Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 50: 49

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Ch49 - Zombie Team

Before he opened his eyes, Wei Xuan rubbed his waist subconsciously—because he had dealt with the blisters before going to bed last night, Wei Xuan, who was worried that he might turn into a zombie, tied himself and Du Hang together before going to bed, lest there should be an accident, and they get separated… Then I would be cheated in this life.


It’s just that, with that thick rope wrapped around his waist, sleeping becomes really uncomfortable. 




“Morning…” Wei Xuan yawned and rubbed his eyes. He sat up and lowered his head to untie the rope.


Seemingly knowing that Wei Xuan had completely woken up, Du Hang, who obediently served as a pillow all night, also sat up at this time, waiting for Wei Xuan to deal with the ropes around their waists. Although he didn’t know why Wei Xuan had to toss and fiddle with this thing several times a day, he cooperated with his movements very well.



It was dawn when the two of them returned to the community, and it was already evening when they woke up after a full rest.



There is still soreness in the body, especially in the shoulders and back, which made them feel like they are burning.


“Should I put a plaster on it? But this is not a strain or a sprain.” Wei Xuan was a little distressed. If it was a strain or something, he could use those things to deal with it directly, but with the damage caused by heavy loads, he is reluctant to consume those medicines.



“Forget it, let’s eat first.” After thinking about it, he decided to temporarily give up the idea of ​​looking for medicine, got up, and walked to the kitchen.


In the evening, the weather is cooler than during the day, but even so, cooking a little troublesome meal still makes Wei Xuan sweat all over his head – when he just came back this time, Wei Xuan had soaked another piece of pork belly. After the hard work of the past few days, now he has stewed the meat and cooked the vegetables, and the rice is ready to be eaten.


The meat still needs to wait for a while before it can be stewed. Taking this opportunity, after checking that there is nothing wrong with his home, he took Du Hang, planning to talk to his neighbors… Although they can’t communicate, he can try to ‘convince’ them. 


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Coafg fcafglcu atf vbbg, tf mtfmxfv atf rcbkoijxfr bc atf rabbi ab wjxf regf atja atfgf kfgf ralii fcbeut obg atf akb bo atfw ab fja obg j ibcu alwf. Ycis atfc vlv Qfl Wejc kjix ab atf akb hbwylfr ktb kfgf rajcvlcu ys atf klcvbk ibbxlcu ja atf rmfcfgs, atlcxlcu jybea tbk ab mbwweclmjaf klat atfw.


Well, he also knew that he might not be able to communicate with them with words, especially when the zombie behind him was staring at them. 



So Wei Xuan could only point to himself, then to the outside of the door, and then to the outside… After he finished pointing in a circle, he saw—the old zombie was still staring at Du Hang vigilantly, and the one behind it stood by the window looking at the scenery blankly.




“Can you go out with us tomorrow? Help me carry something?” Wei Xuan said to the older zombie without hope and then saw that it just glanced at him and continued to stare at Du Hang, while the one behind him… is still looking at the scenery.


Scratching his head, although he had already thought of it beforehand, after confirming the fact that he was indeed unable to communicate with the other party, Wei Xuan still felt a sincere sense of powerlessness—it’s not that he didn’t want to bring other regular zombies with him, he can just pull a few zombies from the street to help him move things. But those zombies are wild after all, once they encounter any unexpected situation – such as the smell of survivors or something.


When the time comes, if they carry their belongings and chase the survivors madly… what will happen with his equipment? And those zombies can only walk while pulling them. Even if he finds a way to trap them with a rope and walk together, God knows if they will break the rope and run away.


In comparison, these two zombies who voluntarily followed him back were more reliable.


Wei Xuan thought for a while and decided to conduct another experiment, so he took a deep breath, and walked cautiously in front of the two zombies.


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Maybe it was because when Wei Xuan approached them, Du Hang would also approach them. Anyway, when Wei Xuan walked up to the tall zombie, its eyes finally shifted from Du Hang to Wei Xuan. Fortunately, although it was looking at Wei Xuan, it didn’t show the vigilant look that he had looking at Du Hang.


Wei Xuan turned his head to confirm that Du Hang was by his side, and that he would be able to strike immediately if he encountered danger, then he slowly raised his hand and grabbed the sleeve of the zombie. Yes, he didn’t dare to touch the rope around the waist of these two zombies again. The lesson last time was deep enough for him to know where the bottom line of these two zombies was, and he would naturally not make the same mistake again.


