Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1408: Origin

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Chapter 1163: Origin

The light and darkness weren’t in a truly still state. They flowed…or to be more accurate, they were in a process of exchanging and communicating with each other.

Of course, using the word intercommunication wasn’t too appropriate, but there was indeed a flow between the light and darkness.

This was a fact that Qin Yu discovered after observing for a long time. And this was also due to the fact that Qin Yu had been ‘gazing’ into the abyss, allowing him to barely see the threshold.

If anyone else was in his place, even if they widened their eyes until they exploded, they wouldn’t have any harvest at all.

Because while one needed a good pair of eyes to see the intercommunication between light and darkness, it wasn’t only a pair of eyes that was required.

More essentially, one needed a sufficiently powerful soul and keen senses. It was best to have all sorts of supportive factors too.

For instance, Qin Yu had fused with the abyssal source and obtained the approval of the abyss. Although all these things had been left to that one that currently occupied the Nightmare Throne in his place, some vestiges of this influence were left over.

In addition, there was also the sun and moon force field, the jade embryo egg, the Cosmic Seacross Bell, and even his own talent…

When all of these factors were combined together, only then was he able to understand the complex relationship that existed between the light and darkness.

It truly was complex!

They were entirely different and stood on opposing sides. Yet, the light and darkness could maintain a state of equilibrium, even circulating between each other.

Light poured into the darkness, and there was a similar darkness that fused into the light.

The light that poured into the darkness became darkness.

And the darkess that fused into the light became light.

It was somewhat incoherent and even seemed overly wordy, but it was something that had to be explained like that.

But why was it like this?

Qin Yu’s vacant eyes glossed over and his pupils relaxed even more. Even though he saw all of this, he didn’t know the reason for it at all.

It was like solving an incredibly difficult math problem. Even if he was given the correct answer, he would still be confused if he didn’t know the process for getting there.

Qin Yu subconsciously reached out a hand. His fingers grasped at the void as if he was trying to catch something.

The bright world –

Endless cloud and mist lingered around, concealing most of the green mountain hidden within. The hazy space was like an illusion, as if it didn’t exist between the heavens and earth.

Sunlight shined down on the mountain summit. Right now, reclining on a large and soft chair, there was a woman with a lazy expression who seemed to have just woken up.

The woman was extremely beautiful, yet like the green mountain she was on, she gave off a vague and strange feeling. Even if she was close at hand she seemed to be as far away as the horizon, simply untouchable.

But then, in her half-asleep and half-awake state, her lips slightly opened and she murmured, “Stupid!” It was unknown whether she was talking in her sleep.

But the clouds and mist lingering around her proved that she wasn’t dreaming. Because the moment she spoke, everything around her and around the mountain began to seethe with excitement.

It was truly boiling. The originally soothing, soft, quiet, and harmless clouds had turned mad as they violently shook.

As a result, the green mountain partially hidden between the heavens and earth was thoroughly cut off from the world’s senses.

The woman that sat on the reclining chair at the summit opened her eyes at this moment. Her pupils were unfathomably beautiful, like the stars that shined in the skies.

“Can a little kid like you decipher the secrets of the origin?” Her tone was a bit helpless and a little proud. Because at that boundary, even if a person only just became aware of the existence of the source, that in itself was an incomparably outstanding result.

Moreover, that kid had not just become aware of it, but he had also ‘seen’ the traces of the origin’s rules.

With this point alone, even though his cultivation base was limited, the aptitude he displayed was no weaker than anyone else. As expected, the person she personally selected had tried his best and didn’t disgrace her too much.

Based on this, she decided to help him. If he was lucky, this boy might be able to obtain a pleasant surprise…mm, perhaps she was overthinking things. After all, obtaining that surprise wasn’t just a normal level of difficulty.

Whatever. She would just consider it a thought. If he obtained it then he was lucky, but if he didn’t then there wasn’t anything to regret either.

The only thing she felt a bit helpless about was that doing this would consume a great deal of the strength she had saved up so laboriously.

Ah…lying back on this comfortable chair and basking in the warm sunlight as she slept should be considered laborious, right?

Mm, that’s right, that was it!

After confirming that she was indeed working very hard, the woman revealed a helpless expression. There was also some sorrow. If things continued like this, when would she be able to leave this mountain?

