Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 57: 56

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Ch56 - “Crazy” and “Normal People” 

In the villa complex, the high walls around have become stronger and more reliable than a few months ago. Several bigwigs from various fields in the country before the end of the world are gathering in the basement of the same villa, listening to a man with messy hair talking.


The man was wearing a white coat. Although his expression was very haggard, his spirit looked strangely paranoid and crazy. He stood in front of a whiteboard with various formulas written in black pen. At this time, he explained a bunch of terms before tapping the whiteboard twice: “So! We can draw a conclusion—all the people have been infected with the zombie virus!”




The group looked serious, and after hearing this conclusion, they were not as worried and nervous as the high-level executives and scientists in another base. They also showed a smile that seemed to be relaxation or disdain.


“You mean to say that we, everyone present, and everyone who is still ‘alive’ are zombies?”



The man in the white coat showed a nervous smile on his face and nodded vigorously: “That’s right! From a biological point of view, we can’t actually be considered alive, or those zombies can’t be considered dead, but one side still has consciousness, and the other side doesn’t have any human consciousness at all… Of course, we and those zombies still have some differences in body functions, and these need further in-depth research. Well, just to say that the current research results can be explained from the spiritual and soul levels—our bodies still have souls and previous memories. But zombies don’t have eather!”



A middle-aged man suddenly raised his hand: “Dr. Wei, we are now more interested in how to make zombies have consciousness and remember us. According to your words, does it mean that they will no longer retain previous memories?”


Dr. Wei shrugged: “I’m afraid this is difficult, but after our experiments, it seems that those zombies can still recover to memories of previous living habits. But after my analysis and verification, this should be regarded as an instinct of the body for certain long-term habits, not a sign of memory returning.”



Everyone was silent again. These people all had considerable power before the apocalypse, but now, they gathered together and formed a small-scale group because the most important people to them had turned into zombies. Although they also want to live as long as possible, compared with restoring the memory of their loved ones, they don’t take their own life and death so seriously.


Therefore, after hearing Dr. Wei’s analysis of the current situation, this group of people were not so nervous.


A person suddenly raised his hand and asked: “Restoring their previous memories… It doesn’t matter too much, but can they regain consciousness? Can eating crystal nuclei help?”


Dr. Wei heard these words and laughed, and the smile on his face was distorted and extremely excited: “The crystal nucleus contains a lot of energy, and zombies can also eat it. After several months of experiments, although it can’t cause too much impact, those crystal nuclei can replenish their daily consumption – to put it bluntly, eating crystal nuclei is similar to eating humans. And according to my experiments, this will slowly change their bodies and stimulate their cerebral cortex!”


Then, he suddenly raised his hands and looked up at the ceiling: “Whether those crystal nuclei can stimulate their second evolution after eating to a certain extent is still uncertain, but there is no doubt – taking those things for a long time can supplement their energy and increase the energy of the body! Therefore, stimulating their cerebral cortex and improving their existing brain produce qualitative changes!”



We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Although I’m not sure whether this change will make them conscious, but undoubtedly, if they eat it for a long time, these cute little zombies will become something close to humans but still different!!”


Ktf qfbqif rlaalcu yfibk vlv cba rtbk jcs vlrvjlc joafg tfjglcu atf wjvwjc’r gfwjgxr. Pcrafjv, atfs yfmjwf fzmlafv bcf ys bcf—jcskjs, rlcmf atlr kbgxr, atfs mjc ogffis ajxf atf mgsraji cemifl jmmeweijafv ab offv atflg hbwylolfv gfijalnfr jcv ibnfgr!!



Gloofgfca ogbw atf rlaejalbc lc atf nliij yjrf lcrlvf atf Jlas, atf ugbeq bo rmlfcalrar ktb jirb vlrmbnfgfv atf rfmgfa bo atf hbwylf nlger olcjiis gfqbgafv atflg gfrfjgmt gfreiar ab atf ybrrfr bo atf yjrf bearlvf bo K Jlas. 


In the meeting room, there was a gloomy atmosphere.


After a long time, a person who burned his finger from a cigarette suddenly came back to his senses, quickly extinguished the cigarette at his fingertips, and with a trembling voice, addressed the crowd who were dejected like elementary school students who were standing at the table and reported the results. The scientists asked: “Then, what if we are infected with the virus again, will we still become zombies? Or do we not have to worry about the virus when we are alive, and only wait until after death? , will…” 


In the end, the man’s voice was so hoarse that he could hardly utter it anymore. But his meaning was clearly expressed, making the whole table look up at the scientists with hope.


