Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 67: 66

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Ch66 - Bounty

The noise outside the building is filled with the roaring of zombies, the running of zombies, and various sounds from obstacles being trampled by zombies.




Wei Xuan quietly came to the window, before he had time to carefully look at the situation outside, suddenly a burst of flames erupted behind a few relatively short houses in the street not far away. 



With the firework effect and performance sound effect caused by the burst of fire, the nearby zombies were excited again. Even Du Hang, who came to watch the fun with Wei Xuan, couldn’t help but increase his growl excitedly, but of course, even if he increased his growling, he wouldn’t abandon the person in front of him and rush out to chase after others.


With a dignified expression, Wei Xuan pulled Du Hang behind him and squatted down together, covering his mouth with his hand. Sure enough, just like before, because of Wei Xuan’s hand covering it, Du Hang closed his mouth very obediently, as if he was afraid that he would accidentally bite him, and his growling voice was also suppressed in a low voice.



The people outside are ability users again. What luck is it to meet another team here again?



Wei Xuan scratched his hair speechlessly, and saw another series of fireballs rising into the sky on the street over there, illuminating the nearby streets vaguely, like a series of small suns, very dazzling and bright. 


Fortunately, the distance between the string of fireballs is getting farther and farther, and they have already left in another direction.


Although he doesn’t know how many people came here, whether they were people from the base who went to the city to do missions or survivors in the city, Wei Xuan finally felt a little relieved after seeing this scene, and his heart was slightly relaxed: “It seems that I still have to look at the almanac when I go out in the future…” 


Otherwise, it is really a headache to encounter such a thing whenever he wants to go out.


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The early morning sun poured in from the unblocked window, Wei Xuan looked a little tired, he didn’t sleep very well in the second half of the night, first, he was woken up by the fireball, and then because the rope around his waist was too tight, no matter how he slept, he couldn’t sleep well, and as a result, he was half asleep and half awake until the early morning. It’s no wonder his complexion looks like this at this time. 


Mbgaecjafis, atf qfbqif ktb olgfv atf olgfyjii ijra cluta rffwfv ab yf pera qjrrlcu ys, jcv la vlvc’a ajxf ibcu obg atfw ab vlrjqqfjg mbwqifafis. Lbkfnfg, yfmjerf bo atf jqqfjgjcmf bo atbrf qfbqif, atf cewyfg bo hbwylfr bc atf cfjgys ragffar rffwfv ab yf ifrr atjc sfrafgvjs.



Lbkfnfg, atfrf vlv cba joofma Qfl Wejc’r agjnfi qijc obg abvjs. Vlcmf atbrf qfbqif tjv jigfjvs ifoa, jr ibcu jr tf jmafv mjgfoeiis, tf mbeiv mbcalcef ab ub vffq lcab atf mlas ja tlr bkc qjmf ab olcv ktja tf kjr ibbxlcu obg. 


After carefully observing the situation outside in several different rooms on the third floor, Wei Xuan carefully pulled Du Hang out together.


The street looked much cleaner than the previous day, but there were still a lot of zombies wandering around the street. After making sure there was nothing wrong, Wei Xuan took Du Hang all the way to the center of the city with a relatively peaceful mind. After a few blocks, he resumed the mode of planting things while walking and headed slowly toward the commercial street. 


In T city, the closer to the center of the city, the more prosperous it is, but the houses people live in are smaller, and even the houses are all old buildings from decades ago. However, there are shops everywhere, and every few steps you can find a place to stay provided there is a way to avoid the pursuit of zombies.


Wei Xuan is not interested in visiting ordinary shops, and there is no need to collect all kinds of ingredients and seasonings, so he just walks and looks around, and goes in when he encounters a larger supermarket. However, he has already passed three large supermarkets that he marked in advance, but he has not gained anything at all!! 


It’s not that those supermarkets really don’t have what he needs, but that even if there is, it’s completely gone now…


Compared with the mess in the large supermarket near Wei Xuan’s current residence, the downtown area and the large supermarket visited by Wei Xuan this time can be described as appalling. 


The population density in the urban center is higher, so the number of zombies is denser than in the surrounding area. However, the number of people who survived in the early days is also quite a lot.


In the normal world before the apocalypse, most people would read novels more or less. Even if some people have never read apocalyptic novels, they still know that when a disaster strikes, they must first save their own lives, and then collect food and water to save themselves or wait for rescue, this is an important matter. Therefore, almost all survivors will go around the place where they live to collect food as soon as they are relatively safe. 


