Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 6: 6

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Ch6 - Collecting

The small notebook in Wei Xuan’s hand, which was full of writing and drawing, was first marked with several places where he planned to settle down in this life, all in T City. Yes, that’s right, he’s going to live in this city for the rest of his life! Moreover, it is also the downtown area of ​​the city, and it belongs to the “golden zone” before and after the end of the world! No matter how many zombies are around, he doesn’t care.


Why not? He has the ability to be ignored by zombies, he has a three-year memory of how to make a living in the last days, he also has the memory of the important information in the base from his previous life, and he has a half-zombie who can always accompany him to live here, zombie Du Hang! For Wei Xuan who has such an ability, finding a relatively safe place to live in the city is the safest way.




“Tell me, where is it better for us to live?” Wei Xuan frowned slightly. He knew that Du Hang would not answer, but the habit he had developed in his previous life made him still regard Du Hang, the half-zombie, as someone who might one day understand his words. He is not a pure zombie who is stupid and only knows how to eat human flesh.


Du Hang just kept his sitting posture without moving, as if he didn’t hear Wei Xuan’s voice at all. 



Wei Xuan’s hand subconsciously moved across several places, and after thinking for a while, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Du Hang: “Let’s go collect some things first, and then go to these places to see the situation after a week.”



The urban city areas are the places where the base has not sent people. However, the fact that the base has not sent anyone to those places in the last three years does not mean that there are no living people there at this time.


It is only the early days right now, some people have escaped from the city and some have hidden in sparsely populated places. But most are likely to stick to their relatively safe homes after waking up. After all, they can’t be sure about the external situation, only their own home is the place where people feel the most secure, this is almost everyone’s subconscious thinking.



Even if Wei Xuan wants to find a place to stay now, he does not want to find a building where people are staying at this time and he is not sure about other places. However, he knows that at least for the next week or so, the hot pot restaurant he is currently at is absolutely safe.


When Wei Xuan stood up, Du Hang looked up at his movements. When he barely put the backpack on his back, he felt a throbbing pain and a tearing sensation from the wound on his shoulder, which made him gasp. This is what he has predicted before coming to Du Hang, he was mentally prepared, but if he ignored his injury, he would definitely suffer.


Reluctantly turning his head to look at Du Hang, who he was about to pull downstairs, who was empty-handed and just looking at him blankly, just waiting there obediently, as obediently as a mannequin in a clothing store honest. Wei Xuan’s eyes lit up suddenly, he quickly took off his backpack and helped Du Hang hang it on his back, then looked at Du Hang who was still looking blankly at him with the backpack on his back, couldn’t help laughing and nodded; “Ok, it’s good, it’s no different from ordinary people except that your eyes are not normal.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ktlcxlcu bo atlr, tf lwwfvljafis abbx bea akb ijguf wjrxr ogbw atf rlvf qbmxfa bo tlr yjmxqjmx, qea bc bcf obg tlwrfio, jcv qea bcf bc obg Ge Ljcu.


Rba ab wfcalbc, jiatbeut Ge Ljcu ralii vlv cba mbnfg tlr fsfr, Ge Ljcu, ktb kjr kfjglcu j wjrx, mbeiv cb ibcufg wjxf qfbqif cbalmf tlr yielrt-ktlaf rxlc jcv raloo fsfr ja olgra uijcmf, ktlmt wjvf tlw rajcv bea lc atf fsfr bo batfg tewjcr. Pcrafjv, tf ibbxfv wbgf ilxf j cbgwji tewjc yflcu klat atf wjrx.



“Okay, Du Hang, let’s go.” Pulling up Du Hang who was still sitting on the chair and manipulating him at will, the smile on Wei Xuan’s face was completely covered by the big mask at this time, and only his smiling eyes could be seen. 


The second floor of the hot pot restaurant was empty, without a single figure, except for a pool of dried and blackened blood on the stairs. But there are many zombies wandering around on the first floor of the restaurant. Among them are female zombies in waiter costumes, and two male zombies in chef uniforms. Of course, there are also guest zombies in various shapes and styles wandering around.


Wei Xuan pulled Du Hang around these zombies wandering aimlessly and walked to the street. There were also all kinds of zombies wandering around the street, including men and women, old and young. Most of these zombies didn’t look scary, as long as it is the kind of zombies that turned while they were asleep, without any injuries. Their skin has turned paler, their eyes look dazed, and their movements are stiff. 


However, as long as they were assimilated into zombies by being attacked, or zombies who had attacked humans and have large amounts of dry and black blood on their bodies…then the appearance would look very terrifying.


At this time, these zombies are not as sensitive to the smell of humans as they are later. Although they will also chase after the smell of humans at this moment, they must be closer to the prey before they can detect the target. More often, they will be attracted by loud sounds and noise, especially human screams.