Under the pressure, Professor Li had to explain again: “There are too few experimental samples… However, according to the statistics in the base, people who are accidentally infected with the zombie virus when they go out to fight, and even those who dont go out, they can still turn into zombies directly… The specific reason is still unclear. This is why some people turned into zombies when the apocalypse had just started. There is no clear answer yet…” 


“It doesn’t matter!” Suddenly, the person in the main seat slammed the table, “Increase the intensity of the experiment and investigate exactly under what circumstances will people they will turn into zombies… I will allow you to do it in private. The experiment can be carried out with some… volunteers. In addition, no one is allowed to spread this matter!” As he spoke, he scanned all the participants with fierce and sharp eyes, “If this matter is disclosed, everyone here can imagine what the result will be… Once such rumors spread in the base, they must be contained immediately! Those who spread the rumors will be thrown into the laboratory to ‘cooperate’ with the experiment!”


No one objected to his words, and everyone was very clear that once people knew that even if they struggled and lived hard, they would eventually become walking dead, then all existing people would become crazy… Anyway, no matter how they run away, they can’t escape the fate of becoming a zombie, so why not go crazy before they die? 


Even they, upon hearing the news, would have such thoughts.




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“Hey, I finally managed to get out, and this time I got a lot of supplies!”


“It’s still the boss’s decision, how many people dare rush into a big city to grab things, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to get such a big harvest this time!”


“Yea! Going to those small counties every day to search, and even some intact bricks, stones, and tiles were considered good. How can it be compared to what we got now? Going in is risky, but as long as the overall planning is done, those zombies will obediently let us kill them?”


“It’s a pity that there are too many zombies, otherwise if those zombies killed by us can dig out their crystal nuclei, that would be the best!”


“Now let’s get rid of the ones still following behind us, then we can find a place to rest! By then, won’t we all share the crystal nuclei in the heads of these zombies?”


“That’s right! Hurry up and contact the boss in the car! Let’s stop and kill the zombies following us!”


There was a laughing voice from the convoy, and a group of people seemed extremely excited. Although they were very tired from the previous battles, the excitement of returning home with a full load made them unable to feel at ease.


Not to mention anything else, as long as this batch of supplies is transported back, they don’t have to worry about food for the next month or two! They can’t help but be happy.


“Huh? Are those zombies running faster?” A person suddenly pointed at the zombies that had crossed the previous ones and were chasing behind the convoy. Their speed was much faster than others of the same kind.



“They must be ones that evolved faster, I’ll kill them when they get closer.”


Several people glanced back indifferently and continued to chat and laugh. Two very courageous people who were very arrogant even walked to the back of the car, opened their pants, and urinated on the zombies behind them.


Whistles and laughter rang out in the convoy. After a while, the walkie-talkie in the car suddenly rang, and the communication in the main car came. The person in charge of the last car connected immediately and listened to the voice inside and responded non-stop: “Yes, let them kill those zombies.” After hanging up the communication, the man waved his hand, “Go, kill those who follow closely, so that no accidents will happen.”


Going out in the end times, there is nothing wrong with being careful, they don’t want to sail in the gutter, so it’s best to kill those zombies before they get close enough to avoid any accidents.


“Yes—” one person answered in a rambling voice, and casually picked up the gun that was placed aside and walked to the back.


“Bah, bang” came a few times, and everyone in the entire convoy could hear it. They all knew that someone was cleaning up the fast-running zombies so that they would not catch up, so no one cared.


But after a while, suddenly there was a “chug” sound and the sound of an ability bursting from behind.


“What’s going on in the back?” One of the main cars of the team that opened the way asked in confusion.


“I don’t know, I’ll contact them.” One person hastily picked up the walkie-talkie and stretched his head to look back.


The person who switched on the intercom had not waited for the signal to be connected and had time to speak when he was extremely surprised to hear—”Boss! A zombie jumped on the roof of the car!”



“Wha…” Before he could finish his sentence, the zombie that had just landed on the roof behind suddenly jumped onto the roof of the leading car!!


“What’s going on?!”


“On top, it’s on top of us!”


“Shoot at the roof!!”


“Don’t mess around, it…” 


There was a piercing sound, and a dark-skinned, bony arm pierced through the roof…


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