Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 42: 41

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Ch41 - Snow

If Du Hang’s coat also has traces of rubbing against something in the same position, it may be that he accidentally touched something when they were outside, but the color of the thing touched is somewhat similar to the dried blood. But his coat is clean.


The blood of zombies is black, and the color will be darker after it dries up, and even if it is a zombie, the color of the wound healing after the injury will be slightly lighter than the skin in other places. Wei Xuan, who often helped Du Hang clean up his wounds in his previous life, knows this best.




However, there was no such trace on his body.


If that blood was his… No, it is impossible for his wound to heal so quickly! And there is also the possibility of zombification, so, where did the stain come from??



Could it be that Du Hang accidentally got the soup on him when he was eating last night? But how can the color of the soup be so deep?



Wei Xuan, who was suspicious, tossed and turned in the room several times, but found nothing that could stain Du Hang’s body with traces of this suspected blood, so he had to give up temporarily. He never dreamed that Du Hang would actually leave this room, or even leave this community completely after he fell asleep. So naturally, he couldn’t think of what Du Hang was contaminated with. How did it get contaminated?


Du Hang, who was played around by Wei Xuan, remained obedient, even if he turned over and over, stripped naked, and checked up and down without a word of complaint. Finally, with the help of Wei Xuan who finally gave up on this behavior, he got dressed and obediently worked as a coolie for him.



At the end of July and the beginning of August, the weather in T city changed from sun exposure to muggy heat. From time to time, rain falls from the sky, making the road that has been devastated in the last days even more muddy and difficult to walk.


During these days, Wei Xuan harvested potatoes twice more. After they all germinated, they were planted inside and outside the community one after another, and he went out again to sow potatoes and carrots in other locations in T City.


In the past half a month, he has identified several survivor bases in other locations in T City. One of them is very small, but after walking around there, it can be judged from Du Hang’s reaction that there should be living people there. The other was much bigger—a school campus.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ktlr rmtbbi lr vloofgfca ogbw atf tlut-glrf mbwweclalfr atja Qfl Wejc tjr fcmbecafgfv yfobgf yfmjerf atfgf lr j tlut kjii jgbecv la – yfobgf atf fcv bo atf kbgiv, atlr kjii jcv uejgvgjli wera tjnf yffc rqfmljiis yelia ab qgfnfca raevfcar ogbw frmjqlcu joafg mijrr. Dea P vlvc’a fzqfma atja joafg atf fcv bo atf kbgiv, la kbeiv tjnf atf foofma bo qgfnfcalcu hbwylfr ogbw jaajmxlcu.


Although there must have been a lot of zombies in this school in the early days of the apocalypse, I don’t know who is so awesome that they can get rid of the zombies there, and occupy the land to live in.



The school occupies a large area. Wei Xuan observed the situation there in an office building a little far away, and he can confirm that there must be ability users in that school, more specifically someone with an earth ability. Only in this way can the pure metal fence in the school will be completely sealed with an earthen wall to prevent the zombies from attacking.


Now, on the map in Wei Xuan’s hand, several locations that must be avoided when going out in the future have been marked, and that is the place he can already confirm that there should be a survivor base.


Different from the time at the beginning of the apocalypse, although he also found suspected people in many buildings during that time, those were survivors who were scattered and temporarily hiding in some buildings. But now, most of these marked places are small survivor bases with a large number of people that can form some strength.


These bases are different from bases established outside cities, they are more vulnerable and the environment is more dangerous. Once the strength of the zombies’ increases, these small bases are very likely to be completely wiped out under the attack of the zombies.


Of course, some small bases may be able to last for a long time because they occupy a good geographical environment, but all of this has nothing to do with Wei Xuan. The only thing he can do is protect himself and Du Hang. And the other things… can only depend on the survival ability and luck of those people.


Days are slowly passing by and Wei Xuan spent that time taking care of the environmental sanitation of the community, sorting out leftover materials, harvesting, and going out to plant potatoes and carrots.


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When a bit of coldness fell on Wei Xuan’s cheeks, he raised his head to look at the sky in a daze, and then he woke up in astonishment – it was the day of strange snow falling again!


