Red Slime Adventures – Tensei Slime fanfic

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 – Demon Lord, Dragon and Slime

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* Knock Knock *


The door flew open. No, it was barely a door anymore. The wood was pulverized to nothing by wood chips. Only the door handle was untouched and now without purpose laying on the ground.

"I told you not to destroy every door you see before! Rimuru said that this is a bad habit and you should stop! Even I got used to it! Didn't you see that I knocked?" Two people were standing outside. A grown up man was scolding a little girl.

The man had spiky blonde hair with golden eyes which weren't too different from his hair and an adult very muscular build. But the girl had a youthful human girl build at the age of twelve to fourteen years. She had glossy platinum-pink hair tied in twin tails. She wears a rather bold swimsuit-like outfit consisting of thigh high socks, black panties and a long-sleeve shirt which only covers her chest. Nemu didn't know much about clothing, but he was sure that this was inappropriate for a girl of her age. However, while the man tried to cover his aura, the girl didn't do any of that. Nemu immediately know, the person in front of him wasn't a girl. Her incredibly powerful aura radiated a feeling that the man also gave up. Without a doubt, a dragon. But mixed with something else. A human maybe? Nemu had never seen such a life form before. But he immediately knew that she was powerful, incredible powerful though.

What Nemu felt? Fear. He remembered the big wolf he had met only two days ago. Even the scary demon, Diablo, after he came to Tempest. But these two people, in front of his door, arguing with each other about a broken door. One was obviously mad at the other and the girl pretended that nothing happened. They were something else. Something that defied all logic. The last few days he always had the same thought. Prejudice is bad. And he really tried to follow his self made rule. Fortunately, they let him some time. It was unintentional but after Nemu came over his initial shock, he had some clear thoughts again. They live in Tempest. Or visit Tempest? Nemu didn't know. But they weren't hostile towards Tempest. So maybe Rimuru's friends? The blonde man lived here. Nemu already knew that. He sensed his aura before. Still, it was something else if he stood in front of him. But the girl? Nemu had no idea. She wasn't here before.

They were still fighting. "Why do you even do that?" "It's just the way I enter the room! I always did that!" "But it's Rimuru's home and he said you should stop destroying doors!" "But... it's not my fault!" "How is that not your fault? You destroyed the door!" "Well..."

If slimes could take a deep breath, Nemu would have done that now. At first he didn't want to interrupt them or he might end up in the crossfire. But now, he wasn't so sure if they would ever stop. And before they destroyed his newly found home, he picked up all his bravery and said. "He... Hello." He stuttered.

The man and the girl both stopped. Turning their gaze towards Nemu.

"It's really a red slime." The dragon man said surprised. "I thought that Rimuru was making a joke..."

"You never heard about them? Hahahaha! I know everything about red slimes!" The twin-tail girl said, obviously lying. "Wait... He can talk?"

Nemu should be relieved because the fight was over, but now he had the attention of both and he wasn't so sure if he liked it better. But enough complaining! He decided. Nemu wanted to meet the dragon anyways and now he is afraid? That's just stupid and Nemu is smart. So Nemu stops being afraid now! Now? Okay, now really. Nemu sighed. Okay, good enough.

He realized that both of them were looking at him with big eyes. They are surprised by a red slime? They should put themselves in his shoes! If slime had shoes... or feet.

"I'm Nemu." Nemu didn't know what else to say, but his name should be appropriate. Right?

Both of them were still staring at him. Moving forward to him step by step. It took Nemu every inch of willpower to not back away.

"I've been living in the Jura Forest for most of my life but I haven't seen a red slime before." The man said thoughtfully. Nemu wasn't surprised. Slimes can feel magical energy. And if someone like him appears, they will immediately hide or run away.

The girl completely ignored him. "Can I touch him?" She said, obviously a rhetorical question because her finger was already moving towards Nemu.


Nemu decided not to move. Why? Her eyes. There was this curiosity in her blue eyes. Something he always had when he found something new and interesting.

"What's your name?" Nemu then asked. Unfortunately, they ignored his first introduction. Seemingly not even realizing it.

The man and the girl looked at each other before they looked back at Nemu. The man was the first to speak.

"Hahahaha" His voice boomed throughout the building. "I'm the mighty Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest! You must have heard of me!"

"No." Nemu said, immediately regretting his answer. Lying was an ability that Nemu should learn soon!

For a second, Nemu expected the dragon, no, Veldora, to get angry, but instead. He pouted?

Now the girl laughed out loud. "Hahaha! I'm the Demon Lord Milim Nava of the Octagram. I'm sure you have heard about me!"

