Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1414: Become Famous

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Chapter 1170: Become Famous

“Hey!” After having his shoulder slapped by someone, Qin Yu turned around to see a woman with a petite figure.

Her name was Yun Shi. Her status…she could be called one of Qin Yu’s new companions after entering the Profound Vision World.

“Qin Yu, what are you standing around in a daze for? They’ve already started to board. My big brother went ahead first, so we should hurry up.”

As she spoke she grabbed Qin Yu, “Let’s go, if we don’t hurry there won’t be anywhere good left to sit. The front half of the Endless Sea is said to have beautiful scenery.”

Qin Yu pulled his hand back and nodded, “Alright.”

Yun Shi didn’t mind. She continued to chirp and chatter around him. She occasionally flourished her hands in exaggerated movements, laughing and smiling as she spoke.

The ship embarked smoothly.

Yun Che’s group occupied a space on the second floor of the ship, near the side. It wasn’t at the front, but the view here was good.

As for the third floor with the best view, only those with enough strength and status had the qualifications to go up.

“Yun Shi, come this way!” A young man on the far left stood up and waved. When his eyes fell on Qin Yu there was some indignation.

He couldn’t figure out why Yun Shi favored this boy so much. Besides having a good physical appearance, there wasn’t anything special about him.

Yun Shi grabbed Qin Yu and squeezed her way through the crowds. She only let go when they were finally seated. She excitedly said, “Big brother, you’re so fierce. I didn’t think you would be able to grab such a good spot.”

Yun Che smiled and waved his hand, “It’s all thanks to Zhou Cheng. He has the fastest movement arts so he was able to arrive here and occupy this spot first.”

Zhou Cheng was a silent young man with an extremely shy and introverted personality. As soon as he heard this his face blushed red and he waved his hand, “It’s all thanks to Brother Huan. If it weren’t for him, this spot would have been stolen by others.”

Yun Shi asked a few questions. It turns out that when Zhou Cheng boarded the ship, he arrived at this spot only a bit later than another group. They had arrived at almost the exact same time.

It was clear that the other party had chosen to give way.

Zhou Huan tried to appear indifferent, but he couldn’t hide his smugness. ”Hey! This doesn’t matter. Some people are like this. The more you tolerate them, the more arrogant they become. It’s better to have a tough attitude.”


There was a table with three cultivators not too far away. One of them snorted angrily and looked over with ill intent.

The two companions beside him reached out and pulled him back, hinting for him not to get into trouble.

Zhou Huan sneered in response. “See, some people are like that. They are fierce outwards but meek inside. It really is laughable.”

Yun Che said, “That’s enough, don’t cause trouble.”

The Endless Sea’s scenery was truly wonderful. The waters were clear and pure. Sitting up above, one could see the large fish swimming below.

Yun Shi shouted out in excitement and wonder.

Zhou Huan joked around, causing Yun Shi to laugh even more happily. Zhou Cheng sat quietly to the side, only squeezing out a few words when he was pressed by Yun Shi. Yun Che saw this and shook his head, thinking that his sister would never take a liking to this silent statue.

The atmosphere was fun and harmonious.

Only Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows. He glanced at the three cultivators not too far away.

There was a smell of blood.

It wasn’t strong, but it gave off a gloomy feeling. Slaughter intent lingered…these three people definitely weren’t as ordinary as they looked.

Although no conflict had erupted, it was clear that they had marked down Yun Shi, Yun Che, and the others in their hearts.

He hesitated a little. Whatever. After all, they had traveled together on this journey. Before he left he would give them a warning. That was all he could do.

The properties of the Endless Sea were the same as the Profound Vision World. The first half of the journey was quiet. From time to time, they would see islands dotting the blue sea. Many of them were covered in lush forests with monkeys living on them.

Daring monkeys fled into the sea in groups. They climbed up the ship, begging and pleading at the cultivators. Looking at their familiar actions, this clearly wasn’t their first time, and they also had some good harvests.

Yun Shi asked to give away a few pills. She held a red-furred monkey with a happy face. Seeing Yun Che’s wry smile, the qualities of these pills should have been quite good.