In his previous life, he had already seen zombies with more terrifying appearances, so at this time Wei Xuan pulled Du Hang along the street with a calm expression, even if there were zombies who he could not avoid bumping into, he would not be worried in the slightest. 


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On the contrary, he is like a shopper before the end of the world, walking leisurely with his good friend while looking at the items and goods in the surrounding shops.


Wei Xuan ignored the clothing stores, daily necessities stores, and cosmetics stores on the side of the road, and just dropped by an outdoor goods store along the way to find two oversized backpacks. After grabbing a few backpacks, he noticed candy, fruits, and vegetables scattered in a small supermarket and he dragged Du Hang to go collect them immediately.


This kind of supermarket is filled with various fresh food and goods and there are other buildings around the street consisting of butcher shops near large and small residential areas in T City.


Because of urban planning, almost all scattered small vendors were driven out of the city center by the mighty urban management. Immediately, for the convenience of the people, fruit and vegetable shops of this kind were established in the streets and alleys of T City. Among them, there are mostly large vegetable halls near the relatively remote residential areas, but in this rather prosperous living area where every inch of land is expensive, there are only such small but full-bodied shops.



There were no traces of zombies in the store, and from Du Hang’s reaction, there should be no living people around here, after all, Du Hang is very sensitive to the smell of humans.


The door of the store appeared to have been smashed by a heavy object and the glass was shattered. The vegetables on the shelves in the room also looked a bit messy, and many vegetables fell to the ground and were stepped on a few times. In the innermost stall selling non-staple food and seasonings, the place where the rice and other miscellaneous grains were placed had obviously been tampered with. All of the bags of rice and flour were completely gone, and the mung beans and soybeans were scattered all over the floor.


Seeing the situation inside, Wei Xuan seemed in a good mood. He didn’t pay attention to the scattered food. Instead, he rummaged through the depths of the room and collected a lot of spare plastic bags in the store.


Because of the snow the day before yesterday, the temperature in May inexplicably dropped a lot. Although these vegetables and meat were a little wilted and dry, there was no sign of it going bad.


Let Du Hang be the lookout, Du Hang is a half-zombie, and at this time, he is quite similar to ordinary zombies. Therefore, although he may not really bite people, when he finds humans for the first time, he will subconsciously rush forward, or make a roaring performance, unless Wei Xuan is by his side to stop him.


Therefore, it is very appropriate for him to guard the gate at this time. Wei Xuan is not afraid of zombies wandering in now but is more worried about being discovered by the same kind, and some inexplicable conflicts and accidents may happen again.


Fresh green vegetables, some meat, a few soy products and sausages left in the freezer, etc.


Wei Xuan filled these unstorable things with two oversized backpacks and a small backpack. He carried a large backpack on my uninjured shoulder and hung the other heavy bag full of meat on the obedient Du Hang’s back, and then Wei Xuan bent Du Hang’s arm to let him hang another small backpack, and then carried several plastic bags full of things in their hands.


After going out, carefully observing the left and right, up and down, and confirming that there should be no trace of human beings on this street, Wei Xuan took Du Hang and walked back to the second floor of the hot pot restaurant where they lived temporarily.


After throwing those vegetables, fruits, and meat on the empty dining table on the second floor, Wei Xuan led Du Hang to slow down his pace as much as possible, imitating the movements of the zombies and walked back and forth between the two places three or four times before he could bring everything back.



The fresh meat was thrown into the restaurant’s large sink and rinsed briefly. Wei Xuan took Du Hang, who was like a small follower, and rushed downstairs again to the hardware store next door, and found some useful tools there. He then transported everything back to their hot pot restaurant. Finally, he went out again to a pharmacy on the street.


The situation in the pharmacy is much more chaotic than in the previous fruit and vegetable store. Before he entered, Wei Xuan noticed a bloody smell, and when he entered, he found a few zombies lying on a corpse that had not died a long time ago, and they were chewing on it.


His brows slightly frowned, and after a little observation of Wei Xuan, he could confirm that this person was very unlucky enough to be bitten by a zombie after entering the door, and he died directly before he could turn into a zombie.


Sighing slightly in his heart, bypassing the dead unfortunate body, Wei Xuan went to the common medicine cabinet and took some things for treating colds, antibacterials, disinfectant bandages, etc., and stuffed them into the backpack on Du Hang’s back.


Although after the end of the world, people with supernatural powers like him will rarely suffer from common diseases, some medicines still need to be prepared.


He doesn’t need too much, and these things have a shelf life. However, it’s safer to bring some, to have at hand. He left the rest here so that other people can take it when they pass by.

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