Red Slime Adventures – Tensei Slime fanfic

Chapter 50: Chapter 49 – Hydra

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In a large underground room sat six people. They gathered around a large red table, cut from marble and decorated with precious stones. The room was designed for… unofficial meetings. Deep underground and with several magical barriers. If it weren't for the luxurious furnishings, you might think it would make a good prison. The room shone in a dim light coming from dozens of magic stones on the walls. The atmosphere was tense and if it were not for the large smoke rinds of a person smoking something like a pipe, but bigger, it would be almost possible to cut the air.

They were known as Hydra and around the table sat the six heads. Hydras were known in many myths, but in this world the last known evolutionary stage had six heads. A young but powerful criminal organization. Today was a special day because today the future was decided for their organization.

Each head had a branch. Contract killings, extortion, smuggling, black market, slavery and someone else whose profession was unknown even to the other heads, but who was one of the foundations of Hydra because he made great profits. In the last weeks, the head of slavery got more and more problems. Because he lost one of his most important territories. But not to another organization, but to a demon lord. However, he was not the only one to whom this demon lord brought problems.

"What do the reports say?" Asked one of the heads in the round.

"The situation seems stable at the moment." Said another head while leafing through documents that lay in front of each of the heads. "As far as we know, none of these scums are left."

"We lured them away with money, but will they still talk?" Someone else asked.

"That's not a problem." One of the heads sighed. "I've already taken care of it."

"Did you have them killed?"

"Yes." He nodded with an icy stare.

"So we have another problem. They were idiots, but they were usable." A sigh went through the group. What a troublesome day.

"Well, they're easily replaceable, but if it keeps up, I'll lose my whole industry. The Jura Forest was dangerous, but profitable." Said the head of the slavery. "The harpies, the beastmen, elves. All the profitable races were protected before by all those pesky Demon Lords. But now... We can't even kidnap any of the goblins anymore. Trading only with humans cuts our.... my profits in half."

One of the heads laughed wickedly. "If you keep this up, we'll have to find a new head soon."

Anger was on the slave trader's face. "You shouldn't talk! If the Demonlord keeps this up you can soon forget about smuggling with the Eastern Kingdom!" He couldn't lose face now, even if the statement made him angry, he was right. If his industry no longer brought in enough money, they would get rid of him. And Hydra doesn't just kick their people out.

Contrary to his expectations, the head burst out in laughter again. "It's the opposite you moron! That idiot demon lord is even building roads for me! Soon I can cross half the forest without risking my goods. For me, it's a blessing!"

"And you think he would just let that happen?" Asked the only female Head and raised her brow in doubt.

"It's a demon lord... Do you really think he would care about fees? And even then, a small duty against the safety of my goods? Also, I can transport anything! Even drugs won't be a problem. I'm sure the demon lord won't care." He laughed again.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. He already has contracts with several Western countries. If he abides by the laws then soon you won't be able to bring anything at all to the Eastern Kingdom." She said doubtfully.

One of the heads slammed his hands on the table. "We have more important problems to solve than your stupid quarrels! If this ever gets back to us, then we have a serious problem. Governments can be bribed, a Demonlord cannot. If he chooses to wipe us out we're done."

All of them nodded. It was not the time to be distracted.

"So, we've hired the Adventurer's Guild under false names. I'm pretty sure they know where the order came from, but it doesn't matter, we had a common goal and cleared it. Let's talk about the details, in case we miss anything."

"Do we know who the Adventurers Guild sent?" Asked the female head.

"Nothing official. But according to the reports, they have sent the Valkyries..."

All of them flinched. In the past, they had problems with the group several times. They do the dirty work of the adventurers guild and so it was predictable that they would clash often. Hydra had lost many of their men to them. At some point, Hydra even sent assassins to get rid of them, but they never came back. Even the best observers just vanished. And so the name of the group always left a bitter taste in the mouth. However, this time it was different.

"If they really sent the Valkyries, then at least we can be sure that none of the bandits and mercenaries are left. Did they have to kill any?"

"No... According to my sources they haven't even reached the rabbit tribe." Said the head of the special operation, the most mysterious of the group, even for the other heads. All of them would have really liked to know who his sources were, but it was an unwritten rule in Hydra never to ask. Even if they were an organization, trust never existed.

Still, they all looked at him doubtfully.

