Red Slime Adventures – Tensei Slime fanfic

Chapter 65: Chapter 63 – Demonlord, Dragon and Dryad

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Trewy closed the door behind her group. She was happy. Never before had she seen the fairy queen Ramiris, and now they were together. Of course, she would have liked to stay with Nemu, too. He was finally going to free the red slimes and she wanted to be there. She felt bad about it, but he would understand.

This time she finally had the chance to look at the house. Of course, the whole time she was focused on Ramiris who decided to sit on her head. Trewy thought to herself that it was an honor. Veldora nevertheless noticed Trewy's interested looks. 

"Haven't you been here before?" He asked, puzzled about Trewys expression.

Trewy was torn from her thoughts. She was still not used to the storm dragon Veldora addressing her so openly. After a few seconds she finally found the right words.

"Yes. But it was very busy. So I was rather busy dodging people and couldn't look at anything." Explained Trewy. 

Veldora didn't have that problem, whenever he walked through the building it was people dodging him. But he understood. He was also in a better mood now. Being kicked out of his hideout had frustrated him a bit.

While they walked through the building Trewy looked around all the time. There were still people in the building. An elf in a loud discussion with a dwarf. Two goblins talking quietly to each other and giggling. An orc and a lizardman about to fight, Trewy obviously didn't knew the reason. 

Fighting was not unusual. But there was one rule. If you want to fight someone, go to the training ground. At first, fighting was completely forbidden, but Tempest was different, it was in the nature of some races to resolve their differences with a fight. So the training ground was found as a compromise. Some people spent most of their evenings there to watch the fights, even betting on them. Not officially, of course.

"Before Nemu left, it wasn't so busy here." Explained Veldora. "At least in the evenings it was mostly quiet, but now there are still a lot of people here even in the evenings."

"Hmm... You could move." Suggested Trewy.

"But the food is so good." Said Veldora, laughing out loud. Immediately, all conversations were over. Even the near-fighters retreated. Veldora just shrugged it off, he was used to it.

Trewy noticed that not only outside, but also inside everywhere were slimes. Paintings, statues, even some of the doorknobs were slime. They must really worship Rimuru.

Ramiris, who seemed to be very comfortable on Trewy's head, yawned. After they left the room, she was already half asleep again. Only the thought of food kept her awake. She also looked around nervously sometimes, as if she needed to hide from someone.

Together they walked through the house, it was even bigger from the inside than Trewy had thought. That was because of the different floors. The demon castle was much bigger from the outside. But it had only one floor with high ceilings. This building had several floors, so the living space was much more than in the demon castle. 

Trewy just followed Veldora. She had no idea where he was going to. After two long flights of stairs, they reached the basement and headed for a large door. The biggest door Trewy had seen so far inside the building. Only the door at the entrance was a bit bigger. The door was open.

"This is the banquet hall." Explained Veldora who recognized her impressive look. "It's the biggest room in the whole building and this is where they have the best food!"

The room was indeed huge. Several chandeliers lit the room, on the other side was something that looked like a stage and the floor was so clean that it reflected the light. What looked a little strange were the tables. Most of them had different seats. Trewy knew why. This was a place to receive guests who belonged to different races. She saw some tables that looked like the table in Nemu's room with a cushion instead of a chair. The biggest tables had to be made for giants, with massive chairs on all sides. Some tables had no chairs, presumably for races that couldn't sit on them, and one of his... Trewy spotted a familiar face.

Wait... Is that? No way! She is already here? It was Kumo sitting there with two other spiders. Both of them, without question, were arachnes. She was about to rush to them, but then she remembered Ramiris, still sitting on her head and looking expectantly at a plate in front of them. Contrary to her assumption, Veldora did not choose a table that was for his size but sat down at one with a cushion. The same one Nemu had in his room. He had probably gotten used to it. How much time did he spend in Nemu's room anyway?

