Redux Riding Hood

Redux Riding Hood

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Redux Riding Hood

Review: 7.1/10 from 7 ratings

What do you get when Red Riding Hood meets Army of the Dead meets Devil May Cry? You'll have to see for yourself, but don't expect the story you remember from the children's book. Red comes equipped with an arsenal and an attitude. Join her, Jack and Wolf as they form an uneasy alliance to fight a growing threat, one that endangers all worlds and not just their own. Will she be able to level up enough to meet the challenge?

This story is a combination of many familiar elements. It was born from a WP on reddit. My aim is to incorporate a lot of known worlds and references from pop culture. While portal usage is tied to the MC and plot, it isn't necessarily Isekai. While other worlds are visited via portals, this is a deliberate effort by the MC to gather resources and strength from worlds that she knows about.

I have someone currently proofing my early chapters but please feel free to offer suggestions. I would love to hear about suggested movie/game worlds to visit. If I can fit them into the story's direction, I may be able to work them in! Here's the current worlds that are being visited, although they aren't specifically named:
Devil May Cry 1


Not all places in the stories will be known locations, but I do want to tie in elements from other universes that we all know and love. So feel free to let me hear about what you're thinking!

Chapter List


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