Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 8: 8

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Ch8 - Bathhouse

Wei Xuan wet a towel, wrung it dry, and wiped Du Hang’s hands, face, and neck, while he sat obediently in front of him. If there is a place to take a good bath, it is estimated that even if we can find a bathhouse now, we may not be able to take a bath with peace of mind… It’s a pity that we can only find a way by ourselves… “Later, I will record the locations of all the surrounding water stores, and after a while, I will find a place to settle and transport a batch of water there…”


There were only two figures in the dark room with no lights on. One of them was speaking in a low voice, and the other didn’t respond, not even breathing.




Downstairs and on the street, a group of zombies wandered aimlessly, and from time to time they let out a horrific groan, which sounded ominous and frightening.


A little farther away, you can see thick smoke billowing and flames rising into the sky. Yesterday’s fire has continued until today, and it is still burning in that direction, with no sign of stopping.



Just when Wei Xuan finished wiping Du Hang’s hands and face and was thinking about whether he should just strip him naked and wipe him off, there was a sudden roar of a car’s accelerator pedal on the street outside. There is a sharp grinding sound when the brakes are applied.



Frowning slightly, Wei Xuan put the towel in his hand on the table beside him and walked to the window.


Du Hang, who was still sitting obediently on a chair like a large puppet, just followed Wei Xuan’s movements and watched him stand by the window.



Three cars, the bodies of which were bumped and tattered, and the front windows of two of them were already blown out. At this time, they frantically turned the steering wheel and turned left and right on the street to avoid those who rushed towards their vehicles. Zombies and vehicles were scattered on the street.


After hearing the noise, the zombies were so excited that they rushed toward the three cars. They were all much faster and stronger than ordinary people before the end of the world. There was an astonishing ‘thump’ sound when the two zombies jumped directly onto the vehicle’s body.


There were screams in the car, and the driver frantically turned the steering wheel left and right, trying to shake off the zombie lying on the roof of his car. In the last car that was obviously not hit by the zombies, there was a sudden scream, and the sound of someone screaming “he has become a zombie!!”.


In this chaos, the three cars turned into an adjacent road one after another, and after a while, there was a “bang” sound from a relatively far away place, as if a car had hit something big followed by an explosion.  


At night, there are no dim lights in the city, and there are no traces of people enjoying the nightlife wandering on the street. Therefore, the flashing lights of the cars passing by just now, as well as the vibration of the explosion, all appeared so clear on this night that would have otherwise been absolutely silent.



We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The nearby zombies shook their arms excitedly and ran in the direction of the sound, which made Wei Xuan, who was standing on the second floor watching this scene, sighing softly.


Snfc tf jiwbra obguba atlr rmfcf tf tjv fcmbecafgfv yfobgf. Lbkfnfg, atlr lr jirb gfijafv ab atf ojma atja atf rfio lc atf qgfnlber ilof kjr riffqlcu ja atf wbwfca, kbxf eq bcis ktfc tf tfjgv rmgfjwr, jcv vlvc’a rff mifjgis tbk wjcs mjgr qjrrfv ys, rb tf vlvc’a tjnf wemt bo jc lwqgfrrlbc.


However, even if these things happen right in front of him, he has no ability to help or save anyone. He is not so kind to help everyone. His ability has led him to be framed by his previous teammates, and he was led to his death in his previous life by his teammates also. Not to mention all the things he experienced and suffered through before, so now he is not even half interested in recalling the past.


Now he just wants to find a place to live with his half-zombie Du Hang, even if he doesn’t have contact with the human base at all, it doesn’t matter even if he is completely isolated from the world.


With a cold face, he turned around and walked back to his bed. Du Hang, who had been sitting obediently on the chair beside him, suddenly stood up after he lay down, and sat next to Wei Xuan in the same posture as before going to bed yesterday.


Wei Xuan froze for a moment, stopped halfway with his hand holding the quilt, and looked at Du Hang’s movements in a strange way, seeing him sitting beside him just staring at him in a daze, he couldn’t help wondering: “What’s the matter? Do you want to sleep too?”


Does his half-zombie want to sleep? Is that possible?




Before Wei Xuan could think of something to explain the current situation, suddenly, Du Hang stretched out a hand, grabbed Du Hang’s hand that was left outside the thin blanket, and then continued to sit motionlessly. Then, those frozen eyes turned to look out the window.


Opening his mouth in surprise, Wei Xuan almost forgot that his mouth still has the function of closing. It took him a long time to look at Du Hang’s face, and at his hand being held by Du Hang. After thinking about it for a while, he remembered, when he passed out yesterday… he also hands with Du Hang like this.



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Wei Xuan thought; “this morning, after I woke up, he also held my hand… Is it because the movement when I passed out yesterday made Du Hang mistakenly think that he needs to hold my hand when I sleep? so he developed this habit after becoming a zombie??”


Wei Xuan thought for a while but still couldn’t think of an answer.


However, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and the scene when he was with Du Hang in his previous life appeared in his mind. He is obviously a zombie, and he should be a monster that eats people. Even if Du Hang is not interested in his own flesh and blood, he should be like other zombies. But he is the one, the only one, who has been by Wei Xuan’s side after the apocalypse. Even if he enters the base, Du Hang will always wait for him silently at the place where the two separated last.