Milim Nava? Never heard of it. But wait, Rimuru said something. He was also a demon lord and he also said something about the Octagram. Should he just say he knew her? But that might make the dragon sad, or worse, angry. Nemu mattered his head, before he came to the simplest solution. The truth.

"I... have heard of the demon lords and the Octagram! So you're one of them? That's pretty cool! I'll also become a demon lord!" Announced Nemu.

Followed by a short silence, before both, Milim and Veldora, burst out in laughter.

"A slime wants to be a demon lord?" Milim laughed.

"Hey!" Veldora noted loudly.

"Oh, right." Milim said after she finally realized what Veldora was implying. Only a few days ago, a slime actually joined the demon lords. Something that was unthinkable before Rimuru appeared. And now, another slime appeared and remarked he wants to become a demon lord? "It's not easy to become a demon lord, you know? You have to become reeaaaaaaally strong first!" Milim said and tightened her child-like biceps. If Nemu wasn't able to sense magic energy he would have probably laughed. But well... There was incredible power in her fragile looking arms. So instead, he nodded. The same nodding he was secretly training for the last few days now. And this time, he finally did it! It wasn't just wobbling his body but something that looked like actually nodding. Or so he thought...

It took both, Veldora and Milim, a second and a glance at each other before they started laughing again. "Damn, I'm still in training!" Nemu said out loud. Followed by a short silence.

Veldora and Milim. A True Dragon and a Demon Lord. Besides the childish behavior they had something else in common. Everyone treated them with the utmost respect. Most people even throw themselves on the ground when they saw them. That was besides the very few beings they considered as equal. Frankly, other True Dragons and Demon Lords. Someone raising his voice in front of them? Unthinkable. It wasn't that they would immediately get mad, but it was something they haven't experienced before. And that was the problem. They were confused. Even in Tempest, everyone, obviously besides Rimuru, treated them very respectfully.

"Mmh." Veldora looked at Nemu touching his chin like he was racking his head about something.

"Mmh." Milim did the same.

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Honestly, a hilarious look if it wasn't about these two.

Nemu was confused. Not knowing what was happening right now. But interrupting them felt like a very bad idea. Without his magical resistance, a natural ability all slimes have, and his incredible high magicules count he had by getting named by Rimuru it wouldn't have been possible for him to talk back. It would have been like a natural barrier. Almost all living beings could not help but obey every command. But he was different.

Fortunately, after Veldora and Milim changed some glances. They smiled. And the tension in the room immediately cooled off. Nemu didn't know that not only him was affected by the tension. Everyone in the entire building was frozen in place. He was never to find out how close he was to his end.

"So..." Veldora started speaking again, after the awkward silence ended. "Are there more red slimes?" Veldora was actually interested in the topic. While Milim was fine after she overcame her first curiosity, Veldora actually wanted to know more. 300 years in solitude made him eager to learn new things. Exactly like Nemu.

"Well, there are more red slimes but I don't really know how many." So Nemu began to talk, without noticing the tables had turned. This time he was the slime talking and explaining things. "We get born like blue slimes. I don't really know why but it's not only the color that's different. Red slimes are able to communicate with each other. So if you ever meet one, be nice to him okay?" And he continued talking about everything he knew, slimes, the forest, himself, his plans and Veldora was eagerly hearing him out. Without interrupting. Milim, however, after done poking him, took her place in Nemus bed that he wasn't using anyways and after a few minutes of talking she fell asleep.

Nemu felt sorry for Veldora as he found out that he was imprisoned for 300 years. Not so much after he found out why he was in the prison, though. Violence was something Nemu hated. So he kinda thought that he deserved it. But he wasn't alone with this opinion. Veldora actually felt sorry for his actions. If it wasn't about Rimuru he would probably still be in there. And Nemu trusted Rimuru, so Veldora must have changed. Later Veldora told Nemu everything about what he did before his imprisonment. And there was a pattern. Violence and destruction. It seemed like he didn't even realize it before they started talking but his expression changed more and more. Like he became actually aware of what he did and that he was in the wrong.

However, what they both had in common was that they wanted to explore. Nemu told Veldora that he will leave Tempest soon. At first, Veldora was excited and wanted to go with him. But then he became aware of his current role. He was the guardian of Tempest! And he took this very seriously. Quite unlikely for him. Not only because he was thankful for Rimurus' help. He was very pleased to see that there was a town in his forest and felt responsible for it. 300 years ago, a town in mid of his forest was unthinkable. Maybe it was his fault? But times changed. He wouldn't have destroyed it when he was in a bad mood, right? Right?