Kumo also noticed Trewy. Trewy waved at her, but pointed to her head. When Kumo saw that on her head sat a fairy with an expectant face, she understood. She would have come to her, but.... There was Veldora. Even in this room with dozens of different races, all far better dressed than the workers outside, Veldora attracted most of the attention. Veldora simply ignored it. Trewy will talk to Kumo later. 

Immediately as they sat down someone quickly came running up to them, a large goblin dressed completely in white and even had a white cap on his head. It looked a bit unusual, Trewy thought to herself.

"Good evening. What do you want to eat today, Master Veldora." He asked politely with an exaggerated bow. He also looked at Trewy briefly with a smile as he noticed the fairy on her head and raised his brow. That Trewy was ignored in Veldora's presence did not surprise her. But Ramiris was a demon lord. Didn't they know that?

"Ramen. Without wasabi but an extra serving of meat." Said Veldora simply. The goblin nodded. Then he looked at Ramiris and Trewy.

"Cookies." Said Ramiris who seemed to have made up her mind as well.

Now everyone was looking at Trewy. Food? She had no idea. What was available here? Should she just order fruit? Then she remembered something. Treyni had once brought something from Tempest. Something they were dying to eat again.

"Do you have cupcakes?" Trewy asked, hoping they had something like that here.

"Of course." Said the goblin politely, after a short bow he quickly moved away from the table again and ran back behind a curtain.

"What else is there to eat here?" Trewy asked with interest. She wondered if she was special with the cupcakes. Then she looked around. About a dozen people here already had a plate in front of them. And all of them had something different. Although most of them had meat, but in different shapes and sizes. Trewy did not like the smell. Nemu had said that most races eat meat and now she believed him. She wasn't sure until now.

"Hmm..." Veldora thought and then shrugged. "Honestly, I have no idea, whenever I order something they have it here. Although I usually eat ramen." Trewy felt Ramiris nodding at her head. She really wanted to see the kitchen. Wait... do they have ice cream?

Unlike outside, the conversations didn't completely stop after Veldora entered the room. Although it became significantly quieter. However, after a minute, people were talking loudly again. The mood in the whole room was good.

Whenever someone entered the room, Trewy looked at them. She hoped to see her sisters. Treyni and two of her sisters had been living in Tempest for about a year. Of course, they were still in charge of the forest and they didn't neglect their duties, but in their spare time they were here. 

"Who are all these people?" Trewy asked, genuinely interested. It looked like there were even more different races here than outside. Actually, there were hardly any groups of the same races here.

"Some nobles, representatives from the different races, and apparently other important people." Veldora said and shrugged. Trewy finally understood why everyone here had such special clothes. The people here... they were all important people. Trewy swallowed.

"Are we even allowed to be here?" Immediately she regretted her question. She had momentarily forgotten who she was here with. However, now she felt a little out of place.

"Rimuru said it's okay." Trewy was surprised that Veldora even asked.

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After another minute, the goblin from before arrived with a large tray. Ramiris immediately left Trewy's head and sat on the table with a gleam in his eye.

And then he placed the food for them. First Veldora who had a big steaming bowl in front of her, with two big sliced meats on it that almost covered the whole surface of the bowl. 

Then Trewy got a plate with three cupcakes on it. Two of one had fruit on top. Strawberry and blueberry. But the last cupcake had big chocolate chips on it. Exactly the same cupcake Treyni brought her. No, this cupcake looked even better.

Lastly, Ramiris got a plate with three big cookies also with chocolate chips in them. They seriously had no idea who the fairy was Trewy realized. She didn't know if the food was given out by rank, but if they had known who Ramiris was, Trewy definitely would have gotten her plate last. Ramiris didn't even seem to notice. Or was she even fond of it? She said before that she was hiding here at the moment, probably she didn't want everyone to know who she was. However, Trewy was immediately distracted by her cupcakes.

She was going to eat them over a month ago, but then they left Tempest right away. Little did she know that Nemu had cupcakes with him until the demon castle. But now they were finally in front of her. She was excited.