Closing his eyes, his erratic heart that was caused by the explosion of the vehicle outside the window finally slowed down, and Wei Xuan fell into a dreamland completely.




The warm water washes over the body, making people feel sleepy for a while. But at this time, Wei Xuan didn’t have the heart to enjoy this kind of warmth and comfort. He still had wounds on his body, so he couldn’t take a shower. Fortunately, there is a bathing center near their temporary residence. The bathtub can completely avoid the problem of letting the water touch the wound that has not fully healed, this is why he didn’t just find a random house to bathe in before, and another reason, who made most of the average families only have showers?


There is no power outage in T City at this time, but God knows when there will be water and electricity problems, so Wei Xuan, who originally wanted to go to find supplies early in the morning, revised his action plan and pulled Du Let into the door of the bathhouse.


There are obviously many ‘guests’ in the shower room on the first floor. Although the number is not many, one can see a lot of undressed zombies wandering back and forth in the bathroom, and there are even some male and female zombies. He actually ran to the lobby on the first floor and patrolled the three-acre land with the pedicures, masseuses, and waiters in overalls naked in the lobby.


So for the sake of his own eyes, Wei Xuan would probably choose the single room upstairs even if he didn’t have any wounds on his body. Just like the single room with two big bathtubs where he and Du Hang are now…


He swears that he is really not that hungry and thirsty, let alone that animal, even if he has inexplicable feelings for Du Hang, he sighs, if Du Hang was still human, he might be able to go one step further. But in this state, he wouldn’t be a beast to push down a zombie.



What’s more, he is still injured at this time, no matter how good his physical strength is, and no matter how fast his wound heals, certain things are helpless.


But… looking at the obedient man in front of him, soaking in the bathtub next to him with only his shoulders exposed, Wei Xuan still sighed a little, Du Hang has such a good figure…


I didn’t exercise much before the end of the world. The abdominal muscles developed by playing basketball and football with my classmates have also been worn away flat after graduation, and I can only vaguely see some muscles when I flex hard. Of course, there are still muscles in my arms but compared to the half-zombie opposite… maybe this guy has been exercising until the end of the world.


Unwillingly, he poked at the muscles on the shoulders of the person opposite, and wondered in his heart if these muscles were forged before the end of the world? Or is it a change after zombification? Wei Xuan picked up a handful of water, wet his hair, and turned around to get the shampoo: “This kind of enjoyment, we can only experience for now…”


Even if he can collect and get clean water later on, it is impossible to take a bath every day like this.


After washing his hair, he began to wash his body and the person opposite him. With some unspeakable thoughts, Wei Xuan continued washing… of course, he thinks that he is just helping the other deal with his personal hygiene issue, not that he has any other thoughts, but it also confirms one thing, the body of the zombie seems to be really unresponsive… Maybe that thing can still be used, but how to stimulate a zombie to erect a tent? Could he go to find a female zombie to dance for him? He would never do such a loss-making business!




Walking staggeringly on the street, Wei Xuan, who was dressed in clean clothes, looked at the nearby zombies who were also wandering on the street, recognizing Wei Xuan as one of their own. He headed to the supermarket.


The direction he was going was not the one he had been to when he was bitten, because there were many neighborhoods nearby, and there were several big supermarkets around here.


Wei Xuan was not sure if there were any survivors left in the supermarket he had been to before, so he simply decided to change to another place to check the situation. If there were living people in the target supermarket this time, there would be a lot of convenience stores and the like on the street next to him, and he could find his target by wandering around there.



When he went out today, he didn’t carry any more backpacks, he only carried his own smaller bag on Du Hang’s back. After all, if both of them were hanging out with oversized hiking bags, even if their movements were imitating the walking of zombies (Du Hang didn’t need to imitate), but it would be too eye-catching. However, if they just carried a backpack, there is no problem at all, many zombies on the street are dressed in alternative styles, such as student zombies wandering around with schoolbags, office workers, housewives wandering around in pajamas, with suits on the upper body and leather shoes on the lower body. Others wearing a pair of underwear, as well as disheveled beauties and zombies are all over the street.


It seems that because two days have passed, some zombies who were originally at home have somehow come to the street, so many of the army of zombies in strange costumes are eye-catching, and the eyes of regular people hurt and they can’t bear to look directly.


Wei Xuan glanced at a beautiful zombie who seemed to have just taken a bath, her large nightgown was not tied at all, and she was showing a bright face, shaking her head. He is not a pervert, and he is not interested in women. He had seen too much of a zombie’s rotten appearance and did not respond at all to it, the situation in the bath they had been to just now was even worse, with all of those naked zombies roaming around.


Otherwise, God knows if other people will use it to do some crazy things after obtaining their own abilities?


Thinking of this, Wei Xuan recalled some survivors who had cooperated with him when he went out to look for supplies in his previous life, and some of them liked to comment on these disheveled beautiful zombies. If there were not too many zombies, maybe some of them will really catch one and try to challenge it.

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