Consider it finished. Thinking too much about this was useless. She only hoped that this boy could put in a bit more effort so he didn’t waste her hard work.

Of course, she would also mark down another account on the record…humph, she had to teach this boy that it wasn’t easy to take advantage of her!

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It was unknown what she thought of, but some shame and anger shined in her eyes. Then, with a cold humph, she lifted a hand and pressed a finger forward with force.

Her finger was fair and slender. It really was beautiful. But such a beautiful finger actually contained an unfathomable strength.

Dang –

With a dull thumping sound, the entire green mountain trembled. Fluctuations naked to the visible eye spread out from the point where she pointed her finger.

When they proliferated and almost the entire green mountain was covered in them, they actually shrank at an astonishing speed.

Then, a clearly visible finger mark appeared. One could even see the fingerprint on its surface.

A moment later, that finger mark vanished. It faded away from this world like a shadow.

The cage of light and darkness had become even firmer and more terrifying than before.

Qin Yu lay down on the balance point, looking up at the clearly divisible boundary between black and white. Because blood vessels on his eyes had expanded, they made his eyes turn red and gave him an exhausted appearance.

Observing required energy, and it wasn’t a small amount either.

Moreover, Qin Yu wanted to solve the question about the exchange of light and dark power. This undoubtedly greatly increased the consumption speed of his energy.

He couldn’t last much longer.

Qin Yu sighed inwardly. After wasting an unknown amount of time, everything was the same as the beginning. There hadn’t been any harvest at all.

Everything seemed to be futile, as if he was trying to figure out the answer to a riddle that could never be solved. Just thinking about it left one wallowing in despair.

Qin Yu wasn’t an exception. It was just that his willpower was strong enough that he could suppress this emotion.

When his consciousness was frozen and he believed he died, he had somehow survived. This in itself was already a gain.

So even if he died in the end, he had still managed to live longer than he expected.

Moreover, he still had a chance to choose to set off a very, very large firework show before he died. The power of the abyss and bright world was continuously gathering. Once it blew up, it would surely be a terrific sight.

This would be a once-in-a-lifetime event!

“I might die, but I can still shake the two worlds…hoho, that really is leaving with a bang…” To live in this cage, enduring loneliness and solitude just to survive a bit longer, wasn’t Qin Yu’s style. He would rather die heroically.

Muttering to himself, he closed his eyes. At that instant, he almost fell into a state of deep slumber.

Several breaths of time after he fell asleep, the void in front of him started to slowly ripple.

Balanced light and darkness gently shook, beginning to release a trace of destructive aura.

But in the end, disaster didn’t arrive. The power of light and darkness gradually calmed down.

In the void, a delicate finger marking appeared within the rippling fluctuations. It fell directly between Qin Yu’s eyebrows without any delay.

Pa –

A light sound rang out, like the slapping of a palm. His skin indented a little, as if a slender finger was really pushing between his eyebrows.

Bang –

At this moment, it was like a world exploded within Qin Yu’s mind. His sleeping consciousness wasn’t able to respond at all before it was torn apart.

It was chaos. There was no light, no darkness, no space, and no time.

Everything had returned to its most initial zero state.

After staying In this chaos for countless years, Qin Yu’s consciousness suddenly recovered.

But before he could be shocked or curious about why he was here, the world around him suddenly changed.

The chaos was split in half. One half turned into light, dazzling and brilliant. The other half turned into darkness, cold, cruel, and deep.

This moment was like a flash of lightning, crossing the endless flow of space and time to smash into Qin Yu’s mind. It tore through the endless fog within his consciousness.

The reason that light and darkness could fuse and intercommunicate with each other, it was because their essence was the same?

It seemed like just a layer of window paper, but without the scene in front of him, it would have been impossible for Qin Yu to think that the light and darkness, whose attributes were diametrically opposed to each other, would have such a connection.

Chaos divided into two, becoming light and darkness. One rose up and the other sank down.

At the foundation of light and darkness, the outlines of two vast worlds began to appear. As time passed, they slowly evolved.

Qin Yu opened his eyes, trying to clearly see the evolution of the two worlds. But the more he tried, the blurrier the image became.

Although he couldn’t feel his eyes, an unbearably aching and bitter feeling appeared and he had no choice but to close his eyes.

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