Sure enough, as he expected, if he simply pulled their sleeves and led them away, the two zombies would react like the zombies wandering in the street outside, and would follow him obediently. The taller zombie still looked at Du Hang vigilantly from time to time, and Du Hang also ‘stared’ back at him.



The sun was setting, and in the afterglow of the setting sun, Wei Xuan was walking with the zombies on the streets.


He was dragging the two zombies behind him to see if they followed. Du Hang was connected with him by a rope and followed after him intrinsically. And the shorter zombie wobbled behind the other zombie. 


After wandering around like this, Wei Xuan took the two of them back to the room where they lived before, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he went back to his room to prepare for the next day’s outing… Ah, that’s right! There is still meat stewing in his pot!!


Back in the room, he quickly opened the lid of the induction cooker and confirmed that the soup inside had not been stewed dry, but had become thick and fragrant. Wei Xuan then took a deep breath in a good mood and fished out a piece of it and stuffed it in his mouth. Well, the taste has improved again! Sure enough, he stewed the meat according to the method in the recipe, and the stew was different! It’s much better than the pot of weird things he stewed for the first time!


He quickly put the pot aside, then replaced it with another pot, he poured the oil in, put in the potatoes and carrots that have been cut and soaked in cold water to remove the starch, and then start the pot again, put in the spices to saute, add the fried potatoes and carrots and various fermented vegetables he added to the stew.


The fragrant smell once again filled the whole room, and even though Wei Xuan was sweating again because of the heat from the cooking, he was not dissatisfied at all and waited impatiently for the stewed pot to be ready. After eating three bowls with white rice in one go, he was content to store the rest of the remaining stew in the refrigerator, so that he can eat before going out tomorrow morning, and to take some for lunch when he goes out.


“We’re going out again tomorrow.” Wei Xuan looked out the window into the night which was gradually sinking into silence. The whole city seemed to be falling into a deep sleep, with no light and almost no sound.


Du Hang stood silently one step behind him.


“…Let’s prepare another rope tomorrow. Let’s hope to not encounter any accidents when we go out this time.” Even if he goes out with those two zombies, Wei Xuan can’t guarantee that once they meet a living person, he would be able to hold them back. After all, they weren’t Du Hang, and they couldn’t stop themselves from attacking humans.


They may take care of each other, but they will never listen to him, even if he can give them more snowflakes. It is an instinct for zombies to chase people, but Wei Xuan can’t guarantee that he can control the instinct of zombies except for Du Hang. So, his decision to take these two zombies out this time was a kind of gamble, a gamble that he would not meet other humans on the way. Otherwise, he might lose everything.



After resting again and recuperating all night, Wei Xuan, who failed to adjust his biological clock, had no choice but to take three zombies out in the early morning of the next day.


Among them, he and Du Hang were still the same as before, with a rope tied around their waists, and the same was true between the two zombies. But on the wrists of Wei Xuan and the tall zombie, another relatively thinner rope was used, which saved him the trouble of holding the other zombie’s sleeve.


Wei Xuan didn’t dare to tie another rope around the waist of himself and the tall zombie. After all, he couldn’t guarantee that if he reached for the zombie’s waist, the zombie might think he is trying to remove the already tied rope around his waist. Therefore, it was the next best thing to tie the rope to his arm.


One person and three zombies walked out of the gate of the community almost in a row and staggered toward their target location.


Wei Xuan checked the situation behind him as he walked, and saw that although the two zombies would not obediently follow the route he walked like Du Hang. They would just follow in his approximate direction, on the way hitting rocks, walls, and so on.


Wei Xuan brought the three zombies into the beauty salon that had become a temporary shelter, and then temporarily untied the rope on his wrist, put down his backpack, and prepared to eat and drink. He decided to continue on the way in the afternoon.


Just when he was about to take out his bag, Du Hang sat down abruptly, stretched out his hand, and directly pulled Wei Xuan’s waist down towards him.


“What’s wrong???” Wei Xuan, who was weightless and fell backward, felt that the back of his head seemed to hit something, and he was dizzy for a while. When he looked up, he saw Du Hang’s dazed and innocent face. He quickly looked around and found that it seemed that Du Hang pulled me to sit down directly into his arms…


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