Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1403: Chapter 1159A. Nether Island

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Chapter 1159A. Nether Island

Taking a deep breath, King Mystery said, “Qin Yu, I have to warn you that the Cold Sea is far more terrifying than you could have ever imagined. The cold in the deepest parts is something that not even the True King boundary can completely resist. Are you sure you want to continue?”

Qin Yu bitterly smiled. He had no masochistic tendencies. If it wasn’t for the fact that he had no other way, why would he willingly rush into the Cold Sea?

But if things were as expected, then in this terrifying Cold Sea that was located in the deepest parts of the abyss, there was a hidden passage leading to the bright world.

It was just hidden relatively deep.

Revealing a grim expression, Qin Yu said, “I understand King Mystery’s meaning, but I have an unavoidable reason for doing so.”

This was a direct response.

King Mystery was silent, but he was actually roaring inside. He should have already known that nothing good could have come from staying by Qin Yu’s side.

Refuse…he couldn’t refuse, otherwise he would violate his pledge. In other words, no matter where Qin Yu went, he had to brace himself and follow behind.

If it were anyone else, the truth was King Mystery wouldn’t be too worried. As a solemn True King, could he not outlast a mere junior?

Even if they went deep into the Cold Sea, before the great terrors truly arrived, the terrifying chill in the air would be enough to kill anyone below the True King realm.

At that time, he could naturally withdraw.

But now the one King Mystery was following was Qin Yu. Qin Yu!

The matters that occurred within the Nightmare Ancestral Land were still fresh in his mind. After that, he could never regard Qin Yu as merely a junior.

If he thought about it a bit pessimistically, in terms of life-maintaining abilities, perhaps he would die and that Qin Yu would still be jumping for joy!

This was something that truly left one sad and helpless.

King Mystery stomped away with a dark face.

Qin Yu felt some sympathy towards him, but it was only sympathy. He was determined to return to the bright world and nothing would change his mind.

“We greet King Mystery!” The four black-robed figures took off their hoods. The two men and two women bowed, their voices respectful.

Without the presence of outsiders, of course they didn’t dare to continue calling him Great Uncle.

The strength of the Nether Royal Bloodline was tyrannical. But the more it was like this, the more strict their hierarchy was. The dignity of an Abyssal True King could not be provoked!

With a cloudy face, King Mystery nodded and quickly left.

The four Nether Royal Bloodline juniors straightened themselves, a disturbed look on their faces. They felt that King Mystery was in a very bad mood.

But there were only two other people on this ship besides them. And one of them was in a comatose state.

In other words, the one who caused all of this was Qin Yu.

Just who was that boy? He could make King Mystery so angry and yet still remain alive? Could he be the direct descendant of some old monster?

In the abyss, there were some terrifying existences that could be called taboos. They had lived for such a long time and their strength was so extreme that even the Nether Royal Bloodline had to give them due respect.

Besides this, they couldn’t think of any other explanation.

As for whether or not King Mystery was under the control of others, they could only swallow their anger at such an insult…hoho, this joke wasn’t funny at all!

Not to mention that they would never think of such a possibility, even if this matter was made clear and told to the four Nether Royal Bloodline juniors, they would never believe it.

This was an Abyssal True King!

What was an Abyssal True King? They were a horrifying existence that could cause the skies to collapse and a trillion lives to be snuffed out with just a thought.

They were a great figure that stood at the peak of the abyss. How could they be controlled by others?

Okay. An Abyssal True King did have a possibility of being controlled by others. As descendants of the Nether Royal Bloodline and also having relatively high status and talent within the clan, they had the qualifications to know some secrets about various abyssal tribes.

But such a matter would never occur with a junior…hum hum, Qin Yu’s aura alone was inferior to theirs!

The four Nether Royal Bloodline juniors glanced at each other, sighing inwardly. As they thought, even reincarnating was a skill. Their skills weren’t bad, but compared to Qin Yu, they were far worse.

The four Nether Royal Bloodline descendants of Qin Yu’s reincarnation skills might feel some envy and also be unconvinced, but emotions were just emotions. It wouldn’t affect what they did.

As the two men were still trying to figure out a solution, the two women who considered themselves good-looking and attractive had taken the initiative to launch an attack.

In truth, their thoughts were simple. No matter if Qin Yu’s status was what they thought, just the fact that he could make King Mystery ‘swallow his anger’ made him worth investing in.

Although it wasn’t necessary, in case something happened it was better to leave a good impression. After finding out about Qin Yu’s identity, they could decide whether they wanted to advance or retreat.

Reality was certainly realistic. But as juniors from a great tribe, this was also a type of survival instinct they learned growing up.

Cough cough, of course, even taking a step back, Qin Yu’s current appearance could be praised as handsome.

If he was really willing to do something beneficial for each other, the two Nether Royal Bloodline women wouldn’t refuse. After all, when it came to the matters between men and women, the abyssal race was much more open than those of the living world.

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However, reality was often different than what one imagined. The two women prepared all sorts of skills, but before they could display them, they were left black and bruised.