Zhou Huan followed Yun Shi to show his love, and his actions were even more generous. He attracted a large group of monkeys that bowed at him and drew a great deal of attention.

The liveliness here was not related to Qin Yu; he sat in place and didn’t move. He didn’t chase the monkeys away, but they just looked at him from a distance and didn’t approach.

As the ship sailed further away, the monkeys ate their harvests and leapt into the sea to swim back to their island.

Yun Shi really liked the little monkey with red fur on her arms. Most of the pills she was given had ended up in this monkey’s mouth.

But when it was time to leave, the monkey didn’t hesitate to leave. Nor did it care about Yun Shi’s calls, making her feel a bit depressed.

Yun Che lightly said, “These monkeys were born on the Endless Sea and know how terrifying its depths are. They won’t stay on the ship.”

Yun Shi pouted, “That heartless little thing. It could have left on the next island instead. If I see it again in the future, I definitely won’t feed it any pills.”

These were truly childish words.

Yun Che forced a smile, but was actually a little worried. He wondered whether it was the wrong decision to bring her to the Endless Sea.

However…there shouldn’t be a problem if they were careful. And this time there might be some great lucky chance in the Endless Sea.

As Yun Che thought of this, his eyes sparkled. He composed himself and looked at the quietly sitting Qin Yu.

It had been five days since the ship entered the Endless Sea. The peaceful and uneventful days ended like this. The clear and pure sea waters gradually turned cloudy and murky.

The winds and waves grew stronger. The sounds of ghostly cries whistled in the ears, carrying with them a gloomy atmosphere.

The first half of the trip into the Endless Sea was coming to an end. Next up was the true ‘Land of Disorder’, also known as the Sea of Despair. Not to mention God boundary cultivators, there were at least a few dozen well known Origin Gods who had died here.

Of course, masochism was a rarity and people wouldn’t take risks for no reason. If people were willing to risk dangers to enter this ‘Land of Disorder’, it was naturally because there were ‘profits’ to be found.

The second half of the Endless Sea was dangerous, but there were numerous good fortunes bred within this danger. There were countless legends of myriad opportunities in the ‘Land of Disorder’.

Basically, any cultivator that entered the ‘Land of Disorder’ and was able to survive and leave, would have certain harvests.

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But strictly speaking, this was only considered the most basic level of welfare. Because the greatest purpose of crossing the Endless Sea was for fame and renown.

It was rumored that a special test existed in the Endless Sea. Any cultivator that passed it possessed amazing talent and potential. If resources were poured into them, they would have achievements in the future.

As a result, some of the cultivators who left the Endless Sea, regardless of how strong or weak their cultivations were, would become sweet darlings contested by all parties.

For cultivators with limited backgrounds who wished to break past the shackles of their level and reach higher realms, this was an excellent stepping stone. These people were willing to take the risk, even if they knew that there was over a 50% chance of dying after entering the Land of Disorder.

Qin Yu’s goal was also fame and renown, because he wanted to enter Peach Blossom Spring!

Peace Blossom Spring was an orthodoxy constructed by a powerhouse that was at the level of Strongest Beneath a Ruler. They were known as a Holy Land across the myriad worlds and realms, and earning their appreciation and entering certainly wasn’t simple.

So ordinary fame would never help Qin Yu achieve his goal.

He needed great fame!

There were many ways to do this. For instance, cutting down some sufficiently powerful being in the Land of Disorder. Of course, they had to be at the Origin God boundary at least.

Or to experience the so-called test in the Land of Disorder that was terrifying to the point of being hopeless.

But this all depended on his luck. He had no idea if he would encounter these things.

What Qin Yu wanted was absolutely safety, so he chose another path – pierce through the Land of Disorder and leave the Endless Sea from another direction.

Since this was called the ‘Endless’ Sea, its area was certainly astonishing.

Before, it was said that the Profound Vision World wasn’t that large. Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be able to contain the shockingly vast Endless Sea.

