Red Snow

Chapter 188: IV Chapter 35 – Anuk – The Sands Devil (II)

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Hissing a curse, Anuk fixated the puppeteer. She needed to get rid of him first, but she also needed to protect Gaara. 

This is a loosing fight. 

One against four obviously extremely skilled Shinobi was a fight she could not win, not alone at least. Not using proper powers. 

"Hey guys...congrats, few managed to make me this serious. Oh, and by the way, I cannot really control this." She muttered and closed her eyes. Her Nanites objected, but she forced them underneath her will. The thing about them was always will, the others she knew never understood like she did, they did it unconsciously, she did it intentionally. 
Her eyes glowed up, brighter than ever, and she forced her Chakra to act upon it as well, speeding up circulation. She channeled it into her Katana that glowed equally menacing gold. A blaze of gold. 

"You know, a guy once showed me how to do this, he was nice and a pervert." she muttered and slashed her Blade towards the puppeteer. The sound was ear thundering as the earth suddenly split apart, a giant crevice formed spreading out, there was nothing left but destruction in its wake. She was flung aside.


She stared at the devastation.

Too much...and I missed. 

The old man had barely avoided. She adjusted her output and slashed again. This time blocking the guy with his weird sword, midair, her feet barely reaching the ground before impact. Channeling Chakra, she made herself stronger. The Shinobi was blown away as she sent another slash of gold going, this time upwards. The recoil was heavy as she had to brave herself. 

There was a cracking sound hearable as the Shinobi shouted. She grinned, showing her teeth. Well, well, this was surprising. She gripped her wrist, that hurt like a son of a bitch. 


She fueled chakra into her legs and dashed back to Gaara. A white bird flew in the distance with someone shouting something about art. Not that Anuk could still perceive something, her eyes making the distance touchable as she grabbed the hilt of her sword another time with both hands. Making an air cushion behind her to brave for recoil, she gritted her teeth, feeling her chakra drain. Gathering it up on the sharp edge of her Katana she left loose. 

The golden shlash made another thundering noise as the chakra infused shockwave made its way, shredding everything apart like paper. 

Landing. This will be rough. 

She turned and felt her feet hit the ground, stretching out her blade she blew away the fourth red clothed person. Her knee hit the floor, and she hissed, everything tore open. Turning around, she panted, sweat running down her face. The Samurai drawn swords behind her, she hissed, getting up and switching her sword hand. 

A broken wrist cannot fight.

"Come here bastards." She spit out and glared at them, tilting her head. Her sword was still glowing golden. "The first one to move is dead." 

"Well now we have a problem." The oldest of the present said, the Puppet Master, he was faster than it seemed did it not. "And now I know why they send four of us after you." 

"Apparently." She answered him and shifted her weight to attack better. 

"We get hit by one of those, either one of us, and we are dead." The sword swinging one said as she appeared next to her. "Although, consider me intrigues, what the heck is that Katana of yours made of." 

"Move, and your comrades can inspect its material of your course."

"I highly doubt you can use that move more than maybe, four, five times, it consumes gallons of Chakra if it's destructive powerless is something to go by." The old one said. 

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"Well, she makes pretty art like that." A person came out of the bushwork. He was blond and if Anuk was honest, he reminded her of a spoiled brat? 

"More like destruction." a fourth person, this time slightly behind her. She did not even dare to turn. This was a show-off of who was the scariest dog in the saloon variant. 

"Is that not the prettiest of arts in the end." The blond one said. 

Get them to talk and to retreat. 

"Well, I do have a suggestion, how about we postpone this?" She asked them and smiled her most dazzling. "Well if we continued one, at least, of you is going to kick the bucket. I probably will to, but is it worth it. How much money could they possibly offer that is worth dying for?" She asked them, praying one of them would bite the bait. "Well, after I am a bucket case, those nice gentleman everyone seems to be forgetting of would make sure the rest bit the grass." 

"You sure talk high and mighty for someone that is outnumbered." 

Anuk shrug her shoulders. 

Be commander like, what would the commander do. 

"Maybe, but you have to admit I got a point? No? Or else, why would you still be here?" 

Work, work, bite the fish, be air brained. 

"Nah, too much money involved." The old one said, and Anuk gritted her teeth. 

Ahhhh, Dogfight, pretty bloodshed. Well then, negotiations...failed. 

"In that case." She shrugged her shoulders. 

Letting lose her blade, she had the Chakra slash forward. Gritting her teeth as her other wrist made an uncomfortable sound. Turning, she used another one of her wind pressure blades to the back, carefully avoiding Gaara and the group of samurai. The dust that came with it was to her advantage as she dashed. Both of her hands fighting to keep a stable grip, she made her way to the old man. 

Her eye caught a move towards Gaara. A Kunai. 

She switched direction and blocked the Kunai before placing herself in front of Gaara and the commander's man. Now she was truly screwed. She deflected another Kunai dancing aside as she made a move towards the left, using the momentum to attack her opponents. Having them come at her only from one side was easier. 

Suddenly she found herself guarded by Sand. This was...the dust she caused earlier. Her eyes widened when she felt a familiar Chakra signature. 


The sand blocked the Kunai and suddenly was in patches around her. 

"I should have known. Dead or not, you are still one of a kind." she muttered. 

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