Qin Yu didn’t say much and directly refused them. However, his expression was indifferent and his eyes were even fainter.

So faint that the two women felt as if they were clowns on a stage. Restlessness and shame flooded their minds and they eventually drew back in defeat.

Even so, the two women had plenty of fighting spirit. The more difficult it was to come into contact with Qin Yu, the more value he had.

When it came to this kind of person that was difficult to get close to, once a person managed to approach them, it was easy to establish a strong and reliable relationship.

But before the two women could change their ways and try another method to capture Qin Yu, they were called out by a gloomy-faced King Mystery and ordered to stop.

Who was Qin Yu? Even that old demon dragon Ao Fa fell into his plot with no recourse, and the Shadow of Betrayal also ended up in his hands.

Although King Mystery disliked Qin Yu to the extreme, he had no choice but to admit that he wasn’t someone who could be underestimated.

Could two little girls trick such a person using their feminine wiles? Hoho, it wasn’t funny at all. It would just cause Qin Yu to think that the Nether Royal Bloodline was a joke!

On the fourth day on the ship, a vortex appeared in front of them. Qin Yu’s eyes brightened. Before he could think further, King Mystery appeared in front of him.

“This vortex is where the Nether Royal Bloodline lives. If you want to enter the extreme depths of the Cold Sea, you must be well-prepared. Some key materials can be found here.”

This was an approximate explanation.

Qin Yu nodded in understanding. The reason was that he believed he could completely trust King Mystery. This old fellow wouldn’t dare to harm him.

Nether Royal Bloodline’s dwelling?

As Qin Yu’s eyes flashed, the ship dived into the vortex. A suction force spread out, dragging them deep into the pitch black Cold Sea.

After traveling in these past days, the temperature of the Cold Sea had become even more terrifying. This was especially true after they entered the vortex.

An invisible strength kept the sea water out. The red lanterns hanging on the bow of the ship grew even brighter. Warmth was continuously released from the hull, resisting the terrifying chill.

Even so, one could see faint traces of pale blue ice slowly contaminating the hull. They also started to spread.

If this continued, this ship wouldn’t be able to escape being frozen in ice.

But luckily, this situation didn’t last much longer. The darkness around them vanished and a warm and bright light emerged.

All of the cold in the air vanished like an illusion, as if it never existed to begin with.

Qin Yu subconsciously narrowed his eyes. But he quickly adapted to it. The light around him seemed to have undergone special processing.

Although it was bright, it wasn’t blinding. There was a warm and gentle feeling everywhere.

A hanging island appeared in line of sight. Around and below the island, there were clouds like cotton candy.

They were soft and pure white.

All the light and warmth was released from there. Looking up, the darkness remained as deep as ink.

The darkness was kept out by the light.

If one didn’t personally come here, who would have expected that such a fairyland-like place was hidden in a vortex deep in the Cold Sea?

Several lights flew out from the island. After confirming their status, they respectfully bowed, “We respectfully welcome the return of Your Excellency King Mystery!”

“Mm.” King Mystery nodded without expression. He looked at Qin Yu. “Qin Yu is my guest. Take good care of him and do not neglect anything.”

When he finished speaking he paused for a moment. Then he nodded to Qin Yu, took a step forward, and instantly vanished.

The new Nightmare King had been born but he hadn’t returned for a long time. Of course he had to give the Nether Royal Bloodline an explanation for this.

Qin Yu had no idea what King Mystery would say, but it had to be a perfect story. After all, so much time had passed that he should have been able to come up with a story that fooled everyone.

As for whether or not the Nether Royal Bloodline believed it, that wasn’t something he needed to worry about.

The members of the Nether Royal Bloodline who flew out from the island all changed their complexions. They had all clearly witnessed the actions of King Mystery just now.

Was this someone who even a True King existence needed to specially greet? From the looks of things, he seemed ordinary. Even his aura was ordinary.

Then there was only one possibility. This person’s background was astonishing, and it wasn’t just the usual amount either.

King Mystery never imagined that his subconscious actions had given an extremely credible and high endorsement of Qin Yu’s supposed background.

“Your Excellency Qin Yu, welcome to Nether Island. Please follow us.” A person said, smiling brightly.

The four people who came back with the ship were suddenly unhappy. What was the meaning of this? Did these people want to get rid of them so they could please Qin Yu? Humph, don’t even think about it!

“We will entertain His Excellency Qin Yu. There is no need to exhaust yourselves.” A woman said with a sullen face. She turned and pleaded, “Your Excellency, would you please come with us?”

In truth, who Qin Yu went with didn’t matter to him.

Then the four from the ship were fine.

It wasn’t because he thought they were relatively familiar and so it was easier to get along with them. Rather, these four people seemed a bit slow and stupid, so they were less likely to cause accidents.

The four Nether Royal Bloodline members from the ship were overjoyed. But, if they knew that Qin Yu’s description of them was ‘slow and stupid’, it was unknown whether they could continue smiling.

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