Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 55: 54

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Ch54 - Finally All Gone

Wei Xuan fell asleep to the roar of zombies, and also woke up to the roar of the zombies.


Rubbing his swollen and sore temples, Wei Xuan, who barely woke up, sighed—it was noisy…




In the past, although he also fell asleep in the crowd of zombies or near the zombies, most of the zombies at that time just let out low growls, and their voices were not as penetrating and threatening as they are now. Therefore, the noise currently at such a close range seemed particularly disturbing to sleep.


He first looked up at Du Hang who is still holding him, um, very good, Du Hang lowered his head to look at him because the person in his arms woke up, and although his expression was blank, because Wei Wei Xuan used his body language to express that he was not allowed to roar before going to bed, and the child obediently stayed quiet!



It’s just that the group of survivors outside seemed to be doing something at this time, and the faint sound of guns caused Du Hang to occasionally make some deep voices from his throat to express that he was very concerned about the situation outside.



Turning his head to look to the other side, he thought he would see two drooling standing at the window, or half-hanging in the air by the ropes, waving their claws. But he rubbed his eyes again in amazement—the two zombies were sitting by the other wall just like before he went to bed. 


At that time, he was afraid that they would commit suicide by running toward those survivors, so he tied the rope to the doorknob after entering the room. Because of the limitation of the rope length, they could only wander around near the wall. Later, they reluctantly sat down because they saw Du Hang sitting by the wall. 



But after that, he clearly untied the rope and tied it back to his wrist, but they didn’t stand up to see if they could walk to the window. They were just sitting down together in a strange position… 


It should be the stimulation of Du Hang and Wei Xuan showing their affection, which caused the two zombies to sit in that weird posture again, one lying on the other’s legs to express their closeness.


But now, they were excited again because of the movement from outside, one tried to head for the window but was held down in the other’s lap, it seems that the older zombie was unwilling to get up. They kept this strange and affectionate posture while facing the window and roaring…


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wei Xuan was awakened by the sudden roars and the sound of guns outside.


Qlat j tfiqifrr rlut, Qfl Wejc geyyfv tlr rkbiifc jcv rbgf afwqifr jujlc, atfc uba eq jcv kjixfv ab atf klcvbk ab rff atf rlaejalbc.



Ca atlr alwf, la kjr jybea akb b’mibmx lc atf joafgcbbc, jcv atf rlz bg rfnfc mjgr bo njglber wbvfir qjgxfv bearlvf kfgf oeii. Ktbrf qfbqif jgf cbk olutalcu klat vbhfcr bo hbwylfr reggbecvlcu atfw.


Wei Xuan is far away from there, but even so, he can still clearly see the hot weapons in those people’s hands, the lethality of the abilities survivors used on the zombies, and those zombies with excited and ferocious faces rushing forward…


To be honest, even if he saw the war between the survivors and the zombies in the past, he didn’t feel anything special. Of course, it can’t be said that he felt nothing at all, especially when seeing the horrific scene of human beings falling into the crowd of zombies and being quickly dismembered, even if he is hard-hearted, the scene is still very impactful.


But now it is different from before because he has lived in a relatively quiet urban area surrounded by only zombies. After all, he has seen too many kinds of zombies with different characteristics and has seen with his own eyes those who still retain habits from when they were alive. This made him feel an inexplicable sadness in his heart when he saw the scene of the fight between the two sides.


What exactly made the world so crazy? 


Is it possible for those who have become zombies to regain human consciousness?


Of course, if possible, Wei Xuan hopes that the zombies can become humanized, but it is best not to regain their previous consciousness, because if they can really recover… maybe it will make them lose the will to survive. 


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After all, if it was Wei Xuan himself, if he slowly regained his previous memories after turning into a zombie, and if he remembers that he had eaten people after turning into a zombie, he didn’t know how to face this despairing situation. 


Taking a deep breath, Wei Xuan watched those people retreat into the car, repelling the intruding zombies with heavy firepower, putting away the fortifications that were hastily built yesterday, and driving the car out. All the remaining firepower focused on the opened gap, desperately blasting and killing all the zombies in front of them…


“…It seems that they are ready to flee.” Wei Xuan whispered to himself, he confirmed that the team is indeed heading north and had no interest in continuing to collect supplies in the surrounding communities. There should be no need for them to find other fortifications to avoid the attack of zombies, he then turned around and walked back to Du Hang’s side.