So they were sitting there for a long time. They already had lost track of time. Nemu found out that a rainy day inside a building can actually be pretty fun. The sound of rhythmic and quiet raindrops was very pleasant for him. Before he came to Tempest he was bored most of the time when there was rain outside. Just waiting for it to end. But the difference now wasn't only the building. He had someone to talk to. Something he had never before. So he decided something else. For his next journey, he had to find a travel companion first. So rainy days won't be boring again.

"What will you do next?" Veldora asked.

"I have a list!" Nemu said excitedly "I want to visit the dwarven kingdom, the rabbit tribe and some other races. And some day, I'll build my own home. Ah, and I will become a demon lord like Rimuru and Milim."

Veldora burst out in laughter again. "You think it's easy to become a demon lord?" He asked.

"Probably not, but I think I will find out how it works. Also, I have a lot of time. You know, slimes usually don't live very long but after Rimuru gave me a name I don't have to worry about that anymore." Nemu wobbled. That was probably a shrug? Veldora wasn't sure. But it looked funny so he laughed again.

"You sure are an interesting slime! Maybe you can actually become a demon lord." Veldora said.

"Yes, but that's at the end of my list. I also planned to write books about my adventures." Nemu said and pointed towards the shelf.

"Oh, books are great! I especially like the pictures!"

He pulled out a book. Nemu was confused because he didn't see him carrying one. But whatever. What he saw made him big eyes. It was a book, with pages and paper, but also very different. He looked at the book. The pages were very thin, very high quality even compared to the best elven books. And there were pictures on every page, Seemingly telling a story.

"That's amazing." Nemu noted quietly.

[This is a book you can produce with your skills.] Guide explained.

'Woa, I can actually make something like this? That's so much better than all the other books!' Nemu decided that he will definitely write everything down he will see on his adventurers.

"Have you read any of these books?" He again pointed towards the shelf.

Veldora only took a short glance before answering. "No, there aren't even any pictures in it. That's boring. This book is way cooler! It's called a manga and apparently something everyone reads in Rimurus old world. This one is about a boy who is also a ninja, and he wants to become the leader of his village. But he had a very sad past and everything until now is also pretty sad. But he is strong and he will follow his ninja way! It's probably my favorite manga. You should read it."

Nemu was thinking about what he just learned. So there are books that aren't just about written down information but also books for entertainment. That's important for him. Everything he had read so far was about plants, maps and monsters in the Jura Forest. It will be helpful for his journey. But he should also try these, what did Veldora call them?, manga? Yes, he will definitely do that.

But that's for later. There was another decision he made while talking with Veldora. Before he leaves Tempest, he should look for a travel companion. His current talk was the longest he ever had. And it was fun. Just imagine how fun an adventure with someone else could be? But how should he find someone who wants to go with him? Hmm.

"I want a travel companion for my next journey. Do you know where I can find someone?" He then asked Veldora. Maybe he knows someone.

But again, there was this problem with him being a dragon. Everyone treated him differently, actually it was hard for Veldora to find someone he can talk to. That's why he also enjoyed the talk very much. Rimuru was always busy, with his town leading stuff, Milim was, kinda special, the only person he spent more time with and enjoyed was the demon lord fairy Ramiris. But she wasn't very often in Tempest. So the talk with someone who wasn't respecting him way too much or even is afraid of him, was Nemu.

"Mmh." Veldora was lost in thought for a while. "Ah! You should ask Rimuru! He probably knows someone." Besides Rimuru being also a demon lord and the leader of Tempest, he had a better connection to his people and even spent most of his free time with them.

Nemu remembered back. Rimuru also had someone on his side. The big wolf. Maybe he was his travel companion? A wolf as a partner would be nice, but besides the leader of a pack, they can't talk, right? Woa, that was something he had read before in the books! Actually, wolves were probably the monsters with the most known information about. They were most common in the forest and also dangerous for adventurer parties. So a few humans studied them intensely in order to prevent any problems with them or learn to fight back. Books were really helpful, he became aware again. So, no wolf. But the idea to ask Rimuru was still great.

"Thanks, Veldora! I'll ask him right now."

'Rimuru? Do you have time?' The telepathic network of slimes was really great. In the Jura Forest he was able to communicate with Rimuru and all red slimes at any time. But how was it outside of the forest with less magicules in the atmosphere? He will find that out.

'Hey Nemu, I was actually planning to visit you soon, I'm still busy but it won't take me more than 1 or 2 hours and then I'll come to you.'

'Alright. I'm sitting here with Veldora and we talk, so you can take your time.'

'Wait, Veldora? What?' In a telepathic network it wasn't only the words but also the emotions that were transferred. And Rimuru seemed to be shocked?

'Yes! We're friends now!' Nemu decided.

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