Red Slime Adventures – Tensei Slime fanfic

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – Nemu

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"Hello fellow slime." The slime person said to him. In the past few days several people greeted him but he wasn't able to answer. They probably thought he was like the blue slimes, unable to communicate, but he understood all of them. "I haven't seen a red slime before. That's very interesting, you see."

Red slimes were able to communicate, but only with other red slimes and the Dryads. But now the person in front of him was also a slime. So the red slime was sure he could talk with him. But should he? He was sure the slime person would be surprised. Since he didn't even know that red slimes existed he was probably unaware that they can use thought accumulation. But he decided to give it a try, the slime person gave him a safe feeling.

'Hello slime person.' The red slime simply said to the slime person. And he got exactly the reaction he had expected. The slime person looked baffled at him because he clearly didn't expect an answer. But the red slime was also aware that he would have made the same face as he first saw the big wolf with the slime person. No, that was even more surprising for him. A slime person with a huge wolf compared to a red slime that can talk? Pah! He is the weird one!

After a few seconds of silence he continued. "Oh, sorry. To be honest, I didn't expect an answer. I haven't met a slime before that can talk. Can all red slimes talk?"

He had so many questions and the whole situation still felt weird to him. 'Yes, but there aren't many of us. Why... are you a person?'

The slime person let out a genuine laugh. "Well, that's a long story. I guess I'm the weird one here."

Yes. You are!

"Are you here to watch the sunset?" The slime person asked.

"Yes, I usually don't leave the woods, but the last few days were interesting so I decided to give it a try. Is it safe here?" He looked at the wolf.

"Yes, it's safe." He turned back to the wolf. "That's Rangar and my name is Rimuru. He is my friend."

"What's a... name?" The concept of a name was nothing he had ever thought about. Since he spend most of his life alone and the only other red slime he has met were also alone there was no need for names.

"Right...", Rimuru paused, "I guess names aren't very common here. Especially for monsters. Mmh, how should I explain. A name is something... That's a word we use to address each other. If I think about it, many people in my town don't have a name and the people who do have a name are mostly named by me. Well, you should come with me. It's my favorite spot here to watch the sunset. I don't want to miss it since it's my favorite part of the day. I'm a very busy slime, you know. And don't worry about Rangar, he is a very nice wolf."

The red slime watched behind Rimuru. Rangar let out a satisfied woof, that does not fit to his scary look, at all. His tail was wiggling and he seemed to be even more happy than before. He probably liked what Rimuru said about him. After a second thought the red slime decided to follow Rimuru. But before that, he tried to copy a gesture that he had seen before the last few days. He tried to nod in approval. But instead of nodding, what was honestly not possible as a slime, his whole body wiggled. Rimuru saw through the attention of the red slime and burst out in laughter.

Rimuru wasn't trying to be mean or something like that. He was just overjoyed by the gesture. But the red slime was still embarrassing. If he could turn red, he would have probably done that. But well, he is already red so it wouldn't be noticed anyways.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't want to laugh but that looked too funny." He was still giggling, but the red slime knew he was honest.

Now the red slime got surprised again. Because Rimuru changed his form. He became a slime. A blue one. As they stood in front of each other Rimuru tried to mimic the gestic the red slime did before. He didn't know how he must have looked by trying to nod. But the red slime now understood why Rimuru couldn't hold back his laughter. It looked hilarious. If he had a humanoid body as well he wouldn't have held back either. But, also as a slime, there is a reaction. He didn't laugh out loud but his body slightly trembled. Rimuru noticed this. "You see, its funny!"

Fun. That was a new feeling for the red slime. His only conversations were with other red slimes and they are boring. He always thought so, the only thing that wasn't boring for him were his journeys. And now he is in an open field, with another slime that can change into a humanoid and laughing, or should he say trembling? What a surprising turn of events.

"Let's go now or we might actually miss the sunset." Rimuru turned around, still in his slime form, and jumped towards the big wolf. And the red slime followed.

Slimes usually don't get very old. 5 years or more are very rare, but theoretically they can live forever. But they always need the right amount of magicules. If there aren't enough, they dry out. If there are more than enough, slimes split into half and two new slimes are born. That was the purpose of a blue slime life. But red slimes are different. They knew, when they split, they would stop existing. It's different to dying because they are still part of two more slimes, but they also know that they will lose all self awareness. One year ago the red slime was born. Even for a slime he was still considered young. It's been a short life but only in his dreams would he have ever believed that he would see something like this. Sunsets were always there, even through trees it was beautiful and the red slime enjoyed them. But it was comparable.