As a result, even if all the items in these large supermarkets in the city center have been taken away long ago, there will still be wave after wave of visits from survivors who do not give up.


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Even if some supermarkets have “empty” written on the walls outside the gates to remind people who come later, some people still don’t give up, or they don’t see it at all or suspect that it is a lie deliberately written by someone to deceive people who come later. So they would still rush forward one after another to go inside. 


When Wei Xuan visited several large supermarkets during the day, he felt very helpless and found that the concentration of zombies in these supermarkets was much higher than that in the streets outside. The crowds of zombies give a sense of when people were crowded at a train station during the Spring Festival travel season.


“…We still have tomorrow. If we still can’t find what we want, then just forget it.” In the supermarkets, he had visited today, not only were almost all the shelves empty but even all the backrooms were empty. They were all overturned to the ground, and there were signs of being deliberately smashed. 


Those supermarkets themselves did not seem to have suffered much damage in the earthquake, and there were no bricks or other things falling down inside. So what are the smashed shelves and electrical appliances other than man-made damage?


When Wei Xuan entered those supermarkets at that time, he didn’t need to check in depth to feel chills in his heart – if there was anything left in it, it must have been dropped on the ground and trampled to pieces! It is absolutely impossible to have anything intact! 


Du Hang obediently followed behind Wei Xuan, walked into the top floor of a shopping mall with him, and found a place to rest in an office.


The shopping mall was also in a mess, much more chaotic than those shopping malls that Wei Xuan had been to before, almost all the clothes and commodities on the shelves were scattered all over the floor, simple earthquakes and wandering zombies could not cause such a mess.  


Leaning in Du Hang’s arms, Wei Xuan tugged the rope tied around his waist twice depressedly and looked up at Du Hang’s dull face: “This thing is really uncomfortable… If you weren’t so dishonest… Would I be troubled to tie it every day? No, I have to change the method later, or I won’t even be able to sleep!”


Although he knew he was afraid that if he accidentally turned into a zombie one day, he might get separated from Du Hang, so he tied a rope around them like that zombie couple, but it is really uncomfortable to wear this thing 24 hours a day!  


But who made his zombies so disobedient? He learned to sneak away in the middle of the night!



The honest Du Hang devoted a pair of ears to Wei Xuan’s nagging—he couldn’t understand anyway, and Wei Xuan quickly fell asleep after muttering a few words. Going from supermarket to supermarket during the day and walking on very rough roads is an exhausting thing, so people who are overtired can easily fall asleep. 


On the first two days of going out, Wei Xuan’s luck was really not very good. Apart from planting all the potatoes and carrots and consuming a lot of rations along the way, he got nothing at all.


So on the third day of going out, Wei Xuan, who had no hope at first, suddenly wanted to go to a long-established large bookstore in the center of the city to find out if there were any more suitable recipes and some practical reference books for him. When went there, Wei Xuan discovered that there was a flower shop opposite the bookstore. 


Wei Xuan, who had no hope at all and thought that he could only find some flower seeds at most, was standing in the small warehouse behind the shop, clutching several packs of seeds in a daze, mouth shut for a long time.


After he finally came to his senses, almost his whole body jumped up, turned around, and grabbed Du Hang’s two arms with the hand that was still holding the seed bag, shaking desperately: “Seeds! Seeds! There are vegetable seeds!! And there are so many kinds!!” 


The area of this flower shop is quite large. Apart from the dried flowers in the vats at the door, which indicates that there should be some fresh flowers inside, there are also many high-quality bonsai and high-end flowers for sale in this shop.


Although the seeds that Wei Xuan dug out in the small warehouse were not many varieties, but this was still amazing! 


From a variety of common and uncommon flower species to a variety of leafy houseplants and even seeds of various trees. What made Wei Xuan even more excited was that there were actually three full boxes filled with seeds of various vegetables!


In addition to the common seeds such as green onions and coriander, there are also many vegetable seeds that Wei Xuan had never heard of or eaten before. 


One of the reasons why Wei Xuan felt so lucky today was that even though the store had also experienced an earthquake, the main building was still intact, with no trace of rain leakage at all, and the storage effect of the seeds was obviously very good!



“We can take it away, let’s these three boxes! There are also these flowers, at least take one bag back, and see if they mutate and can be eaten after they are planted?” Wei Xuan, who suddenly entered a state of excitement, began to quickly collect his bounty, he set the three boxes of seeds aside and then focused his attention on the other flower and plant seeds. 


Although these seeds are packed in cardboard boxes, the box itself is not very big, and the box is not completely full. He took out these seeds separately and stuffed them into their large backpacks. 


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