This likely involved some spatial issues, and it was also important evidence for why many cultivators believed that the Endless Sea didn’t belong to the Profound Vision World.

But none of this mattered. What mattered was that Qin Yu planned on crossing the supposedly endless Endless Sea.

This should be difficult, so difficult that in the long records that Qin Yu had searched through, only one person had ever succeeded.

And the person who did that was an Origin God.

As for Qin Yu…his boundary could be considered as the God boundary.

If everything went smoothly and he crossed the Endless Sea with a God boundary cultivation, that should give him enough fame to have a 90% chance of entering Peach Blossom Spring.

But accidents always happened. All Qin Yu could do now was try his best…as for the result, that would depend on his luck.

In any case, he had to enter Peach Blossom Spring. Only like this would he be able to approach the peach-planting woman and search for Ning Ling…and even You Qi.

Immortal Origin’s mission was to catch either one of them. In other words, in the eyes of that person they were of the same value. Moreover, in a short period of time, the two of them had vanished.

In such a situation, Qin Yu couldn’t help but think about what relationship existed between Ning Ling and You Qi. Or to be more exact, what relationship existed between them and the peach-planting woman?

He took a deep breath and suppressed his tumbling thoughts. He opened his eyes and looked at the Endless Sea before him. The skies were low and dark, and strong winds howled in the air. Waves roared on the opaque sea surface.

Faint traces of a manic and violent aura emanated from the sea, making everyone’s heartbeats speed up and feel awe.

“Stop the ship!”

The large one-eyed fellow roared out loud. He looked at the Endless Sea, fear in his eyes.

The wound that took away his eye was a result of entering the Land of Disorder many years ago. That trip nearly cost him his life.

Even though he had been here many times since then, he still couldn’t help but recall the memories of that year. A chill drilled out from the depths of his heart.

“Everyone, our ship can only come this far. We will stay here for a month.” The one-eyed man roared out in a booming voice, “Remember, there is only one month. Once the deadline arrives, we will not wait…now, you can enter the sea!”

Whoosh –

Whoosh –

The sound of breaking air filled the skies. The cultivators on the three floors of the ship all turned into beams of light that roared into the Land of Disorder.

The space in front of them seemed different. The cultivators that flew in quickly faded away, disappearing into the wind and waves.

“Ou Chen!”

“The direct successor from the Ash Flame Lineage!”

“Guiding Chapter Academy’s secret arts!”

“Transcendent Sword Sect cultivator!”

Cries of alarm rang out one after another as the eyes of the crowd filled with acclaim.

Yun Che took a deep breath and said, “We’re also leaving.”

They stood up.

Yun Shi turned and stomped her feet. “Qin Yu, what are you sitting there in a daze for? Hurry up! No one will be waiting for you this time, let’s go!”

Qin Yu stood up and cupped his hands together, “I must thank you all for looking after me in coming this far.”

Yun Shi’s eyes widened.

“Brother Qin, you plan on leaving alone?” Yun Che frowned. “The depths of the Endless Sea are dangerous. Going alone is far too risky.”

Yun Shi hurriedly nodded, “My big brother is right. It’s too dangerous if you are alone. You should come with us.”

Qin Yu shook his head, “I thank you all for your good intentions, but I must decline. I have a reason for doing so that I cannot explain. I can only head out by myself.”

He stepped forward. Then he paused and said, “Those three people from before, it is best if you are wary of them.” Without delay, he soared away.

Yun Shi was at a loss as she watched him fly into the distance.

This left Zhou Huan annoyed. He shouted out, “Who does he think he is? He dares to rush into the Endless Sea alone? He’s just going to lose his life! And even warning us to be careful of those three people; would they even dare to harm us? How laughable!”

Yun Che lifted a hand and interrupted him. “Fellow daoist Qin was trying to show kindness. It’s right to be cautious.” He glanced out the corner of his eyes. The three people had already left. Although he hadn’t been paying that much attention to them, he hadn’t even felt anything when they vanished.

His heart chilled and he took a deep breath, pulling Yun Shi closer. “Let’s leave. If we’re fated to, we’ll meet again.”

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