Well rested and ready for mayhem, Gene stood at midday, underneath a glaring sun, on the barren training ground lined up next to her fellow make-up lessons comrades. Right next to her Tsukiko and Seiyu while Itachi was using Tsukiko's pillow and napping in a tree not to far off with his limps hanging down like a those of a lazy cat.
Tsukiko had a lollipop with strawberry flavor in her mouth and her booted feet firmly planted on the ground with appropriate defiance while her black hair was tightly held back by a braid with a small tassel hanging down to her shoulder with a small moon at its end.
Seiyu was nervously chewing on his fingernails and hiding behind his bangs. Everything depended on him managing to do the trick of trapping their teachers, if it failed the entire operation would be a failure. Gene knew how he felt, normally she would do the immobilizing and freeze her opponents on the spot but since she couldn't use her Kekkei Genkai in school that possibility was off the table.
The teachers took position in front of them, moving almost in perfectly the same way, and it was an even more perfect opportunity, they had to surprise them or else it wouldn't work, after all they were Jonin not fools. Gene nodded at Seiyu encouraging him and signing him to start whenever he was ready. Back in the tree Itachi opened an eye, and she felt how his Chakra started moving, he was preparing to go any time, the two buckets of glue hidden behind a bush underneath him.
Damn it Seiyu, move, don't freeze up!
Seiyu completed his Hand signs, so slowly it was almost painful to watch him but better slow then fumbling.
A backfiring Jutsu was no fun. He finished and took a deep breath.
Itachi started moving, letting himself fall from the branch and picking up the two buckets with glue. Like a well-oiled arrow he moved forward and emptied them right above the Teachers whose feed were floored and encased by an earth style trap making them unable to avoid it even if they saw it coming. They were already breaking out of Seiyu's Jutsu when Gene moved her hands at impossible speed making them blur while Tsukiko jumped upwards, releasing the feathers she hid underneath her Kimono like cloak right above them. The feathers rained down lightly but to properly stick they needed more force.
Concentrating Gene had the air starting to move around the teachers and like in an autumn breeze that swirled leaves in a mini tornado she trapped the feathers and had them move.
Finished, Tsukiko who was on Standby grabbed Seiyu as their teachers finally completely freed themselves. Crow feathers fell next to her and a hand grabbed her shoulder, whispering. "Let's vanish." Gene did as Itachi said, jumping back, she headed towards the rooftop. Landing on the Academies roof, she gave her teachers a last look while chuckling at seeing their enraged selves, and made her escape. Something suddenly hit her on the left and tumbling she had to make a quick side step on a shaky lamp post and jumped away again with a quick glance backwards discovering her homeroom Teacher covered in feathers pursuing her.
"Yeah!", Gene called out and threw her hands into the sky. Chicken Teachers, they are never going to recover from that. Picking up speed by pumping her chakra into her body, she shot forward.
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A crow appeared right next to her Itachis Summon she waited for news as Itachis voice came out of it. "Now that this is done, good luck shaking off our homeroom Teacher, Haruto-sensei is after me."
"No need to worry I have my ways to vanish."
Gene did another flurry of hand signs.
[Water style: Vanishing]
It was a tricky Jutsu, and she required a lot of concentration for it to properly work but very useful. A small sphere of water covered her, using the surrounding light she made a reflection of what she saw literally making her invisible to the naked eye, like a a see through window with more than one surface. A lot of practice and knowledge was needed to perceive the difference in light breaking or a Byakugan to discover her like this, it even worked against Sharingans like a charm.
She landed on the ground on one of the more populated streets and took over to walking calmly while avoiding people as she put her left foot on the ground. Hissing in pain, she took a look at her ankle, sprained, and damn it hurt, she could already see the start of a nasty swelling. "Damn it.", she cursed and with a slight limp maneuvered further through the masses using the spaces between people too move. It was one of the few times she was actually thankful of being smaller than average.
Looking back she saw no one, but it wasn't time yet to have her Jutsu dissolve, better safe than sorry. Never think that a Jonin couldn't find you if you were not careful.
"Mission accomplished Shisui, the complaint you will be receiving will be really long.", she muttered jokingly to herself before walking into the library, their designated meeting point with a smile by following a fellow Shinobi who had no clue she was behind him.
The Library was quasi empty with a few people sitting on random places and brooding over a few scrolls.
Seems I am first
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