Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 60: 59

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Ch59 - Machines and Seeds

Wei Xuan had just connected the pile of solar panels, and after sweating all over, he ran to the roof of the next building to observe whether they would look too conspicuous from above, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.


He raised his head and looked at the sky. Originally, he could still see the blue sky and white clouds in the early morning sky. Today, he still thought it should be good weather with a clear sky, but at this time, the sky looked gloomy. It was only when Wei Xuan raised his head that he realized that the clouds in the sky looked extraordinarily thick, and the wind blowing around was carrying heavy moisture with a sense of heavy rain.




“…Damn! What kind of luck is this?!” Wei Xuan couldn’t help but feel the urge to point his middle finger at the sky, but fortunately, he still had his reason and didn’t do any indecent actions directly. He took a deep breath, the sky is going to rain, and he can’t control the weather even if he wants to. It is better to go downstairs and go home quickly to organize his other items. As for setting up the solar panels… let’s wait until the weather clears up.


They hurried downstairs and ran towards the building where they lived. Before the two of them went back, when they were running halfway, there was rumbling thunder in the sky, and Wei Xuan saw that heavy rain was coming.



Wei Xuan, who ran back to the corridor before the heavy rain fell, heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and looked at the sky outside behind him, and was about to express his exclamation, but suddenly found that there seemed to be a small black spot in the sky flying between several buildings. 



Wei Xuan hardly saw any birds in his previous life. Of course, this may have something to do with living in a very densely built and narrow base. And although he spent at least half of his time wandering outside the base, he rarely looked up at the sky leisurely.


Therefore, it is normal that he has not seen any birds in his previous life.



However, he has also heard that there are no more flying birds just as before, now all animals have mutated, including birds, who generally turned very ferocious. Fortunately, they don’t seem to like to appear in crowded places, so it is often difficult to see them near the base. But once survivors encounter mutated birds in the wild, it will be a vicious fight for survival. 


Could it be that the mutated birds are flying in the sky now?!


Feeling tense, Wei Xuan quickly took Du Hang’s hand and ran back to the third floor in one breath, took out the binoculars from his backpack, stood in front of the window, and looked out carefully.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ktf yijmx rqba… cb, atfgf lr wbgf atjc bcf yijmx rqba cbk! Dea atfgf jgf jr wjcs jr atgff!


Qtja’r wbgf, atbrf yijmx rqbar jgf cba ylgvr, yea – tfilmbqafgr!



Qfl Wejc’r tfjga alutafcfv yfmjerf atf yjrf tf ilnfv lc tlr qgfnlber ilof vlv cba tjnf j qbkfgoei jgwfv obgmf, rb atfgf kfgf cb tfilmbqafgr, yea atfgf kfgf rbwf jgwbgfv nftlmifr, rb Qfl Wejc vlvc’a xcbk lo atfgf kfgf jcs batfg yjrfr klat atlr fdelqwfca. Rbk atja Qfl Wejc rjk atf atgff tfilmbqafgr oislcu lc atf rxs, la kjr mifjg. Pa rffwfv atja rbwf yjrfr klat gfijalnfis ragbcu jgwfv obgmfr rtbeiv lcvffv tjnf atfrf atlcur.


It’s just that fuel and weapons are consumables, and they are often gone after they are used up, so even if something is transported between bases, some high-level personnel exchanges generally do not use this kind of flying equipment.


Seeing the three black dots flying from south to north, completely hidden behind the building, and the raindrops from the sky falling one after another, Wei Xuan put down the binoculars and shook his head with a long sigh. 


It seems that I still need to go out at night in the future. Of course, it’s not impossible to go out during the day, but I have to be more careful to imitate the behavior patterns of zombies, so as not to be noticed by this kind of thing that flies around in the sky… 


Thinking about this, can the satellites in the sky still be used? If that thing can still be used, I will have even more headaches. Hmm, I don’t seem to have heard that the satellite is also responsible for taking pictures of the ground in the middle of the night, so I’m afraid it will only be safer to go out at night in the future.


Rubbing his temples, Wei Xuan felt a little worried, turned around, and saw Du Hang standing beside him, and then his mood suddenly improved: “Let’s continue to organize those things.” In any case, he has Du Hang, as long as they live here carefully, the problem shouldn’t be too big.