“Let’s go, let’s go upstairs and upstairs!” Seeing the snow falling, Wei Xuan, who was wandering around his community and overhauling the collapsed wall, became excited instantly, grabbed Du Hang’s hand, and hurried to the nearest building with an intact roof. The middle of the building went straight to the top of the building.


In over half a month of maintenance, he has thoroughly cleaned out all the buildings with relatively intact roofs and sorted out a large pile of pots and pans of various types that he collected again on the roofs of these buildings. They are a good tool for collecting rainwater when it rains, and when strange snow falls like the this-of course it is a good time to collect snow water!!


Wei Xuan can’t guarantee that after collecting and evaporating these snowflakes, those kinds of weird snowflakes will be left behind. But if he could use this method to get the snowflakes they needed, then he would no longer have to worry about Du Hang’s “ration” in the future! It can also feed the zombie couple next door. And if the number of snowflakes is rich enough, they can give some to the zombies wandering around in the community, which can be regarded as their wages for ‘hiring’ them.



Of course, before giving it to those zombies, I have to test it on Du Hang and the pair of zombies to see if the zombies fed with snowflakes can increase their intelligence.


But no matter what, the plan to collect a large number of snowflakes to feed the surrounding zombies has also been put into Wei Xuan’s to-do list, because according to his understanding of zombies in his previous life, if zombies do not eat for a long time, they gradually decay and die under the power of time and nature. After all, there is no energy supplement at all. At that time, Du Hang and I, who can only survive relatively safely in the zombie world, may face a catastrophe.


No one wants to bring disaster to others if they can, but anyone can become extremely selfish if faced with the threat of life. Especially when the most important thing to them is not their own lives, but the lives of someone they care about, they are more likely to do drastic things.


Wei Xuan knows that what he is thinking about now is likely to be developing to that extreme, but he can’t watch Du Hang’s complete demise anyway, so even if his decision will cause trouble for the human base in the future, he will do whatever it takes.


He set all the containers on the roof to welcome the arrival of this white celebration. Standing on the roof of a building, Wei Xuan checked the condition of other roofs with binoculars. He was relieved when he saw that the pots and pans on other roofs had no problems and remained in their previous positions. Turning his head, he saw Du Hang, who was pulled up to the roof by him, looking up at the sky with his mouth slightly open.


Wei Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then raised his head to look at the gray sky, there was nothing on it except the falling snowflakes, but what exactly was Du Hang looking at?


Turning his head to look at Du Hang again, this moment a larger snowflake was falling and falling into Du Hang’s mouth, Wei Xuan suddenly had an idea – he… could it be that he was eating snowflakes?!


Thinking of this, he hurried to the eaves and looked down at the community. Many zombies raised their heads in a daze when the snowflakes were falling, and looked at the sky with their stubborn and unfocused eyes, as if in a daze. Their mouths open to eat snowflakes!!


Wei Xuan took a deep breath and felt as if his brain had been struck by lightning—wrong, everything was wrong! Even the speculations of the experts in the previous life are impossible to come true!!


Closing his eyes, Wei Xuan took a deep breath. In midsummer, when the snowflakes were falling, it would still make people feel very cold, but this kind of cold could make his mind calm down, and he could think carefully about certain issues.



In his previous life, he rarely encountered this kind of strange snow falling when he went out. In his memory, there seemed to be only one or two times when he went out and was amongst zombies. At that time, Du Hang and the surrounding zombies also raised their heads and opened their mouths looking at the sky with a dazed expression. 


But because the zombies that Wei Xuan usually saw when he went out usually looked like this, when they heard some sounds or encountered some things, most of them also had their mouths opened. So Wei Xuan, who didn’t think about it at that time and didn’t pay attention. He only thought that they were attracted by the snowflakes, and subconsciously raised his head to see where the snowflakes fell from.


However, what if the zombies consciously ate the snowflakes at this time?!


The strange snow contains special energy, and after they land, it will be separated from the real, melted water molecules in the soil, and condense in the deep layer of the soil.


This energy can provide the zombies with the energy to survive! And this kind of strange snow will fall about every three months on average! Every three months, the zombies will spontaneously ‘eat’ the strange snow!


Therefore, as long as there is still strange snow falling from the sky, the zombies will never die completely because of insufficient energy!


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