Ramiris immediately picked up a cookie that was almost as big as she was and started eating, Trewy hadn't seen her this happy before. Her cheeks were red and she let out a satisfied sigh after each bite. Of course, this made Trewy very happy too.

Veldora used some wooden sticks to eat? Trewy was confused. Of course she had seen forks and knives before, even in the rabbit tribe they were used, but that the storm dragon ate with two sticks confused her. She couldn't help but watch it. So that was why the meat was already cut. Is that how you eat this dish? And he was skilled. Trewy realized this wasn't the first time he'd eaten like this. Easily picking up the meat slices and putting them in his mouth. She wanted to try that too!

But first, her cupcakes. She already knew chocolate cupcakes. So she decided to eat those last. Sooo... Blueberry or strawberry? Then she realized something. She wasn't the only one staring at her cupcakes. 

"No!" Trewy said without thinking. It was Ramiris. Did she just tell the fairy queen that she wasn't getting her cupcakes? What is wrong with her?

"You're not like your sisters." Ramiris said before turning to her cookies in a huff. 

"I'm..." Trewy stuttered. "Sorry!"

"Pf!" Was the only response she got.

Frustrated and with a lot of regret she turned back to her cupcakes. Strawberries! She decided. She'd had a lot of blueberries in the last few months.

Finally, she picked up the strawberry cupcake and took a small bite. And...

"That's amazing!" She said out loud and blushed. Even the people from the others must have heard her. She heard a few giggles.

Trewy was used to her berries. And they were much better than wild berries because she used her magic on it. But the flavor of the strawberries were supported by the sweet cupcake. So it was even better!

She took another bite, this time, even bigger. And it was still amazing. Lost in her own world, she ate the cupcake way faster than she intended. Followed by the blueberry cupcake and unsurprisingly, it was also amazing! At last was the chocolate cupcake and she decided that chocolate is the best! She loved it. After the best 5 minutes of her life she finally returned to the real world with a deep sigh and a big smile on her lips.

"Its her first time." Veldora said. Only then did she realize that Ramiris and Veldora were looking at her, grinning. Trewy blushed. She couldn't even listen because part of the cupcake was still in her mouth, so she turned away. And it got awarded by a laughing dragon and a laughing demon lord. 

After she swallowed, she turned back to the table. Ramiris was still looking at her. 

"You have there..." She pointed to the corner of Trewy's mouth and smiled. "Chocolate." 

Oh, no. Trewy thought. The elegant behavior of dryads they have tirelessly built up over centuries just died in five minutes. Worth it? Probably.

Veldora was already busy with his bowl again. By now the meat was gone and he was slurping elongated yellow stripes? Trewy had never seen that before.

"What is that?"

"Noodles." Veldora answered with a full mouth. "Want some?"

Trewy touched her stomach. She was already full. No, she even had overeaten herself without realizing it. So she shook her head. Veldora just shrugged and kept slurping his ramen.

"Hmm... I want to learn this too." Said Trewy to herself. She had never cooked before, but she wanted to learn someday.

"Oh, I wanted to someday." Said Veldora between bites. "Just ask the cook, the head chef gave me lessons, but it's really complicated so I gave up." Well, Trewy was pretty sure that, if you aren't the stormdragon Veldora, wouldn't get any lessons from the head chef immediately.

Ramiris was already sitting on the plate where the cookies had been placed before. She had eaten them all and was gently stroking her belly. She looked like she was about to burst. The cookies were almost as big as she was, how is it possible that she could eat three of them?

After Veldora had emptied his bowl, the three of them sat at the table and remained silent. Trewy felt like she couldn't move and from the expressions on the others' faces, they were probably going through the same thing.

After 15 minutes they were finally able to show themselves again.

Veldora stood up first and after a long sigh expressed his satisfaction.

"Let's go." 

"Where do you want to go?" Ramiris asked, looking at Veldora. She didn't look like she wanted to move yet. And then she spied Trewy, after some effort she managed to fly back up on her head.

"Outside. We should show Trewy Tempest."

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