Red Snow

Chapter 39: Chapter 38 – A faint guess

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Gene chatted away with Itachi during the morning lessons. Shaking Tsukiko awake by midday. At break time, Itachi showed them the local food stalls. "Here you can get almost everything." He told them when Tsukiko took out a giant lunch box from her bag. 

"Want some too?" She asked. "My mother was somewhat overexcited about this entire school thing, since I am the first one ever in our family who gets a chance at education." She said and opened the Lunch box making Gene drool at the things inside. 

"Heavens.", She muttered. "Your mom really outdid herself." 

"Itachi?" Tsukiko looked asking at Itachi who was equally impressed at the dazzling display of food in Tsukikos lunch box.

"First person on the rooftop gets the first bite. Gene, can you carry me up?" She asked and Gene nodded smiling. 

"The roof is a forbidden zone." Itachi objected, but Tsukiko shrug her shoulders. "Who cares. Then stay here. I will be asking about practical lessons stuff if you come and maybe help a little with science, not your biggest strength no?" 

"You could have asked Kakashi." Gene threw in her and earned an expression between, have you totally lost your mind and yeah I know.

"We can walk up the wall." He said, and Gene started laughting feeling a bit beaten. She couldn't walk walls, not jet anyway, she just failed at that up until now. 

"Jump up." Gene told him while they followed him outside. "I haven't gotten the trick with walking up a wall yet. I kind of suck at Chakra control." 

"Here we are, simply jump slightly tilted. We will land right on the rooftop." He jumped and landed perfectly silent on the rooftop. Enforcing her body Gene kneeled down and put her bag next to herself. Tsukiko climbed up her back and took the bag. "Let's go." 

With a burst of Chakra, Gene flew straight up and faltered a little while landing on the roof. Tsukiko jumped down and handed Gene the bag back. "You have gotten better at landing."

"Still far from where I should be." Itachi looked at Gene, slightly startled. "What is it?" Gene tilted her head. 

"You just wasted a more Chakra than every Genin I know should have, what monstrous amounts do you possess?" He asked her. Tsukiko searched for a place to settle down, while Gene simply shrugged her shoulders at him without answering. She settled next to Tsukiko and picked up her Chopsticks and waited for Itachi. "You were first, so take your pick." She told him and he sat down with them. 

Vegetables, fish, onigiri, omelettes, sausage kraken, fruits and a few sandwiches. Itachi took one of the sandwiches and bit into it. "Mhhh, this is good." He muttered and Gene smiled as she snagged out a strawberry from the box. Tsukiko raided two Onigiris from the box and bit into them with obvious excitement. Sharing their food, Itachi started telling stories about the school and his Teachers. "You have to watch out a bit for the Haruto Hyuga. He is not very happy with you entering the Academy he will most likely Target you." 

"What does he teach?" Tsukiko asked. "Something I can skip?" 

"Physical Education and History." 

Gene's excitement suddenly dampened, and Tsukiko groaned. "Two things I cannot skip." She complained. Gene silently agreed with Tsukiko, Math and Science were things they could skip but Physical Education and History couldn't be skipped. These were important things. 

"Actually you can skip History. We basically only talk about the first Hokage. Now that the war is over, even more so than before. Have you already decided whom to support as new Hokage?" Itachi asked them and Tsukiko shrug her shoulders. 

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I am certainly for Minato, he seems to be trustworthy. What would the fourth Hokage be called again. Yondaime, right? 

"Minato-san." She declaired, and Tsukiko nodded grimly. 

"Me too, even against father and Orochimaru." Itachi said. "I just whished Sakumo-san would still be alive." He sounded rather sad when saying that, and Tsukiko started coughing again and needed to take two deep breaths before catching herself. "Yeah sure. He would have made a good choice, liked among all fractions and better than Minato who by big parts has the common people as support but is less liked among the Clans." 

"Say, Tsukiko, thinking about it, I haven't asked before but, who is in support of Orochimaru? I understand Minato-san and Fukagu-san but less him, except being the Sandaimes student."

"Good question, I haven't thought about it myself." 

"The elders."Itachi said and the two of them looked at him slightly startled. "He is Sandaimes student, he has the elders support and a few Clans. He is a genius after all."

Tsukiko bit into another rice ball munching away with it. Looking at her Gene suddenly had a very bad feeling about it. The converstaion was died down but something, just something together with what she had heared at the meetings and the constant updates from the Trials. The Konoha council couldn't openly punish Danzo because they kept his crimes a secret due to the instabile political stiuation that was caused by the Sandaime stopping the war and stepping down in the very moment of it. 

But what if...supported by the elders. The qualities and skill of those kids we got from the Root...we don't know how many are still safetly hidden in the Anbu. No that would be to far off...but if there is a connection between that and the slowing down trials...think...the dissatisfation of the war ending...the step down of the Hokage. 

"Oh, oh.", Suddenly a light illuminated her. If it was connected, if there was something connecting all of this, just a small part than. She didn't even want to imagine, the fact that the Trial for Danzo was being kept secret made it all possible, only higher ups knew and everyone of those had their own intentions. A pit of snakes. That was what Anuk would call them, this entire situation. 

"Gene, did your thoughts wander where mine just did?" Tsukiko stared at her and she nodded. "Think so. I inform the Teachers we are not present today afternoon.

"I'm counting on you. Gene, be on guard and make certain to contact Shikaku Nara, you have to tell him. I am making a trip to the Namikaze household, hopefully we are just overcautious and this world is making us paranoid." 

Hopefully so, true. 

"What is going on?" Itachi asked, and Gene smiled weakly at him. "We just had a hunch. I is wrong." Gene muttered and stood up. Waving Itachi goodbye, she jumped down from the rooftop. She needed to inform the Teachers about Tsukiko and her leaving. Taking out her Konoha headband in flight, she tied it around her Neck. Itachi hot on her heels.

Running off to the teachers' office, she knocked at the door. It opened shortly later and a large bear of a man towered in front of her. "Yes.", He asked grumpy. 

"I am here to inform that Tsukiko and Genevieve from class 1A are not attending today's afternoon lessons." She said. "It's an emergency...that hopefully worrying too much. Ehm...bye, bye." She stormed off, bypassing teachers and students alike at lightning speed. Pumping Chakra through her legs, she sped up to almost a blur outside. Shikaku-san, the Hokages advisor. She reminded herself of his face and focused on the orange rooftiles of the Hokage office. 

Hurry Gene, if there is just a silver of truth in this, I won't let that happen.

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