The sun was shining in bright red, yellow and orange colors while it moved further and further down flooding the sky like a red velvet. Minutes past and the red slime couldnt avert his senses from the sky. He didn't feel any heat, but as the last sun rays felt on his body he could feel the warmth, even when it was only in his mind. It was truly beautiful. And he felt safe, probably the first time that we weren't aware of any of his surroundings.

"Ah, that was beautiful." Rimuru let out a sigh. Only then the red slime came back to his senses.

'Yes', he said 'I wish it would never end.' The red slime said.

"No, that would make it boring. A sunset is only truly beautiful because it ends. I'm here quite often and enjoy it after a busy day. But it would lose its meaning if it was ever there." Rimuru said while still looking at the sky. The sun was gone but it still wasn't dark.

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'Yes, that's true. I'm already excited for the next sunset.' The red slime agreed. 'Will you be here tomorrow as well?'

"I hope so. But it's always hard to say. I'm a busy slime, you know. There are always things coming up." Rimuru said disappointed. Even Rangar let out a disappointed crook. "Mmh, what will you do?"

'I'll continue my journey. I'm on my way to the middle of the forest.' The red slime proudly said. Most of the other red slimes thought he was just reckless. But to be honest, he always thought about himself as brave, because he knew it was risky but a life in a cave isn't a life worth living. That was always his opinion and only the sunset today was worth the journey.

Rimuru changed back to his humanoid form and had a bright grin on his face. "Well, actually I have my town in the middle of the forest. Want to join me?"

The red slime was dumbfounded. His town? Was he an important slime person? That Rimuru isn't a normal slime was pretty obvious at first glance. Not only his other form, it was his aura, it wasn't comparable to anything that the red slime has seen before. He was special. But a slime with a town? We would have never imagined that something like this was even possible...

'But it's almost dark. It's a long way isn't it?' The red slime said.

"I'll take care of it. Dont worry. Are you tired?" Rimuru asked but immediately saw his mistake. "Ah, right. Slimes don't get tired... I'm still not used to it."

Not used to it? The red slime didn't know what he meant but decided not to ask again. "Well, actually I get tired. It's more dangerous at night, so most of the time I hide somewhere. And it's boring at night, so I learned to sleep. I'm used to it by now and even if I don't need to sleep it becomes a habit that I get tired after the sunset."

Rimuru laughed. "A slime that gets tired. You're indeed interesting. But like I said, don't worry about the way, I can bring us there in an instant."

The red slime was mattering his non exciting head. Was this really a good idea? He knew that he wouldn't need to worry about his safety. Actually it was definitely safer with them, then another night in the forest. The monsters became less in the past months but there were still a lot of them out there. And he didn't even prepare anything. Usually at that time he already had a hideout, but today he totally forgot about that. But what should he expect?

Rimuru was still looking at the red slime. He somehow knew how he must feel. It was a little too much for the young smile. Also he couldn't really tell how old the slime really was or even tell how old slimes get. He firmly planned to do some research about slimes asap. How was it even possible that he had no idea about the race he belongs to? Well nevermind, the red slime, that was for sure, wouldn't be considered as an adult. He was young.

Rimuru really wanted to take the red slime with him. It was always his plan to build a nation with as many races as possible. And the thought of having slimes in his town made him happy. He always considered them as mindless monsters, so the sudden change made him excited. He already had a plan! Bring more slimes to Tempest! Also he felt kind of bad for the little slime. Rimuru didn't know much about how slimes usually live, but it was never nice to travel alone. He must have had some rough times.

And finally, the red slime made up his mind. 'Okay, I'll come with you.' His urge to visit new places won again.

Rimuru smiled happily. He expected the answer, but was still relieved. "Great! But first, you need a name!"

'A name?', the red slime asked. Rimuru explained it before but I still didn't really get what it means to have a name.

"Yes! I'm good at giving names. That's basically my favorite hobby. I even named the meeting of the strongest demon lords!" Rimuru said proudly.

'Demon lords?' The red slime had never heard of something like demon lords.

"Nevermind. So.... a name. Uhm, mmh..... Mmh, umm. A name for a slime. Rimuru 2? No, that would be confusing. What about Dimuru? Noooo...." Rimuru was plappering for a whole minute. Usually it didn't take him much time, but this time it was even more important for him.

Is he really good at giving names?

"Rimu? Uhm... Nimu? No, that doesn't seem right. What about.... Nemu?"

'Nemu?' The red slime thought about the name and finally agreed. 'Yes! I like Nemu!'

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