"Then how did they confirm it?" Asked one of the heads. He had been silent until now and was the only one in the round who appeared in full armor. By now they were used to it, there were rumors that he would not even take off his armor to sleep. And they were right, the armor was magical and like a second skin for him. The problem? He could not take it off. Ever.

"Apparently a Dryad confirmed it."

"What?" All of them were shocked. And all of them hated dryads. Smuggling wasn't affected by them, since they didn't care if someone passed through the forest peacefully, but for the slave trade, they had always been the biggest problem in the Jura Forest. In the past, before the demon lord appeared, they were the most troublesome enemy for them.

"Explain." One of the heads demanded more information because it wasn't enough for him to confirm if the operation was successful. All of them felt the same way.

The head sighed. "Apparently they could not find the camp. The maps of the forest are still very inaccurate. One evening a dryad came to them. Why? I don't know. But she told them that there are no more people in that part of the forest." He explained.

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"Man... I'd really like to know your sources. Can't you share them with us?" Everyone nodded. Well, it was an unwritten rule, but they were a criminal organization after all.

"No." He said simply. As expected.

"However, if a Dryad confirms that the forest is safe, then it is safe. I think that settles the issue." Said the female head.

"Nothing is settled! We need to talk about what to do with this goddamn demon lord!" Shouted the head of slavery. He was desperate, if they didn't find a solution then it could end badly for him.

"We can't mess with a demon lord. It's suicide."

"What about his subordinates? He came out of nowhere a few years ago. So he can't have an army. I doubt he even has any strong subordinates. He's just one person and can't take care of the entire forest."

"And yet... he is a demon lord. Apparently, even Veldora lives in his city.... I think Tempest is the name of it."

Obviously, they all had a network and already confirmed his return. But even without the network, it was common knowledge in the Western Kingdoms. The Storm Dragon has returned. That was... problematic. But not so bad, since the Storm Dragon didn't care about matters in the forest. Some slave traders or smuggling? Nothing that would make a true dragon act.

"We could use... That." Proposed the head of slavery.

"Have you gone completely crazy now?" All of them were looking at him now.

There was one thing that distinguished Hydra from other criminal organizations. They had an artifact. From the deepest depths of a dungeon. Something that could destroy entire countries if they used it wisely.

"A Demonlord would even... That... Wouldn't kill him."

"I know. But it would definitely decimate his army. I doubt anyone but the Demonlord could fight it. What kind of subordinates does he have? A few orcs, goblins and ogres? Ogres may be strong, but even they would be no match for them."

"I'm out. Do what you want, but I don't want anything to do with it." Said the head of special operations. And he just got up and left the room. They just shook their heads. This wasn't the first time this had happened. But… Did he know something?

"We have to use it sometime, if we can use it to win the Jura Forest back for us, then it's worth it..."

"Yeah, and how are you going to take care of it after that? If we use That we can never set foot in the forest again." Said the silent head with the armor.

"The storm dragon..." Said the female head now.

All of them thought about it.

"It's not the worst idea. He would surely decimate the Demonlord's army and in the end Veldora or the Demonlord would take care of it. It might even get rid of a few dryads."

"If that doesn't work... It will be the end of you." Now everyone was looking at the head of slavery. They knew it might be worth it and make the forest safer for them again. It was unlikely, no, almost impossible to trace it. But if it didn't work, someone had to suffer the consequences. And that would be the one who proposed it. He knew that and nodded.

"The preparations will take months. And if it's found too soon, we're done. But... I have to say the Jura Forest is the best place to use it. If we were to use it in the Western Kingdoms, I'm sure every country would send their armies immediately."

"Can we really risk losing That?" Asked the man with the armor.

"If not now, when?" The head of slavery had hope again. Today it was determined whether he would live or die. And even if it did not work, he would be able to secure a few months.

"Let's vote." Said the female head. In these meetings, everything was decided by vote. It didn't always work in the past, but it usually did.

Surprisingly, all of them agreed.

"Okay, then it's decided. Who do we send?"

"I'll take care of it." Said the head of the assassination. Of all the heads, he had the strongest and most capable fighters and without question he would send his elite. Everyone knew it was the best decision, so no one disagreed. If it wasn't so important, there probably would have been opposition, all of them had an elite group and they were proud of it. But today... There was no time for that.

All of them stood up and without a goodbye they left the room. You could call that tradition. But maybe it was just disrespect. Or both.

Only the head of slavery kept sitting. After a while he let out a relieved sigh.

"Now, I can just pray." He said, stood up and left the room.

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