies who came here to handle business are wandering around. In the room behind the window, piles of hundred-yuan bills and a lot of blood were scattered on the table.


Wei Weixuan sat on a bench by the window after confirming that the environment here was quiet and that there was nothing wrong. Du Hang, who had long been accustomed to his mode of action, also sat beside him very naturally. How warm would this scene look if the two were not the obvious combination of a zombie and a human?


But Wei Xuan didn’t mind it at all, and Du Hang beside him didn’t even mind.


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Taking out the lunch prepared yesterday from his backpack, Wei Xuan began to eat his lunch contentedly. This was the first time in his two lives that he ate such food that could satisfy his appetite while on the road.


Pc atf qjra, fnfc lo tf mbeiv olcv rbwf ibcu-ijralcu lafwr remt jr lcrajca cbbvifr, ylrmelar, jcv qbajab mtlqr lc atf egyjc jgfj, atf yfra-ajralcu obbvr tf mbeiv olcv kfgf jii xlcvr bo mjccfv obbv. Coafg jii, j iba bo qgfrfgnjalnfr kfgf jvvfv ab atbrf atlcur, jcv cb wjaafg tbk vfilmlber atf obbv lr, la lr cba jr vfilmlber jr atlr xlcv bo obbv atja lr rqfmljiis qgfqjgfv lc jvnjcmf, gluta?



Before going out today, he prepared mashed potato cakes. He added eggs that he found from the homes of people in the community, which would go bad soon if he didn’t eat them, into the steamed mashed potatoes, and then he added some dried sausages and a small number of dried vegetables. Wait for things to soften, chop them and add them to the mashed potatoes, add salt, black pepper, and the like for seasoning, and then add some flour to increase the consistency, and then this potato mixture can be fried on the pan.


It tastes great when it’s hot, and it’s also great when it’s cooled to eat out.


“Oh, sure enough, after finding the recipe, it’s different from before… It’s a pity that I didn’t know this before.” Wei Xuan sighed while eating. I had to go out to find the supplies I needed, check the situation, etc., and I didn’t take care of it at all, let alone think about other issues.


In the early days of the apocalypse, there were still many websites running! Now, he was able to get solar batteries and other equipment. How much trouble could he save by directly downloading a bunch of recipes and various reference books on his mobile phone?


It’s just that human beings are not omnipotent. Under the circumstances at that time, Wei Xuan felt that he had already done a good job, and he didn’t have the heart to take care of other things. Fortunately, he can move freely in this city now, looking for everything useful. Even if it is not as convenient as the internet, many things can still be collected slowly as long as you find more places to search.


After lunch, Wei Xuan didn’t intend to go back right away. He planned to take a short detour and go to the places where potatoes and carrots were planted before, to see how the crops are growing. Does he need to replant some more later?


After all, although he couldn’t eat all the vegetables in those places by himself, there is no harm in having a variety of these things, and it can also green the post-apocalyptic city, and by the way, he can stroll around, so why not do it?


After checking it on the map, Wei Xuan got up and put on hats for himself and Du Hang, and walked out of the bank together with him holding hands.

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The familiar streets in the past, after a zombie outbreak, an earthquake, and a few showers of rain, even those who are most familiar with it can hardly recognize its former appearance.


Wei Xuan carefully bypassed all obstacles that might affect the two of them and walked toward the place where he had planted potatoes and carrots earlier. These roads have become so difficult to move forward now, but Wei Xuan can only express his helplessness. Even if he has enough energy, he doesn’t have the strength to clean up the garbage in the whole city – until now, he hasn’t even cleaned out the neighborhood where he lives!



But even if he didn’t finish it, there was a lot of rubbish piled up in the rubbish dump a little far outside the community, and now Wei Xuan had to go around that place when he went out.


Of course, Wei Xuan also thought about whether it would be better to simply change the place of the garbage dump and burn it with fire.


But after several showers of rain, he doesn’t have the courage and… sense of smell to get close to it.


Surrounding the city and streets full of all kinds of debris, Wei Xuan finally found the place where he once planted the pile of potatoes.


Not every plant that is planted can grow fully. After the earthquake and rain, the place where things were planted before may not necessarily still grow well afterward.


Wei Xuan has a good memory. This kind of good memory allows him to roughly remember where these things were once planted, and he can also use his experience in growing potatoes and carrots in his community to judge what kind of situation is that these things have not sprouted at all? It looks like they were dug out of the soil… “…someone has been here.”


Looking at the scattered potatoes in a green field, Wei Wei Xuan cautiously looked around to the left and back, and then confirmed Du Hang’s reaction. Seeing that he didn’t find any signs of ‘food’, he was half-hearted – those who poached the potatoes are not near this area at this time.


However, they are very likely to be survivors who remained in the city. As for how they found these potatoes? It is not known how they could stop to dig out potatoes while being chased by zombies.


However, Wei Xuan was not angry or unhappy when he found that the vegetables he had planted had been poached. After all, he had planted these things outside in the first place, on the one hand, he planned for himself and prepared a variety of them as reserves. At that time, he didn’t think that other people would accidentally discover these vegetables or dig them up…


To be honest, although Wei Xuan was unwilling to take the initiative to communicate with the remaining survivors in the city, to cooperates with them, and even rescue those people, however, if he can help others within his ability, he is more willing to do so without exposing himself at all.



After all, he is a human being, and those people are also human beings. As long as the other party doesn’t hurt Du Hang or himself, he doesn’t mind leaving a glimmer of life for others, just as although he also collects supplies, he never goes where other survivors might go.


Patting his trouser legs stained with dirt, Wei Xuan stood up: “Let’s go, don’t look here, go to other places.” There are signs of human activities here, so even if those people just pass by here, he needs to still be careful and make no big mistakes and think of avoiding here for the time being.


The potatoes did show signs of being dug up, but not all the potatoes had been dug up. Maybe those people didn’t have time to dig them all up, or maybe they kept them on purpose, hoping that the remaining potatoes would continue to grow well and come back later. No matter what the reason is, Wei Xuan treats this incident as “a base where survivors live nearby”.


Therefore, bypassing here is his wisest choice for now.


After leaving this area, Wei Xuan went to some places. Although the potatoes in other places did not grow, they did not look like they had been dug.


When he walked to a street to the north, he could not help raising his eyebrows as he vaguely looked at a certain high-rise community in the distance: “What is that?”


There seemed to be something on those high-rises. It seems that several buildings are linked together by something.


Wei Xuan hurriedly took out the binoculars in his backpack and looked over there carefully, then gasped – on the roofs of those high-rise buildings, there were artificially built “bridges”! Connected several buildings with those things!!


Wei Xuan can tell without guessing that those “bridges” connecting several buildings are built by the ability users! In other words, there must be survivors living in that high-rise!

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