With the experience of seeing a helicopter, Wei Xuan’s attention to the sky will increase by more than one level when he continues to go out in the future. Of course, he doesn’t need to worry about it for the time being, after all, it has started to rain outside now, even in this kind of weather, he can’t go out and get busy.

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However, he has to admit that today’s rain fell in a timely manner. Although it rained very frequently for a period of time before, Wei Xuan also accumulated a lot of rainwater during that period and purified it as daily water. But the stored water is still used day by day, and he can’t just consume it without replenishing it.


Seeing that autumn is about to enter, the precipitation in T City in previous years is not too large in autumn and winter, so every extra rain is a very precious opportunity for people like him who are planning to live in a small house for a long time to save water.


At this time, the containers on the top of the many buildings once again showed their usefulness, catching every drop of rainwater that fell in. At this time, Wei Xuan returned to the room where he lived and began to assemble the two devices he brought back from his trip this time.



What type of equipment? Of course, the equipment used for farming.


When the group came back this last time, they brought two small indoor vegetable growers with various functions such as supplementary light and keeping a constant temperature. Before, this used to be purely a kind of vegetable-growing machine that people who had nothing to do, would use to grow vegetables at home. 


This machine was imported from a foreign country. There were only three in the store that Wei Xuan found. One of them was used as a sample and was smashed in the earthquake. The remaining two were stored in the back warehouse.


There are many advantages of this kind of thing, such as a neat and tidy appearance, there are several different lights that can be adjusted for different types of crops, and there is also a temperature control system, so you don’t have to adjust the temperature and humidity in the room. He can just let the machine adjust the temperature, humidity, water, and fertilizer by itself.


But there are also many problems. The biggest problem is that this thing takes up a lot of space. It seems very convenient and beautiful, but it really can’t grow much. Although it looks like it has two floors, the space on the two floors is a bit too small. It’s better to just get some plastic baskets and put them on your balcony!


However, the biggest advantage of this gadget is that it can be used no matter how cold the weather is. As long as it is powered on, it can be used normally even if there is no insulation in the room.


This thing can only be regarded as a concept product, and it is a device that can only be purchased by a wealthy person who has time and money to play around with. This machine can grow fresh vegetables, which can be eaten at any time when there is no harvest outside.


This is also the main reason why Wei Xuan wanted to carry them back regardless of the high mountains and rivers, otherwise, he would rather buy more plastic baskets for growing vegetables in that store and bring them back.


Moreover, Wei Xuan has some other ideas. Although he knows that after the apocalypse begun, a large number of plants will mutate, or wither and die, or simply mutate into terrifying plants that are inedible or even have attack power. But it is said that there are still many plants that are edible after planting.


Wei Xuan didn’t know what those crops were, so he was going to try to grow them with these two devices when there was no shortage of rations.



After all, this thing is placed inside the building, and after getting up every day, he can carefully observe the conditions of the crops inside. It’s much more convenient than planting them in random places in the community, and he doesn’t have to worry about zombies stepping on the crops by mistake.


After installing and adjusting the equipment, Wei Xuan gnawed at the instruction manual for a long time before he figured out how to adjust the various settings inside. There is also a booklet attached, which describes the temperature and humidity that need to be set for different common vegetables. Listed separately, as long as there are corresponding vegetable seeds or seedlings, they can be planted.


After flipping through it for a while, not to mention, the functions inside seem to be very complete, but the biggest problem at this time is – “There are no seeds…” scratching his head, Wei Xuan felt a little guilty, because of the deep memory of potatoes and carrots in his previous life, he has never noticed where seeds are sold when he went out to collect supplies… 


In other words, where can he obtain seeds from now?


Wei Xuan was once again speechless to find that he doesn’t even know where he can get seeds… It can’t be blamed on him. He is still a wage earner, he is too busy with work every day, even if he has some time to watch movies and read books at home, and occasionally go out to eat karaoke with his colleagues, but he has never been interested in raising any plants and flowers.


Therefore, his impression of the sources of plants used for decoration in ordinary households is only various flower shops, or stalls selling pots of ornamental flowers in markets and roadside stalls. Maybe there are various crop seeds sold in certain markets, and it seems that there are also such things sold in supermarkets, but the specifics… he doesn’t know.


In his previous life, he of course planted potatoes and carrots to make ends meet. After all, these two things were vigorously promoted in the base. But as a young and strong laborer who needs to go out frequently to find supplies, how can he usually have the time to study what else can be planted?

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