Because Wei Xuan got up, Du Hang, who had no one in his arms to hug and didn’t need to suppress his instinctive roar, resumed the zombie mode again and continued to roar towards the window with gritted teeth. At this moment when Wei Xuan returned to his side, Du Hang raised his head to look at him again, the growl in his mouth was instantly reduced by at least half, and his expression was no longer so ferocious.


After Wei Xuan sat back into his arms, Du Hang’s growl was pressed back into his throat again, and his expression became close to normal again as if it wasn’t him who just roared at the window.


Wei Xuan raised his hand and touched Du Hang’s face, such a cute zombie, he must not let him rush to the team of survivors to end up getting killed! He must protect Du Hang well, and he must not be allowed to have any close contact with other humans!!


The roar of vehicles outside, the sound of guns, the roar of zombies, and the sound of abilities gradually faded away. The threatening voices of the three zombies in the room also became lower and lower.


Originally, he just leaned in Du Hang’s arms to appease himself, who got sad because he saw the battle between zombies and humans, but because of the gradually quiet environment and the sense of peace in Du Hang’s arms, he fell asleep again. 


When Wei Xuan woke up, the magnificent rose red of the setting sun filled the entire street.


“They’re all gone…” There is a mess around the shops outside. Among a large number of dead zombies, there are many with missing arms and broken legs. Seems like purgatory on earth.


The number of zombies on the street was far less than in the morning. Wei Xuan didn’t know how many zombies left the area with those vehicles. Among the zombies who left, some of them would slowly sway back because they gradually fell behind. But among them, those with faster feet may follow that team to their base, and be killed by the nearby team or the guards guarding the base, and the crystal nuclei in their brains will be harvested…


He turned around and looked at the three zombies in the room who became well-behaved again, Wei Xuan felt that being able to pull them last night and prevent them from rushing out to join the army of zombies… is simply the most wonderful thing in the world.


Thinking of this, he laughed, walked back to Du Hang’s side, took out snowflakes from his pocket, and fed them into his mouth piece by piece: “Come on, this is a big meal for peace of mind after encountering danger. Let’s go on the road after a while and go home!” 



On the other side, without waiting for Wei Xuan to deliver dinner to them, the tall zombie who noticed that Du Hang was eating snowflakes also clumsily took out snowflakes from his pocket, and brought them to the other zombie that was still lying on his lap!


After feeding his zombie and watching other people’s zombies eat, Wei Xuan dug out the rations he had prepared from his backpack. After confirming that there were indeed no other living beings on the street outside except zombies, he patted his butt and got up, and went downstairs to get things.


Although the things they moved last night were not as heavy as the solar panels and solar batteries of the previous few days, they were the largest among all the things they moved recently. Therefore, after Wei Xuan and the others hid in this building, they first unloaded the supplies in a room in the basement. 


Wei Xuan didn’t worry that his supplies would get found and taken. After all, they can’t be used without electricity, and even if there is electricity at the base, who would spend such precious resources on these things? And also, if the other party came here to find things, then even he and his group of zombies might not be able to escape alive, let alone his supplies.


Therefore, he calmly piled his things in the basement and led the three zombies up to the seventeenth floor…


Climbing seventeen floors is an experience, however, Wei Xuan was cautious and as all the doors he passed by were locked, he didn’t want to make any extra noise, so he had to go all the way up.


And now, when he finally came to the basement, he felt dizzy from tiredness… If he was not worried about the safety of the elevator and the zombies know how to climb ropes, he would want to go straight down the elevator or slide down the elevator rope.  


“Everything is fine.” Checking the situation in the room with a bright flashlight, and confirming that the two large boxes and two oversized backpacks were intact, Wei Xuan heaved a sigh of relief and began to make Du Hang carry the items.


Another main reason for deciding to put things in the basement is because it is opaque, so even if you use a strong flashlight here, people outside will not notice it. Unlike other floors, where even if you turn on the flashlight in the corridor people may still see the light from the outside.

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